Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi ladies I thought I would pop on here asking for you advice/experience! Sorry if this is a TMI question but I would appreciate any help!

I had a light bleed at almost 5 weeks. I went in for an u/s and they found that I had a smaller SCH, they told me to not have sex, no lifting, exercising, etc. I went back in a week later for another ultrasound and saw that my SCH had gotten a little smaller but I was still lightly spotting brown off and on. My dr said that after a week of no bleeding or spotting we can have sex again and I don't have to go in for an appointment to confirm. Just as long as I notice I haven't had ANY bleeding whatsoever, it's okay.

SO today is a week of no bleeding or spotting. I'm planning on trying to dtd with DH tonight since she gave us the go ahead. Anyone experience this after your SCH stopped bleeding. Did you spot after sex? What about after an orgasm? I know the dr said it was okay but I just want some other experiences! Thank you!
I was told no sex, orgasims, heavy lifting, exercising, etc. until my SCH was completely gone.
Oh yeah they never said that lol. I asked to be sure and she said its fine as long I haven't bled for a week
they told me almost the same as you, except that I should wait 2 weeks since the last spotting or bleeding. and that if it came back to let them know. we waited the 2 weeks before and it never came back. I didn't have an ultrasound until a couple months after the last bleed since I switched dr's, but when they checked it was gone.
Hi ladies,

It's taken me the better part of three days to read the past 385 pages of posts on this forum. I feel as though I've learnt a lot about SCH, mainly the importance of bedrest, hydration and not to give up hope. Here's my story:

Chemical pregnancy @ 5w Feb 2014

Uneventful second pregnancy - DD born at 38w 3960g Dec 23rd 2014

Currently 20+6w with DS (Due 23/4/16)
DX with massive SCH at 17+4w measuring 14.5cm x 6cm x 5cm (yes, cm)
I had a huge gush of blood and rushed to ER. They saw baby kicking away happily but were watching the bleed grown on the u/s and told me that I would either go into labour within hours or they would have to induce me due to risk of bloodless to my health. I asked if there was any hope at all and told 2% chance of pregnancy continued if bleeding stopped. My DD was 10 months old and breastfeeding still so I requested her brought in for a feed in case I wasn't able to feed her later that day. Miraculously the bleeding slowed and stopped after I fed her. Doctor did an internal and said cervix was closed and hard. We decided to give baby a fighting chance and I was admitted for three days.

An U/S the next day showed no active bleeding anymore but SCH remained large and over cervix. A little brown spotting over this time, then I was allowed to go home on the evening of the third day. Upon getting home I lifted my DD onto the couch for a cuddle and immediately had a small gush of red bleeding. It stopped as soon as it started so I went to bed and woke in the morning to another small red gush. We went back to ER and were advised there was nothing they could do, simply to come back if contractions started or soaking more than a pad an hour.

Research on here and other sites led me to putting myself on bedrest, despite the doctors at the hospital saying it wouldn't make a difference. IMO it certainly slowed the bleeding. It took 10 days of rest before spotting and small gushes stopped completely. I then had my morph scan at 19w2d and was told SCH was same dimensions but appeared to be 'organising'. Doctor was happy with this and hopeful it would reabsorb but also told me there was no guarantees I wouldn't miscarry.

It's been a week and a half since then and still no bleeding. I do get lightheaded and feel weak when upright, no surprise due to three weeks of bedrest. I'm keen to avoid DVT though so have been moving around a little to bathroom and to kitchen. My wonderful mother flew up to look after my DD the very next day after the initial big bleed when I was admitted and is still here - I'd be lost without her. Hubby has been great too, he took two weeks off work to look after me and pack our house as we are moving interstate in a few days (awesome timing). I've been cleared to fly by doctors by am still nervous about a 4hr flight.

Feeling lots of kicks from my baby boy and feeling optimistic after reading this thread. Is there anyone else active on here at the moment?
Hi Venus, sorry you had to find our group. :hugs:

Not sure if you remember my story, but I bled a lot and it eventually just stopped and disappeared. My SCH baby is now a very active 17 month old boy. :)

Keep yourself on pelvic rest! :hugs: And drink lots and lots of water.
Thank you Mara - your story is one of the ones that has given me the hope of a good outcome. I'm taking comfort in the fact that my SCH is away from the placenta so hopefully risk of abruption due to it is less likely. The size does worry me extremely though. I can only hope that being so far along the baby is rapidly getting bigger than it and hence lowering the risk of PPROM. 21 weeks tomorrow - one day at a time!
Hello dear ladies.

I am very happy i have found this group, for I have the amazing ability to worry myself so much that i COULD make a problem really happen.

So when i was 14 weeks , i woke up to pee, and peed blood . I fainted and called 911. In the ER they said that my placenta was low, but otherwise, the baby was great. One week later i go to my OBGYN and he does not see a low placenta, but a 6.5X3.5X4 cm SCH. He tells me right off the bath , that even though the baby is great , i have a 20% chance of miscarrying. I had lightly bled for 5 days, and by the time of this appointment, it was already dark brown with mucus (sorryyyy). He said he did not expect me to ever stop bleeding, and that the hematoma was covering the cervix, and it was next to the placenta.
However, i stopped bleeding the next day, and that was that . No sex, moderate activities, no lifting anything "heavy". No long long walks. So i listened.
Yesterday, 1 month later, at my 19Week anatomy scan , i had hopes that my SCH has gone bye bye. However, it was stilllll there, this time gray in color since it is old blood, and up to 7.05cm....the only measurement taken. So i don't know if the volume actually changed. But this doctor did tell me it increased a little in one direction, and it is stable so not growing. He did not seem concerned at all.

However, I am concerned. Now that its not resolved, what does this mean about my prognosis? Is it the most dangerous after week 20? How do we know if my placenta is impacted? Will i bleed if it starts ripping away. I am so scared, i was happy yesterday, and then i googled "subchorionic hemorrhage after 20 weeks", and I swear, most women seem to have given birth early around 24- 30 weeks if this is the case. Do i have no chance now to carry to term? This does not look like its going to be re-absorbed at all, since it has not changed in a month, and the doctor said "its seems to be on the inside" whatever that means.....

I feel like I honestly know it wont end well, and that i should detach myself right now. I already told my 5 year old that her brother will die, so she should not get exited. I am very hopeless, and reading all of these stories, made me confirm my fears. I just wish i had asked my doctor more questions when i had the chance.

Thank you all for the support, looking forward to talking with you all during my 1 month wait to see if baby is well and if that stupid thing in there is still chilling in there.
Hi Denizka,

My post is not too dissimilar to your own, see higher up the page. I'm currently 21 weeks and last check had a 14cm + SCH over my placenta. I haven't bled in two weeks now. I also take comfort in the fact that you haven't bled in so long either. I read over the many many pages of this forum since being on bedrest and can tell you there are plenty of babies born full term or very close to, as well as some losses. I believe the fact that it's not growing and you are not bleeding is a great sign. I think also if it was close to or disrupting the placenta then they would've told you about it. Stay hydrated, it sounds like you're already on pelvic rest (no sex, orgasms, lifting etc). When is your next scan? I have one on the 21st of this month. My last was on the 30th of November and also looked like old blood and hadn't grown in size. I'm feeling optomistic, and also carrying a little boy :) Don't give up just yet. The further along you are, the smaller the SCH is in comparison to the baby and that is all relative. Chin up!

Thank you for your reply,...i just wish that i asked more questions when i had the chance on friday, and not like now where i am going crazy online, looking for horror stories. I will call him on monday and literally bombard him. The last appointment at 15 weeks, the bleed was on the edge, but thit wondering what ts time no one mentioned anything. I am just wondering , because it seems those that those who did not have positive outcomes , started the problems from the SCH in the few weeks following the 20th week. SO i want to prepare myself
I have read all 386 pages over the last few weeks, and it has been so helpful! I have been on bedrest for 7 weeks, and I finally received some promising news at 14 weeks! The SCH is now 3.5 cm and is absorbing. My Dr. released me from bedrest and instead of the 50% chance of miscarriage, we have now been given a 90% chance of a take home baby!
Is there anyone still on here? If so how are you doing?

I was just wondering the same thing? Ive just finished reading the thread from start to finish and would love somd ladies to wait this out 17w4d and was diagnosed with an sch at 6w3d.
My SCH baby is now over 18 months old, but I'm still subscribed to this thread. I guess it was such a stressful time for me, I'd like to help anyone who has questions or worries. Not that I'm the all-knowing guru of SCHs, but my experience was pretty scary. Not sure if you remember my story, but I'm around if anyone has questions. :flower:

Good luck ladies, SCHs are not the end if the world, but they are pretty stressful. Take care of yourselves!!
Thanks so much for replying, i do remember you and your story is so encouraging! I know most of the facts/statistics, have done a lot of reading over the last few months but i have to say i thought it would be gone or smaller by now. The biggest it ever measured was 7cmx6cmx3cm and it did shrink to 5cmx3cmx3cm but that was almost 2 months ago and now nothings happening. Ive a feeling it will be there to the end. My doctors kept a close eye and scanned fortnightly at 6,8,10,12 weeks but now they are happy to scan every4/5 weeks. They look at me like im crazy when i ask about risk of preterm labour etc and tell me i'll be fine. However in first tri-they assured me it would be gone by 14 wks and if not-then we'd start worrying?! I attend an antenatal clinic in local maternity hosp and am under consultant rather than midwife and i've had 2 prior c-sections-however i see a different member of medical team almost every time. Some tell me rest, others say carry on-so frustrating!
Thank you Mara for posting. I am so glad everything worked out so well for you and baby.
I was just diagnosed with SCH yesterday at 7 weeks. I am not feeling very optimistic due to my age. Also have been on rest 2 weeks due to hypermesis, so my mood is already low. Grateful for all the positive stories out there. The high chance of placenta previa worries me most. I'll catch up on the rest of this board and hopefully hear a lot more.
It took me wks to read through it but I did learn a lot.....don't despair hopie, i was in your shoes at 6 wks but now im almost 18 weeks and my baby's doing great! Did they measure your sch?
Thanks so much sdc- I am so glad to hear you and baby are doing so well!

No, they didn't measure. The radiologist just said 'considerable size'. I will have to go to my ob/gyn or a specialist next week, as this all happened at the ER yesterday. I think because of being so well over 40 now and 2 prior losses, I do not have much hope even with seeing the baby with a good heart rate. Terrible as it sounds, I am just not optimistic.
I know most SCH cases turn out perfectly fine from all the reading I've done-- I guess maybe I feel in my heart there is something else wrong with the baby.. Not sure.

Having hypermesis doesn't make this any easier, as my mood is already low from being so sick and in bed 2 weeks! I just pray for the strength really and trust what will be, will be!

I have a great feeling for you and whoa- you are right- will take me forever to read through all these posts!

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