S T M ( Single Teen Mummy & Mummy-to-be's )

Mummytobe! that is so cute!
we dont see anything like that around here
thats beautiful!
where was that from, and how much... did u get it alll together .. or havnt u gt itt lmao x

Hehe thanks! :thumbup:
It's from Kiddicare!

- Moses basket is £67.99,
- Stand is £22.99!

Yeah I've bought it with the stand already but its round my grandparents
as they say its unlucky to have it in the house before bubbas born. Lol.



Take a look. :thumbup:

Lol im glad i havent gone loopy lmao .. wel at the mo i dont have to move out unless i want to and can find something which is going to be hard for me i think .. but my dad annonuced today that my mamar and grandad are buying our house after christmas sometime! cause my mum left my dad in debt when she left him couple years ago :growlmad: (morgage mostly) but he aslong got made redundant so made it 10x worse cause hes strugglin to keep everythin goin for me and him :( so means we ment to be moving soon as they sell there other house i dont mind cant wait to move away from where i am now but im scared i wont be ready for LO coming :(

Im only getting the cot after hes born sometime cause i havent exactly got loads of room for a cot until iv sorted everything proper but as my dad said they dont need a cot straight away so it doesnt matter :) Woop that sounds good haircut for a highchair :haha: i think i know which it is wel iv seen a white one with multi coloured dots on in babies r us and i love it but dad told me to wait again cause they cant always go in them til 6m+ lol grr :( everything will be fine dont worry :)! xx

I just dont want to be like stacey slater from eastenders!! lmao..

aww hun :\
things will work out!!
maybe u + ur dad can get a little house or he can get a cosy flat + then in time ur need ur own place anyway, dont want to leave my mommy i get it soo easyy :\ no men around jus me my mom n sis i love it!

Wel at least he when he told me tonight about it all he said he wants me to go with him if i want to that is bless him i told him if he cant have me there ill somehow find something lol but he was obviously like no ur more then welcome to come with me :)! I didnt have a choice i didnt get on with my dad tbh before but my mum just left basically and got with someone else on my birthday lol of all days! ruined that and christmas :growlmad: so iv got closer to my dad .. but now my mums married again i still see her but she kinda lives abit away from me so not easy to just pop over or anything but id prefer to live with my mum then dad but my mum lives in an apparetment where only 2 people can live and no pets/babies allowed so i cant even go there lol! itll all get sorted i hope! i want to live in an apartment like my mums its modern and dead nice just enough room but if they dont allow babies im stuffed :haha: x

awhh poorrr daddy :( feel so sorry for him! is he happy now?
get him on plenty of fish
my moms on there!
the sado
and prime dating..
keeps her happy i guess..
feel sorry 4 mommy tday she feels all flu'd up
and has an absust under her toooth :( bless herr xx

Yeah it was harsh tbh as she was having an affair for awhile broke all family down tbh but hey ho its life init i guess full of surprises lol.. i guess he would like to find someone else but its hard as hes older now im guessing. I think my dad was on match.com but duno anymore lol he met someone from newcastle but then she was ment to be coming over after they met few times but guess it didnt work out :shrug: who knows lol alot of people are ill my dad was ill other week my mum had chest infection lol FOB ii havent got a clue hes saying he cant eat and he keeps being sick and stuff :( saying hes depressed aswell which may be my fault :( .. x

aww, somebody out there for everybody, you should say that 2 him.. try convince him to get himself out there, does cheer them up.. primedating u have a membership.. only cheap my moms always getting winks.. they text u when u have awink or message, so least she dont rob my laptop! she wont sit in sisters roooom on her PC :\..
be good 2 make him happy again :)

aww dont blame ur self 4 FOB bein depressed :| why wud it b ur fault!!xx

Lol i dont talk to him much about his 'love life' lol i wouldnt know where to start but tbh me and him have become closer and like i can open up to him more now but it is harder talking to my dad then my mum just cause hes not female lol so i cant ask him stuff about feminine stuff lol if that makes sense :blush: if he doesnt find anyone then i duno tbh but he isnt looking much no more by looks of it he thinks hes too old lol .. And about FOB its my fault cause we recently got back together.. and i ended it the other week cause i feel too stressed out and like i need to sort stuff and hes too much for me at the min clingy and everything :shrug: but see if we can sort things after baby comes but i just doubt it. So thats why hell be depressed :(. x
I've got a moses basket and a cotbed at the moment :thumbup:
Have to show you guys the moses basket - fallen in love!


Humphrey's Lottie Fary Princess Maize Moses Basket
from Kiddicare.

TattiesMum - How is Tattie lately?
Got any scan pics to show all us girlies of your grandson? :)

That's gorgous! I'm jealous, all the girl stuff is so cute and pretty and boy..not so much..
I'm busy looking at stuff with trains on them :dohh:
Lol iv got alot of baby humphreys stuff expensive stuff but i love it :D i never seen anything in girls stuff but maybe i havent looked i dont know lol but that stuffs lovely :)!
Hey x!

Im Zoe, Im just 15 and I am a Mummy too Emily and Luca x ( twins, of course)

I absolutley LOVE being a teen Mum x It is amazing, the best experience and feeling you will ever have x! The amount of love you have fot them is...I cant descibe it x

I am starting a young mums school in two months x :) x Im really worried about leaving them in the care of nursery staff ! :( :S x It freaks me out, but I have to do it, for myself and my babies x

How about everyone else ?x Being under 18 or over and being/having a baby/babies ??x What do you all think x?
Hey x!

Im Zoe, Im just 15 and I am a Mummy too Emily and Luca x ( twins, of course)

I absolutley LOVE being a teen Mum x It is amazing, the best experience and feeling you will ever have x! The amount of love you have fot them is...I cant descibe it x

I am starting a young mums school in two months x :) x Im really worried about leaving them in the care of nursery staff ! :( :S x It freaks me out, but I have to do it, for myself and my babies x

How about everyone else ?x Being under 18 or over and being/having a baby/babies ??x What do you all think x?

Just too add as well !x For Mums expecting a boy or girl, Kiddicare is amazing, Lollipop Lane Rosie Posy for girls, and Lollipop Lane Fish and Chips for boys (Y)

Hey x!

Im Zoe, Im just 15 and I am a Mummy too Emily and Luca x ( twins, of course)

I absolutley LOVE being a teen Mum x It is amazing, the best experience and feeling you will ever have x! The amount of love you have fot them is...I cant descibe it x

I am starting a young mums school in two months x :) x Im really worried about leaving them in the care of nursery staff ! :( :S x It freaks me out, but I have to do it, for myself and my babies x

How about everyone else ?x Being under 18 or over and being/having a baby/babies ??x What do you all think x?
Aww they sound like such angels, How old are they?
Also, I'm Jasmine and due February 24th with a boy so I don't know the experience of HAVING a L/O yet but I love every second of pregnancy so far.:happydance:

Welcome! :hugs:
:dust: Welcome to STM Zoe! :dust:
You're gonna have to post a few pics of your LO's!
Can't be hiding them little beauties! :haha:

I'm Sophie btw! I'm 18, not a mummy yet but 27 + 3 weeks preg!
Expecting a gorgeous little princess! :pink: :thumbup:

Becyboo__x - The humphrey's range is GORGEOUS!! :happydance:
I've fallen head over heels for it! But you are right, it is expensive.
Well worth it though, the materials they use are brilliant quality!

Anyone decided whether to breastfeed when their LO arrives?
(Or if a mummy already, did you breastfeed?)
I wanna but in complete honesty, I'm REALLY scared i'll suffocate her!
I'm really quite top heavy and you know... :blush:
Hey x!

Im Zoe, Im just 15 and I am a Mummy too Emily and Luca x ( twins, of course)

I absolutley LOVE being a teen Mum x It is amazing, the best experience and feeling you will ever have x! The amount of love you have fot them is...I cant descibe it x

I am starting a young mums school in two months x :) x Im really worried about leaving them in the care of nursery staff ! :( :S x It freaks me out, but I have to do it, for myself and my babies x

How about everyone else ?x Being under 18 or over and being/having a baby/babies ??x What do you all think x?
Aww they sound like such angels, How old are they?
Also, I'm Jasmine and due February 24th with a boy so I don't know the experience of HAVING a L/O yet but I love every second of pregnancy so far.:happydance

Welcome! :hugs:

They are 7 weeks old x Love them too bits x!

Its an amazing experience x Thought of any names ??x
:dust: Welcome to STM Zoe! :dust:
You're gonna have to post a few pics of your LO's!
Can't be hiding them little beauties! :haha:

I'm Sophie btw! I'm 18, not a mummy yet but 27 + 3 weeks preg!
Expecting a gorgeous little princess! :pink: :thumbup:

Becyboo__x - The humphrey's range is GORGEOUS!! :happydance:
I've fallen head over heels for it! But you are right, it is expensive.
Well worth it though, the materials they use are brilliant quality!

Anyone decided whether to breastfeed when their LO arrives?
(Or if a mummy already, did you breastfeed?)
I wanna but in complete honesty, I'm REALLY scared i'll suffocate her!
I'm really quite top heavy and you know... :blush:

Awww you've not long to go now x Your at the "blooming" stage x :) x

Awww...any names ?x

And I didnt breastfeed x! Two babies needing fed every two hours ! I dont think so ! :L x And also I was rather scared x Its alot easier to use formula x

Do you think you will breastfeed x?
"Blooming Stage" = becoming a elephant stage! :winkwink:
I feel like I've kinda grown more of a bump overnight! Lol.

Yeah I'm calling her Summer-Brooke! (middle name of Elysia!) :pink:
Can't wait to meet her but really scared lol.

I think I'll definitely try to breastfeed, I mean - I've heard that the
MW's at the maternity labour ward help with that before they discharge
you. :shrug: . . . or at least I hope they do! :haha:

Any pics of your bubbas?

Hey x!

Im Zoe, Im just 15 and I am a Mummy too Emily and Luca x ( twins, of course)

I absolutley LOVE being a teen Mum x It is amazing, the best experience and feeling you will ever have x! The amount of love you have fot them is...I cant descibe it x

I am starting a young mums school in two months x :) x Im really worried about leaving them in the care of nursery staff ! :( :S x It freaks me out, but I have to do it, for myself and my babies x

How about everyone else ?x Being under 18 or over and being/having a baby/babies ??x What do you all think x?
Aww they sound like such angels, How old are they?
Also, I'm Jasmine and due February 24th with a boy so I don't know the experience of HAVING a L/O yet but I love every second of pregnancy so far.:happydance

Welcome! :hugs:

They are 7 weeks old x Love them too bits x!

Its an amazing experience x Thought of any names ??x
Riley James seems to be my best so far... I can't wait for him to be here! Time has flown by so fast next thing I know It'll be February.. :happydance:
Hey x!

Im Zoe, Im just 15 and I am a Mummy too Emily and Luca x ( twins, of course)

I absolutley LOVE being a teen Mum x It is amazing, the best experience and feeling you will ever have x! The amount of love you have fot them is...I cant descibe it x

I am starting a young mums school in two months x :) x Im really worried about leaving them in the care of nursery staff ! :( :S x It freaks me out, but I have to do it, for myself and my babies x

How about everyone else ?x Being under 18 or over and being/having a baby/babies ??x What do you all think x?
Aww they sound like such angels, How old are they?
Also, I'm Jasmine and due February 24th with a boy so I don't know the experience of HAVING a L/O yet but I love every second of pregnancy so far.:happydance

Welcome! :hugs:

They are 7 weeks old x Love them too bits x!

Its an amazing experience x Thought of any names ??x
Riley James seems to be my best so far... I can't wait for him to be here! Time has flown by so fast next thing I know It'll be February.. :happydance:

The last few months go SOOO fast !x I found myself 36 weeks pregnant and with nothing but clothes :p x haha x! I like shopping x It was great too be able to buy girl things and boys x! :) Blue and Pink x Loved it x What have you bought so far ??x
Heey girls :D
ive been on here a while now but have never posted on this thread.
im sixteen (17 in july)
im going to be a mummy to three. i gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Harley brooke too early when i was 14, so a while ago now :(
i was very very young and i cant help but blame myself.. i dont normally talk about her because it upsets me so much.. ive told all of those who im close to on bnb but ive never posted about it for everyone to see.
i also have an amazing little boy, Hayden Rio who was born at nearly 28 weeks, 3lb 3oz and is now a happy&healthy 10 month old! :D
im now 12+2 weeks pregnant with number three! :D i cant wait.
i love being a young mum and i know ill do just fine by myself.
sorry for going on, but i just cant help myself. :D
Kerry xo
"Blooming Stage" = becoming a elephant stage! :winkwink:
I feel like I've kinda grown more of a bump overnight! Lol.

Yeah I'm calling her Summer-Brooke! (middle name of Elysia!) :pink:
Can't wait to meet her but really scared lol.

I think I'll definitely try to breastfeed, I mean - I've heard that the
MW's at the maternity labour ward help with that before they discharge
you. :shrug: . . . or at least I hope they do! :haha:

Any pics of your bubbas?


Ohhh x Haha x I was MASSIVE !x I was a size 8 before pregnant and at 36 weeks I was upto a size 20 :( x But I liked being big x haha x was hard to walk after a while though x! Do you wanna be big x?

Awww thats gorgeous x I love that name x very unique x :) Dont be scared x Giving birth to two babies is no different than giving birth to one ! That may sound suprising but it isnt x cause your body is so used to it !x It did hurt like crazy, I wont lie but take all the drugs, trust me !x Natural birth is something i wouldnt want x! especially your first time x

I tried breastfeeding x whilst i was in hospital, but i just couldnt, sometimes it would take an hour to feed emily and 2 hours for luca cause they just didnt want to ! it was draining but with one baby i think it could be good x :D x

Do you want a natural birth x?
I wanna see pics of your twins youngmummy

Welcome Kerryanne
Don't blame yourself hun
Are you hoping the next one will be another boy or girl?:)
lets see some pics of hayden:)

Natural birth - Yes please, If possible.
Don't need any more marks on my tummy!
Stretch marks are enough thanks! Lol.

Well I'm 5'11 and was a UK size 12 before I
fell preg, now a maternity size 14 so not done
too bad. :thumbup:

Hey x!

Im Zoe, Im just 15 and I am a Mummy too Emily and Luca x ( twins, of course)

I absolutley LOVE being a teen Mum x It is amazing, the best experience and feeling you will ever have x! The amount of love you have fot them is...I cant descibe it x

I am starting a young mums school in two months x :) x Im really worried about leaving them in the care of nursery staff ! :( :S x It freaks me out, but I have to do it, for myself and my babies x

How about everyone else ?x Being under 18 or over and being/having a baby/babies ??x What do you all think x?
Aww they sound like such angels, How old are they?
Also, I'm Jasmine and due February 24th with a boy so I don't know the experience of HAVING a L/O yet but I love every second of pregnancy so far.:happydance

Welcome! :hugs:

They are 7 weeks old x Love them too bits x!

Its an amazing experience x Thought of any names ??x
Riley James seems to be my best so far... I can't wait for him to be here! Time has flown by so fast next thing I know It'll be February.. :happydance:

The last few months go SOOO fast !x I found myself 36 weeks pregnant and with nothing but clothes :p x haha x! I like shopping x It was great too be able to buy girl things and boys x! :) Blue and Pink x Loved it x What have you bought so far ??x

Well, I haven't bought a THING.. My family does it all! :dohh:
I think I'm up to acouple bouncers/strollers/car seats
All sorts of baby stuff! (Not to mention a wardrobe that's atleast 3x bigger then mine!)
Still no crib/bassinet.. abunch of blankets though and bottles.. Oh who knows my family goes nuts with the baby shopping :shrug:

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