

Love My Little Peek <3
Jul 7, 2008
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yesterday my boss had the nerve to say that my job is even harder with the added pressure of growing a little baby inside of me......:hissy:

What does me being pregnant have anything to do with anything? My work ethic has not changed, the work is still getting done, and I am more productive then ever before!!!! :hissy:

Love the man, but seriously the almost 50 year age gap makes him look like a pig sometimes!!! Just because a woman is pregnant does not mean she is in a state that burdens her in order to get her work done......

I am sure he meant well, but I did not take it well....

sorry....rant over....
Was he not just being understanding in case you are struggling at all? I wish my boss would realise how hard I find work. I've no-one to help out so it's me doing it or no-one.
Was he not just being understanding in case you are struggling at all? I wish my boss would realise how hard I find work. I've no-one to help out so it's me doing it or no-one.

I am in the exact same position, me doing it or no one. :hugs:

The thing is, I do not find work hard, I find it as challenging as I did when I was not pregnant. I think it is bull that he would think that just because i am pg i am weaker and unable to do my job......
Was he not just being understanding in case you are struggling at all? I wish my boss would realise how hard I find work. I've no-one to help out so it's me doing it or no-one.

I am in the exact same position, me doing it or no one. :hugs:

The thing is, I do not find work hard, I find it as challenging as I did when I was not pregnant. I think it is bull that he would think that just because i am pg i am weaker and unable to do my job......

I can see where you're coming from, I always assume people mean some sort of anti-feminist slight but often they don't. I still think he may have just been trying to be understanding! Men have a special talent for sounding patronising when it comes to pregnancy and other things they know nothing about!

Can I put a diaper over his face cause he sure has diarreah of the mouth!?

Can I put a diaper over his face cause he sure has diarreah of the mouth!?

hahhahahahahahhaaa! :rofl:

no kidding....regardless of being maile or female, he should just watch what he says! :rofl:
what a plonk, maybe its a male working thing.
i work with all men as you know,just two other women that my paths don't cross with workwise, i am in the middle of a huge stock take, and i've got my chair to sit on in the stock room cos i keep feeling faint. my co-worker said 'you pregnant women' and walked off shaking his head. i just didnt know how to take that.
i nearly ran after him, it doesnt matter if i'm sat down or standing up, the reason i'm doing the stock take is cos i don't trust anyone else to count my stock hmmmmff lol
what a plonk, maybe its a male working thing.
i work with all men as you know,just two other women that my paths don't cross with workwise, i am in the middle of a huge stock take, and i've got my chair to sit on in the stock room cos i keep feeling faint. my co-worker said 'you pregnant women' and walked off shaking his head. i just didnt know how to take that.
i nearly ran after him, it doesnt matter if i'm sat down or standing up, the reason i'm doing the stock take is cos i don't trust anyone else to count my stock hmmmmff lol


your just too funny,
do they think we can't do our normal jobs, yer we get tired but as long as the job gets done on time and right, what does it matter.
my boss darent even look at me after last week,
and as soon as i get my hands on my shayne ward mug i will snatch it back lol
:awww: Poor thing!

I'm sure he wasn't trying to come off that way though hun. (maybe he was, i don't know him?) He prob just wanted you to know that he understands that it is difficult sometimes when you are pregnant and not feeling well, everyday, all day. I can remember dragging my butt into work after being up all night puking, and feeling quite faint and lightheaded at work. Or having to come in late because of scheduled appointments, or bloodwork. This is prob all that he meant. I'm sure that he just wanted to tell you that you are supported during your pregnancy at work, and that he appreciates you. Sometimes men come off sounding a little unsincere, which in turn makes him sound like a pig.
What do you do for work?

Some jobs really are harder when your pregnant... Even office jobs become more physically harder. I work in a hospital and my doctor forced me to leave early because it is too hard on pregnant women... And my doctor is a woman!!!

I am grateful though because some of my co-workers were bitches! Im a very hard worker, but doing hospital work at 8 months pregnant is not easy, and some of them still expected that I would be able to work as hard at the physical stuff as I could before I got pregnant...


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