Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

inperfected, dh would comment on my paleness whenever I had a big bleed but fortunately my iron levels always came back fine. I think it can be from the blood loss in combination with the stress. It's worth asking about.

The worst thing about sch is that every little ache and pain has me imagining that something is seriously going wrong. The past few days I've had some stomach pains and nausea. It's most likely that it's constipation and indigestion which I've been getting a lot but my first thought is always something horrible. I'm going to try and eat smaller, healthier portions and see if that helps. Lying down usually helps too. Maybe I've been doing too much. At least I have the luxury of feeling baby kick and squirm so I know he's OK.
Welcome CamoQueen. Some do start in the 2nd tri. Or it could be you have had it a while, but it hasnt bled it out yet or maybe you will never see the blood. Sometimes the SCH can be old stuff and I think your Dr might be able to tell if its newer stuff in there or older stuff. Since you arent bleeding thats usually a good sign. You can continue to have the SCH show up on ultrasound even after your placenta has healed,but for some reason that pocket of blood just stays put. But at the same time you may start bleeding.
Most of these heal by 20 wks. For now take it easy. No heavy lifting. Pelvic rest is a good idea too for some women. I hope your Dr. can give you more details on yours. Just be reassured that most women have good positive outcomes with SCH's. The good far outweighs the bad. I have to remind myself this as I start to get down about it sometimes. But there have been studies done on them that really are positive and make me feel much better!!
Good Luck!!

Also DONT google, trust me!! For some reason the info on there isnt all that accurate and a lot of what you see is the "bad" parts and bad outcomes of SCH, its hard to find the positive, when really there are much more positive things happening!! Google just doesnt help

:hugs: Thanks for the advice. DH and I have called off sex for now until we speak to our doctor, and I'm going to just rest and relax this weekend. I'm really glad I was directed to this group... it's so nice to have other people to talk to who are going through the same thing!
Welcome, Camoqueen and Misselle, I'm glad you found the group, it's so very comforting to know there are others going through a similar siutation. I was so very worried and upset when I found out my SCH grew last week, and did hours and hours of research and reading of other womens' stories. Then finally it dawned on me and I calmed down---I honestly did not read ONE story where a pregnancy ended badly due to SCH! And I read tons of stories! The couple that ended badly, they admitted it had nothing to do with the SCH and was totally unrelated. Some women had horrible stories of gushing blood the entire pregnancy, and although a few delivered early (just by 3 weeks or so), they all had healthy babies in the end!!

As others have already said, the odds are definately in our favor, I think every single one of us will be just fine, and I really mean that:)
sjbaby - Hi, Sorry about your stomach bug, doesn't everything always feel so much worse when your pregnant. I haven't seen the Dr yet since my second scan, I go and see him on Wednesday, but I did book myself in for another scan on Friday, because I'm assuming he'll want to see if the bleed is still growing. If he doesn't, then I'll just cancel the appointment.. but I think he will, he's pretty good like that. I did the chinese gender thing too, mine also says girl, except in my case I was hoping it was right! I noticed different ones on different sites, give different results, which one did you use?

Inperfected - You'll have to tell me how your scan goes, I hope it goes well! I can only dream of being 16 weeks at this point! I really can't wait to get to 26 weeks - that's my goal, that way I know should the worst happen, my baby has a good chance of survival. Everything past that will be a gift! I ordered a doppler last night from Ebay, I'm so excited to get it, last time I was at my Dr he found the heartbeat at 11 weeks so considering I'll be 13 or so when I get it, it should work well.. it will be so compforting between doctors visits.
Welcome pinkpolkadot, CamoQueen and misselle!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Starry Night did you end up going to register with your mom? How did it go?

CamoQueen, I just wanted to add that I've had very little bleeding since I was diagnosed, maybe 24-48 hours worth over the course of 3 weeks, and never anything heavy, but I can see the area they are talking about during the ultrasounds I've had. My doctor still advised modified bed rest and no intercourse for the time being. I know it's stressful to get a diagnosis right before the weekend when you can't do anything about it but I think the fact that you can feel the baby kicking is a great sign! Hang in there and I hope you can get some answers next week.
CamoQueen... I suspect you don't need to be too worried to be honest as in comparision to the sac (what they measure it in comparision to often I believe) it's quite small. :)

Misselle, I'll definitely let everyone know how the scan goes! Tomorrow lunch time it is! (18ish hours!) I can't wait, but bit nervous about SCH size... I've not "bled heavy in 24 hours though now so that's wonderful...

I best be off! Hubby just got home after another 11 hour day for the 7ths day in a row :D See you all!
Just a little something to think about. I know with SCH some women are at a greater risk of Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes, because the long term blood on the gestational sac can sometimes weaken the membranes. The risk may not be huge, but there are vitamins you can take that strengthen your membranes. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, fish oil(omega 3's). I know this from my last pregnancy where I was worried of having my waters break early, because with my 1st pregnancy they broke at 34.5 weeks(I have no idea why they broke). So I did a lot of research on the topic of PPROM and found that many women take extra of these 3 during pregnancy. I also found studies done on it. Most of them are studies done on Vitamin C, and PPROM. With my 2nd daughter my waters had to be broken during labor at 39.5 weeks.
I took an extra 100 mg vit c on top of the 120mg in my prenatal early on during pregnancy. Every month or so I would up it a little (as your body gets used to the amount over time)until the last couple months of pregnancy i was taking an extra about 250mg, so about 370 mg total, but I was also eating at least 1 serving of vitamin c rich food every day.
Vitamin E I took an extra 50 mg a day, so total 80 mg day.
I also took Nordic naturals prenatal Omega 3's every day.
So I am doing the same now and I am actually thinking of upping my vitamin c intake a little more than last time as there is more risk this time around with the SCH.
The Vitamin E I bought from Walgreens online. They have gummy vitamin E's and the dose is 2 gummies to get 100mg, bit I take just 1 gummy per day.
Anyway I just thought I would share this so we can all be that much closer to delivering full term babies!!

One warning though, if you are allergic/sensitive to wheat or gluten, be very careul of bit e as it often comes from wheat ;)
Interesting about the vitamin C. I usually drink a couple of glasses of orange or apple juice a day on top of my multi-vitamin so I hope that is sufficient.

I did go to register for the baby yesterday. I'm glad I went with my mom because I think I would have just stood in the middle of the store and cried. There is so much stuff! And things you'd never think of. Then you need to get multiple quantities of things because you could be changing the sheets or the baby several times throughout the night. My mom was watching my 3 year old nephew at the time so he came along but he was surprisingly good even though you could tell he was getting bored and kept wanting to go to the toy store which was attached to the baby store. By the end of the trip I was starting to cramp up but otherwise I held up OK.
Starry Night -- I found that shopping for my first baby was kind of like shopping to fill my first house. There's so much more to get than you would even think about until you're actually at the store!

So since I am being seen on a military hospital I have to go through all these hoops just to tell my doctor about the hematoma... I have to call their appointment line and leave a message to be forwarded to the doctor, who will then call me within 72 hours. I'm already going crazy, another 3 days isn't going to help!:wacko: I've also been throwing up in the mornings again since I got the news, I figure the return of morning sickness has to be stress related. Fun on top of fun.:dohh:

But on a really cool note -- DH felt the baby kick last night! I was laying down flat on the bed and he was kicking up a storm, so DH lay down next to me and put his hand over my uterus. Alex gave two sharp kicks in a row, and DH's eyes got wide and he asked, "Was that him?!" So, yeah, I'm proud of my strong little man. Worried, but proud.:cloud9:
CamoQueen, I'm also being seen at a military hospital, my husband is Army. I found out about the SCH while I was visiting my parents and then had to jump through a bunch of hoops to get an appt. when I got home. However since that appt, they have been surprisingly good. I was able to get a direct phone number to call if I had questions or concerns and I'm being monitored with weekly ultrasounds for right now. I know every hospital is a little different but hopefully they'll come through for you.

Sjbaby - hope you are feeling better today!

Starry Night - glad registering went well and you had enough energy to get through the trip. I'm sure it is overwhelming but I am counting on that being a really fun excursion for a few months from now.

When did y'all start to feel the baby moving? This is my first and I know they say that you start to show later and that it takes longer to feel the baby moving with your first. I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow and I think that both those things would go a long way towards making me feel like things are progressing! But I think it's going to be a while before either happens. I've been feeling so much better in terms of nausea and fatigue which is great but at least those symptoms were making me feel pregnant during the first trimester. The frequent ultrasounds are making me feel better about things but I find myself wishing time would move a bit faster!
This time I started feeling movement at 14 weeks, with my first it was around 18 weeks.
I have 12 week scan today and babies measuring exactly to (my) date :) it's SO active and perfect! The sch is still there and 5.2x3.6 cm but a little smaller and more clotted supposedly so YAY! I'll link to a photo later :)
I have 12 week scan today and babies measuring exactly to (my) date :) it's SO active and perfect! The sch is still there and 5.2x3.6 cm but a little smaller and more clotted supposedly so YAY! I'll link to a photo later :)
Inperfected: with all the stress you have been through lately and the scary bleeds this is excellent awesome great news!!! Congrats!!!:happydance:and hope you get to enjoy this pregnancy finally :)
Inperfected, so happy to hear that things went well at your scan today. Such great news, and at a time when I'm sure you can use it!
Yeay!! That is such good news! I hope for good news at my scan on Friday too.. Are they going to check again soon? to see if it's still shrinking? or are they satisfied it's ok now? Do they have you on any kind of rest?

I'm so happy for you! :happydance:
I just had my scan today to check on both baby and sch. baby is looking healthy and has a head and limbs already and measuring 5 cm. Sch got a little bigger: was 12 x 6 mm and now is 23 x 8.6 mm. The growth didn´t make me very happy but considering i have not had any spotting or bleeding in 10 days and that baby is so much bigger, I guess proportionally it is still small. I hope it finally starts shrinking!!! Tomorrow I have an appt with my OB.
Thanks everyone ;) I'm still needing to rest as it's been less than 3 days since my last big bleed and still have a reasonable size sch (over 1/2 the sac size) but much better news now it's slightly smaller.

If I start bleeding heavy again (been 7 week today since I started lightly so don't really expect that to stop quickly!!), I'll be ringing my midwife and getting a scan, but otherwise my next is 8 weeks away!

Heres a photo :)

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