Reflux Help & Support Thread

now he is being fully formula fed on Comfort.

The NUK teets are a nightmare the wide neck teets he sucks so hard they collapse and he does bout 1oz in an hour !. The standard neck teets are ok. They are both stage 2 teets (6-12 months).

I really dont know what to try next. He is up every 2 hours doing approx 2oz per feed but I want to do him more.

So advice please...... should I try hungry milk..... HV didnt advise me not to? Its not going to be a permanent thing just one bottle per night to at least get some sleep.

My Daughter is on 'aptamil comfort' & I use the Dr Browns bottles, with a size 2 teat....She is now doing really well & drinking 6oz in some bottles :happydance:

Have you tried Dr Brown bottles, they have zero teat collapse & stop those nasty air bubbles :thumbup:

(Oh, my Daughter has silent reflux & is also on ranintidine)

Good luck :hugs:
Anyone here have an older baby, dealing with solids? I'm really worried at the moment about DD getting enough to eat and drink. She's 10 months, only taking up to 4oz per bottle (usually takes 6-7) and throwing up once a day at the moment. We'd been doing so well, I'm really upset about this setback and don't really know how to deal with it now, as when we previously had problems she was only 3 months. DD threw up her lunch about an hour later, and is only eating about 1/2 her meals anyway...

Macy isn't older but she's been weaned under the care of a paediatrician and dietician too. I just take it easy - small, frequent easy to digest meals and I keep them apart from her bottles to allow her tummy to digest and settle. Look up all the foods you should avoid for reflux babies. Papaya is excellent as it controls the level of acid in the stomach. Avocado is good too as it has hundreds of calories if you're baby struggles to gain weight.

I'm back at the dietician next week so will let you know if I get any other tips. xxx
Hi we are still suffering - the colocynthis has helped the Colic and also I have bought some Chamomille granules which instantly help and knock him out !

BUT the reflux is still here not with a vengenance but still causing him intermittment pain - now he is being fully formula fed on Comfort.

The NUK teets are a nightmare the wide neck teets he sucks so hard they collapse and he does bout 1oz in an hour !. The standard neck teets are ok. They are both stage 2 teets (6-12 months).

I really dont know what to try next. He is up every 2 hours doing approx 2oz per feed but I want to do him more.

So advice please...... should I try hungry milk..... HV didnt advise me not to? Its not going to be a permanent thing just one bottle per night to at least get some sleep.

Hey, where did you get the chamomille granules - I'm desperate for some sleep!!!!

I would also suggest Dr Brown's bottles. Not sure about the hungry baby milk, could try it and if it upsets his tummy then you can just stop? I'm sure you could just buy a couple of cartons to try out.

Hi Stardust I got them of Amazon just put a search in and you will find them, make sure you choose the granules though as you will get tablets otherwise !

I tried a carton of hungry and im not convinced, I seemed to get posseting so dont wanna risk it and also got some aggro off him later with writhing and squirming. Im still not convinced its colic as the stuff I have has really helped.

Im going to try the Dr Browns bottles will buy a couple today and see - the NUK are driving us nuts, 3/4 hour to do 1 ounce last night and then ages to settle due to squirming and grunting poor child.

Am at doctors on Wednesday so am going to push for a start in some reflux medication.
Hey girls!

Oh dear we had a terrible night! She woke up at 1045pm and couldn't put her down till 4 and 2 doses of calpol!! I really don't know what else to do. You would think she would be better with all this medication!

How is everyone else doing?

Meadow is very slow at gaining weight, she was born at 8lb 10oz & now weighs 11lb & is 10 weeks old tommorow...The HV says this is Ok, but to keep an eye on it

She went up to 6oz in some bottles a few days ago, but today only wanted 4oz bottles :wacko: (She does have a bit of a cold though, mayby thats why?)

Is this normal for silent reflux babies? I can see why it could be so much worse for reflux babies though, as they are sicking it up again, my thoughts are with you :hugs:
Katerina is not gaining too much weight either. She now refuses the have milk full stop!! She used to have 3 bottles per day, so around 21oz. She now has none!! I give her porridge in order for her to have as much milk as possible! Its so sad to see her refuse it as it means she is really suffering and she is at an age where she realises it and therefore doesn't want to have it!

And recently she has started having terrible wind. I think this is keeping her up a night. I ordered some camomile granules to see if they will help!

Fingers crossed!
Hey all :wave: Sorry I've not been about, my mum is staying with us :argh:

Nim is doing ok (ish) shes still only taking small amounts, 2-3 oz per feed (14-20 oz per day) but often stops after 1oz, we use NUK as she struggles to latch onto anything else and take in huge amounts of air, she 'just' about copes with MAM. I'm reading some of these other posts and wondering if the NUK are contributing to her poor feeding?
Just worried as she gets awful wind with other teats? She doesn't take much more with her MAM bottles, and I've got a couple of wide neck NUK arriving soon so hoping they might be a good compromise (and DH will kill me if I tell him we need more/different bottles!)
I'm still feeding her every hour or so throughout the day to rty to top up her intake, and her nights have gone to shit 'cos shes not tanking up enough to sleep for any length :dohh:

Shes now a fully chucking refluxer, rather than her old silent reflux. The Neocate comes back in varying quantities but always makes some sort of reappearance. Shes still on 20mg a day (split 10mg x am and pm) and I cannot pluck up the courage to lower it as shes pain free.

She has had constipation recently (poor thing) so shes also getting prune juice and coloxyl intermittently to try to keep everything 'moving'
My m/w thinks adding some baby rice might help keep her milk down but I'm worried it might make her even more constipated, so we'll get everything flowing then try it I think.

How are you all?

Stardust, did they scam Macy?
Helen, hows Freya?
Happyface, sorry K's still unhappy :hugs:
Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven't been around for awhile it has been a busy few days.
Farie - I'm sorry to hear that Nim is taking small amounts. How frustrating about the nights going to pot. Do you think that the neocate is helping then? I've noticed that since being on omeprazole Freya is a 'happy chucker'. It doesn't bother her like the silent reflux did though.
We seem to be getting there. The 10mg of omeprazole took 10 days for us to see any improvement and then suddenly it helped :-) She isn't getting acid coming up any more, we can't hear her gulping and she isn't going rigid anymore or screaming in pain which is just amazing. We're now trying to work on her going to bed earlier and trying to get her to self settle which she has never done as she has always fallen asleep on us. I think she is probably always going to be quite high maintenance compared to her brother as she has been in so much pain.
She went up to 6oz in some bottles a few days ago, but today only wanted 4oz bottles :wacko: (She does have a bit of a cold though, mayby thats why?)

Is this normal for silent reflux babies? I can see why it could be so much worse for reflux babies though, as they are sicking it up again, my thoughts are with you :hugs:

I found with my daughter that she'd finish bottles for a day or two, so we'd up them, and then she'd go back to her old drinking for a week or two, until she'd start taking more again. We always added an extra ounce to her bottle (until she was on solids anyway) so if she'd drink 4oz a bottle, I'd make them 5. When she started taking 5 I'd make 6, and she'd go back to 4. Frustrating, but she'd eventually go back up to the 5.

We're on about day 6 of this reflux recurrence. I had forgotten how incredibly frustrating it all is. E is drinking about 10oz of milk a day, and eating breakfast and *maybe* 1 other meal. She got a stomach bug on the weekend, while probably only made the situation worse. I'm so so frustrated. In the morning she wakes up and is just famished, gulps down some milk and eats her breaky, then fights us the rest of the day. Gah! I haven't brought her back to the doc, as I know they'll just tell me to feed her what I can. Waste of money. Going to call the HV tomorrow to see if she has any suggestions, but really it's just to complain to someone sympathetic as I know she'll have nothing new!
She went up to 6oz in some bottles a few days ago, but today only wanted 4oz bottles :wacko: (She does have a bit of a cold though, mayby thats why?)

Is this normal for silent reflux babies? I can see why it could be so much worse for reflux babies though, as they are sicking it up again, my thoughts are with you :hugs:

I found with my daughter that she'd finish bottles for a day or two, so we'd up them, and then she'd go back to her old drinking for a week or two, until she'd start taking more again. We always added an extra ounce to her bottle (until she was on solids anyway) so if she'd drink 4oz a bottle, I'd make them 5. When she started taking 5 I'd make 6, and she'd go back to 4. Frustrating, but she'd eventually go back up to the 5.

We're on about day 6 of this reflux recurrence. I had forgotten how incredibly frustrating it all is. E is drinking about 10oz of milk a day, and eating breakfast and *maybe* 1 other meal. She got a stomach bug on the weekend, while probably only made the situation worse. I'm so so frustrated. In the morning she wakes up and is just famished, gulps down some milk and eats her breaky, then fights us the rest of the day. Gah! I haven't brought her back to the doc, as I know they'll just tell me to feed her what I can. Waste of money. Going to call the HV tomorrow to see if she has any suggestions, but really it's just to complain to someone sympathetic as I know she'll have nothing new!

Thats just what my Daughter seems to do (she is 10wks old) How old is your Daughter? :shrug:

My Daughter has her 8 week check tomm (& immunisations:cry:) So im going to ask more about her silent reflux then, but I know what you mean, not many more things we can do for them :nope:
My Daughter keeps 'gasping'....Ive just put her to bed & she gasped so much, she started shaking her head side to side, trying to get her breath

:cry:It was heartbreaking & so scary :cry:

Is this a 'reflux thing' or something else?
My Daughter keeps 'gasping'....Ive just put her to bed & she gasped so much, she started shaking her head side to side, trying to get her breath

:cry:It was heartbreaking & so scary :cry:

Is this a 'reflux thing' or something else?

That must have been really scary. :( I really don't know what to say. Maybe someone else will have some advice. .. :hugs:
I went to the doctors today as i think j has silent reflux but he dismissed it and said she was just fussing

She turns her head to the sides and cries
tries to get away from me
tries to sit up for the bottle
starts pushes the bottle away then wants it back

He said she would have physical symptoms

I'm not 100% convinced that he is right, hv said wean her (although I'm doing so it's not an instant resolution) but what can I do ??
I went to the doctors today as i think j has silent reflux but he dismissed it and said she was just fussing

She turns her head to the sides and cries
tries to get away from me
tries to sit up for the bottle
starts pushes the bottle away then wants it back

He said she would have physical symptoms

I'm not 100% convinced that he is right, hv said wean her (although I'm doing so it's not an instant resolution) but what can I do ??

Did you see a regular doctor or pediatrician? I went through 4 GP's before he was diagnosed properly by a pediatrician!!! Besides your LO was a preemie which is also a risk factor for reflux. So many of us have been fobbed off with 'fussy babies'
I haven't been around much either!

Just wanted to report that we are still going great guns on just 1.5mg Domperidone 4x a day 1/2 hour before feeds and one sachet of Gaviscon mixed with 2ml chammomile tea, 1ml prune juice every other feed. Had our third and last (for a while) osteopath appointment the other day and I am convinced that really helped him as well! :happydance:
Slight hitch now is that I believe Stewart may be starting the long teething process! :dohh:

fluffyblue...quick question about the chammomile, wouldn't tea work the same as granules or are they stronger?
I went to the doctors today as i think j has silent reflux but he dismissed it and said she was just fussing

She turns her head to the sides and cries
tries to get away from me
tries to sit up for the bottle
starts pushes the bottle away then wants it back

He said she would have physical symptoms

I'm not 100% convinced that he is right, hv said wean her (although I'm doing so it's not an instant resolution) but what can I do ??

Did you see a regular doctor or pediatrician? I went through 4 GP's before he was diagnosed properly by a pediatrician!!! Besides your LO was a preemie
which is also a risk factor for reflux. So many of us have been fobbed off with
'fussy babies'

gp - tho j is under pead care at the moment wih her kidneys I could ask him but not seeing him for a few months , what would the physical symptoms be ?
I went to the doctors today as i think j has silent reflux but he dismissed it and said she was just fussing

She turns her head to the sides and cries
tries to get away from me
tries to sit up for the bottle
starts pushes the bottle away then wants it back

He said she would have physical symptoms

I'm not 100% convinced that he is right, hv said wean her (although I'm doing so it's not an instant resolution) but what can I do ??

Did you see a regular doctor or pediatrician? I went through 4 GP's before he was diagnosed properly by a pediatrician!!! Besides your LO was a preemie which is also a risk factor for reflux. So many of us have been fobbed off with 'fussy babies'

I have to agree. GPs are not paediatricians so most of the time they don't really know what they are talking about. Babies are not fussy, when they are in pain they are in pain. And us parents would notice!!! I just wish they would listen a bit more!!

Katerina is really worse every night know. She has terrible tummy ache, not sure what this is all about, she can't get comfy and sleep. She has had calpol for 5 nights in a row!!! But otherwise she won't sleep. On Saturday she was up from 10pm till 4am!!!!

GP is sending us to have a blood test and check for milk allergy. I don't think she is allergic and at this point does it really matter?? I mean she is on neocate anyway and no dairy in her diet!! I feel lost!
About the different ounces at each feed.
I start the day off with a 6oz bottle, and then the next bottle I give her 4oz. If she acts really hungry before 3hrs is up after the 4oz, I definitely offer 6oz at the next feed. But i'll usually give her 6oz the feed after that. If she doesn't act too hungry after the 4oz I just switch off. I usually try to offer atleast one 4oz bottle a day at least - because when she eats 6oz she spits up through a longer span of time because I think we are overfeeding her.

Anyhow - We changed Madelyn's formula and she is still spitting up a ton and gets really fussy sometimes but overall she is usually pretty content. We have our bad days though. I am tlking to the doctor at some point soon about reflux - I just get tired of repeating myself. :wacko:
2016 - the granules are great, I either use the small saltspoon straight into his mouth I use approx 2 spoonfuls 15 mins apart and it definately has helped his colic, not sure on the reflux, I only use them in the evening though when his symptoms seem to be worse because during the day he doesnt seem to suffer with it.

He kept a bottle of hungry milk down last night but this morning was sick everywhere, dont think it was the hungry because it was 8 hours since he had it but he is suffering. I have done some research on the homeopathic side since the chamomille works so well and there is NATRUM PHOS X3 has anyone heard or tried this its for the reflux side of things.

Ollie is feeding well and gaining weight and is only sick every now and again but the squirming and grunting is so bad it keeps me awake and I really worry about him, ive also caught him "catching his breath"

And these fecking bottles im at my wits end. Bought faster flow NUK teats but they may be faster flow but dont take the thickness of the milk so they are worse!

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