S T M ( Single Teen Mummy & Mummy-to-be's )

Good luck for tomoz hun :)

And i look back to my 13/14 weeks bump pic my very first to now and its unbelievable i didnt think id ever be like this big :haha: but i know im going to get even bigger dont want to in a way! its scary specially dropping lol.. and iv got eczema so i cant put fake tan on :growlmad: wel i maybe could but i think id just go blodgy or have an alergic reaction to it lol! but im really really pale and everyone always comments on it which i hate lol x

whats going on tomorroww!! LOL..
im guna take a pik but im scared lmaoo ill have to do it with my top over..
im so happy today, i think its cus ive been out + last week i felt so crappy!
i hopee there is jelly vitamins lmao
things i come out with!
ur bumps like red? whys that .. Not like its bad just curious.. x

I feel dumb now :growlmad: :haha: .. cause you said youve got housing tomoz? maybe iv lost the plot :haha: or wrong end of stick lol! .. Take a pic i would even if you think youve not got much of a bump etc its so good to look back at them later on and see progress :D.. Iv feelt so good today too as iv been flued up for about a week and after swine flu jab i feelt even worse but feel so livly today :D ... And same i didnt understand that either ill proberly look dumb again now :haha:

EDIT - Ignore that last bit are you on about my bump in my avator? lol
If your on about my avator LOL its not red .. its just cause in my babys room the light is a dimmer light and the lightshade is stupid basically.. so its like made a shadow on my belly if that makes sense lol x
Good luck for tomoz hun :)

And i look back to my 13/14 weeks bump pic my very first to now and its unbelievable i didnt think id ever be like this big :haha: but i know im going to get even bigger dont want to in a way! its scary specially dropping lol.. and iv got eczema so i cant put fake tan on :growlmad: wel i maybe could but i think id just go blodgy or have an alergic reaction to it lol! but im really really pale and everyone always comments on it which i hate lol x

whats going on tomorroww!! LOL..
im guna take a pik but im scared lmaoo ill have to do it with my top over..
im so happy today, i think its cus ive been out + last week i felt so crappy!
i hopee there is jelly vitamins lmao
things i come out with!
ur bumps like red? whys that .. Not like its bad just curious.. x

I feel dumb now :growlmad: :haha: .. cause you said youve got housing tomoz? maybe iv lost the plot :haha: or wrong end of stick lol! .. Take a pic i would even if you think youve not got much of a bump etc its so good to look back at them later on and see progress :D.. Iv feelt so good today too as iv been flued up for about a week and after swine flu jab i feelt even worse but feel so livly today :D ... And same i didnt understand that either ill proberly look dumb again now :haha:

EDIT - Ignore that last bit are you on about my bump in my avator? lol

thank u..
the notes kinda help i guess..
says its going to be over-crowded here, its not a propa small house but wouldnt be no room.. ill miss living here with my mom. i dont wana go but i no its best if i do.. she said i can have her room if im here when baby is.. but i really dont want her room.. and i guess il do what u are.. get cot at 5months.. can stay in moses basket.. be so much easier..
my mates mom brought abrand new high chair for somebody and something happened.. never been used and described nice.. its white with big mulicoloured dots.. if i do her hair im allowed it :) Woo! haircut for a highchair? thats a deal! aha..

plus theres like a history of illness in family, like depression.. my nan + grandads side.. there both not around never knew them..
but kies side has that 2..
i just hope everything will be okay.. me and kie are actually like generally nice people anyway.. :\ weird i guess.. LOL.. the midwife said god all cracked
shes funnyy!xx
Lol im glad i havent gone loopy lmao .. wel at the mo i dont have to move out unless i want to and can find something which is going to be hard for me i think .. but my dad annonuced today that my mamar and grandad are buying our house after christmas sometime! cause my mum left my dad in debt when she left him couple years ago :growlmad: (morgage mostly) but he aslong got made redundant so made it 10x worse cause hes strugglin to keep everythin goin for me and him :( so means we ment to be moving soon as they sell there other house i dont mind cant wait to move away from where i am now but im scared i wont be ready for LO coming :(

Im only getting the cot after hes born sometime cause i havent exactly got loads of room for a cot until iv sorted everything proper but as my dad said they dont need a cot straight away so it doesnt matter :) Woop that sounds good haircut for a highchair :haha: i think i know which it is wel iv seen a white one with multi coloured dots on in babies r us and i love it but dad told me to wait again cause they cant always go in them til 6m+ lol grr :( everything will be fine dont worry :)! xx
Lol im glad i havent gone loopy lmao .. wel at the mo i dont have to move out unless i want to and can find something which is going to be hard for me i think .. but my dad annonuced today that my mamar and grandad are buying our house after christmas sometime! cause my mum left my dad in debt when she left him couple years ago :growlmad: (morgage mostly) but he aslong got made redundant so made it 10x worse cause hes strugglin to keep everythin goin for me and him :( so means we ment to be moving soon as they sell there other house i dont mind cant wait to move away from where i am now but im scared i wont be ready for LO coming :(

Im only getting the cot after hes born sometime cause i havent exactly got loads of room for a cot until iv sorted everything proper but as my dad said they dont need a cot straight away so it doesnt matter :) Woop that sounds good haircut for a highchair :haha: i think i know which it is wel iv seen a white one with multi coloured dots on in babies r us and i love it but dad told me to wait again cause they cant always go in them til 6m+ lol grr :( everything will be fine dont worry :)! xx

I just dont want to be like stacey slater from eastenders!! lmao..

aww hun :\
things will work out!!
maybe u + ur dad can get a little house or he can get a cosy flat + then in time ur need ur own place anyway, dont want to leave my mommy i get it soo easyy :\ no men around jus me my mom n sis i love it!
Lol im glad i havent gone loopy lmao .. wel at the mo i dont have to move out unless i want to and can find something which is going to be hard for me i think .. but my dad annonuced today that my mamar and grandad are buying our house after christmas sometime! cause my mum left my dad in debt when she left him couple years ago :growlmad: (morgage mostly) but he aslong got made redundant so made it 10x worse cause hes strugglin to keep everythin goin for me and him :( so means we ment to be moving soon as they sell there other house i dont mind cant wait to move away from where i am now but im scared i wont be ready for LO coming :(

Im only getting the cot after hes born sometime cause i havent exactly got loads of room for a cot until iv sorted everything proper but as my dad said they dont need a cot straight away so it doesnt matter :) Woop that sounds good haircut for a highchair :haha: i think i know which it is wel iv seen a white one with multi coloured dots on in babies r us and i love it but dad told me to wait again cause they cant always go in them til 6m+ lol grr :( everything will be fine dont worry :)! xx

I just dont want to be like stacey slater from eastenders!! lmao..

aww hun :\
things will work out!!
maybe u + ur dad can get a little house or he can get a cosy flat + then in time ur need ur own place anyway, dont want to leave my mommy i get it soo easyy :\ no men around jus me my mom n sis i love it!

Wel at least he when he told me tonight about it all he said he wants me to go with him if i want to that is bless him i told him if he cant have me there ill somehow find something lol but he was obviously like no ur more then welcome to come with me :)! I didnt have a choice i didnt get on with my dad tbh before but my mum just left basically and got with someone else on my birthday lol of all days! ruined that and christmas :growlmad: so iv got closer to my dad .. but now my mums married again i still see her but she kinda lives abit away from me so not easy to just pop over or anything but id prefer to live with my mum then dad but my mum lives in an apparetment where only 2 people can live and no pets/babies allowed so i cant even go there lol! itll all get sorted i hope! i want to live in an apartment like my mums its modern and dead nice just enough room but if they dont allow babies im stuffed :haha: x
Memysonand3 - God! your FOB makes me mad! lol
EmziixBoo- I bought the bedding, I wanted a different kind that was like 250 dollars :O but I saw this one discounted and fell it love with it, and the price which was only 50! :) I took folic acid untill the bottle was empty so over 13 weeks
Becyboo- Thanks, in the UK babies don't go right into cribs/cots? they sleep in baskets of some kind right? lol:p
AbbleBubba- I'm from Canada :) Today I'm just in class then I have a bunch of things to do around the house ugh. lol

so I bought mat dress for my baby shower,(sorry my baby shower is all I talk about! :dohh:) it's not REALLY my style but my mom liked it, but I have no shoes to match it... and my friend keeps telling me to wear slippers! and not even worry about shoes, lol what do you guys think?

Do you put babys straight into cot?
Omgg isnt that ment to be badd?X

I don't know if things are different here in canada but alot of people put the baby right into the crib. No harm in doing so.
My bump is now hurting me lool i feel so uncomfy :( i just took another pic and it looks so diff to the one i did the other day :huh: must have changed positions surly cant grow in like 2/3 days :haha:


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Lol im glad i havent gone loopy lmao .. wel at the mo i dont have to move out unless i want to and can find something which is going to be hard for me i think .. but my dad annonuced today that my mamar and grandad are buying our house after christmas sometime! cause my mum left my dad in debt when she left him couple years ago :growlmad: (morgage mostly) but he aslong got made redundant so made it 10x worse cause hes strugglin to keep everythin goin for me and him :( so means we ment to be moving soon as they sell there other house i dont mind cant wait to move away from where i am now but im scared i wont be ready for LO coming :(

Im only getting the cot after hes born sometime cause i havent exactly got loads of room for a cot until iv sorted everything proper but as my dad said they dont need a cot straight away so it doesnt matter :) Woop that sounds good haircut for a highchair :haha: i think i know which it is wel iv seen a white one with multi coloured dots on in babies r us and i love it but dad told me to wait again cause they cant always go in them til 6m+ lol grr :( everything will be fine dont worry :)! xx

I just dont want to be like stacey slater from eastenders!! lmao..

aww hun :\
things will work out!!
maybe u + ur dad can get a little house or he can get a cosy flat + then in time ur need ur own place anyway, dont want to leave my mommy i get it soo easyy :\ no men around jus me my mom n sis i love it!

Wel at least he when he told me tonight about it all he said he wants me to go with him if i want to that is bless him i told him if he cant have me there ill somehow find something lol but he was obviously like no ur more then welcome to come with me :)! I didnt have a choice i didnt get on with my dad tbh before but my mum just left basically and got with someone else on my birthday lol of all days! ruined that and christmas :growlmad: so iv got closer to my dad .. but now my mums married again i still see her but she kinda lives abit away from me so not easy to just pop over or anything but id prefer to live with my mum then dad but my mum lives in an apparetment where only 2 people can live and no pets/babies allowed so i cant even go there lol! itll all get sorted i hope! i want to live in an apartment like my mums its modern and dead nice just enough room but if they dont allow babies im stuffed :haha: x

awhh poorrr daddy :( feel so sorry for him! is he happy now?
get him on plenty of fish
my moms on there!
the sado
and prime dating..
keeps her happy i guess..
feel sorry 4 mommy tday she feels all flu'd up
and has an absust under her toooth :( bless herr xx
Lol im glad i havent gone loopy lmao .. wel at the mo i dont have to move out unless i want to and can find something which is going to be hard for me i think .. but my dad annonuced today that my mamar and grandad are buying our house after christmas sometime! cause my mum left my dad in debt when she left him couple years ago :growlmad: (morgage mostly) but he aslong got made redundant so made it 10x worse cause hes strugglin to keep everythin goin for me and him :( so means we ment to be moving soon as they sell there other house i dont mind cant wait to move away from where i am now but im scared i wont be ready for LO coming :(

Im only getting the cot after hes born sometime cause i havent exactly got loads of room for a cot until iv sorted everything proper but as my dad said they dont need a cot straight away so it doesnt matter :) Woop that sounds good haircut for a highchair :haha: i think i know which it is wel iv seen a white one with multi coloured dots on in babies r us and i love it but dad told me to wait again cause they cant always go in them til 6m+ lol grr :( everything will be fine dont worry :)! xx

I just dont want to be like stacey slater from eastenders!! lmao..

aww hun :\
things will work out!!
maybe u + ur dad can get a little house or he can get a cosy flat + then in time ur need ur own place anyway, dont want to leave my mommy i get it soo easyy :\ no men around jus me my mom n sis i love it!

Wel at least he when he told me tonight about it all he said he wants me to go with him if i want to that is bless him i told him if he cant have me there ill somehow find something lol but he was obviously like no ur more then welcome to come with me :)! I didnt have a choice i didnt get on with my dad tbh before but my mum just left basically and got with someone else on my birthday lol of all days! ruined that and christmas :growlmad: so iv got closer to my dad .. but now my mums married again i still see her but she kinda lives abit away from me so not easy to just pop over or anything but id prefer to live with my mum then dad but my mum lives in an apparetment where only 2 people can live and no pets/babies allowed so i cant even go there lol! itll all get sorted i hope! i want to live in an apartment like my mums its modern and dead nice just enough room but if they dont allow babies im stuffed :haha: x

awhh poorrr daddy :( feel so sorry for him! is he happy now?
get him on plenty of fish
my moms on there!
the sado
and prime dating..
keeps her happy i guess..
feel sorry 4 mommy tday she feels all flu'd up
and has an absust under her toooth :( bless herr xx

Yeah it was harsh tbh as she was having an affair for awhile broke all family down tbh but hey ho its life init i guess full of surprises lol.. i guess he would like to find someone else but its hard as hes older now im guessing. I think my dad was on match.com but duno anymore lol he met someone from newcastle but then she was ment to be coming over after they met few times but guess it didnt work out :shrug: who knows lol alot of people are ill my dad was ill other week my mum had chest infection lol FOB ii havent got a clue hes saying he cant eat and he keeps being sick and stuff :( saying hes depressed aswell which may be my fault :( .. x
Lol im glad i havent gone loopy lmao .. wel at the mo i dont have to move out unless i want to and can find something which is going to be hard for me i think .. but my dad annonuced today that my mamar and grandad are buying our house after christmas sometime! cause my mum left my dad in debt when she left him couple years ago :growlmad: (morgage mostly) but he aslong got made redundant so made it 10x worse cause hes strugglin to keep everythin goin for me and him :( so means we ment to be moving soon as they sell there other house i dont mind cant wait to move away from where i am now but im scared i wont be ready for LO coming :(

Im only getting the cot after hes born sometime cause i havent exactly got loads of room for a cot until iv sorted everything proper but as my dad said they dont need a cot straight away so it doesnt matter :) Woop that sounds good haircut for a highchair :haha: i think i know which it is wel iv seen a white one with multi coloured dots on in babies r us and i love it but dad told me to wait again cause they cant always go in them til 6m+ lol grr :( everything will be fine dont worry :)! xx

I just dont want to be like stacey slater from eastenders!! lmao..

aww hun :\
things will work out!!
maybe u + ur dad can get a little house or he can get a cosy flat + then in time ur need ur own place anyway, dont want to leave my mommy i get it soo easyy :\ no men around jus me my mom n sis i love it!

Wel at least he when he told me tonight about it all he said he wants me to go with him if i want to that is bless him i told him if he cant have me there ill somehow find something lol but he was obviously like no ur more then welcome to come with me :)! I didnt have a choice i didnt get on with my dad tbh before but my mum just left basically and got with someone else on my birthday lol of all days! ruined that and christmas :growlmad: so iv got closer to my dad .. but now my mums married again i still see her but she kinda lives abit away from me so not easy to just pop over or anything but id prefer to live with my mum then dad but my mum lives in an apparetment where only 2 people can live and no pets/babies allowed so i cant even go there lol! itll all get sorted i hope! i want to live in an apartment like my mums its modern and dead nice just enough room but if they dont allow babies im stuffed :haha: x

awhh poorrr daddy :( feel so sorry for him! is he happy now?
get him on plenty of fish
my moms on there!
the sado
and prime dating..
keeps her happy i guess..
feel sorry 4 mommy tday she feels all flu'd up
and has an absust under her toooth :( bless herr xx

Yeah it was harsh tbh as she was having an affair for awhile broke all family down tbh but hey ho its life init i guess full of surprises lol.. i guess he would like to find someone else but its hard as hes older now im guessing. I think my dad was on match.com but duno anymore lol he met someone from newcastle but then she was ment to be coming over after they met few times but guess it didnt work out :shrug: who knows lol alot of people are ill my dad was ill other week my mum had chest infection lol FOB ii havent got a clue hes saying he cant eat and he keeps being sick and stuff :( saying hes depressed aswell which may be my fault :( .. x

aww, somebody out there for everybody, you should say that 2 him.. try convince him to get himself out there, does cheer them up.. primedating u have a membership.. only cheap my moms always getting winks.. they text u when u have awink or message, so least she dont rob my laptop! she wont sit in sisters roooom on her PC :\..
be good 2 make him happy again :)

aww dont blame ur self 4 FOB bein depressed :| why wud it b ur fault!!xx
I just got back from my thanks giving dinner.. Completely pigged out on the bread! :haha:
I was so full but my L/O moved from my earlier post and wasn't so high up in my ribs so it made more room to eat! (And easier to eat because I could bend over my plate!)
We get to dessert and I'm ready to dig straight into my chocolate by and he makes his way back up under my ribs..
I felt so full I had to wait 5 minutes before I could finish my pie!
He's down farther again and theres a lump below my ribs on the right.. (As I typed that he kicked right there and now I have a pain in my ribs :dohh:)

Will this boy settle down!!!
Atleast he's moving more though, The last few weeks he's been in the same position and I was afraid he was slowing down and might go breech so it's good he still has time to move himself down if he isn't already....


For xmas I asked for a 4d ultrasound, my parents are gonna look into it but I told them we'll need to do that real soon because it's gonna get more cramped in there the longer we wait.
So maybe I'll get to see my boy soon! :happydance:
awe I get a growth scan on Dec 10th, I can't wait to see my little guy!
I wanna know how big he has gotten.

I hope you get your 4d ultrasound jas:)
I'm new.
I'm Kaitlyn, 16.
I'm 14 weeks due May 25th 2010.

Oh geez, when I first glanced at that I thought you said you were DUE in 14 weeks..
I'm like wait a minute, she's due in may that's not possible!!
Another one of my slow moments :dohh:

Welcome! :hugs:
when i first read that i was thinking the same thing JAS......
Memysonand3 - God! your FOB makes me mad! lol
EmziixBoo- I bought the bedding, I wanted a different kind that was like 250 dollars :O but I saw this one discounted and fell it love with it, and the price which was only 50! :) I took folic acid untill the bottle was empty so over 13 weeks
Becyboo- Thanks, in the UK babies don't go right into cribs/cots? they sleep in baskets of some kind right? lol:p
AbbleBubba- I'm from Canada :) Today I'm just in class then I have a bunch of things to do around the house ugh. lol

so I bought mat dress for my baby shower,(sorry my baby shower is all I talk about! :dohh:) it's not REALLY my style but my mom liked it, but I have no shoes to match it... and my friend keeps telling me to wear slippers! and not even worry about shoes, lol what do you guys think?

Do you put babys straight into cot?
Omgg isnt that ment to be badd?X

I don't know if things are different here in canada but alot of people put the baby right into the crib. No harm in doing so.

You're quite right - there's no harm at all in putting baby straight into a crib (and your crib is divine ... really, really pretty - I've never seen one like that over here :( ) Over here we tend not to have cribs, we have cots ,which are much bigger so we usually keep the baby in a moses basket (which is a bit like a bassinet) until LO is about 4/5 months old and then move them into the cot.

We have 2 moses baskets (one for my house and one for Tattie's), a rocking cradle, which is a bit bigger and will last until baby starts to push himself up and a cot which converts to a child's bed for after that and that will fit LO until he is about 5 or 6 years old.

OH.... and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the US :D
I've got a moses basket and a cotbed at the moment :thumbup:
Have to show you guys the moses basket - fallen in love!


Humphrey's Lottie Fary Princess Maize Moses Basket
from Kiddicare.

TattiesMum - How is Tattie lately?
Got any scan pics to show all us girlies of your grandson? :)

thats beautiful!
where was that from, and how much... did u get it alll together .. or havnt u gt itt lmao x

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