Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Ashley, I'm pretty certain it's old blood (gets nearly black when it's really old) and the lighter brown is from being mixed with CM and means it's lessening... :)
I haven't had any actual bleeding since 14 weeks and my last bit of brown spotting was at 15 weeks. Any blood still found is internal and only seen on the ultrasound.
Thts good starry night :)

Yesterday marked the 6th week of spitting or bleeding (only 2 days break)... And tomorrow I'll be 12 weeks (whether or not my midwife agrees - I know my dates). My baby is ok today, just can't wait or next scan!!

I want to leave town, but wouldn't without hubby... Freaks me out with the thought of boiling water for weeks and sewer systems stuffed etc... Thank goodness we have power and water though as 80% don't have water and probably only 10-15% have both. town is devastated as well as so many peoples homes I know of. At least I only know one who has probably died (only aqaintance these days). I'm really quite scared as to how we r going to move out inthe next few months (we live in a 23ft caravan) as the rentals will literally ALL be taken or damaged now.
Joining this group for support! :hugs:

I was diagnosed with a sch on tuesday. Been bleeding on and off since week 6, only lightly, but on tues I was having real bad cramps with red blood too so I went to A&E and asked for a scan. The scan showed baby was fine, kicking and waving with a good HB and a good size (not small for age) but it also identified a sch and now I'm just really worried even though the doctors said it was nothing to worry about! I'm sure they were just playing it down for my sake.

And to make matters worse I have been having sex and this is meant to be a complete no no :nope: so now I feel like its my fault that I have been bleeding and that I've probably made it worse...

I'm so tired and stressed all I want to do is lie in bed and listen to my doppler.

How many people go on to have healthy babes? Is the chance good? I don't think I could cope with another MC :cry:

Sorry for being like this, I know I should have a positive attitude but its hard at the moment xx
Hello to PAgal, sjbaby and pica-pica I've found it really helpful here to read others stories, get info and vent worries!

I've had my hemorrhage for 5+ weeks now and in that time it has doubled then halved in size. I'm 19 weeks now. I hope that can provide some reassurance that even if they get bigger they can get smaller again!!

One thing I found frustrating for quite a while was no-one could tell me how risky it was. I saw a consultant last week and he was really positive about my baby going forward and still having the hemorrhage (it's now in 2 parts both next to amniotic sac) 6cmx1.5cm and 5cmx1.5cm) So again I hope this will give you girls hope! Good luck to you all!

Inperfected - still thinking of you, just such an awful situation for you all over there. Glad you are ok where you are but I can understand you wanting to get away. Take care for your little baby. :hugs:
Inperfected- I can't even imagine what you're going through over there, with your own physical worries about baby on top of all the chaos. Take care of yourself:)

Hope19- thanks for the reassurance and sharing your story, it helps to hear others are going through the same thing with the same worries and all is fine with baby so far. My doc said my bleed is above the cervix so he expects it to drain out, so I am sooo happy when I see brown blood, it feels like a sign of progress--unless, of course, the SCH continues to bleed. But I am very hopeful that it is done.

Pica-pica- I have done hours and hours of research on SCH and was also feeling as if sex may have caused it. But I found a couple of writings where docs said sex has absolutely no bearing on SCH and that the "no sex" instructions given by doctors is just a precaution and is primarily for the women's sake--so that if things go bad, we will know it's nothing we did. I read that the only time sex is specifically to be avoided is when there is an issue with the cervix (open, short, etc.), you have placenta previa, your waters break, or you are still bleeding (fresh blood). They also said orgasms are ok and cannot affect the bleed. Of course, DF and I are avoiding sex to be safe, but just wanted to share that with you to ease your mind that it likely had absolutely nothing to do with your sch!
I was told to avoid sex while bleeding as to prevent infections. They don't make the bleed worse or cause them to begin with.

Pica, cases of sch have very high success rates. Several weeks ago someone linked to a medical journal that showed that the vast majority of cases go on to have a healthy baby. It can increase the risk of some complications over a normal pregnancy but not enough to even really worry about (I know we will still worry!). There's a reason that doctors tend not to show too much concern. I think bed rest and such is mainly to play it safe. Rather be safe than sorry.

I understand how hard it is not to worry. I have had a loss too and bleeding in pregnancy seems to carry a bad omen. When I was about 9 weeks I was even told I had lost the baby but then I saw it on the ultrasound next day, happy as a clam! I didn't even let myself get attached to the baby until well into the second trimester. When I found out baby's sex my first thought was "Oh great, now I'll be really attached and losing it will be that much harder". It's important to chase those negative thoughts away when they come.

We're all here for each other. I'm sure we'll all have chubby screaming babies come the end of all this.
I've been having the same issues with not really wanting to let myself get attached. I'm still really early in the second trimester but in order to get through the first trimester I really didn't allow myself to think about any of the fun stuff related to being pregnant. I've been trying really hard to let myself feel positive about the pregnancy and believe that there is going to be a happy outcome since I hit the second trimester though. And I think I probably should have done this a lot sooner as all the worry and focusing on not thinking about it probably made me worry more!

Starry Night and others who are into the second trimester - can I ask when you started telling people you were pregnant? I was waiting until we got past the first trimester but then after being diagnosed with the SCH I've been sort of holding back from telling anyone but close family and friends. I haven't started to show at all yet so from that standpoint it's not an issue but at the same time I feel like I am keeping this giant secret.
I'm only one week behind you and we've told a few people already (more for support Nd prayers than anything!!). We have decided that we will tell everyone after the scan partly because I'm already showing, and partly because we've decided we want to have some happiness, and they'll give support if it's not ok.

At the moment, the thing I've done to make me "happier" is to work out exactly what in buying for baby, but to be honest, I'm not aure what I CAN buy now! At this stage there is a realistic chance of us not being able to move out since there was a housing shortage from septembers quake and i personally know 10+ people who can't live in there house since this quake - and there were only 200 rentals left. It's not like town is small with 350000 ish living here - yeah. I told hubby I wanted to leave last night and he 'practically' said and where are we going to go? I don't want to leave, but I don't really want to stay either.
Jordeliz- I agree with Starry Night, it's very important to chase negative thoughts away. Like you, I held off telling more people when I had the bleeding. And after going back 2 weeks later only to find out the SCH grew so much, the 1st day I was very negative in my mind, and told myself "that's it", no more buying anything, no more talking about the future as if baby will be here. Then, after literally wearing myself out Googling and stressing, I snapped out of it and decided that I AM going to enjoy this pregnancy, even right now! Baby has been doing great so far and is growing right on schedule, and the odds really are in our favor. And I can tell you, putting the worry in the background has already done wonders for me, which has helped my stress tremendously, which all helps baby (We are picking out baby names, looking for childcare, and bragging to everyone about being pregnant now:). Although I know it's very challenging, try your best to just enjoy being pregnant, because there will be bumps in the road but all you can do is take care of yourself and think the very best.
We told everyone right away about our pregnancy. We didn't find out about the sch until my big bleed at 9 weeks when I thought I had lost the baby but I had been bleeding pretty much since my bfp. My gp had put me on total bed rest so I had to explain to work, my church and everyone else why I suddenly disappeared off the face of the planet. I couldn't just say, "I'm not feeling well" because that would lead them to think I have some deadly illness. So we were forced to tell people right away.
Well.. The SCH is a good reason to quit the youth group we are having issues with the other leaders of - and we will be doing it straight after the scan next Monday (most of your guys Sunday).

I get so jealous when I hear you guys haven't bleed in ages! I've bled for 6 weeks non stop now, and 4 weeks of sporadic HEAVY bleeds. I have been red heavier bleeding AGAIN tonight. At least I have a scan on MOnday
Inperfected I am hoping you can finally stop bleeding very soon, thats so frustrating and worrisome for you.
So my Dr told me some women will stop bleeding, but they will just have a sac of old blood that could just stay put the entire pregnancy without bleeding out, but also the SCH can be healed but the blood just stays put. He said he has done c-sections and what he sees in there looks like a bunch of brown chocolate. So I Imagine having a vaginal birth you would see the brown come out along with red that normally comes out in the weeks following childbirth. So continuing to see a pocket of blood on ultrasound doesnt always mean the placenta hasnt healed. Its when you bleed fresh blood that you know its not quite healed. Oddly I never thought of that. I assumed if its there on the screen its gotta come or reabsorb but thats not always necessarily so. Sounds kinda similar to you Starry.
Again my Dr didnt even try to look for my SCH. I kinda wish I would have asked him to find it and measure it. Im still spotting brown. It seems endless!! Baby is measuring perfect for my dates with good HB so thats really all my Dr looks for. I think next time(2 wks) I will have him check and measure the SCH just so I know whats happening with it.

I am also weary of telling people about my pregnancy. Unless its obvious like when I start showing and somebody asks me, I wont say anything until at least 25 wks. Though I have told close family so far.
If the doctor didn't "look" that's a good thing Ashley, because I'm assuming it wasn't blatantly obvious. At both of my scans, it was so blatantly obvious that I could tell straight away (2x size of sac, then 1.5x cos sac had grown)
At another scan I'd ask, "What about my bleed?". At my 20 week scan I had a student performing the scan and she said she couldn't see it (the bleed was mentioned in my records) and the head technician said it probably had reabsorbed. So I said that it had been still there on my last scan a week or so before. So the head technician looked and found it. I'm really hoping it's old stuff in there as the technician said but I'm waiting for my scan next week to get real answers.

inperfected, I did bleed red for about 4 week straight and then had brown spotting for about 5 weeks. Then I had a break of about a week, then I bled red for a week, spotted brown for a week and now I've been bleed-free. It can take awhile...

It's just a hunch, but I don't think I'll have another big bleed until the end. I don't know...I have been feeling so much better lately. I can move about more and am in less pain. I'm hoping it's a sign of healing.

And today's my birthday! Got a few kicks from baby as I woke up. Such a lovely present.
Well Happy Birthday to you, Starry Night!!

Hope your bleed is gone or almost by next week. I've read that most resolve by 20 weeks. The techs can tell if the blood is old or new, I'm not sure how but when it's new they'll note it on the report. So sounds like it's old blood, that's great.
Next week I'll also get the results from some blood work done at the children's hospital. I've been tested for a clotting disorder and if I have one then I think there's a medication I can take to help prevent future bleeds. Of course, I hope I don't have it but it might explain why I've had such heavy periods my entire life.
Happy Birthday Starry!

I had my scan this morning. Really didn't learn much because it was with a technician in the radiology department and they have to send the results to my doctor which apparently takes a couple days. They did say the heartbeat was there and that the baby was measuring the right size, so that was nice to hear. The technician really wouldn't tell me anything else so I guess I'll be waiting for the appointment with my doctor next week to get all my questions answered. But it was nice to get a little reassurance about things.

Thanks everyone for the info on when you let people know. I think I am going to wait until I see the doctor next week and then I am going to take all your advice and just go ahead and start telling people.

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