Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

It is a lot easier with group for support. I feel like there is still so much that is unknown about this condition it helps to talk to those who have been through it. I freak out every time I have a bleed. It is also hard to talk to others who do not understand what you are going through or what causes it. I have been told by a few people that "I probably have a blood clot from having too many children already". Things like that are just frustrating.
I am sending well wishes to all you other females dealing with this.

I was also wondering if you all have had external or internal ultrasounds when you go to the doctor. My doctor is awesome that he said he see me every week until this heals. When I go for my visits though he always does inner vaginal ultrasounds to check if my cervix is still just as closed, but I feel like that wand causes more bleeding and a lot of discomfort. Is that horrible to ask that my cervix is not checked at my appointments?
oh wow tvm! what ignorance!!! and how rude that it was even said to you. so much for people having manners and not trying to stress a pregnant woman out :(

btw- how many children do you have? I'm currently pregnant with #8 :)
I don't think it's out of the question to bring your concerns up with your dr about the transvaginal u/s
My last tv ultrasound was very painful, it felt like it was crushing my cervix the whole time... very painful and the tech was so good about it, kept telling me she could stop if I wanted her to, but we kept going so she could get all she needed.. I did have some more spotting afterwards but jot bad, I think I'll havr another today or we may wait one week! I'm not sure yet!!!
I tried to post a few days ago, but for some reason my posts would not go through.

I came back from an appointment today. Everything with the baby seemed fine. It was measuring right on track at 13 weeks. The doctor also said that my SCH looks like it is healing. He did not measure it, but told me it looks smaller and is clotting up (as it should he says). He said I no longer need to come in for weekly appointments. My next appointment is three weeks away, but he said I can come back sooner if I have bleeding. I have had so much bleeding I feel like I will be back sooner for bleeding. I have not had any bleeding/spotting since Sunday, but when I wipe now I have brown stuff coming out. The doctor told me it is just the SCH coming out. I feel better he seems to think it is looking better, but I feel like this hardship is far from over when just a week ago I had a huge gush after walking around a store for 30 minutes. I will continue to take it easy as I have been.

Hope you all are doing well.
Mine just suddenly stopped bleeding and I stopped spotting one day. I have about 6 huge gushes but always spotted...not exaggerating. Between gushes I spotted every single day. And then poof! The bleeding and spotting stopped and in a scan around 13/14 weeks they said I still had the SCH, but it looked like it was healing. Then they found I had marginal placenta previa. And that too healed about a month later. I hope you stay gush free for the rest of your pregnancy! FX!!
Mine just suddenly stopped bleeding and I stopped spotting one day. I have about 6 huge gushes but always spotted...not exaggerating. Between gushes I spotted every single day. And then poof! The bleeding and spotting stopped and in a scan around 13/14 weeks they said I still had the SCH, but it looked like it was healing. Then they found I had marginal placenta previa. And that too healed about a month later. I hope you stay gush free for the rest of your pregnancy! FX!!

That gives me hope :) It seems too good to be true to me that last week my SCH was like 5.9 cm by 1.9 cm and gushing, but a week later it is starting to heal. Your story gives me hope that maybe I am on my road to recovery. How long did you continue to take things easy for?
I'm so glad it's starting to get better! Hopefully it will continue to heal fast and no more bleeding. I would think the brown would be old blood just making its way out.

Thank you for your story Mara!

Hope they continue to keep a good eye on you pink!
I'm so glad that your us went well TVM... Thats awesome! Gushes are scary... But at least your doctor is confident that it's healing.

I had my 12 week ultrasound today... Baby is doing great, strong heart beat, and very active.

The best news is that my SCH seems to be gone! Yay!!! I haven't had any bleeding or spotting for 4 weeks now, but at my last appt 2 weeks ago it was still there.

Next week I have to do the Nuchal translucency ultrasound... So we'll see it that darn SCH makes an appearance there. I want to be optimistic, but I've read many stories on here were the SCH reappears. And my doctor's machine is quite basic, I'm sure the machine used for the nuchal ultrasound is much more sophisticated, so I'm nervous about what it will catch. I'll be devastated if it turns out that it's still there.

Right now I'm cautiously optimistic :).

My doctor told me I could go back to my regular activities... Including working out. But I'm still scared..I don't know when it would be OK to resume all activities. Any thoughts on that?
Babydreams I'm glad they think it's gone! Hopefully it will still be gone next week. I have an appt on Tuesday for nuchal translucency and I'm really hoping mine is gone.

I wish I could help on the resuming normal activities. My ob said to wait at least 2 weeks after the last bleed before doing anything, but I feel like if I waited the 2 weeks then did something I would feel horrible if I started bleeding/spotting again
I took it easy after 17 weeks when they said it was gone. But then they found I had marginal placenta previa and had to take it easy until that moved out of the way of the cervix. Only took a few weeks.

Drink lots of water ladies. I went into preterm labor at 28 weeks from severe dehydration. Never knew I was dehydrated since I was drinking 8 glasses a day. Apparently you need more when pregnant. They got the contractions stopped, but being in L&D and hearing them talk about giving steroids for his lungs...scariest thing ever! Water, water, water!!
Daydreams that is great. Even if they were to find something next week it must be really small. That will be exciting to go into the second trimester without as much fear. Keep us updated for your us next week
Hi ladies. Well after finding out that I had a SCH at an emergency scan on Monday, Yesterday I had quite a scary large bleed. It started off as brown and went to red and pink. By last night it had calmed (although I am expecting more) and babys heartbeat was a good 150 range this morning which is normal for my bubs. Xx
Welcome Lesh! I'm glad you made your way over here. It's nice to have support and hear encouraging stories. :hugs:
Welcome Lesh... it's definitely a sanity-saver to be able to count on each other for support here :).

Mara - OMG! how scary!!!!! I usually drink about 2-3 liters of water per day, but every once in a while I slack off... I definitely will be keeping a much closer eye on that from now on!

I decided to not resume my normal workout routine just yet... I agree with blessedmomma - I would feel horrible if I did something to make the SCH return again!

So... I had my NT scan yesterday.... and I'm thrilled to report that everything looked great! The SCH is still gone! :). Everything else looked great for the baby. My risk for any kind of trisomy is very low (I think something like 1:4900 for trisomy 21, and the other two it's even lower :). I was sooooo nervous going in... I was so scared because of my age (35). My OB sent me to a fetal specialist so that I could have an actual doctor do my scan (not a tech), and he seemed very happy with the baby - said everything was perfect. :happydance: He even did an early gender reveal - which I kind of disregarded because I've read that at this point (13weeks) it's just too early. He said it was 90% certain... but I'm going to wait to get excited at my 16w scan instead :)

I feel cautiously optimistic... and I am hoping I can start enjoying my pregnancy now (although knowing me, I'll find a reason to start freaking out again soon). Hopefully the SCH will at least stay away :).
I found out Monday our baby's heart has stopped sometime over the weekend.. my 2nd mmc.. they induced me Monday night and Tuesday I passed the baby, they are doing fetal genetic screening and I'll be going through tons of tests to figure out why I keep having miscarriages 4 total 2 mmc... I'm devastated and heartbroken ... I just can't believe this !!!
I am sooooo sorry pinkpassion! :nope::cry:
I have no words... I'm in tears for you right now, but please know I have you and your beautiful angel in my prayers. :-(
oh my goodness pink! I can't even imagine what you're going through right now :cry:

prayed for you and your family :(
Last Thursday I had a doctor appointment and the doctor told me I looked like I was healing. My last bleed was 16 days ago and I stopped spotting completely about 14 days ago. I have been taking things super easy. About three days in the past 14 days I would see brown string like discharge when I wipe. Nothing is in the toilet or on a pad though. Tonight I started having a brown flow. It just started so it is not heavy yet. Normally when I have a bleed it starts out as a big gush and is normally dark red and then turns to a little bit lighter red. I tried to call my doctor, but he is not on call tonight. I would have to call another doctor who is on call for him, but he does not know my history. My bleeds have never started brown, but I am super nervous. I was just starting to feel better about the situation now that I am 14 weeks and have been two weeks without a bleed. What do you all think about brown that is heavier than just when I wipe?

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