Reflux Help & Support Thread

Happyface, you should notice if the Ranitadene has effect within about 48h ish, although if she's sore it might take a little longer to really make a difference.

It's a random suggestion but have you tried gripe water to sooth her throat? It always works for us, although my LO is younger, not sure if that makes a difference?

2016, brilliant news :thumbup: hope it keeps improving
Thanks for the advice girls! I might give gripe water a try, why not? hehe I'd try anything!!!! :D
happyface - i'd definately give the gripe water a shot, it's a mild antacid and soothes the tummy too, you can also give 1ml of adult gaviscon to soothe the throat in the meantime. the ranitidine is probably working but your LO probably has a sore red raw throat so it'll be taking a while to see the effect. you can also give calpol if you're desperate! avoid ibuprofen though as it can irritate an already sensitive stomach lining!! were you on LOSEC first, i think LOSEC is thought to be more effective but you need the right dose to see a difference- our paediatrician will only prescribe 3mg and then upped it to 5mg when I begged him but I now give her 10mg.

farie - we're doing okay thanks, macy has been feeding a bit better and doesn't seem to be in any obvious pain. still waking every 30mins through the day. plus grumbling, wriggling ,kicking and moaning all night but doesn't seem to wake - i think she might be uncomfortable though. i've been giving 10mg losec as if i cut it down to the 5mg the paed prescribed she gets uncomfortable again.

2016 - glad the domperidone is working - i'm sure you're washing machine will thank you too!! macy loved her baby massage too but now wants to play too much and won't sit still for it! let me know if the osteopathy makes a difference, i want to take macy!

helen - i wouldn't worry about the tummy sleeping, just do what it takes to keep your LO comfortable, macy sleeps on her side and when she's really uncomfortable i put her on her tummy, we have a breathing monitor too. macy is also a lot worse during the day than at night although we still get the odd random attack which wakes her at night

i would also agree that NHS is rubbish, i've had to research online and beg and beg them to help me, they don't care as her weight gain wasn't too bad but they've started to listen now she's stopped gaining. it's too late though as she's so frightened of the pain after a bottle she refuses to eat and we have major problems feeding her. if only they'd listened in the first place!

we've had a good day today though, projectile vomited her milk and breakfast this morning as well as her medicine so we're on our third outfit but she's happy so i can't complain.

i had to take this picture - this is the first time i've ever been able to put her flat on her back without her screaming after 5mins, i'm so proud and she's loving being flat and able to kick and play!!

hope i haven't missed anyone, i just skipped back a couple of pages as haven't been on in a while! xxx


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Stardust lovely pic!!! She is gorgeous!!!!

We were put on Losec first yet, and she is on maximum dose, so now she is on ranitidine and losec at a desperate attempt to avoid an endoscopy!! I really hope it works!

I'm glad you are having a good day!!

Thats the thing they don't really care if the weight gain is ok... but what about the constant pain they are in? mmm makes me angry!!
Madelyn, due to her reflux, has had a very slow weight gain. We moved her up to 6oz over a week ago - it has paid off! I think because she was spitting up so much she just was not getting enough. She always pee'd and poo'd just fine but since moving her to 6oz her diapers are definitely fuller, faster.

Anyhow, I think she is finally getting enough. Although I do believe she wouldn't be eating 6oz at a feed if it werent for reflux because I think we are over-feeding her. But her spitting up is so severe (30+ times a day) that she wasn't keeping enough down and this actually works at an advantage for her now, allowing her to get all she needs.

Anyway! She is now 11lbs 1oz! She was just 8lbs 14.4oz on the 10th of Jan! That means 2+lb gain in 18 days! Amazing! I finally feel like I can stop worrying so much about her, and we have finally found a good way to get her weight up and keep her healthy and happy. :D I love my little girl so much. :D

Also, I invested in a Dr. Brown bottle. I could only afford one, and have tried it out on Madelyn's last feed. She still spit up at first. But it has been around 30 mins and she hasn't spit up again so I think maybe it has helped a little. We will have to see and then I'll work out buying more if its worth it.
stardust...second osteo session was great! It only took him 30 minutes to achieve what it took him 1 hour last time. :thumbup: It is a bit of a strange thing to watch because, having been to the exact same osteopath myself, I know he is pretty darn good at giving my back or neck a jolly good shove and crack back into place. With LOs, however, it is totally different and half the time it looks like he is just resting his hands on him and not really doing anything. In actual fact he is just doing little wiggles and adjustments to decompress the spine and try relieve the nervous system than becomes overloaded by the constant pain messages. Stewart was so relaxed afterwards he had a lovely deep sleep and went 4 hours between feeds which is unheard of! I also noticed that his spine was much much straighter when I was winding him earlier and he is less crunched up - he normally tenses his body into a stiff ball every time you pick him up.
Pity we then ruined it by taking him for his first vaccinations in the afternoon and he is in a lot of pain and very grumpy now :(
Still had NO projectile since Tuesday! The occasional small amount of spit up but no more than any baby would have I don't think...
I am cautious though because I know with reflux something seems to be working and then suddenly stops but I am just trying to enjoy it while it lasts! :dohh:
Ive upped her losec back to 10mg 2x daily, 1 cap morning and 1 evening. She was getting spilly again and power chucked her 3am feed last night.

Great day today (went out to town, she slept well in her car seat, fed fantastically, was chilled and cheerful) until about 4pm and her reflux kicked in and she spat up, vomited, coughed, spluttered and ended up refusing point blank to take her bottle at bedtime :cry:

I am finding this so so hard, I hate that I cannot whip out a boob and feed her when shes upset. I feel so utterly crap, I cant get her to take the bottle (neocate is foul apparently) but my boob makes her ill :cry: what a shit mum huh?

Blahhh god I hope tomorrow (evening) is better
Hey Farie! I am really sorry you have such a bad day! It is really difficult to care for a baby with refluz but we must remember that it will only get better. . . And you are not a crap mum.. You are doing all you can!!!! You are the best mum for trying to take care of your baby in the best way possible!!! :hugs:

We've had a terrible night again... I've just updated my journal you can have a read there.

Maybe someone else has got a better day? :thumbup:
Oh no I'm going to join you two! Farie & Happyface - sorry your lo's aren't doing very well at night. Well, no improvement for us in camp losec. She has been on it for 8 days (5mg suspension) now but I'm not counting it from then but instead from Wednesday (4 doses) when she started on the 10mg. Hopefully we'll see some results soon - I keep reading online that it takes up to 2 weeks. I can't help but think that she'll need 20mg though.
Our main problem time is all day and into the evening. She sleeps well at night through sheer exhaustion. Throughout the day whenever she is awake she is usually crying. It's so hard :-( :-( especially when I have Noah too. I feel very guilty to him and I think that he has stopped making eye contact with me. He smiles and coos at other people but when I try to get him to look at me he avoids my eyes and will look anywhere but. I'm sure he feels completely abandoned by me and I feel so overwhelmingly torn by the whole situation. It seems like we're all beating ourselves up about something - Farie you must not feel guilty as you are doing your best xxx

2016 - Fab news about your lo keeping his milk down :-)

Stardust - How is Macy getting on? Hope today is going much better.

Well our weaning off losec is going wrong again, for sure.

We were in Costa coffee(me and LO) and waiting at the till and some nosey woman spots Alex. Shes happily lying with my iphone watching Cheryl Cole (anything to keep her calm!) and the woman goes 'awww is she touching the buttons' (no woman shes waaaay cleverer than that give her some credit :rofl:) but the woman wouldnt give up, kept peering at what she was watching. I started getting peeved so swapped the iphone for a bottle. The woman still persisted.

Then Alex threw up the milk and all her lunch too.

The woman disappeared in a blink of an eye :haha:

Luckily we were in tescos costa so i grabbed some tops for her and got her cleaned up.

Its so soul destroying though. :shrug:
sb22 sorry to hear the weaning isn't going too good, maybe try again in another month? it's definitely soul destroying, especially when Macy does so well and finishes a whole feed only to projectile vomit it everywhere afterwards :-(

happyface thanks, i think she's absolutely gorgeous too but i'm biased cos i'm her mummy lol, my friends and family all make jokes about her being the monster baby because she cries so much but i'm always insisting she's a good baby really. i'm so in love :-)

silaslove the dr browns bottles are fab, i'm using them too, i actually got mine second hand very cheap off a really kind lady on here - i put an advert in the buy/swap/sell part of forum

2016 good to hear the osteopathy is working, i'm going to take macy when we have the money next month. macy was good after her first jags, she slept the whole day, it was when her reflux was at worst as well so it was a very welcome break!!!

farie you're doing the absolute best for your LO! would it soothe her to put her in the breastfeeding position but let her suck on your finger or take a dummy?

helen you're doing the best for both of your LOs and i'm sure your little boy is just keeping his best smiles for his mummy. i'm sure he won't have stopped making eye contact with you - he's just too busy exploring the world around you, enjoy him and cuddle him :-) macy is getting on okay, we've had a better couple of days and feeding has gone great today too thanks. still working on the sleep though, sometimes it's fab and others it's awful!!

gosh i hope i haven't missed anyone, i hope we all get a nice relaxing sunday tomorrow.

macy doing okay just now, i was at a hen party last night so stayed away and my OH says she was as good as gold, went to bed for him and only woke up for her feeds then went straight back to sleep! she's been a grumpy little madam today but i think it's just overtiredness as she refused to take her afternoon nap. she's away to bed now but is doing her grumbling and moaning and wriggling which'll go on all night and i'll never be able to sleep through it - do you think it's connected to the reflux? my oh is out tonight so i hope she's as good for me. feeding doing good too, 2.5-3oz every 3hours which is much better than the past week or two! feeling pretty good right now.

Well we were having a few good days until last night when he projectile vomited his dinner over the highchair tray and hit the floor with it!!
Wow - a day with no projectile vomiting, just sicks. So we had no tears :-) Still afraid to put him in his bouncy chair though as that is where he vomits most!

Quick Q about Domperidone - the consultant upped his dose to 2.1ml x 4 times a day, and the pharmasist (sp?) said that was a lot - what doses and weight are your LO's?

Logan is 3 months and 13lbs

Thanks xx
That domperidone sounds normal to us, I think we were on 2.5 x 4 to tell you the truth? I'm sure at least. There's a min and a max dose, you're probably being upped to the max dose for his weight
Ranintidine seems to be losing its effect, my LO is getting her symptoms back again :cry:
We tried gaviscon, ranitidine and omeprizole and he is now on losec amd doing great!
HelenFS I am sorry you are having such a difficult time. I really hope the Losec works for you. It does take a few days to see an improvement. :hugs:

sb22 I am sorry your weaning off losec hasn't worked yet. It will eventually but I can imagine how disheartening it might be :flower:

Bathbabe I hope this was just a one off and he is better from now on! :thumbup:

Stardust I hope Macy is doing ok, and didn't give you a hard time at night? :baby:

MrsNovbaby I am sorry I can't help you the Domperidone. But I'm sure the doctor would know what he can prescribe you?

KellyC75 maybe go back to the doctor? It might be that he needs to put your lo on something stronger, like losec? :kiss:

We are doing maybe a bit better? She didn't wake much last night until her feed at 4. Then she woke up at 5, 530 and 6am she is up for good. Still have of the night was better so it must be that she is a bit better? I hope I haven't jinxed it now!!! :dohh:
Slightly better day here too, she's still taking very little by bottle but more than yesterday.
Over night she was as usual, dream feed at 11, feed at about 3.30 then again at 6. She went back to sleep till 7, then was unsettled until 9.30 when she slept with me until 11.30 :thumbup:
We went down to the cafe and had snacks, madam slept in her bug on the way there and the way back. She napped pretty well all day but has been a little reluctant to settle this evening. She took nearly 4oz at 5ish, only 1.5oz at 7.45, went down at 8.30 but has woken and taken another 2oz just now. I think her reflux is still bothering her as she very spitty and quite tense feeding. Shes back on 20mg Losec daily as 10mg wasn't doing enough
I'll try to get 4oz down her on her 11pm dream feed. She never takes much on it tho ....

Happyface, hows your weekend been?
Stardust, so pleased Macy seems happier
Helen, it does sound like she needs the higher dose - even just for a short time until her tummy matures and settles down?
Bathbabe, hope today is better
SB, so sorry the weaning off mr Losec isn't going well. Fingers crossed it gets better soon, hood thing you were in Tescos tho huh?!?
Mrsnovbaby, sorry no idea about your meds.
Kelly, def see the Dr if the ranitadenes not working so well.

How's everyone else?

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