Hi girls!
Ameliepoulain, you will get used of the baby sick I'm afraid but if ur LO is in no apparent pain then I guess you're right just let it be but keep an eye on it!
Chobby, yes we have silent reflux. Keterina hardly ever spits up but her reflux is so bad. She is on Losec and Gaviscon and still wakes up every couple of hours at night screaming
Jeanettekaren, yes do ask to be referred and insist!!! It took us 2months on the NHS where docs and HVs would tell us she is just constipated and has got colic again!!!
Stardust I am sorry you are going through this. Maybe discuss your concern with the doctor. I'm sure she will take the bottle afterwards. I don't think its something she will forget. I mean, imagine all babies that have had an intestine infection (we've had it when she 1 week old) and they need to fed with fluids with a drip (not sure this is the correct word?) so no bottle for a few days, they still get back to drinking from a bottle, right?
I'm sure it will be fine. I think you are right that it might increase her appetite so do you good in the end!
I hope I haven't forgotten anyone! We are doing so and so today. Day 2 on Gaviscon and of course our good old friend losec and she spit up again at her last feed and cried a lot

Hope she sleeps a bit better tonight. Tomorrow we r going to a private doctor, can't wait for a month to see the NHS one
Oh! I have also started a parenting journal for anyone who wants to pop in!