Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

This was my SCH today :) 8w4d (the line right above the baby) it was 4.5x4.5x1.5 at 6w3d and was still that size at 7w5d. But is now 4x1.5x1.5 :) I had brown spotting from the 7w US to the 8w US


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Is anyone still active in this forum? I have read the entire board over the last week trying to understand more about sch. I am 16.5 with twins and was dx at 13 weeks and would love someone to talk to.
Hi! I still check in from time to time. I had major bleeding with my twins from an sch. They are 14 months old now. I'd be happy to answer any questions
Hi! I followed your story on the forum and it has really helped me relax over the last few weeks. My sch was 4cmx2cm a week and a half ago, they said it is slightly thinner but didn't give me a new size. My spotting finally stopped a few days ago and I thought it was finally over. I woke up cramping yesterday and cramped all day so I knew something was coming. Woke up with slight red spotting in the middle of the night last night. Now only barely brown spotting, but cramping is back. I have a doppler and tend to listen to them as soon as I wake and right before bed to keep my anxiety down. How do you ever relax??
Also, the sch is behind my placenta but docs says it's no big deal and not causing any problems.
When my dr explained to me where it was, and that it really wasn't causing any problems that helped me relax. But seriously every time I saw blood I would just freak. I went to to er twice. Did they tell you when it might go away?
It really does seem like most of them never cause any problems.
I went to the ER twice when I first saw blood as well. The last 2 days I cramped like crazy and almost got nervous enough to call the doc. I have my first appointment with a perinatologist Monday so I'm trying to hold out until then. The doc just said they usually resolve and brushed me off. I was pretty upset that I didn't get more info. How big was your sch and when did it heal?
I'm now 19 weeks and was diagnosed with a large SCH about 13cm in size located right along the amniotic sac. I had a strong bleeding at 14 weeks followed by 3 weeks of spotting. Doctor told me I need to take it easy and put me on pelvic rest , no lifting, no sports. I've also started taking progesterone pill once a day. But sometimes I'm just not sure what is OK for me to do an what not. How about pelvic floor exercises, stretching, long walks, driving over bumps?
Also I've been reading that dydrogesterone can be more helpful against sch than just micronised progesterone. Does anyone else heard this from their doctor?
I'm just over 14 weeks and have had spotting on and off since 6 weeks, including a large red bleed at 12 weeks. I had three early scans due to previous mcs and the bleeding, but the SCH wasn't picked up until my 12 week scan. I was told it measures 4cm and may dissolve on its own, but other than that I wasn't really given any info or advice. I find it so worrying to see blood so often especially after three previous losses, and no problems like this at all with my pregnancy with my DD. Shocked to read it can be linked to preterm labour and miscarriage, especially since I've not really been given any kind of information from any medical professionals, just told it can be normal to bleed in pregnancy, and pretty much left to it until my 20 week scan. The whole experience has put us off even announcing our pregnancy so far.
Lanet, the sch is still there at 6x3 cm. I'm 23 +4 and it doesn't seem to be causing any problems. Docs are keeping an eye on baby As growth and so far he is measuring exactly the same as baby B at 1 lb 2 oz. How are you?
Hi to any current visitors. I am 16 plus 1 with my third baby. I have been bleeding for about a month to varying degrees. I have had 3 extra scans, the last 2 showing a 71mm and 73mm sch respectively. But we only got a clear diagnosis yesterday. Am taking it easy - as anything seems to start it off, but I think there is little I can do really. Mucho stressful. Especially the two massive bleeds I have had. Be happy to chat with anyone in the same boat.
Just wanted to update that my bleeding stopped around 16 weeks, and there was no sign of it at my 20 week scan. I'm 22 weeks now so hopefully that's the end of it this time, so worrying!
Hi guys,
I'm jumping in here as well to join you guys. I'm losing my mind, I can't sleep,I'm so afraid to go to the loo and panic with every trickle I feel.
I was diagnosed at 11wks with an SCH 5cmx1cm. After a massive red bleed and I was convinced the baby was gone. That actually stopped for a week, I started bleeding again then very heavy Brown blood that turned to red and passed clots the size of chewing gum packets.
I've been bleeding since, the doctors just checked that my cervix was closed. I've had 3 small gushes of watery blood in amidst all the other bleeding and trying to hold it together until the ultrasound on Monday.

14 wks tomorrow and I can't really take this constant fear anymore. Reading all the posts here give me mixed emotions of hope and despair! Love to all of you guys going through this too.
Hi ladies, I know how stressful it can be. I bled from 12 to 16 weeks on and off. I'm 27+5 with twins today and my sch is still there at around 6cm x 4cm. It isn't causing any problems or growth restriction as of now. The baby with the sch is actually measuring ahead of his brother by 7oz. My doc and nurses all said they wouldn't have even told me about it if I hadn't had problems because it's so small. Keep your heads up ladies. Prayers for you and your babies :)
I'm not sure how active this thread is, but I'd love to join for support.

I started spotting with mild cramps at 14w3d last week and rushed to the ER. U/S revealed an approximately 3cm x 3cm x 4cm SCH, but a strong heartbeat and baby was measuring ahead. Immediately after the scan, I had heavy red bleeding. Since then, I've had a week of brown spotting that has become practically non-existent. I am on pelvic rest, no lifting, and am generally trying to take it easy (still working my desk job). I followed up with my OB, who sounded confident this will resolve, but I'm still REALLY freaking out. I go back to OB for follow up next week. We were just starting to relax about this pregnancy and announce it more, and then this...
I had one with my son. It was found at 5w and cleared up around 17-20. It was painful and super stressful, and I bled...a lot! When you feel those cramps coming on, stop what you're doing, put your legs up, relax and drink some water. Dehydration will contribute to uterine cramping. Blood in the uterus is an irritant - which is why it hurts at times. My son is now just over 2 years old, and everything is perfect. Good luck. I know it's scary, but it's not usually going to cause any major issues. Remain on pelvic rest until it completely clear a up! :hugs:
Not sure if this group is still active.
I have been reading through comments and found information very useful. May i join? Just wondering how long do people bleed for with SCH?

Here is my story
Preg#1 miscarrige at 6 weeks. Large ovarian cyst was identified along with lots of small fibriods (although they thought the miscarrige was to do with the baby rather than anything else).

Preg#2 had great 1st trimester then started spotting after dating scan at 13 weeks. Went for another scan, they didn't see anything unusual.

Then at 14 weeks, I had massive bleed - honestly there was so much blood I thought for sure I miscarried again. Rushed to A&E crying for hours. Then, to our surprise the little one is moving around with heart beat. I continued to bleeds for 4 days. Hospital kept me because they were afraid I would be in danger with so much bleeding. A large SCH was identified over the cervix. Then I was told 3 scenarios either
1. It reabsorbs/bleeds out and all will be fine or
2. I could miscarry as bleeding can irritate uterus or
3. I may go into pre term labour.
I was honestly shocked because most people bleed at first trimester..I'm supposed to be in the safe zone!! And in my life, never heard of SCH!

From 14-16 weeks, I continue to bleed almost everyday, sometime brown sometime red. At 16 weeks scan, the SCH grew and changed in shape. Its now long and thin starting from placenta down to cover the cervix. Doctor told me I'd continue to bleed due to the location, which I did daily.

It has been almost 3 weeks and I'm still bleeding/spotting non-stop. Honestly I can't see the light at the end.... How long do people bleed for??

And do I have a chance to go full term with SCH so late in the pregnancy ?
In case anyone is reading this, I wanted to provide an update on my SCH, which was diagnosed at 14w3d when I started bleeding. It was approximately 3cm x 3cm x 4cm. My major bleed was followed by about 3 weeks of spotting and cramping/pain. I was not put on bed rest, but was on pelvic rest and took it as easy as possible. I am happy to report that I am now 25 weeks and they could not find the SCH at my 20 week anatomy scan. They think it reabsorbed or bled out and will not cause any future problems. I wanted to share in case anyone is looking for good news after a 2nd tri SCH.
Hi girls,

I just wanted to know what the chances of having a SCH a second time?

I've had 4 healthy natural full term births (all boys) and then with my daughter i started to bleed at around 8 weeks. It was more spotting, when I wiped and brown rather than red blood. 12 week scan was fine and then at 13 weeks I started to bleed again, a little heavier this time. So I had another scan which showed a SCH and was told everything was fine and it would either reabsorbed or bleed out. It stopped around 15 weeks and at my 20 week scan there was no SCH to be seen. Rest of the pregnancy went well until I hit 33 weeks and suddenly felt funny and I thought my waters had gone but it was bright red blood. I went to hospital and they couldn't find baby's HB so I was knocked out for a emergency section. That's where they discovered my placenta had completely come away due to a huge clot. Thankfully my daughter was fine but we both just made it by the skin of our teeth!
So now I'm pregnant again and so worried it could all happen again.

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