Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi guys.

I am glad I found this group. I am currently 13 weeks pregnant. I went to Dubai when I was 6 weeks pregnant. At 9 weeks I had heavy bleeding and had a big blot clots. Doctors in dubai said I have a heamatoma and the blood clot size was 9cm. Since then they have been giving me primolut depot 250mg injection and duphaston 10mg tablets to stop the bleeding.

I had an ultrasound last week and the blood clot is 3.5cm, and I still have dark brown bleeding. I can not travel back to UK till it is ressolved. Also I am on bed rest since 3 weeks.
Baby doll - sorry to hear about your SCH but it does seem to be shrinking and that's good news. rest and drink plenty of water. Hang in there and hopefully it will resolve soon
Hi everyone! So glad there's a SCH group- this is uncharted territory to me.
I had a small amount of brown spotting last Friday and then again on Sunday. I went to the ER Sunday, where they found a healthy baby measuring right on track with a heartbeat of 175 and a small perigestational bleed. Late Tuesday night I began bleeding heavily, with very large (think ping pong ball and some larger) clots, and a watery fluid with a distinct odor. I was terrified it was amniotic fluid and I was losing the baby.
Unfortunately I had to wait until the next morning (yesterday) to go to the hospital- by then I'd completely saturated multiple postpartum pads and had basically lost all hope, but my doctor wanted me to go there for my scan as it would be faster. They checked my HCG (60,000- great for 8+5) and ordered an ultrasound. I was absolutely shocked when the doctor told me there's still a baby in there with a heart rate of 185! They also discovered that the bleed had increased in size to 6x3 cm.
I was put on bedrest and am to follow up with my doctor next week. I assume we'll be doing fairly frequent imaging to check the size of the bleed and see if it's reabsorbing. Bedrest has been a challenge so far (and I'm only on day 2!) but I'll do whatever it takes to keep baby safe and healthy in there. Bleeding had stopped by the time I got home from the ER- now I just have small amounts of brown on the TP when I wipe- nothing new or red, and no clots. I'm terrified to do, well, anything- scared to go to the bathroom, or lift anything, don't wanna do the stairs too many times in one day- I'm not sure whether this fear will lessen or go away or get even worse? I told my doctor at my first prenatal visit (literally just hours before the hemorrhage) that I was so scared and anxious all the time, every day, because I lost a baby in October, a mmc at 11 weeks. Well, multiply that fear and anxiety times a million now.
People keep saying they're so glad baby is okay....I can't consider this okay yet! Yes, it's in there with a HB, but there's no guarantee it'll be alive tomorrow. It's so scary, and to want something so very badly and feel like you're so close to having it but even closer to having it taken away at any second...just feels terrible.
Welcome to the group. I know exactly how you feel. I think we all do. Rest as much as you can and drink plenty of water. Just keep in mind that 9 times out of 10 these things start to shrink or be reabsorbed. A lot of times the "big" bleed is the hematoma is bleeding out which is good and it usually will shrink after that. Hang in there. We are here if you need to vent or ask questions.

My sch was found in week 5 and I had numerous (6 I think...) moderately big bleeds. In between bleeds I pretty much spotted either lots of brown or light pink the ENTIRE time. I was finally cleared of my sch when I was 17 weeks.

Most of my doctors aren't really all the familar with SCHs, but a few agreed that I should be on pelvic rest. I never had sex, worked out or lifted anything heavy the entire time. It was certainly scary, and actually painful since I got a tremendous amount of cramps from the blood (blood is an irritant in the uterus).

Stay optimistic and remain on bedrest/pelvic rest. Drink LOTS of water especially any time you feel cramping (and put your feet up). :hugs:

There are quite a few of us who had SCHs and now have our babies in our arms. So try not to stress too much (I know...easier said than done).
I'm now 11 weeks and 3 days pregnant.
Yesterday, after (sorry TMI) masturbate I'm bleeding red blood. No intercourse, no toys whatsoever. I went into panic mode and go straight to ER. Fortunately, there was an obgyn there and she quickly did an ultrasound.
My baby was doing fine, in fact he's jumping and dancing around, the measurement and heartbeats also perfect. But the dr found a little tear in my placenta (she didn't told me how big) and I never heard sch before so I didn't ask. She put me on a week bed rest and now the red bleeding has stop, it turned into brown spotting, but not much. But still enough to makes me worry. I have on and off slight cramping as well, but not too severe, it'll pass after few mins.
I really hope my baby will be okay, since this is my first pregnancy I tend to worry. But I try to relax and as some of you says, drink plenty of water and stay put in bed.
Kiara welcome. Sorry about the bleed. More than likely all will be fine. Stay on pelvic rest and that means no orgasms at all. It causes the uterus to contract and can cause more bleeding. Drink plenty of water and try not to lift anything too heavy or vigorous exercise. I tried to rest as much as possible while I had an active bleed. Hang in there.

Here's my little SCH baby at 27w5d Hd live ultrasound


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Thank you fluterby!
As for today I have no spotting yet (hopefully never!) Only slight yellow creamy cm.
now I hope its a good sign. Im already feeling so bored stay in bed all day 😳
Fluterby that picture is amazing :)

An update from me: had a scan today the hematoma has moved higher up but is still away from the placenta its now smaller & the doctor said its now not very significant :happydance: thank god!

But now they are slightly concerned because baby hasn't grown as much as they would expect so being seen again next week & another growth scan the week after, apparently it is quite common when we have so many scans I'm sure he will catch up.

I just feel such a huge relief, more proof to those ladies just finding out they have a SCH - things can be just fine :flower:
My checkup was great thankyou, cord & placenta & heartbeat all good, doing baby's measurements on Thursday :)
That's great news!

How many in here have an SCH baby that's a boy? I'm just curious
Does look like mostly boys :).

I need to ask do you think its safe now for me & OH to have intercourse now that doctors wont be checking on the hemetoma anymore? I have missed having that closeness & I know there won't be a chance for a while after baby :blush:
I forget - has your SCH been cleared/is it gone?

If so, that's why I was told it was ok to dtd.
If your SCH is gone then you're free to dtd. We have been back to it ever since I the confirmed mine was gone and I've had no issues

I think they seem to be boys mostly. I just find it odd
It is strange everyone seems to have boys.

My hemetoma isn't exactly gone but its a lot smaller then it was, its moved away from the cervix & is not near the placenta, the sonographer said she really had to try & find it & if she was using a old machine it wouldn't have shown up & doctor said not to worry about it now & it will most likely just come out once baby is born.
DS2 is a hematoma baby and this one is also a boy! Not sure about baby january is it was 10 weeks gestation, so too early to tell. I no longer have a SCH with this LO, that looks to have resolved.
I have a subamniotic bleed instead now, in a different place. The bleeding is a little different to typical hematoma blood loss, it's bright red and been very persistent (every day for 5 weeks) Yesterday I was losing massive quantities, so I'm in hopsital at the mo so they can give me blood asap if I need it. The baby looks great but I'm at risk of pprom with the bleed being between the two membranes.

Sounds like you ladies are getting on fab! Ds2 was like that, the more he grew, the smaller it got then it went and never came back! :)
Love Id check with your doctor just to be on the safe side

Dan I hate to hear you're in the hospital! I hope that bleed resolves as well.

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