Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Thanks all for the advice on traveling. The doctor's office asked to switch my appointment from tomorrow to today. At the appointment the doctor told me not to fly with active bleeding. He said flying across the country could cause a miscarriage. I was so glad he told me not to fly, so my husband's family knows it is not me being a crazy maternity monster. My blood clot is the same size, but it is far away from my placenta. He said my placenta is fully attached, so it did not detach it in any places. I was relieved to hear that. He says as the pregnancy progresses the baby and placenta get much bigger proportionally to the blood clot, which decreases the risk. My blood clot was starting to look gray. From reading all these posts from others (which are soooo helpful right now) it looked like my blood clot is starting to look more gray instead of black. The doctor did not say anything, but from reading on here others said that is a good sign that the blood clot is healing. My doctor really did not give the blood clot too much time and basically said at this point whatever happens happens. He said the main concern is my health, so going to the ER cannot do anything for the baby. It can only ensure I am healthy and not losing too much blood. I wish the baby was considered more of a person before 24 weeks because to me it is my baby. I guess OBs have to desensitize themselves to this stuff though since they do see loss. At the time, I will continue to pray and hope I do not have more massive bleeds.

On another note, the doctor told me I have to take nausea medicine or go to the hospital. I have thrown up at least 2x a day for the past two weeks. I have now lost 10 lbs this pregnancy, so they told me I am underweight and dehydrated. With all the controversy over zopphran I did not want to take nausea meds. They told me these are safe and honestly I am so weak from not being able to keep anything down. I will not complain about that though since my main concern is the baby's health and not mine.

Thanks again all. I hope everybody else is doing okay right now.
Tvm- I'm glad your dr intervened. At least you can honestly say it was Drs orders to not go. I'm glad your taking something for nausea. I get hyperemesis with my pregnancies. With the first 3 I refused any meds. I lost weight with them and with my 3rd I almost lost him. I was dehydrated and they forced me on reglan. I reluctantly took it since I needed to be able to keep something down. Because I waited so long to start it he had iugr the whole pregnancy. He almost caught up toward the end, but still was a few weeks behind on weight. I was throwing up with him 10+ times a day, it was horrible. When I got pregnant the next time I immediately went on reglan when the hg started again but it didn't help. They gave me zofran and I was sick the whole pregnancy and even after having him for a while. I'm currently pregnant with my 8th baby and I used zofran with the last 5 babies. And I mean a lot of zofran. It's the only thing that helps. I have never had a baby with problems. I honesty think all the hoopla with zofran is wrong. Sometimes when someone's baby has a problem they want to blame someone. There was a similar thing going on with a ms med in the past and they now prescribe it again safely. Anyways that's my opinion on it. I will take it every time in my pregnancies after almost losing my son and then him having iugr due to not getting the nutrients he desperately needed. I feel horrible for being so against any meds at the time, but I thought I was doing what was right.
Tvm- I'm glad your dr intervened. At least you can honestly say it was Drs orders to not go. I'm glad your taking something for nausea. I get hyperemesis with my pregnancies. With the first 3 I refused any meds. I lost weight with them and with my 3rd I almost lost him. I was dehydrated and they forced me on reglan. I reluctantly took it since I needed to be able to keep something down. Because I waited so long to start it he had iugr the whole pregnancy. He almost caught up toward the end, but still was a few weeks behind on weight. I was throwing up with him 10+ times a day, it was horrible. When I got pregnant the next time I immediately went on reglan when the hg started again but it didn't help. They gave me zofran and I was sick the whole pregnancy and even after having him for a while. I'm currently pregnant with my 8th baby and I used zofran with the last 5 babies. And I mean a lot of zofran. It's the only thing that helps. I have never had a baby with problems. I honesty think all the hoopla with zofran is wrong. Sometimes when someone's baby has a problem they want to blame someone. There was a similar thing going on with a ms med in the past and they now prescribe it again safely. Anyways that's my opinion on it. I will take it every time in my pregnancies after almost losing my son and then him having iugr due to not getting the nutrients he desperately needed. I feel horrible for being so against any meds at the time, but I thought I was doing what was right.

Thanks blessedmom. I also took zophran with my first three pregnancies without issues. Your morning sickness sounds horrible. Everything at the doctors yesterday seemed okay, but I am having another big bleed now. It is dark red. I get so upset every time.every time I just pray it is the last bleed.
I know what you mean. I had some spotting today and cramps. I just want it to be done with already :(
I know what you mean. I had some spotting today and cramps. I just want it to be done with already :(

I feel the same. Every time my bleeding or spotting ends I just hope it is the last time, so when it happens again I am so upset. I do not want to leave the house for fear I will start bleeding. I always keep pads or panty liners in. I do not want to talk to my pregnant friends since they either tell me I am going to miscarry or do not understand and will complain about silly pregnancy things like being tired.

It seems like most people have this problem heal up and are able to enjoy the second half of their pregnancies. I am trying to remain optimistic that everyday the fetus is getting bigger and stronger, which gives the fetus more of a surviving chance and hopefully in time this will pass.
Hey ladies, I just wanted to shed some hope.

I was diagnosed with a DCH at just 4 weeks pregnant.I was then told I might have an ectopic pregnancy. Then at 8 weekso we finally confirmed a intrauterine pregnancy and a heartbeat. (Still had a SCH at this point)I had a major bleed at just 12 weeks. I mean I was gushing blood, it was just pouring out of me. I was rushed to the hospital. After a few hours I was sent home. I had an OB appointment the following day to check how things were. It wasn't good news... I was told I may have to ABORT my baby!!! I was in shock. They said with the bleeding I was having that it was possible I could die. Anyways me and my husband decided to wait and see if things would start looking better. I continued to bleed bright red, pink, brown etc colors for weeks. It wasn't until I was a little over 19 weeks that my bleeding and spotting stopped. I I had my first anatomy scan at 18 +5 and was told I still had a Sch. I then had my anatomy rescan (she wasn't cooperative the first time) at 22 + 5 and the told me they didn't see a Sch anymore, maybe they saw fragments of what used to be the SCH.

All in all I am now 24 + 2 and finally being able to start enjoying my pregnancy. After the Rollercoaster first half I still tread lightly and anxiously but there is hope!!! Stay strong and remember "In time, this too shall pass" ♡♡ :hugs:
Hey ladies, I just wanted to shed some hope.

I was diagnosed with a DCH at just 4 weeks pregnant.I was then told I might have an ectopic pregnancy. Then at 8 weekso we finally confirmed a intrauterine pregnancy and a heartbeat. (Still had a SCH at this point)I had a major bleed at just 12 weeks. I mean I was gushing blood, it was just pouring out of me. I was rushed to the hospital. After a few hours I was sent home. I had an OB appointment the following day to check how things were. It wasn't good news... I was told I may have to ABORT my baby!!! I was in shock. They said with the bleeding I was having that it was possible I could die. Anyways me and my husband decided to wait and see if things would start looking better. I continued to bleed bright red, pink, brown etc colors for weeks. It wasn't until I was a little over 19 weeks that my bleeding and spotting stopped. I I had my first anatomy scan at 18 +5 and was told I still had a Sch. I then had my anatomy rescan (she wasn't cooperative the first time) at 22 + 5 and the told me they didn't see a Sch anymore, maybe they saw fragments of what used to be the SCH.

All in all I am now 24 + 2 and finally being able to start enjoying my pregnancy. After the Rollercoaster first half I still tread lightly and anxiously but there is hope!!! Stay strong and remember "In time, this too shall pass" ♡♡ :hugs:

Thank you for sharing your story. It gives me hope to hear success stories. I am only 12 weeks now, so all I can do now it wait. Hearing success stories makes the waiting a lot more bearable.

Congratulations on making it to 24 weeks. I am glad you are now able to enjoy being pregnant :)
I am at the point where I just feel hopeless. No matter what I do I bleed. The bleeding has gotten way worse since the start of my pregnancy. When I first had a big bleed at 6 weeks, 9 weeks, and then 10 weeks the bleeding always stopped within a few hours. Since then I have had bleeding much more frequently and it is starting to last longer. Last Friday I had a big bleed. I figured it was due to my doctor using the inner vaginal ultrasound, so I did not think too much of it. I have not left my house all week. Since we were suppose to be away on a family vacation now my husband has been home this week. On Thursday I decided my bleeding was done on Saturday and it would be okay to get out of the house for the first time. After walking around a store for maybe 30 minutes I started to bleed when I got home. I once again went to the doctor. He said everything looks okay for the fetus. The blood clot is roughly the same size and is still away from the placenta. My bleeding slowed way down and was basically gone yesterday. It has started back up again. When my husband goes back to work I have to lift my 10 month old baby and be able to do everything for the 2 and 4 year old. I feel like there is nothing I can do to stop the bleeding and if it does not stop, then the SCH cannot heal. I am going to be 13 weeks very soon and I am so afraid of losing the baby, but I cannot do anything to get this bleeding to stop.
I know it's so scary. I bled A LOT and maybe had a day here and there that I didn't have some type of blood coming out (on my ok days, I'd still leak brown/red blood). I finally stopped bleeding some time in my 2nd tri and never had another bleed. Keep your head up, baby is a good size now and should be strong enough to beat the sch. :hugs:
So sorry you're going through this tvm. I prayed for quick healing.

I thought it was the other way around, when the sch finally heals then the bleeding will stop.

I haven't had any bleeding for about a week now so I'm hoping its done. I have my nt sonogram scheduled so I plan to ask them if it's cleared up. With my other pregnancy that had an sch it lasted over half the pregnancy and then the placenta abrupted for weeks and completely in labor. I'm hoping this time it has resolved itself early
Thanks for sharing your experiences. It really gives me hope when I feel like I cannot possible get better and get rid of this sch. Did your sch change in size until it was gone? Did it ever get bigger or start to shrink? I feel like I would feel better if mine were to start shrinking, but as of now mine is changing shape, but staying the same in terms of volume.

Blessedmomma I am praying things will go okay for you. Your sch was so small I am sure it will heal quickly. I hope you are on your road to recovery.
Mine wasnt visible after 10 weeks, but then a specialist looked around 14 and it was still I'm assuming it never went away until after 17 weeks. I was looked at at 17 weeks and it was just barely visible, and then at 20 it couldn't be found and by then I stopped bleeding and spotting
Hi y'all , I'm joining y'all here now.. went to er yesterday for bleeding and baby is well , measuring exactly as it should with hb of 155bpm.. but they said I have a subchorionic hematoma /hemorrhage. .... so here i am, no more bleeding or spotting or anything !!! They said it was small but I have yet to read the report , which i have on my ultrasound disc with all the pics but I haven't seen it yet, so I'll do that in a bit to get the exact measurements !!!
Sorry you were just diagnosed with a SCH pinkpassion. I think it is good that it is small. You are also not having a lot of bleeding, which sounds promising. I know it is horrible to wait around for it to heal, but knowing it is small I hope it reassuring.
I just looked at the report and they said "small subchorionic hematoma, <0.3cm diameter, <.007cm volume, likely coincidental finding" &#65532;... now I don't know lol what does all this mean?????
From everything I've read it's very likely not going to cause any issues especially with how small it is... it's just nerve wrecking when you just don't know, and when you have had losses!!!!
That is so small I really would not worry. I am sure it will heal itself. My SCH has mostly measured 6 ml in volume and the doctors have told me it will most likely heal. I know how it feels since I feel like negative nancy and feel hopeless with my bleeding, but yours is so tiny it will be really easy to be reabsorbed.
Thank you tvm, I would like to stay on this thread to send support to all you lovely ladies going through it.. I did read that only 1-3% of sch causes complications... so that was really reassuring!!! I know I have read so many posts on here of sch and they always turn out fine!! :) What would we do without this site to support us?!
oh wow welcome pink!!! I have one too and they never told me how big it was. I just know I'm having bad cramps and spotting off and on. I have a sonogram next tuesday so I plan on asking if it's gone or not. no bleeding for about a week now.

with my son I had one that wasn't crazy big, but I ended up having a ton of complications with him. spotted/bled for weeks and they 'thought' it had finally cleared up sometime in 2nd tri. but it hadn't and my amniotic fluid went way low, low enough they finally had to induce. he almost died in birth since the sch had been causing his placenta to pull away for weeks and finally pulled away during labor. he was born blue and gasping, was very scary!

I'm praying that this one absorbs and clears up with no complications this time. but it definitely has me on edge. I think mostly due to the experience with him, plus the fact that I have horrible cramps on the side my sch is on. I had more bleeding with him than I do now, but I don't remember having cramps along with it.

I would definitely stick around for the support! even when they are small it's good to support each other! :hugs:

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