Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi, I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant and have a sch, not a massive one but have had 2 bright red bleeds and also 1 massive red bleed that landed me a stay in hospital. I have had brown bleeding for the past 2 weeks. This pregnancy started off as twins but at 8 weeks we lost one and now in its place I have an sch. I'm on modified bed rest and pelvic rest, which sucks! (I'm really struggling with the pelvic rest!!) I've been on pelvic rest from 5 weeks as I had bleeding with problems with the twin. I had a big sch with my last pregnancy my baby girl who is now 16 months old, (so that does help me to remain positive about this baby) it resolved at about 18 weeks pregg, just hope this one clears up very soon, as very fed up at the moment. Luckily I have a very supportive husband, but it's hard for him to know how I really feel, hope you ladies can give me some supportive words, it's rubbish we are all going through this!!!
Hi Zarasue, I have an SCH too, its AWFUL! I've had two bright red bleeds now, and its just so stressful. I also started with a twin pregnancy and lost one baby. I just want the spotting to end and the hematoma to absorb or heal, so I can enjoy my pregnancy.
Hello everyone! I am soooo thankful to have found this thread! After a week of obsessively reading every single page, I finally am ready to introduce myself (yes... I read all 373 pgs!!!!). My first son passed away due to SIDS 9 years ago, and I have a 7 year old son. I'm 35 years old. We started TTC 1 year ago... within the last year I had a misscarriage at 5+5 followed by a chemical pregnancy. I did 3 months of clomid unsuccessfully, and was taking a couple of months off when we finallly got pregnant!!!

I started spotting at 5+5 and totally freaked out (it was dark red.. almost like wine color)... my doctor saw me that same day found no reason for the spotting, she took some swabs, put me on bedrest and sent me home... we scheduled the next US for 2 weeks later. She later called to tell me that I had a yeast infection which could cause spotting, so I had to take ovules for the infection for 5 days. Those 5 days were horrible... I woke up every morning with spotting in every single shade of red/brown. On the 4th day I freaked because of the amount and the clots... I was sure I was miscarrying. I called my doctor and she asked me to keep on bedrest and wait and see. The spotting stopped that same afternoon and I was spot-free for 10 days. Then, at 7+6, I had redish-brown bleeding in the early afternoon. I had been on modified bedrest since my first ultrasound, but on that particular day I had been running errands all morning. I called my doctor who immediately scheduled an US for that same day. I went in and the baby was doing just fine... with strong heartbeat... measuring perfectly. She also found a small SCH. 1.25 cm * .65 cm. She said it was small and that it should hopefully reabsorb by 20 weeks... but she wanted me to keep my bedrest to try to avoid it getting bigger. I had been taking progesterone orally since I found out I was pregnant, so she now asked me to take the progesterone vaginally from now on so that more of the progesterone was actually absorbed. I consider myself very lucky that my doctor is very caring, and a very strong believer in bedrest, water, and US every 2 weeks (and I love that I have her personal cell phone number in case of emergencies). Over the next day my red spotting turned to brown, then to tan... and by the next night it was completely gone. Right now I've been spot-free for 7 days... and my next US is in 6 more days. I know I should be thrilled and excited that I have no more spotting, but I'm still a complete basket-case! I worry about every little thing... I worry about missed miscarriage (the progesterone makes me wonder if it's only delaying the inevitable)... I get anxious and cry if my boobs don't hurt that much one day ... I feel like I'm going crazy.

The stories here have been sooooo helpful. I've cried with the sad ones and was thrilled with the successful ones! Although every time a sad ending happened I would go back to see how their SCH started, I couldn't help but compare to my own situation. It truly scares me to see that some were very small, just like mine, yet still had a sad ending :-(.

I used to love being pregnant... the glow... the attention... the hopes and dreams. Now I just want to fastforward to just meeting my baby :-(.

I'm sorry to ramble on... sorry for the looooong essay :-(... I feel like I have no one else to talk to (no one that would truly understand).
Not sure of you remember my story since you read all the pages (wow! Haha), but I had quite the experience with mine.

Sorry your had to join this group, but those of us who still check in from time-to-time are more than willing to answer any questions you may have.

Take it easy, drink lots of water and no exercise (including ANYTHING sexual). :hugs:

Congratulations on your pregnancy!!
Not sure of you remember my story since you read all the pages (wow! Haha), but I had quite the experience with mine.

Sorry your had to join this group, but those of us who still check in from time-to-time are more than willing to answer any questions you may have.

Take it easy, drink lots of water and no exercise (including ANYTHING sexual). :hugs:

Congratulations on your pregnancy!!

I do remember your story Mara! You definitely gave me hope! :)

I used to work out two hours every day... Which I stopped, of course. And right now sexy time is the last thing on my mind, lol! We haven't told my son yet, so its hard to explain why I'm lying down most of the day...but I'm definitely trying :). I just wish there was more I could do.
Hey y'all. So I am new here and thought I would share my story since I was told yesterday I have a SCH.

I am now 10 weeks 2 days pregnant. This is my forth pregnancy. All three of my pregnancies in the past went extremely smoothly. With my first two children I had spotting once in the first trimester after intercourse. With my third I never had any spotting. I have already spotted three times with this pregnancy.

The day after my period was due when I wiped there was blood. It was dark, but that is how my period normally starts. I spot at first and then it gets heavier. I did not think anything of it. When I wiped once or twice more there was blood, but that was all. Two weeks later when it never escalated to a period I took a pregnancy test. Since it was positive I figured that must have been implantation bleeding.

A week later I was in church and started to spot. It was not heavy and only lasted about an hour. I freaked out and we went to the ER. I thought I was 7 weeks pregnant at that time, but they pushed my due date back a week. I did not think anything of it since I am kind of irregular and I thought implantation bleeding normally occurs around 4 weeks pregnant anyways. The doctor got a heartbeat and they said I had free fluid in my uterus, but everything was fine.

A week later I had a follow up with an ob. I am new to the area, so it was the first time I had this OB. He was super reassuring and nice about everything. He moved my due date up three days and said everything looks good. He had to rush out the appointment due to a labor, so he told me to come back in a week. A week later he did another ultrasound and everything was progressing as should.

At 9 weeks I was just laying on the couch with my 9 month old and all of a sudden I felt like I was peeing. It was enough to create a huge stain on my undies, but did not go through to my pants. I immediately called my doctor and he said I could come right in. He checked my cervix and did another ultrasound. Once again, he told me everything was fine. The heart beat was good, my cervix was shut, and everything seems attached correctly. He did mention again that I had free fluid in my uterus near my placenta, but the placenta was properly attached. He has the approach that he does not want to freak out his patients, which I love! He told me that at 10 weeks pregnant you have less than 1% chance of miscarriage, so if I have no more issues in the next week I should be in the clear. He also told me pelvic rest for a week and although bed rest does not make a different I should try and take things easy. I have three kids ranging from 9 months to just turned 4, so that is not really possible. When I got home that day I have one more gush, but by the afternoon I was not bleeding at all.

A week later I was stupid and volunteered for a 3d ultrasound for physicians takings a class on ultrasounds. Essentially, I volunteered to be a test subject where four doctors without any bedside manner were observing me and making comments on everything they saw. I left wanting to cry. I thought it was just going to be a fun 3d ultrasound, which I have never had before. The second they turned the regular ultrasound on they said they could immediately tell why I have had spotting. They told me I have a SCH near my placenta that is 5 cm. The measurements they gave me are 5.38x.98x2.93. They told me horror stories and then it seemed when they realized I got upset they tried to sugarcoat it. It made me way more nervous. My OB never mentioned it I think to not worry me. These doctors told me I will mostly like having more bleeding to come.

I was devastated and came home feeling like this pregnancy is not real. I have been battling horrible morning sickness, I have been super emotional, and tired this pregnancy. Being told by four physicians how I have a substantial blood clot and what not has just set me over the edge with my emotions. Reading all these posts have really helped and make me feel I am not alone in how I feel.
Yikes, so sorry to hear about your 3d experience!

I bled...a lot!! And I always had some sort of brown discharge (between my big gushes). I never had a time where I couldn't wear a panty liner until I was almost 20 weeks. Hang in there, and try and rest as much as you can. The second you feel cramping, kick your feet up, drink water and REST!
Im so grateful to find this thread. I am now 12+4 with baby #2 and have bled at 5 and 10 weeks. The 10 week bleed was huge and I was sure we had lost our baby but a scan showed all was well. I went back last week for my 12 week scan and baby is still perfect but the sonographer found an area of bleeding. I asked if it was an SCH and she was non-commital but said they wouldnt term it that just yet. I asked about risks of late miscarriage/ preterm labour and she was still non commital and shrugged her shoulders.
Following the big bleed exactly 2 weeks ago every day ive had brown bleeding or discharge, not a masive amount and mainly when i go to the toilet but I just dont feel 'right'. It seems heavier first thing in the morning when ive been in bed all night or if ive had a day where ive walked a bit more.
After 2 miscarriages in terrified of losing this baby especially now weve reached the crucial 12 week stage which I didnt think we would see 😢. We have always wanted 2 children and I truly hope this is our rainbow baby but Im finding it hard to enjoy this pregnancy whilst having complications x
From what I have heard brown blood is good since it is old blood. The doctors I saw on Friday told me if I see brown blood that is good because I am passing the bleed.

I know how it feels with wanting to enjoy the pregnancy, but I think and am hoping that every week the baby is getting bigger and stronger. Once you are holding your baby you will probably forget how hard this pregnancy was because it will be worth all the struggles.
Last night I went back to the ER because I started bleeding pretty heavy. I got out of the bath and within in an hour had bled through a pad. I have never bled that heavy in this pregnancy, so I thought for sure I was miscarrying. We went to the ER and the entire time I was waiting it felt like I was peeing from the blood. The doctors said my cervix is shut, the heart beat was good, and the fetus measured right on track at 10 weeks 6 days. The placenta was up high and the SCH was down by my cervix. On Friday my SCH measured at 5.38x.98x2.93. Yesterday I was told it measured at roughly 3x3x3. (Some of the measurements were 2. something, but close to 3). They told me that is smaller, but it does not seem smaller? Does that sound smaller?

The bleeding has now stopped, but I am just so nervous. Between horrible morning sickness and the constant trips to the doctor over bleeding I am just tired out.
I'm so sorry tvm5108 - I can imagine how scared and frustrated you must be. I did read a LOT of the girls on here had major bleed outs (sometimes several of them)... so please stay hopeful :). It does sound like it is a little smaller... I think. Also - I think the closest the SCH is to your cervix, the more likely you are to bleed... and that's not a bad thing, since at least it can come out instead of staying in there.

I got a call from my doctor today, and she moved my US to this thursday... so now I'm super anxious... I hope that everything is ok. I'm really worried that mine has actually gotten bigger... since I haven't really been bleeding (just spotting a couple of days), it only makes sense to think that it's in there getting bigger and bigger :cry:
I would not worry too much about it getting bigger. I was also told it will get bigger before it gets smaller. It may not be increasing in size and your body may absorb it. I know how you feel about nerves. I go back to my doctor Friday. Wishing you well thoughts
hi ladies. I was just told yesterday that I have an sch. this is the 2nd pregnancy I have had one in. this is my 8th baby. with my 5th baby, I was diagnosed with sch and it caused all kinds of problems. I was really naive and when my ob said it would likely clear up on its own and not cause any problems I believed that. I did a little research when I got home and found exactly what she said. so I was not concerned at all even though I was bleeding.

the sch stayed for all of first tri and part of second tri. then they said it cleared up. my bleeding had stopped by then so I felt everything would be ok. my ob always did 32 week sonograms so when she did that they found that the amniotic fluid was really low. they again started weekly sonograms and at 37 weeks when it went down to 2, they induced. during labor they broke my water and it was all blood. then when my son was born he was blue and gasping for air. they realized the placenta had pulled away and said it was likely from the sch that was supposed to be gone. he is fine today, but he does have a speech problem likely caused from the placenta abruption.

now that I'm having bleeding and cramps and diagnosed with another it's much more stressful for me. my experience was so horrible I just don't want to go though that again. I've been put on total pelvic rest for the time being but every time I think of it I get stressed :(
Hello, all. For months we have planned to fly from the West Coast (of USA) to the East Coast to visit family next week. We planned this trip well before we surprisingly found out I was pregnant. When we found out I was pregnant it did not change anything for our travel plans. Now that I just found out I have a SCH I really do not want to travel from California to Vermont, fly four days later to Maryland, and then four days later fly back to California. When we are there it is not like I will be able to take things easy as there are a million plans. On top of that, I have beyond horrible morning sickness. I threw up five times yesterday. The mommy in me is telling me it is best to not travel while I am still have an active SCH. My last bleed was Sunday night and it was my biggest yet. I see my doctor Friday, but I just want to cancel the trip. My parents understand and we can refund the plane tickets. I am just worried my husband's family will not understand and say I am being a maternity monster. I feel like the safety of our unborn child takes precedents over what my husband's family thinks though. Does it seem okay or normal for me not to want to travel across the country with three kids having a SCH?
Blessedmomma - I'm so sorry that you're going through this again. :( are the doctors going to keep a close eye on it, considering your previous experience?
Tvm5108 - I would definitely feel just like you. I would be so scared to travel with an active bleed. Personally I wouldn't care what my in-laws thought.... Baby comes first, always. Then again, that's just me (Im definitely outspoken and feisty, lol). Do your in-laws know the situation? If so, then i think they would understand.
My doctor basically ordered me to be in full and absolute bedrest during an active bleed and to continue it for 48 hours minimum after it stopped. And even then, modified bedrest for 2 weeks after that!
Babydreams I haven't gotten to see my ob yet. My first appt was scheduled for tomorrow and got cancelled since she had a family emergency. They had me come in today for a sonogram and baby was fine but the nurse didn't know how to check for the sch. I'm still having cramps so I'm sure it's still there. I'll see my ob next Thursday now so I'm guessing I'll hear more then. For now I'm still on total pelvic rest.
Hello, all. For months we have planned to fly from the West Coast (of USA) to the East Coast to visit family next week. We planned this trip well before we surprisingly found out I was pregnant. When we found out I was pregnant it did not change anything for our travel plans. Now that I just found out I have a SCH I really do not want to travel from California to Vermont, fly four days later to Maryland, and then four days later fly back to California. When we are there it is not like I will be able to take things easy as there are a million plans. On top of that, I have beyond horrible morning sickness. I threw up five times yesterday. The mommy in me is telling me it is best to not travel while I am still have an active SCH. My last bleed was Sunday night and it was my biggest yet. I see my doctor Friday, but I just want to cancel the trip. My parents understand and we can refund the plane tickets. I am just worried my husband's family will not understand and say I am being a maternity monster. I feel like the safety of our unborn child takes precedents over what my husband's family thinks though. Does it seem okay or normal for me not to want to travel across the country with three kids having a SCH?

If you are actively bleeding, you really should be resting with your feet up. Surely your family will understand if you tell them that you've been diagnosed with a SCH. Listen to your instincts mama!!
So I just got back from my appt. Baby is doing fine... Measuring 9w5d... Right on track. It was so awesome to see him/her kicking and squirming!
Unfortunately the SCH is still there. 2 weeks ago it measured 1.25 x.64 cm. Now it measures 1.94 x .45. Doctor says its basically about the same, just more squished. She said it's lateral to the placenta. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But she didn't seem worried... Although she did mention me being a high risk pregnancy (maybe because of the combination of my age and the SCH. She wants me to remain on modified bedrest...
I'm thrilled the baby is doing great... But I'm super disappointed that this darn thing isn't resolved yet :(. I'm anxious to start enjoying my pregnancy and I feel like I just can't :(

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