Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Good luck with it I hope it works for you! Did you ever try Maca? I thought that is what you were on actually! Lol. I do not know much about clomid but hope that works!
yep af came....onto 100mgs of clomid.

sorry AF got you, TTC :hugs: Didn't TNT say something about normally it taking 100mg of clomid to help get the BFP but that they try you on 50mg first just to make sure you don't get sick or have a reaction to it? Let's hope 100mg gets you that lovely BFP in the next cycle. How are you feeling about it all? Sending you a big hug :hugs:

NY - how are you doing? How long till your next scan? Will you find out the gender? I can't wait for my scan - not for another 6 weeks but feels way to far away!! By the way, I think you might have got TTC confused with another TTC that joined the thread more recently? TTCbaby117 has been on this thread for months already (certainly before I joined, anyway!) - there was a new TTC too so I think that's where the confusion was! :hugs:

Never - let us know how you got on with OH - hoping you managed to get the timing right and catch that egg :hugs:
Leeze that makes sense. i must have confused the 2 Wub similar names. My bad. Sorry girls.

How are you feeling Leeze? I am ok. Have a UTI though and afraid of taking antibiotics.:(

Did a scan last night at work, i cheated, and its a boy! I had a feeling.
aw - that sucks about having a UTI :growlmad: - I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

how exciting to be having a boy - and I'm not surprised you cheated and checked at work!! If I had the ability to I would be checking too. So you'll have one of each then with you DD already. Have you told your DD yet? How are you feeling about having a boy?

I'm feeling great today, generally just feeling more positive and settled about things. Happy to be in 2nd trimester!! :happydance:
hi girls - everything is well. DH and i got back from greece yesterday and it was an amazing trip that we both needed. don't know if we got the eggie, and it's hard to tell, because i'm now battling with tonsillitis and the fever is causing my morning temperatures to be super high... so we will see! :shrug:
hi girls - everything is well. DH and i got back from greece yesterday and it was an amazing trip that we both needed. don't know if we got the eggie, and it's hard to tell, because i'm now battling with tonsillitis and the fever is causing my morning temperatures to be super high... so we will see! :shrug:

Remember when I thought the same exact thing? Because we didn't get to insem until the day of OV. And now look at me! LOL :haha: Your not totally out but I do understand preparing yourself for the worst! I sure hope you did catch the eggie. But glad you two are together and he can take care of you. I hope you feel better soon hun! PS- I love all the pics from your trip. It looked so amazing! :cloud9::hugs:
Never: I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad you had an awesome trip with your hubbie:) Greece sounds amazing!

TnT: Hey girlie! Hope you and the babies are doing well!
:hi: ladies!!

soo what have i missedd??..

never - i see youve seen hubby :) yaya!! how luvly!! where did u go?? was it your honeymoon?? :hugs:

lazze, ny, tnt - i see your babies are growing lovely :thumbsup: trust me ladies pregnancy will fly bye u before u know it :haha: take as many bump pics as u can && even keep a diary (two things i wish i had done :()

ttcbbaby117 - how are u doing ma love :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else!!

missed u all :) :hugs:

AFM - well ians mum screwed us over :growlmad: lets start from the begining.... soo she offered us £20,000 as u know as a deposit for a we looked at a few houses, decided we couldnt afford a house soo we started looking at flats/masionettes...thn she said NO the £20,000 can only be spent on a house - explained to her we couldnt afford a house so that was that... then ian asked if we could move into her old house (thats sitting there empty && shes still payin the mortgage && everything on).. at first she says yea u can have 50% and ians bro could have 50%...then she changed her mind && was like actually i want 50%, so u and ur bro can share the other 50% (ok im getting pissed off with her now but i didnt say anything i jus let her get on with it)... so me && ian start clearing the house out (we got 10 massive black bags full out off one fricking wardrobe - the womens a horder!!!!) while she gets in touch with her personal adviser to sort the paper work out.. she goes on holiday && we continue to clear out the house but the main bedroom door is locked && we dont have a key for it soo we jus do what we can in the other rooms... fast forward to about 3 weeks ago.. soo were at the house && weve jus finished the kitchen (im talking at least 30 black bags of rubbish outa all the cupboards) when she shows up.. soo ian finally asks for the key to the main bedroom (the other rooms arent big enough for us && baby) when she point blank says NO.. she REFUSES to let us have that room - she wants us to have the 2nd biggest bedroom which is not big enough... anyways a big argument between ian && his mum erupts && in the end were not moving in there.. his mother has her own new 4 bedroom house soo why she needs to keep her main bedroom in her old house is beyond us but she screwed us other ((jus like i thought she would)) and now we have nowhere to live together when babies born :( my mum said i can stay with her until i get a council house (ive had to say im a single mum and my mums gna throw me out otherwise they wouldnt touch me) but its gna be at least 8 weekkss!!! im soo angry with ians mum and at the same time im soo angry with ian because i kept asking and asking and asking him to get the key off her so we could start 'our room' but he kept putting it off && now were in the sh*t :cry: but my ladies im still positive && still smiling and will get over this!!!

Hi Ladies :flower:

Never hope you feel better soon, Ive been thinking of you :flower:

TNT hi hun :flower:

charx oh no poor you all you need when your expecting its awful feeling when all you want to do is nest and you cant happened me in Australia when we lived there friends f us over. why she offer that money when it seems she had no intention of ever handing it over:shrug: she dangled the carrot so to speak. weird about the house as well why cant you have the master bedroom :shrug: will she come round do you think! if she doesnt make the most of what you can do for now, then when you can save for your own deposit and get your own place I know it wont be right now but may be by the time bubs is a year old or there abouts.

hope your ok and your poor DP must feel like crap as well, bet he never saw that coming! :dohh:

well Paul is 8 weeks now, we had a really bad week this week, I got mastitis so sore went to the doc and I was talking 4 antibotics a day, Im not sure if it was that or may be milk changed with the infection but poor Paul was so cross cried constantly I could not put him down I was wrecked and so emotional so after 4 days on tablets I ditched them and on friday my baby was back :happydance: he been doing great the last two days, moaning here beside me but thats ok :haha: oh think I have thrush on my nipples now :dohh: but thats ok I can cope with that.
joined weight watchers and Ive lost 4 pounds so far:happydance: have a good bit more to lose but dont care how slow it comes off as long as it does.

Ill be back later to check on you all duty calls :hugs:
Hi everyone :hugs:

Never - I hope you feel better soon. tonsillitis - we call that "the kissing disease" in the UK - you must have been doing a lot of kissing recently! :haha: I really hope you get your BFP this month :hugs:

Char - that really sucks big time about Ian's Mum. What is that all about - to make all these offers and let you do all that work and then not follow it through? The last thing you need right now. Sounds like you're better relying on what you can get yourself, at least you know that you're not having to depend on her and worry about her not being reliable. Glad to hear you're still smiling through it all - you sound like a strong person :hugs:

TNT - how are you doing? Are you and Amy starting to think about preparing a nursery yet? When is your next scan? Do you know for sure that you're having 2 girls? :hugs:

Celtic - good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about your mastitis and thrush - the things we have to go through that we don't get warned about!!! I hope it all clears up soon. Well done for losing 4 pounds, that's brilliant!! :hugs:

NY - I hope the UTI has cleared up. Any ideas for names for boys yet? :hugs:

I'm doing ok, generally feeling better now I'm in 2nd trimester (can't believe it, seems so long in some ways and so quick in others!) having a bit of a boring day today doing housework etc

Hi everyone else, hope you're all doing ok - it's about time we had some more maca BFPs - who is going to do the honours then? :haha::hugs:
Hey everyone, just dropping in to say hi! I do always check in and see how you all are.

Well i'm on my second day of clomid, taking it cd 2 - 6....I will be wishing soooo hard for this to be our month. Never taken clomid before so I don't know what to expect....never had a natural cycle less than 43 days either so lets hope this does the trick.

Been planning lots for the wedding - church and reception venue booked, bar, band, photographer etc all booked so now I get to chill and look at all the pretty things. So excited about getting married.

Never - good to see you on here and I hope this is a good month for you. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday. I went to Greece - Halkidiki a couple years ago and it was lovely.

Leeze and Char - good to see you are both doing really well.

Tnt - hope you are keeping well...still so very excited for you and your twins :) I hope clomid works aswell for me as it did you!!

Celtic - glad to hear things are back to normal with baby Paul again.
yazzy - i have my fingers crossed for you sweets.

hope everything is well everyone.

pretty big temp drop and been spotting for two days, so expecting CD1 today. not very hopeful anymore. we've been the trying every couple of months since december of 2009 now.. it's getting old. next time is end of july hopefully or early august.
I'm sorry to hear about the temp drop Never. You really deserve to get a BFP soon. When you went for your HSG etc did they said they would follow up with anymore tests or treatment? Did they offer you clomid etc?
hi girls...
last year , i TTC wit maca..and got pregnant... but unfortunately i miscarriaged :( and had D&C on Novermber 2010.. but.. after D&C i had my hormone seem imbalance.. because my period not regular.
this month i TTC again.. with maca.. i take maca since march 2011..
if i get BFP.. i think not no stop maca and will take natural progesteron.. i will continue through first trisemester..
Celtic - jus looked up mastitis - OUCH :hugs: glad its better now!! Paul is 8 weeks :o god time has flown!!! Have u still got GD??

Yazzy - lovely to see you :hugs: when's the big day?? Ooh I'd love to get married, I'm still waiting for the lottery win though :haha: fxd for the clomid to work :thumbup:

Never - glad you spent time with DH :hugs: stoopid af though :( what's going on in terms with test like ovulation & that?? :hugs:

Lezze - hi babe!! Have u put an offer in on a house yet?? Trust me babe - 2nd tri will fly...then 3rd tri flies until about 34 weeks lol.. have u brought anything yet?? :hugs:

Dandy..Aj..delila..Ttc..were are u my lovelys :)

Ice - hello :) fxd for u

Afm - well been on maternity leave for a week now & I'm running out of things to do LOL parents are going on hol on Thursday soo gna start packing my hospital bag.. Ian is still angry with his mum & saying he's not gna tell her when LO arrives..I dunno if that's right but I hate her lol..

Feels good to be back girls :) :flower: xxxxx
xcharx- how long u taken maca before u pregnant? do u still take it (during pregnancy) especially on the first trisemester?
do u take progesteron during ur pregnancy?
Hey girls....

I know this is a TTC thread but I know sense you girls were all there through it all that would love to hear that we expecting IDENTICAL girls! :pink: :pink: I can't believe they are identical. I thought the clomid was the reason for twins but apparently not! :haha: Its ok cause we are super happy and everything is looking perfect in there...inside me! haha

I sure hope to see some BFPs from here soon. Its so quite now and wish there could be some excitement from some nice BFPs!!! :hugs::kiss:

hey everyone im kinda back :thumbup: i've been chillaxing, trying to destress and not worry

well :dohh: that didnt help im not preg and no closer to being preg :cry:

so we went to the gyn yesterday, my OH has had 2 SA's done a few months apart first one came bak with 5million per whatever second one came bak at 15million per whatever but less than half are moving um fast? or right? so im putting us both bak on macca for a couple of months. My gyn has told me to start clomid today and to count today as day 3 of my cycle

my gyn has basically told me she thinks ivf is the way for us :dohh: or i could have a laproscopy :shrug: which is an operation to check my tubes, then she would do IUI (inter uterin insemination?) something like that, but she wont do the IUI unless i have the lap op first to make sure there is no scaring in my tubes :dohh: so we have decided to go a few rounds of clomid while on maca (can i take maca when im on clomid? i've forgotten) and how many tabs is OH supposed to take? i was going to put the powder on my cereal...gag i hate this stuff, but if it helps..i wanna try it before i have to have an op :cry:

hope everyone else is good :thumbup:

hey everyone im kinda back :thumbup: i've been chillaxing, trying to destress and not worry

well :dohh: that didnt help im not preg and no closer to being preg :cry:

so we went to the gyn yesterday, my OH has had 2 SA's done a few months apart first one came bak with 5million per whatever second one came bak at 15million per whatever but less than half are moving um fast? or right? so im putting us both bak on macca for a couple of months. My gyn has told me to start clomid today and to count today as day 3 of my cycle

my gyn has basically told me she thinks ivf is the way for us :dohh: or i could have a laproscopy :shrug: which is an operation to check my tubes, then she would do IUI (inter uterin insemination?) something like that, but she wont do the IUI unless i have the lap op first to make sure there is no scaring in my tubes :dohh: so we have decided to go a few rounds of clomid while on maca (can i take maca when im on clomid? i've forgotten) and how many tabs is OH supposed to take? i was going to put the powder on my cereal...gag i hate this stuff, but if it helps..i wanna try it before i have to have an op :cry:

hope everyone else is good :thumbup:

I think you have a good plan! I took the maca and clomid together and I was ok. How many mg are you taking of clomid? Your chart says CD18 but your CD3? I just know that taking clomid too late is what contributed to my MC in oct so I hope your not CD18...cuz that would scare me. As far as the lap goes... I did that surgery twice and the second time is what got me my last BFP right away and the BFP this time. A lap is good to have because they can see everything and see what is going on. So I think that is a good idea...mainly cause it helped me so much! FX hun and im glad to see you back here! :hugs::thumbup::kiss:

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