Reflux Help & Support Thread

Hey everyone

Sorry I haven't been around much!

Farie no they didn't scan her, but she isn't chucking up much anymore so I'm confused, only once a day-ish

Things aren't getting better.

She's a terrible sleeper now as well, refusing to go to bed and waking several times a night. I'm exhausted. I tried the Chamomilla granules (I actually bought Nelson's Teetha which is just chamomilla) but I haven't seen a difference.

Feeds are getting a bit better but she can still only handle around 2oz of milk and her stomach constantly hurts. She doesn't even cry so much with it anymore. She will drink 2ounces of milk then start to arch her back and grump away from it. Then after 5mins she'll desperately want it back and be starving, frantically chewing her fists and rooting for the bottle. She'll take it for 2mins then pull away again in frustration.

She spends most of the day screaming and refusing to feed or sleep and now most of the night awake too. She's actually half grumping/half crying just now but when I go in to check on her she's asleep and crying out in her sleep. I don't know what to do for her anymore.

Just fed up.

Looking into homeopathy now, I'm ready to try anything.
Not to scare anyone but I'm still struggling with LO's reflux coming up to almost 9 months. I recently finally changed him to a size 3 nipple because he was getting frustrated with size 2 (for under 6 months) but now he guzzles so much air (Dr Brown bottle) that he wakes up screaming with burps at least 4-5x a day/night. He's also vomited badly the past few days, but it's either that or he doesn't eat :cry: He's going through a growth spurt and taking 7-8 bottles (8oz) day and night, it's awwwwful dealing with this gas!!!
I went to the doctors today as i think j has silent reflux but he dismissed it and said she was just fussing

She turns her head to the sides and cries
tries to get away from me
tries to sit up for the bottle
starts pushes the bottle away then wants it back

He said she would have physical symptoms

I'm not 100% convinced that he is right, hv said wean her (although I'm doing so it's not an instant resolution) but what can I do ??

Did you see a regular doctor or pediatrician? I went through 4 GP's before he was diagnosed properly by a pediatrician!!! Besides your LO was a preemie
which is also a risk factor for reflux. So many of us have been fobbed off with
'fussy babies'

gp - tho j is under pead care at the moment wih her kidneys I could ask him but not seeing him for a few months , what would the physical symptoms be ?

Sorry I'm a bit late!

For silent reflux, it would be arching, screaming after a feed, refusal to take a bottle OR manically trying to gulp down more from a bottle (it temporarily soothes their throat but then makes it worse, they don't understand). And for silent, no projectile vomiting.

Sound familiar???
We are still struggling at almost 10 months!!! :cry:

I really don't get it. She was better for about a month or so and then deteriorated again even though she is on strong medication. We are off to get a 2nd opinion tomorrow. She is refusing the bottle now, has done for a week or so, so I try to give her milk with porridge but its not enough :( She keeps waking up at night, have given her calpol for 5 days in a row and I feel awful! I am completely lost!

We are having a blood test tomorrow to check for a milk allergy although I dont't get what good will come out of it, she hasn't' had dairy for 5 months now!!!
Ollie is getting worse too 2 bad nights. Had 7 3oz bottles last night and to be honest comfort seems to be making it worse !! I dont no wot to do next he seems in so much pain. He isnt sick and is gaining weight - we just need sleep and the poor little mite i know is not in the same range of reflux as some of you ladies but i really dont no wot to do x
I went to the doctors today as i think j has silent reflux but he dismissed it and said she was just fussing

She turns her head to the sides and cries
tries to get away from me
tries to sit up for the bottle
starts pushes the bottle away then wants it back

He said she would have physical symptoms

I'm not 100% convinced that he is right, hv said wean her (although I'm doing so it's not an instant resolution) but what can I do ??

Did you see a regular doctor or pediatrician? I went through 4 GP's before he was diagnosed properly by a pediatrician!!! Besides your LO was a preemie
which is also a risk factor for reflux. So many of us have been fobbed off with
'fussy babies'

gp - tho j is under pead care at the moment wih her kidneys I could ask him but not seeing him for a few months , what would the physical symptoms be ?

Sorry I'm a bit late!

For silent reflux, it would be arching, screaming after a feed, refusal to take a bottle OR manically trying to gulp down more from a bottle (it temporarily soothes their throat but then makes it worse, they don't understand). And for silent, no projectile vomiting.

Sound familiar???

The only thing that she doesn't do is scream after a feed - if you listen to her and stop when she tells you then its fine - does this mean that its not reflux :shrug:
I went to the doctors today as i think j has silent reflux but he dismissed it and said she was just fussing

She turns her head to the sides and cries
tries to get away from me
tries to sit up for the bottle
starts pushes the bottle away then wants it back

He said she would have physical symptoms

I'm not 100% convinced that he is right, hv said wean her (although I'm doing so it's not an instant resolution) but what can I do ??

Did you see a regular doctor or pediatrician? I went through 4 GP's before he was diagnosed properly by a pediatrician!!! Besides your LO was a preemie
which is also a risk factor for reflux. So many of us have been fobbed off with
'fussy babies'

gp - tho j is under pead care at the moment wih her kidneys I could ask him but not seeing him for a few months , what would the physical symptoms be ?

Sorry I'm a bit late!

For silent reflux, it would be arching, screaming after a feed, refusal to take a bottle OR manically trying to gulp down more from a bottle (it temporarily soothes their throat but then makes it worse, they don't understand). And for silent, no projectile vomiting.

Sound familiar???

The only thing that she doesn't do is scream after a feed - if you listen to her and stop when she tells you then its fine - does this mean that its not reflux :shrug:

It's probably not reflux if she isn't screaming after the feed. It sounds like a few things:
- The teat is too fast or too slow for her (she gets frustrated and pushes it away)
- She's a fast gulper and takes in too much air (sitting up, a sign of gas)
- I would experiment with teat sizes. Mine couldn't handle size 3 (6+ months) until almost 9 months (this week) and he still struggles with them (they are too fast for him). Could be something similar for your girl.
Just to say that Katerina has got reflux and she never screams after a feed. It is always before hand and refusing to take the bottle and arching her back. I think every baby is different. .
Just to say that Katerina has got reflux and she never screams after a feed. It is always before hand and refusing to take the bottle and arching her back. I think every baby is different. .

Yeah Macy usually settles down with a cuddly and some distraction after a feed. It's during the feed it's the worst and some random points over night when she seems to reflux xx
Hang on..... how on earth did i miss this thread!!? :dohh:

Hi ladies :hi:

We have silent reflux here and have been prescribed Ranitidine today so i hope that works (ive posted a thread about it)

Anyone found that the whole "it will get better after so and so months" a bit of a cop out?

Nearly 10 months and we are still here battling the evil reflux gremlin
Hang on..... how on earth did i miss this thread!!? :dohh:

Hi ladies :hi:

We have silent reflux here and have been prescribed Ranitidine today so i hope that works (ive posted a thread about it)

Anyone found that the whole "it will get better after so and so months" a bit of a cop out?

Nearly 10 months and we are still here battling the evil reflux gremlin

Well, I'm hoping and praying that it's not a bit of a cop out! Macy is nearly 4 months now and I'm just waiting and waiting for her to grow out of it.

If the ranitidine doesn't work ask for omeprazole. Also, feed your LO papaya and prebiotic yoghurt. Papaya helps control the level of acidity in the stomach and the prebiotics in the yoghurt aid digestion and have made a big difference to Macy. Hope things get better soon!


The chamomilla and prebiotic yoghurt seems to be working for me now! Last night -

Bath 7.00
Bottle 5 ounces!
Bed 7.30 talked to herself and moaned a little but completely sound asleep by 8.30
Dreamfeed 4ounces
Awake 4.30 but had self -settled by the time I got her bottle
Awake again 5.45 but I decided not to feed as we get up at 6.30 -7.00 anyway
Awake on and off until 7am and I didn't even need to pick her up, just patted her back a little and put her snuggle bear on!

Then -

7am 4ounces
8am Breakfast (homemade papaya and banana yoghurt) + omeprazole
8.30 - 11.00 Sleep
11am 3ounces (projectile vomit)
12.30pm 4 ounces
12.45 - 3pm Sleep
3pm 4 ounces
4.30-5pm Sleep
5pm 3ounces
7pm chamomilla + 5ounces, bed, self-settled by 7.45!
plus at 11pm will be 4ounces!

Making 29ounces (although 3ounces was projectile vomited). This is a million times better than our usual 13-18ounces and the most milk she has ever taken in 24 hours, I can't believe it. The longest she has ever slept in the day before is 45minutes as well and she's been up several times a night. Let's hope it continues and that I can keep getting her through the night as it really seems to help her appetite the next day. I'm praying it wasn't just a fluke!

If anyone is looking for chamomilla I just bought Nelson's Teetha powder as it's the same thing, I give it twice a day although only at bedtime today.

Sorry for the big life story, I just had to share as I'm so proud!

Farie how is Nim doing?
Hang on..... how on earth did i miss this thread!!? :dohh:

Hi ladies :hi:

We have silent reflux here and have been prescribed Ranitidine today so i hope that works (ive posted a thread about it)

Anyone found that the whole "it will get better after so and so months" a bit of a cop out?

Nearly 10 months and we are still here battling the evil reflux gremlin

Yep it's a bunch of crap IMO, still waiting too!
Funnily enough we had a rough time at Xmas and chamomilla in the form of those powders did do something! What, I dunno, but we managed to get some sleep!

We're back on the Losec now, and have scrapped our plans to wean her off it. It's not time :nope: so far so good.

And we learnt not to give her a sausage roll ever ever again(she's old enough don't worry :rofl: They are full of crap and aggravate the reflux so bad :s)
Its so interesting to read how much your Lo's drink...:flower:

Ive been worrying as my Daughter is only having about 20oz a day & gaining weight really slowly, they said we have to 'keep an eye on it'

Its all so different than with my Boys (who didnt have reflux) they were bang on target of eating & gaining weight
Chamomille brill stuff !!!

Am going to defo go down the homeopathic route now for ollie.

Have now changed to aptamil first seems ok for now but i think whatever milk he has its gonna irritate his reflux and colic, but i love dr browns bottles what a difference x
Hang on..... how on earth did i miss this thread!!? :dohh:

Hi ladies :hi:

We have silent reflux here and have been prescribed Ranitidine today so i hope that works (ive posted a thread about it)

Anyone found that the whole "it will get better after so and so months" a bit of a cop out?

Nearly 10 months and we are still here battling the evil reflux gremlin

Yep it's a bunch of crap IMO, still waiting too!

Yep 9months and still waiting :coffee:
We have made significant progress here, and I am so relived. Yesterday all of a sudden DD started drinking again. She'd had a big vomit on Thursday morning, her whole bottle plus all her cereal and fruit (5 minutes before we had to leave the house for creche/work, and I had to clean the baby, the kitchen, and then try to get more into her). She was drinking water with her breakfast and I think that was to blame. Then yesterday she went back to eating without complaint, and drinking her bottle. She drank 20oz yesterday, which is huge compared to what we've been getting! And ate 2 1/2 meals. And no puke! Yay!
Well Aptamil first is crap he is worse on it than before so have gone back to comfort with Colief for the min. Have ordered some Colocynthis liquid, more chamomille granules and also some Natrum Phos for his reflux, the homeopathist (think thats what they are called also recommended Aethusa one settles the acid in the stomach and one sooths the stomach contents. Can only try cant I !

Will let you know how I get on

I now have Colocynthis, Chamomille, Dentinox, Infacol for his Colic so something somewhere gotta work !!
i just wanted to say hi ladies. zakk has horrible reflux. the pukey sort. he doesnt give a monkeys.

to start with the hv said it was possetting but when he got to about 12 weeks and the bottles got bigger it got awful. sick from one bottle to the next. we were offered gaviscon which made him scream at night (clearly gave him colic) and then ranitadine which took the edge off but wasnt that great.

we went back to gaviscon later which was really good stuff and he is still on it now. he just took some time to work out how to poo as it made his poop like paste. now i am weaning him things are soooooo much better. he has toast or cereal in the mornings and a range for lunch and tea. potato practically keeps the lot down

he is only sick once or twice a day now and its just such a relief.

i was perminantly covered in white streaks of milk!

my husband had it as a baby and ive been informed that it is hereditary.

im not sure if its a conincidence but since he started rolling over and trying to crawl it just seems to be getting better and better all the time. maybe that physical development is not only on the outside.

its tough having a reflux baby. constantly watching them. their clothes always looking damp and i look at other peoples babies in nice clean outfits, sitting up and not puking and i think "god its been tough" but believe me things are getting better... finally.

i was fobbed by the doctor so much with "he will grow out of it in a month" blah blah. why are they so rubbish with reflux?

im interested to know if sma staydown is any good. i never tried it - never dared to change brand of milk but if i have a second and i FF i will start with sma so i can move over if needed.

just wanted to give you some hope


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