sb22 sorry to hear the weaning isn't going too good, maybe try again in another month? it's definitely soul destroying, especially when Macy does so well and finishes a whole feed only to projectile vomit it everywhere afterwards
happyface thanks, i think she's absolutely gorgeous too but i'm biased cos i'm her mummy lol, my friends and family all make jokes about her being the monster baby because she cries so much but i'm always insisting she's a good baby really. i'm so in love
silaslove the dr browns bottles are fab, i'm using them too, i actually got mine second hand very cheap off a really kind lady on here - i put an advert in the buy/swap/sell part of forum
2016 good to hear the osteopathy is working, i'm going to take macy when we have the money next month. macy was good after her first jags, she slept the whole day, it was when her reflux was at worst as well so it was a very welcome break!!!
farie you're doing the absolute best for your LO! would it soothe her to put her in the breastfeeding position but let her suck on your finger or take a dummy?
helen you're doing the best for both of your LOs and i'm sure your little boy is just keeping his best smiles for his mummy. i'm sure he won't have stopped making eye contact with you - he's just too busy exploring the world around you, enjoy him and cuddle him

macy is getting on okay, we've had a better couple of days and feeding has gone great today too thanks. still working on the sleep though, sometimes it's fab and others it's awful!!
gosh i hope i haven't missed anyone, i hope we all get a nice relaxing sunday tomorrow.
macy doing okay just now, i was at a hen party last night so stayed away and my OH says she was as good as gold, went to bed for him and only woke up for her feeds then went straight back to sleep! she's been a grumpy little madam today but i think it's just overtiredness as she refused to take her afternoon nap. she's away to bed now but is doing her grumbling and moaning and wriggling which'll go on all night and i'll never be able to sleep through it - do you think it's connected to the reflux? my oh is out tonight so i hope she's as good for me. feeding doing good too, 2.5-3oz every 3hours which is much better than the past week or two! feeling pretty good right now.