Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I think "subchorionic" means under the placenta. That's where they all are I believe. It will most likely be reabsorbed soon, try not to worry.
Hi ladies could I join you?

I had a 6cm SCH found just before Xmas after heavy bleeding & a hospital stay.

I was 22 weeks & was told if baby comes before 24 weeks there's nothing they could do.

I was crushed but my boy kept on moving & kicking letting me know he was fine.

Now I'm 24 weeks I feel like I can relax a little knowing he will have help if he needs it.

Would like to ask to those who have already had your baby's with a SCH if they were very premature? That's what scares me now.

Looking forward to sharing my journey with you :flower:
Hi everyone! Wish we all didn't meet due to issues though...

To answer your question, my baby was born almost 3 weeks early, but still weighed 7lbs2oz/20 inches long. So he was perfect.

I wish you all the best - I know just how scary this is. Huge :hugs:
I'm currently 27w2d with my SCH baby, doctors are not concerned he will be a preemie. I will be having an ultrasound on Thursday just because he has a kidney issue(unrelated) but I will get to check and make sure the SCH is still gone :)
Thank you mara16jade congrats on your healthy boy he was a good weight :)

Counting - not far behind you, hope your scan shows all good things :flower: I've got another scan monday after next.
The doctors I've seen have said that the SCH could irritate the waters & make them break (maybe because of where it is?) & have mentioned that he is viable now. So makes me think he will more then likely be early.
Welcome new ladies. Sorry you are here for that reason.

As far as where the sch is and being "more dangerous" mostly depends on how large the SCH is and where the placenta is located. The further down the better because active bleeding won't be running down as much of the sac. However, MOST SCH don't cause harm so hang in there.

Monday I hit the 24 week mark. As of 19 weeks my SCH wasn't there any longer. I havent had any spotting or bleeding since the week after the second big bleed at 11weeks.

6 months bump


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LovemyBubx, I think everyone's story is going to be different depending on when the SCH was diagnosed and how large it is. From all the reading I did, SCHs diagnosed in the first trimester tend to resolve really early and not affect the odds of pre-term labour, but I did also read that large ones diagnosed later in the second trimester can result in PROM and pre-term labour...

Are you on bed rest? Fingers crossed everything goes well for you and that your little one doesn't come early!
Thank you fluterby, you've got such a cute bump! Glad to hear you've had no more bleeding. My SCH I was told is large & its just sitting above the cervix so hopefully that's a better place for it to be.

Feronia - maybe that's why they have been suggesting to me baby could come early as it was found past 20 weeks.
Doctor told me there's no proof bed rest can help, but just to take it easy. I think I will relax a lot more when I get past 30 weeks as I think the risks to the baby are a lot less by then.
Everything was awesome! He was just perfect.
Indeed. But I fought too hard for this baby to let unsympathetic medics shrug it off.

I am fighting through every avenue possible to give this boy the best chance. I'm just a control freak, and quite frankly don't want to lose a second child and go through a 5th round of ivf.
Hi Ferreroroche,

Sorry to contact you so long after you've posted but ive been up all night reading this forum and your journey with SCH really hit home.

Two weeks ago I started bleeding, went into UK A&E, waiting 6 hours had a scan, they found a baby's HB and sent me home. No mention of SCH and no advice. The next day I bled heavier and so rang midwife (I had to demand to speak to one) and she said it didn't sound right and to wait a day and call back if no better. Rang and called back the next day and spoke to a different midwife who said I should accept I was miscarrying and to wait for it to happen. She reluctantly said I could have another scan and this time the woman said I had an SCH and it would either resolve or I would miscarry and I should just bleed it out. I asked if I should rest or do anything different and she said absolutely not - to carry on as normal. No follow up scans or appointments and told not to come back unless I miscarry.

So after working out anytime I got up and moved I had terrible cramps and bled a lot more I went to see my doctor. She apologised she had no knowledge about SCH but said she thought I should rest and avoid sex- no mention of this by the midwife. So now I have been reading the forums and medical reports. I see that SCH carries about a 10% chance of MC but this can go up to 25% is bed rest doesn't happen, I see water is critical and no sex.

I am totally appalled by how the NHS have treated me and just left me at home to bleed. I've seen your notes about finding a good doctor and a private consultant? Can you advise which private consultant you went to please? I rang my work health care and spoke to a lovely lady who said she didn't think I would be covered but would authorise my one session with a consultant - as she didn't think it right anyone should be left at home to bleed with no advice. She said to research and try and find the best consultant to help as I should make the one session count as she said AXA will most likely not offer follow up care.

Would really appreciate your advice, or anyones. I'm totally lost and just need any advice about getting some better advice and what medicines (I saw some stuff you were taking).

Thanks in advance
(16 weeks)
Indeed. But I fought too hard for this baby to let unsympathetic medics shrug it off.

I am fighting through every avenue possible to give this boy the best chance. I'm just a control freak, and quite frankly don't want to lose ta second child and go through a 5th round of ivf.
Hi Ferreroroche,

Sorry to contact you so long after you've posted but ive been up all night reading this forum and your journey with SCH really hit home.

Two weeks ago I started bleeding, went into UK A&E, waiting 6 hours had a scan, they found a baby's HB and sent me home. No mention of SCH and no advice. The next day I bled heavier and so rang midwife (I had to demand to speak to one) and she said it didn't sound right and to wait a day and call back if no better. Rang and called back the next day and spoke to a different midwife who said I should accept I was miscarrying and to wait for it to happen. She reluctantly said I could have another scan and this time the woman said I had an SCH and it would either resolve or I would miscarry and I should just bleed it out. I asked if I should rest or do anything different and she said absolutely not - to carry on as normal. No follow up scans or appointments and told not to come back unless I miscarry.

So after working out anytime I got up and moved I had terrible cramps and bled a lot more I went to see my doctor. She apologised she had no knowledge about SCH but said she thought I should rest and avoid sex- no mention of this by the midwife. So now I have been reading the forums and medical reports. I see that SCH carries about a 10% chance of MC but this can go up to 25% is bed rest doesn't happen, I see water is critical and no sex.

I am totally appalled by how the NHS have treated me and just left me at home to bleed. I've seen your notes about finding a good doctor and a private consultant? Can you advise which private consultant you went to please? I rang my work health care and spoke to a lovely lady who said she didn't think I would be covered but would authorise my one session with a consultant - as she didn't think it right anyone should be left at home to bleed with no advice. She said to research and try and find the best consultant to help as I should make the one session count as she said AXA will most likely not offer follow up care.

Would really appreciate your advice, or anyones. I'm totally lost and just need any advice about getting some better advice and what medicines (I saw some stuff you were taking).

Thanks in advance
(16 weeks)

Hi Helen, sorry to hear about your SCH and the lack of sympathy from your midwife.

Sadly the private consultant I saw has now retired from private practice and is just back in the NHS doing high risk pregnancies.

However, I can tell you what I found to help from my battle.

Whilst I was actively bleeding I stayed on bed rest. My GP wasn't an expert in hematomas, but was sympathetic towards my issue and agreed that anything that would aggravate a tear/cut whilst it was I healed would effectively prolong the amount of time it took to heal. So she was happy to sign me off work on bedrest for as long as I wanted.

I was on progesterone already because of my ivf protocol and she agreed to keep me on it as it relaxes the uterus and she didn't want to do anything that may make it more irritable (by 15 weeks I was suffering from regular braxton hicks from the irritation).

I drank water, I had no sex.

My consultant agreed that there was a slightly increased risk of PROM, prematurity and placental abruption, but the odds were in my favour statistically.

He put me on long term antibiotics after a second UTI as he said we really needed to keep the environment calm.

He did not want me to go full term/overdue because he said once I reached 38 weeks the risk to me of abruption was there but there was limited benefit to the baby to stay in. So I had a c section at 39 weeks. This was my choice, he was happy to induce me and monitor my labour closely, but I didn't want the anxiety (my first birth without sch was very traumatic).

But many without a private consultant and extra drugs go on to be successful.

The common helpful tactics we all found were.... Rest whilst bleeding. As much as possible. Drink lots. No sex, no orgasms... Nothing that will make the uterus contract.

Once the bleeding stops, take it easy for at least 2 weeks after the last episode to prevent another bleed starting.

After this, you should be ok to resume more normal activity.

Although my sch never went away and was sitting clotted on the placenta at birth, I could tell when it was no longer active (a few weeks after spotting ceased) as I just felt better... All my pain went and my pregnant bump felt more normal, I started to feel comfortable pottering about the house and climbing the stairs. And my braxton hicks never stopped but did decrease in frequency.

I hope this helps. Good luck.
Hi Ladies,

I have been following everyone's blogs and stories and just wanted to add my story.

I was diagnosed with a small SCH at 6 weeks. At 7 weeks and 9 weeks I had large bleeds. Both times I went to the ER and the DR and the baby still had a heartbeat despite what was going on and looked great. My bleed had also grown to 5 or 6 cm. The dr put me on bedrest while bleeding heavily and then pelvic rest the other times. I was really taking it easy, barely walking at all, just being extra cautious. At 10 weeks I had a bad bleed with clots ranging from the size of an almond to a golf ball, I imagine this was my SCH draining out since it was positioned right above my cervix.

All of this time the DRs kept telling me, as long as the baby had had a heartbeat, don't freak out too much. He/she is hanging in there. And you can continue to have a healthy baby, lots of people do.

Unfortunately when I made it to the dr at 10.5 weeks, the baby no longer had a heartbeat :( I don't want to be a downer, I just want you girls to know to try not to stress on what you are doing or not doing, or if you bend over and start spotting you feel guilty, SCH is a rollercoaster and emotional rollercoaster. Mine overtook the baby and the baby wasn't strong enough to survive, but others do. It's just a hard situation to accept when you have no control over any of it and every week is a gamble. But whatever is going to happen is going to happen and we are all doing the best we can!

Good luck to everyone!
Oh Tracee, I'm so sorry!!

Every time I think about my SCH, I'm so thankful my LO is here. Its an incredibly scary process and no one should bleed during pregnancy. Bleeding is terrifying.

Again, I'm so sorry. :hugs:
Tracee I'm so sorry :hugs:

I hate the SCH! It's so scary no matter what size it is because it's unpredictable. I was a nervous wreck. I guess maybe I still should be, but I feel pretty confident my bean is going to make it. Monday will be 26 weeks and I haven't had a bleed since about 11weeks and there was no sign of it at either of my last two ultrasounds.
Tracee so sorry for what youve been through :hugs:

I feel so lucky to be almost at 26 weeks now, have a scan on Monday praying it has somehow disappeared! Having a month of pelvic rest hasn't been easy for me, I'm scared to walk anywhere or go out on my own or just with DD in case I do start bleeding, I hate being stuck indoors, but I know my little man is worth it & I'm so glad he will be here in time for summer :flower:
Hi Ladies,

I have been following everyone's blogs and stories and just wanted to add my story.

I was diagnosed with a small SCH at 6 weeks. At 7 weeks and 9 weeks I had large bleeds. Both times I went to the ER and the DR and the baby still had a heartbeat despite what was going on and looked great. My bleed had also grown to 5 or 6 cm. The dr put me on bedrest while bleeding heavily and then pelvic rest the other times. I was really taking it easy, barely walking at all, just being extra cautious. At 10 weeks I had a bad bleed with clots ranging from the size of an almond to a golf ball, I imagine this was my SCH draining out since it was positioned right above my cervix.

All of this time the DRs kept telling me, as long as the baby had had a heartbeat, don't freak out too much. He/she is hanging in there. And you can continue to have a healthy baby, lots of people do.

Unfortunately when I made it to the dr at 10.5 weeks, the baby no longer had a heartbeat :( I don't want to be a downer, I just want you girls to know to try not to stress on what you are doing or not doing, or if you bend over and start spotting you feel guilty, SCH is a rollercoaster and emotional rollercoaster. Mine overtook the baby and the baby wasn't strong enough to survive, but others do. It's just a hard situation to accept when you have no control over any of it and every week is a gamble. But whatever is going to happen is going to happen and we are all doing the best we can!

Good luck to everyone!
Hi Ferreroroche

Ah thank you so much for replying, i tried to contact you on another search engine this morning - sorry for slightly stalking you!! Thank you so much for your advice, it really means a lot. Yes i'm going to rest lots and do everything as you say, I've also pushed for another appointment at the hospital so it's on their radar and I can plan appropriately. I'm feeling more comfortable now I now what I should be doing as the advice to carry on as normal just didn't feel right especially as it caused more bleeding and cramps.

Thanks so much, it really has helped me.
Helen x
Hi Ladies,

I have been following everyone's blogs and stories and just wanted to add my story.

I was diagnosed with a small SCH at 6 weeks. At 7 weeks and 9 weeks I had large bleeds. Both times I went to the ER and the DR and the baby still had a heartbeat despite what was going on and looked great. My bleed had also grown to 5 or 6 cm. The dr put me on bedrest while bleeding heavily and then pelvic rest the other times. I was really taking it easy, barely walking at all, just being extra cautious. At 10 weeks I had a bad bleed with clots ranging from the size of an almond to a golf ball, I imagine this was my SCH draining out since it was positioned right above my cervix.

All of this time the DRs kept telling me, as long as the baby had had a heartbeat, don't freak out too much. He/she is hanging in there. And you can continue to have a healthy baby, lots of people do.

Unfortunately when I made it to the dr at 10.5 weeks, the baby no longer had a heartbeat :( I don't want to be a downer, I just want you girls to know to try not to stress on what you are doing or not doing, or if you bend over and start spotting you feel guilty, SCH is a rollercoaster and emotional rollercoaster. Mine overtook the baby and the baby wasn't strong enough to survive, but others do. It's just a hard situation to accept when you have no control over any of it and every week is a gamble. But whatever is going to happen is going to happen and we are all doing the best we can!

Good luck to everyone!
Hi Ferreroroche

Ah thank you so much for replying, i tried to contact you on another search engine this morning - sorry for slightly stalking you!! Thank you so much for your advice, it really means a lot. Yes i'm going to rest lots and do everything as you say, I've also pushed for another appointment at the hospital so it's on their radar and I can plan appropriately. I'm feeling more comfortable now I now what I should be doing as the advice to carry on as normal just didn't feel right especially as it caused more bleeding and cramps.

Thanks so much, it really has helped me.
Helen x

Oh did you? I haven't seen any other messages. Don't worry, I know how desperate I was for help when I had my sch and the nhs were totally disinterested. I did manage to get my nhs consultant to book me in for about 2 additional scans, but also I paid for quite a few private ones in between just so I knew how the hematoma was acting (getting worse, getting better). It doesn't change the outcome but I felt more able to cope knowing what was happening.

Just do what feels right to you.

We all do the best we can to look after our bubs, and the rest is out of our hands.

Trace I'm really sorry that you didn't have a happy ending, it's so cruel. *hugs*
Hi Tracee, thanks for sharing and so sorry for your loss. I agree totally with you, SCH is an emotional rollercoaster - as if pregnancy wasn't enough of one already. The paranoia is constant. Best wishes x

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