**remember september 2012 mamas!!!!!!!!

Hiya ladies. My due date is 30th September - anyone else due on that date too?

It's still early days for me, but very exciting!! :D

YAY WELCOME TO OUR GROUP cindysparkles!!!!! :hugs: We're all still pretty early but YES it is VERY EXCITING :happydance: Glad to have you join in on the journey together :flower:

Hi everyone :)
What a lovely group!
Have you all told family that you are expecting? or are you waiting? We haven't told ours yet but im not sure hubby can hold out untill the 12 week scan lol we're both soooooo excited!
So glad i can have you ladies to share our journeys with.

Big Congratulations to you all x x x

WOO HOO WELCOME TO THE GROUP babyblueskye!!!! :hugs: We havent told any of our family just close friends.. we don't plan on saying anything till we're further along and know what we're expecting :winkwink: Its hard not to say anything because it is so exciting!! :happydance: Oh as for symptoms with specific genders, I have 2 girls... 1st pregnancy was breezy just gained 50lbs, 2nd was lots of queasyness and aches only gained 25lbs, and third so far has been ok still pretty early to say anything really... But I personally dont believe in the symptoms detecting a specific gender just because my first 2 were way different and ended up being same sex :shrug: I just think every pregnancy is different no matter the gender :winkwink:
Ah ok, my friend said the same she had not many symptoms with her 1st then got really sick with #2. I thought this was going to be the same as my 1st but since 5 weeks i've had really bad morning sickness and it seems to be getting worse but still not been sick yet which is really good :) hopefully it'll go soon.

We're the same only told close friends but hubby wants to tell his family this week :)
Ah ok, my friend said the same she had not many symptoms with her 1st then got really sick with #2. I thought this was going to be the same as my 1st but since 5 weeks i've had really bad morning sickness and it seems to be getting worse but still not been sick yet which is really good :) hopefully it'll go soon.

We're the same only told close friends but hubby wants to tell his family this week :)

LOL! Yeah I want to blurt it out to our family and friends back home but then Im like no I can wait :blush: Im assuming your hoping for a little boy since you have a little girl already?! I am hoping for a boy too, me and my hubby like to think thats what we are expecting because we conceived on my OV day but I guess you just never know.. But we are our praying its a healthy strong little boy :winkwink:
Ok, I have a question for all my preggors!!!!!!!!

So has anyone noticed (TMI) that they a bit more wet down below, I have and I was wondering if that was normal?! I havent read up on it yet but plan too here soon. I just always get nervous because sometimes it feels like AF dampness and Im constantly checking... and its just mild CM.
Um I think i would really like another little girl cuz i think they will look like twins when older and super cute :D plus i already have loads of pink things for baby girl. BUT ever since i found out i was expecting i felt like i was having a boy no idea why, i had the same feeling when i was 1st pregnant with my little girl i just knew she was a baby girl. But I think either way i'll be over the moon I know OH would like a little boy but he is convinced he is gonna be stuck with all girls lol.
More CM is totally normal :) i wear a little pad to be more comfortable x
Um I think i would really like another little girl cuz i think they will look like twins when older and super cute :D plus i already have loads of pink things for baby girl. BUT ever since i found out i was expecting i felt like i was having a boy no idea why, i had the same feeling when i was 1st pregnant with my little girl i just knew she was a baby girl. But I think either way i'll be over the moon I know OH would like a little boy but he is convinced he is gonna be stuck with all girls lol.
More CM is totally normal :) i wear a little pad to be more comfortable x

Ahh yeah having two girls is sweet :flower: My girls are so close and just absolutely are inseparable!! I knew my 1st was a girl too and with my 2nd I was convinced she was a boy because my pregnancy was different lol!! But with this baby Im not guess or going by what anyone says, I just pray we're having a healthy baby boy :winkwink: Oh and thanks for the feedback on the CM deal, I've been wearing the little panty liners as well!
Hello Ladies and welcome to all the new guys:hugs:
Ive come down with a cold that had me feeling blah all weekend but woke up today feeling a lot better :thumbup:

How is everyone doing so far????

rrecio, i def know what you're talking about with the extra CM and i also have to wear a liner..
Hello Ladies and welcome to all the new guys:hugs:
Ive come down with a cold that had me feeling blah all weekend but woke up today feeling a lot better :thumbup:

How is everyone doing so far????

rrecio, i def know what you're talking about with the extra CM and i also have to wear a liner..

Glad you are feeling better Lately! It is super tough being sick while pregnant since you cant take the stronger medications that would get you feeling better faster..:dohh: As for me, I've been doing pretty good :thumbup: Occasional nausea here and there but mostly just very tired.. I have like 50% energy right now just because I have to keep up with my other 2 little ones.. But by the end of the day Im like down to 10% and crawling into bed to crash out! I love being pregnant though and can't wait till my next appointment :cloud9:
Okay so it's been forever since I checked in here. I'm actually starting to feel pregnant! The 5th week of pregnancy has brought nausea, cramps, and the onset of heartburn (oh lovely). It also seems to have brought the startling realization on our parts that holy CRAP, we actually ARE going to have a baby in nine months! There really is something growing in there! Holy crapamoly.

We have our heartbeat scan in a week and a half- so excited!

Ok, I have a question for all my preggors!!!!!!!!

So has anyone noticed (TMI) that they a bit more wet down below, I have and I was wondering if that was normal?! I havent read up on it yet but plan too here soon. I just always get nervous because sometimes it feels like AF dampness and Im constantly checking... and its just mild CM.

I think it's normal... I remember seeing it somewhere. I've had it too!
Hello :flower:
I am due September 24th.

WELCOME ETHEREAL!!!!!!! :hugs: So glad to have you join the group!! As you know Im due the day before you, I thought I was due on the 24 at first but when I went for my first appt they told me I was due on the 23 :shrug: Anyhoot we're only a day difference :haha: How have you been doing and feeling through these first few weeks, we all hope well! Would this be your first child? Are you hoping for a specific gender..

Ok ladies.. I got something for you to bring up in discussion... :hugs:

Have any of you all heard about the RIGHT(boy), LEFT(girl) SIDE GENDER SPECIFIC THEORY..?! I had stumbled onto it on accident when I was watching a women's 6wk video blog on youtube. I thought how funny just another old wives tale but this woman said it was 98% positive results in women studies. Her baby so happen to be on the right side at her 6wk scan so she believed her baby was going to be a BOY but of course didnt insist on it, then she had the moment of truth video where they went in for their 20wk scan and it was confirmed and she was indeed expecting a BOY!! Crazy huh!! lol

I thought it would be fun to see what side everyone's baby was on and we could test out the theory ourselves :happydance: A just in all FUN type of thing!! Because of course you just never know.. I found the below info on an article I came upon..

A study from 1997-2007 of over 5,000 pregnant women, it was found that:
97.2% of the male fetuses had a chorionic villi/placenta location on the right side of the uterus.
97.5% of female fetuses had a chorionic villi/placenta location to the left of the uterus.

Heres how you read the ultrasound:
**Tansvaginal ultrasound (Actual result, not a mirror image)
If the location of the placenta is on the left of the uterus = girl
If the location of the placenta is on the right of the uterus = boy

**Abdominal ultrasound (Must flip result because it is a mirror image)
If the location of the placenta is on the left of the uterus (must flip, its really on the right) = boy
If the location of the placenta is on the right of the uterus (must flip, its really on the left) = girl

So if your in for trying this out for fun dont forget to ask the doctor what side your baby is on in your uterus!!!!!!! Cant wait to hear everyones results!!!:winkwink:
Hello :flower:
I am due September 24th.

WELCOME ETHEREAL!!!!!!! :hugs: So glad to have you join the group!! As you know Im due the day before you, I thought I was due on the 24 at first but when I went for my first appt they told me I was due on the 23 :shrug: Anyhoot we're only a day difference :haha: How have you been doing and feeling through these first few weeks, we all hope well! Would this be your first child? Are you hoping for a specific gender..


:happydance: Thank you for the welcome message!

I've not had a scan or anything yet, my GP just went by date of last AF, so my date might change, but the month wont so I can stay put!

I've been up and down, the nausea is really terrible this week, I mean really bad. I can't eat, drink or sleep. It's driving me mad. I've also had some aches and pains in my lower abdomen, nothing major, just growing pains I think. And my boobs are so sore and swollen!

How about you, how are you doing? xx
Ok ladies.. I got something for you to bring up in discussion... :hugs:

Have any of you all heard about the RIGHT(boy), LEFT(girl) SIDE GENDER SPECIFIC THEORY..?! I had stumbled onto it on accident when I was watching a women's 6wk video blog on youtube. I thought how funny just another old wives tale but this woman said it was 98% positive results in women studies. Her baby so happen to be on the right side at her 6wk scan so she believed her baby was going to be a BOY but of course didnt insist on it, then she had the moment of truth video where they went in for their 20wk scan and it was confirmed and she was indeed expecting a BOY!! Crazy huh!! lol

I thought it would be fun to see what side everyone's baby was on and we could test out the theory ourselves :happydance: A just in all FUN type of thing!! Because of course you just never know.. I found the below info on an article I came upon..

A study from 1997-2007 of over 5,000 pregnant women, it was found that:
97.2% of the male fetuses had a chorionic villi/placenta location on the right side of the uterus.
97.5% of female fetuses had a chorionic villi/placenta location to the left of the uterus.

Heres how you read the ultrasound:
**Tansvaginal ultrasound (Actual result, not a mirror image)
If the location of the placenta is on the left of the uterus = girl
If the location of the placenta is on the right of the uterus = boy

**Abdominal ultrasound (Must flip result because it is a mirror image)
If the location of the placenta is on the left of the uterus (must flip, its really on the right) = boy
If the location of the placenta is on the right of the uterus (must flip, its really on the left) = girl

So if your in for trying this out for fun dont forget to ask the doctor what side your baby is on in your uterus!!!!!!! Cant wait to hear everyones results!!!:winkwink:

OOOOOooooo I totally want to test this theory (as well as nub and skull theories!). You guys are gonna have to wait on my results though, since I'm not finding out gender till the birth (unless it's twins... then we'll probably want to know, there's only so much green/yellow/light gray/orange/NONPINKNONBLUE stuff you can get lol).

I'm a bit confused.... say your dr. prints you a picture of the ultrasound and you're looking down at it. Looking down, is it fetus on left=girl and right=boy? Or is it switched??? LOL must do more research!
BTW also wanted to say- I'm finally 6 weeks today!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! :happydance: I've got a little pea in there. Although...

We had a scary day at my work yesterday- there's like, three of us pregnant, and the one girl is 6 weeks ahead of me and just reached 12 weeks yesterday. So I was feeling a bit jealous that she was "safe" and just about out of the scary first trimester... when she told me that last night she'd had spotting and hadn't known what to do. I told her that spotting is normal, as long as it wasn't heavy bleeding or any clots, cramps, or pain she should be okay. She told me there wasn't any of that and we went on with our day. Well, midday, she rushes to the bathroom, and comes back crying because she is bleeding!!! So she rushed up to the ER (luckily we work in a hospital so the ER was only 2 minutes away) but all they told her was that if a MC was going to happen, it was going to happen, and there wasn't anything they could do about it. No HCG levels, no scan, nothing. =( So the poor girl (and us other 2 preggies!) spent a sad quiet day hoping she wasn't miscarrying. She's off from today-Monday so I won't even get to see her to ask what's happened until next Tuesday, but it was definitely very sobering that she was 12 weeks and yet still having a scare like that. Scary reminder that my own measley 6 weeks is nowhere near "safe". :( Needless to say I am praying like mad and crossing my everything hoping for a good outcome!
Ace28 WOO HOO Im so pumped now that I have someone else who wants to test the theory!! :haha: Oh so whats the nub and skull theory?? As for your question about looking at the sonogram to see what side baby is on it works like this... So if you have a vaginal scan the sonogram is the actual image! (ex. baby is on right side, true to image). And if you have a scan from the top of your belly you have to switch the baby from whichever side its on because the belly scan is a mirror image. (ex. baby is on left so "flip" baby is really on right side). LEFT= Girl RIGHT= Boy

OMG, I hope your friend is ok! Yeah you can never be to sure when your out of the safe zone just because anything is possible. I unfortanetly mc before my 1st child and I was 12wks as well, it was very hard but we got through it and were blessed the next month with a BFP and a healthy 9mos :flower: I couldnt help but worry with my 2nd as well and of course now with my 3rd but all you can do is leave it in gods hands and take it a day at a time :hugs:
Hello :flower:
I am due September 24th.

WELCOME ETHEREAL!!!!!!! :hugs: So glad to have you join the group!! As you know Im due the day before you, I thought I was due on the 24 at first but when I went for my first appt they told me I was due on the 23 :shrug: Anyhoot we're only a day difference :haha: How have you been doing and feeling through these first few weeks, we all hope well! Would this be your first child? Are you hoping for a specific gender..


:happydance: Thank you for the welcome message!

I've not had a scan or anything yet, my GP just went by date of last AF, so my date might change, but the month wont so I can stay put!

I've been up and down, the nausea is really terrible this week, I mean really bad. I can't eat, drink or sleep. It's driving me mad. I've also had some aches and pains in my lower abdomen, nothing major, just growing pains I think. And my boobs are so sore and swollen!

How about you, how are you doing? xx

Hey girl, I am feeling pretty good today.. just pooped since I ran a bunch of errands this morning! But now Im relaxing.. I've also had the growing pains in my abdomen, very exhaused all the time, super gassy lol :blush: and peeing like the faucets been left on all day lol! I hope your morning sickness passes soon for you, I know that feeling and its no fun :dohh:
Hi ladies just a quick hello, I've not forgotten about you just feel like absolute rubbish! Constant sicky feeling, fatigue, heartburn, headaches.... I tell you I will be having STRONG words with this baby when I see them for making mum feel so bad, LOL :haha:

I wish our OH's could have half of the illness, that's only fair right? Why should we have to have it all? :growlmad:

Hope you're all OK! xx
hey, rrecio! We meet again! We're only about a month apart, so let's get this started! I'm so glad I get to join you! I wish Tinatin was here too. That girl is such a funny sweetheart lol.

How's your pregnancy going?
hey, rrecio! We meet again! We're only about a month apart, so let's get this started! I'm so glad I get to join you! I wish Tinatin was here too. That girl is such a funny sweetheart lol.

How's your pregnancy going?

WOO HOO!! Glad to have you here to join in on the fun :hugs: I know, she is hilarious, who knows she may get that BFP this month too :thumbup: As for me, I have been pretty good so far.. I'd have to say the most common symptoms for me lately have been growing pains in my abdomen and just being extremely exhausted. I feel like a zombie at times because all I want to to do is sleep :sleep: But other than that I've been doing alright and I have a little bitty bump forming already too.. Well shoot you remember my bloat picture I posted in the 2ww, guess that was just our baby letting me know " hello.. yes, I am here " :haha: lol!

So how have you been feeling so far?!

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