Reflux Help & Support Thread

Papaya helps control the level of acidity in the stomach and the prebiotics in the yoghurt aid digestion and have made a big difference to Macy. Hope things get better soon!


The chamomilla and prebiotic yoghurt seems to be working for me now! Last night -

Bath 7.00
Bottle 5 ounces!
Bed 7.30 talked to herself and moaned a little but completely sound asleep by 8.30
Dreamfeed 4ounces
Awake 4.30 but had self -settled by the time I got her bottle
Awake again 5.45 but I decided not to feed as we get up at 6.30 -7.00 anyway
Awake on and off until 7am and I didn't even need to pick her up, just patted her back a little and put her snuggle bear on!

Then -

7am 4ounces
8am Breakfast (homemade papaya and banana yoghurt) + omeprazole
8.30 - 11.00 Sleep
11am 3ounces (projectile vomit)
12.30pm 4 ounces
12.45 - 3pm Sleep
3pm 4 ounces
4.30-5pm Sleep
5pm 3ounces
7pm chamomilla + 5ounces, bed, self-settled by 7.45!
plus at 11pm will be 4ounces!

Making 29ounces (although 3ounces was projectile vomited). This is a million times better than our usual 13-18ounces and the most milk she has ever taken in 24 hours, I can't believe it. The longest she has ever slept in the day before is 45minutes as well and she's been up several times a night. Let's hope it continues and that I can keep getting her through the night as it really seems to help her appetite the next day. I'm praying it wasn't just a fluke!

If anyone is looking for chamomilla I just bought Nelson's Teetha powder as it's the same thing, I give it twice a day although only at bedtime today.

Sorry for the big life story, I just had to share as I'm so proud!

Farie how is Nim doing?

Hey hon, we are ok thank you, still refluxy, still spilling, still only taking 2-3oz per feed (14-18oz per day) and still occasionally power chucking :dohh:.
We've managed to control the constipation with wonder drug called coloxyl which is brill and the losec (still on a 20mg a day dose) is keeping her comfy most of the time - we do still get occasional screaming session but a lot less.

She is a much happier bub though, and I'm desperately trying not to stress about the weight gain side of things - shes still gaining (slowly) and having her happy is the most important - we have even managed to have kick time on her play mat :happydance: and shes smiling :cloud9:

After reading your post I'm going to go out and buy papya extract tomorrow as well as teething granules (for the chamomilla)
I'd love to treat this naturally and get her off losec ASAP - and perhaps get her eating more.

What age did you start weaning Macy? We are thinking of starting Nim early due to the lack of feeding (on Paed advice) I was thinking of starting to add a little baby rice to her milk, double effect of thickening and extra calories.
She already adores her tiny teaspoon of pear morning and evening!!

Thining of looking into the homeopathic remedies like some of the rest of you, good to hear good results :thumbup:
Hey all. We're still hopefully making progress, but the creche is consipiring against us, I swear! E has picked up a cold now, and when I put her down for her nap just now she coughed so hard she ended up puking up about an oz of milk. And yesterday she brought up her dinner in her high chair (that think is immaculate now, DH brought it outside and hosed it down:)) But she is eating and drinking, so I am hoping that in the next week we'll see an end to the puking as well. She has become what someone called a 'happy chucker'. Better than a miserable chucker, right?
Well, just in time for flying to Australia (which I really dont want to be doing, but we have no choice) my Daughters reflux seems to be coming back :cry:

She is getting frustrated at feeds, she is sicking a little up (didnt do that before), she is gasping & not wanting to be put down :nope:

Im feeling pretty stressed & upset :cry:
I am officially the stupidest mummy in the world.
Jayden is on SMA hungry milk, no meds, and at 5 months his reflux got better, occasionally get the odd evening feed with the back arching, throwing up etc, anyway he was doing brilliant, however he was constipated (tmi.. his poo's were hard and was straining alot) so decided to change him to HIPP organic stage 1, i'd heard good things) anyway, the past 3 days has been terrible, throwing up, messing so much at feed time, having a couple of oz then being unsettled, though he isn't constipated. I'm thinking of taking his milk box back to asda to change back to sma hungry milk, i feel so stupid for changing him.
Papaya helps control the level of acidity in the stomach and the prebiotics in the yoghurt aid digestion and have made a big difference to Macy. Hope things get better soon!


The chamomilla and prebiotic yoghurt seems to be working for me now! Last night -

Bath 7.00
Bottle 5 ounces!
Bed 7.30 talked to herself and moaned a little but completely sound asleep by 8.30
Dreamfeed 4ounces
Awake 4.30 but had self -settled by the time I got her bottle
Awake again 5.45 but I decided not to feed as we get up at 6.30 -7.00 anyway
Awake on and off until 7am and I didn't even need to pick her up, just patted her back a little and put her snuggle bear on!

Then -

7am 4ounces
8am Breakfast (homemade papaya and banana yoghurt) + omeprazole
8.30 - 11.00 Sleep
11am 3ounces (projectile vomit)
12.30pm 4 ounces
12.45 - 3pm Sleep
3pm 4 ounces
4.30-5pm Sleep
5pm 3ounces
7pm chamomilla + 5ounces, bed, self-settled by 7.45!
plus at 11pm will be 4ounces!

Making 29ounces (although 3ounces was projectile vomited). This is a million times better than our usual 13-18ounces and the most milk she has ever taken in 24 hours, I can't believe it. The longest she has ever slept in the day before is 45minutes as well and she's been up several times a night. Let's hope it continues and that I can keep getting her through the night as it really seems to help her appetite the next day. I'm praying it wasn't just a fluke!

If anyone is looking for chamomilla I just bought Nelson's Teetha powder as it's the same thing, I give it twice a day although only at bedtime today.

Sorry for the big life story, I just had to share as I'm so proud!

Farie how is Nim doing?

Hey hon, we are ok thank you, still refluxy, still spilling, still only taking 2-3oz per feed (14-18oz per day) and still occasionally power chucking :dohh:.
We've managed to control the constipation with wonder drug called coloxyl which is brill and the losec (still on a 20mg a day dose) is keeping her comfy most of the time - we do still get occasional screaming session but a lot less.

She is a much happier bub though, and I'm desperately trying not to stress about the weight gain side of things - shes still gaining (slowly) and having her happy is the most important - we have even managed to have kick time on her play mat :happydance: and shes smiling :cloud9:

After reading your post I'm going to go out and buy papya extract tomorrow as well as teething granules (for the chamomilla)
I'd love to treat this naturally and get her off losec ASAP - and perhaps get her eating more.

What age did you start weaning Macy? We are thinking of starting Nim early due to the lack of feeding (on Paed advice) I was thinking of starting to add a little baby rice to her milk, double effect of thickening and extra calories.
She already adores her tiny teaspoon of pear morning and evening!!

Thining of looking into the homeopathic remedies like some of the rest of you, good to hear good results :thumbup:

Well, we seem to have taken 1 step forward and a million steps backward. Back to completely refusing milk, taking a few sips, screaming and back arching, projectile vomiting, up every 10minutes from 11pm-8am last night! My poor little girl :-( I had stopped the solids as she had been doing so well with the milk (except with omeprazole) but I'm going back to them tomorrow as it's made things a million times worse without!

she's 16 weeks this week so when we visit the dietitian i'm going to ask for advice on getting the most nutrition possible out of 3meals a day and a high calorie and nutrient supplement to be added to the milk, i'll let you know how we get on!

about 10oz yesterday and 12oz today :-(

We were advised to wean at 11 weeks under paed and dietician. She doesn't like baby rice so we started on pureed veg and fruit. Baby food and baby rice actually have hardly any calories in them though so we still have to make sure the milk is the main source of nutrition and everything I feed her has neocate hidden in it! She gets a tablespoon of baby rice in her 11pm bottle to stop her vomiting and choking in her sleep too (with the added bonus of filling her up longer lol).

I would put baby rice in all her bottles but it fills her too much and it always reduces her milk intake, there is a thickener called carobel you can try but i find that if macys reflux is bad she's actually more comfortable if she can bring the whole thing back up rather than the thicker liquid staying down and hurting her longer so i just use neocate on it's own and if she chucks up i wait half an hour or so and feed her again.

She also takes solids a million times better than a bottle. I can try and feed her 2 ounces of milk with no success at all and lots of screaming but then I can mix a couple of ounces with rice and something tasty like butternut squash or sweet potato and she takes the whole thing! Solids are much less stressful, i wish she didn't have to drink milk!

We were at 2-3oz per feed until 4.5 months. Exhausting but really helped.

Today Alex had a really bad reflux episode, worst in months (the milk came POURING out it was horrible), he screamed for 30 min so I put him in my sling (back carry) and went for a 60 minute walk outside keeping him upright completely and chest compressed. It stopped. Thank goodness for this sling!
Harrison has got to the stage where hes sick, then plays with it if i dont wipe it up quick enough, yesterday he even picked a lump out and ate it again :dohh: i didnt know whether to laugh or be sick
:rofl: recycle recycle recycle...
Harrison has got to the stage where hes sick, then plays with it if i dont wipe it up quick enough, yesterday he even picked a lump out and ate it again :dohh: i didnt know whether to laugh or be sick
:rofl: recycle recycle recycle...

:rofl: :sick:

My dog LOVES reflux.
Anyone else baby get a rash on their chin from the constant throw up? Xavier has been getting them and i'm not real sure what I can put on it to make it better. I am sure its from the constant throw up and wiping.
Anyone else baby get a rash on their chin from the constant throw up? Xavier has been getting them and i'm not real sure what I can put on it to make it better. I am sure its from the constant throw up and wiping.

Hm I'd probably try the regular diaper cream or even lanisoh/nipple cream b/c that's fine if baby eats it.
Wow I just quickly glanced your parenting journal, what an amazing story! He is so lucky to have you as his mother. It breaks my heart they are in so much pain with reflux, with nothing done for 4 weeks, poor baby. He is the luckiest boy in the world!!
Wow I just quickly glanced your parenting journal, what an amazing story! He is so lucky to have you as his mother. It breaks my heart they are in so much pain with reflux, with nothing done for 4 weeks, poor baby. He is the luckiest boy in the world!!

Thanks Hun I feel like the luckiest mommy in the world :cloud9::cloud9:
Anyone else baby get a rash on their chin from the constant throw up? Xavier has been getting them and i'm not real sure what I can put on it to make it better. I am sure its from the constant throw up and wiping.

DD gets a rash from drool, and I'll alternate between aqueous cream during the day and caldesene powder at night to try to clear it up. Both help, the cream to hydrate, the powder to dry. It's a strange combination, but seems to work. now it's not so bad, I'm just using the aqueous cream.
Nim gets a rash and dry nasty skin on her cheeks and behind her ears from it. I swear by E45 cream!
Afternoon girls looks like we are all back to square one including me !

I cannot get Ollie to like the Aptamil either the normal or comfort. He is more settled on comfort but it seems so thin compared to Cow and Gate comfort.

He is 5 weeks old now and I am sick and tired of changing his milk, he was in so much pain last night even with Aptamil and Colief in it. I know I have got to pressure the doc into giving me some medication.

The lactose in the Aptamil first is broken down by the Colief, therefore with the comfort being reduced lactose if I add colief does it break it down even more. So question is what if I tried Lactose free? SMA do a milk that is lactose free?
Afternoon girls looks like we are all back to square one including me !

I cannot get Ollie to like the Aptamil either the normal or comfort. He is more settled on comfort but it seems so thin compared to Cow and Gate comfort.

He is 5 weeks old now and I am sick and tired of changing his milk, he was in so much pain last night even with Aptamil and Colief in it. I know I have got to pressure the doc into giving me some medication.

The lactose in the Aptamil first is broken down by the Colief, therefore with the comfort being reduced lactose if I add colief does it break it down even more. So question is what if I tried Lactose free? SMA do a milk that is lactose free?

The dr had me switch to Similac Alimentum and it was like night and day within 24 hrs. He still throws up a lot but doesnt cry constantly like he used to his little belly is straightening itself out besides the constant throwing up but its way better to deal with one than both issues.
I've never seen Macy so bad, I thought things were supposed to be getting better :-(

She is absolutely starving but can only tolerate about half an ounce before she starts to scream and arch her back in pain. She's up all night every night but today cos she's not eaten (I'd say maybe 8oz today plus she's being fed now) she's getting really lethargic and sleeping all day then waking up screaming, starving for half an ounce, screaming in pain and then falling off exhausted. I can't do it anymore, why is my little girl in so much pain?

I don't know what to do for her now, don't know how much longer I can cope with the constant screaming. Going to ask paediatrician to see us tomorrow instead of Wednesday
Hey girls!

Puppymum I'm really glad Xavier is better on the new milk!!! What a relief! :-)

Stardust I'm really sorry to hear your LO is so unwell. Yes try and see the doc sooner and let us know how you get on. I really hope they manage to fibd something to help you. . .

Hey everyone I keep forgetting about this thread :headspin:

Evie seems better now we have ranitidine so it FINALLY seems to be working but the DR said to only use it for 1 month then wean her off it.....?

Stardust, sorry your LO is poorly :hugs:
Morning girls well we had a better night - bought some Enfamil AR last night and gave him 2 bottles and he absolutely hates it. He screamed - spat it out so I am not continuing. I put him back on the Aptamil comfort last night and put extra Colief in and he did have a better night.

Saw my homeopath yesterday and have got some Natrum Phos and Aethusia so I will let you know how we get on with it for the regurgitation and reflux.

I decided only to make 2oz bottles last night as I am sick of expecting him to drain a 4oz bottle and he isnt going to do it so it took some pressure off because I did feel like he had finished a feed even though it was only 2oz. So technically he went

8pm 4oz
8.15 to 9.30 Moaning,
9.30 - 1.30 sleep
1.30 to 2.00 2oz feed
2.15 to 4.30 sleep
4.30 - 2.5oz feed
4.45 to 7.10 sleep
7.15 - 3 oz feed.

So he is getting his 6oz or so just over a longer period but at the moment he is gaining weight and is well so I am not gonna push it.

I have said to hubby though I am NOT changing his milk any more he is staying on the comfort and if need be if the homeopathic side doesnt work I am gonna go the medical route as the poor mite doesnt deserve this.

I know Ollies reflux isnt so bad so I really do feel for you ladies and you little ones with the severe cases it must be so sad to see babies in so much pain.

I have Barrets Oesophagus which means basically I developed stage 0 cancer through severe heartburn over the years so much so it changed the cells in my throat, Ive had to have laser surgery and have had a shot of radiotheraphy to stop further changes. I have to use domperidone and omeprozale (sp!) if I have any spicy food/alcohol which can start the acid off. I also use something called Mucogel which is like milk of magnesia just stronger and its saved my life ! I just hope this isnt hereditary because I know what my pain has been like so I really feel for these babies xx

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