Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I have a question that is concerning me a little... I'm losing a lot of brown blood, which I know is good, but do any of you ever get confused as to what's old and new blood?? It's been mostly brown but today there was some deep red so now I'm getting confused. Does old blood have to always be 100% brown or can there be some deep red in it? My periods were pretty dark red so it's all confusing me!
Happy Birthday Starry Night!

Hey imperfected read a few of your posts sounds like your really going through wars atm i hope all goes well and the bleeding stops or calms down soon, and you can make a decision on living arrangements for the near future.

Hope19 i dont no if this will help but my nurse said they measure the SCH to the size of the sac (in your case the 2 combined)even if SCH has grown it does not always mean its more dangerous if its 2/3's the size or more then it is more risky(not always the case so dont worry to much), also it depends where they are, the further away from the placenta the better.

Pica-pica please don't beat yourself up sex DOES NOT cause the bleed the womb is very well protected like PAgal has wrote its more of a precaution to avoid infection and they also advise you not to do anything strenuous (thats were the sex thing comes in again).

Fingers crossed guys :)

I heard the baby's heartbeat yesterday i took my little girl with me she wasn't all that impressed lol but im thinking it would be nice to start involving her now i feel more confident things are going to get better xxx
PAgal the darker the better if it gets heavy go to hospital to get checked over or phone your local midwife i wouldn't worry to much as long as it is deep red and not bright red x
Hey Pagal, deep red isn't too bad I believe (remembering your lining had building building up for 4 weeks with each period). I definitely get confused sometimes but find that (WAY TOO MUCH INFO I KNOW!) if I'm wondering, and bleeding heavier, moving it around slightly on the tissue usually confirms it's dark and not fresh mixed with old.

Thanks sjbaby, I just feel so useless sitting on my couch when people need to be helped, but such the way it is and I'm not risking my baby for it. Still freaks me out each time we have an aftershock though!! (I think we've had 70 or more each day?)
Hi all :hi:

I would like to introduce myself, I'm afraid I haven't read this whole thread but I have had a flick through, thanks for creating it!

I have been bleeding on and off since week 5 and my scan showed an area of bleed in my uterus. I was told this was below our bean and not near the placenta which was a good thing apparently. At my 10+ wk scan I was told the bleed was 'organising'. I noticed on my notes it was described a an SCH but I thought that was only if it was under the placenta?

The following I have posted similar on 1st tri but thought you ladies may know about it....

Sorry if this is TMI but I don't have anyone else I can speak with about this!

We have had a DTD ban due to the area of bleed. The MW said to carry this on until the bleeding/brown DC stops. I haven't had any bleeding/brown DC for about a week now but I'm worried to DTD in case it starts up again! Do you think this is long enough? My sex drive is higher than it has ever been in my life I think but I don't want to take any risks!

I was wondering if one of the reasons for the ban would be that my cervix mustn't be completely plugged for blood to be escaping so there is a risk of infection getting in? Would it be safer to use condoms?

Thanks for reading :flower:
Welcome pinkpolkatdot!

I believe a sch is any bleeding in the uterus that's not directly from the baby. It doesn't have to be about the placenta though it can affect it. I've had a bleed since week 5 too but unfortunately mine has affected the placenta. Thankfully, the specialist is still giving me a good prognosis as the bleeding isn't underneath.

I'm not sure about the sex ban. Since I have a bit of a placenta abruption I'm still not allowed to have sex. DH and I were avoiding it even before the abruption though just to be safe. However, we were only explicitly banned from intercourse so we find other ways to have fun. Like you, my hormones are crazy high. We do try to limit how many times we have our "fun" and I've learned to stop myself before I full-on orgasm. I think I need to prevent too much shaking around. ;)
Thanks Starry Night, glad to hear you specialist is giving a good prognosis :flower:
Pinkpolkadot-- that's a tough one. I'd call the doc and specifically ask them about sex. It sounds, though, like abruption isn't a worry in your situation so if it were me, personally, I would opt for sex. Since you're worried about penetration you can creatively get out of that part, but I still don't think it would do any harm if it doesn't feel uncomfy. I would stick to face-to-face sex, like both lying on your sides facing each other, this has been more comfortable for DF and I rather than other positions in the past. Good luck, I know how frustrating it is with the raging hormones!!!

Btw, if you cramp after, don't take that as a bad sign and feel bad-- my doc said cramping after O is normal and that you always had it, it's just more noticeable now with all the stretched ligaments and things now!
Thanks for all your replies!

I'm feeling more confident now about the situation, and hopefully my scan next week will reassure me even more.

Unfortunately I had to let work know about the pregnancy, was hoping to keep it quiet a bit longer but I know people would start to question why I'm not lifting anything heavier than one book from now on! They have been really good about it though and then the girl I work with confessed that she is 9 wks pregnant too!

Pinkpolkadot - I wondered about my mucus plug and how the blood gets past too. I will ask my midwife when I see her next but if you get an answer before then let me know please! xx
From what I understand a sch Is a collection of blood in the uterusvisible on ultrasound, not just any bleeding that's not from the baby (25% of people bleed in 1st tri bit only 1-2% have an sch). Hope that helps
Hey ladies, guess I'll be joining you all in this thread!

I had a 16 week private gender scan today for fun and the tech noticed I had a SCH. This wasn't seen on my 9 week scan, and I haven't had any symptoms or bleeding so it was news to me. I'm not sure what size it would be considered, if it's large or small or how worried I need to be.:wacko: From what I could see of it, it didn't seem that big, smaller than the baby's head... but I still came home, curled up into a fetal ball and cried for a while.

I just have no experience with this! Is 16 weeks late to be diagnosed? It feels like something most people find out about in the first trimester, from what I've read. I'm just really worried. I haven't been to see my doctor about it yet because, like I said, I just had the scan this afternoon. Now it's the weekend and I can't see them for a few days even if I wanted to! It's driving me crazy!:wacko:

On a side note, Alex has been kicking like crazy today -- I think he's telling me to calm down.:haha:
Welcome CamoQueen. Some do start in the 2nd tri. Or it could be you have had it a while, but it hasnt bled it out yet or maybe you will never see the blood. Sometimes the SCH can be old stuff and I think your Dr might be able to tell if its newer stuff in there or older stuff. Since you arent bleeding thats usually a good sign. You can continue to have the SCH show up on ultrasound even after your placenta has healed,but for some reason that pocket of blood just stays put. But at the same time you may start bleeding.
Most of these heal by 20 wks. For now take it easy. No heavy lifting. Pelvic rest is a good idea too for some women. I hope your Dr. can give you more details on yours. Just be reassured that most women have good positive outcomes with SCH's. The good far outweighs the bad. I have to remind myself this as I start to get down about it sometimes. But there have been studies done on them that really are positive and make me feel much better!!
Good Luck!!

Also DONT google, trust me!! For some reason the info on there isnt all that accurate and a lot of what you see is the "bad" parts and bad outcomes of SCH, its hard to find the positive, when really there are much more positive things happening!! Google just doesnt help
Hello everyone, I guess I'm in the right place, this is my first forum post ..ever! But I don't know anyone who it experiencing anything similar to talk to.

I am the mother of 4 lovely boys, 15, 8, 4 and 2. So this is my 5th pregnancy. At my 7 week dating scan, the tech noticed what could be a second 'sac', however it was much smaller than the other measuring only 7mm, and was empty. In the first sac was a healthy little peanut with a strong heartbeat.

I had a small bleed at 10 weeks and was sent for another ultrasound, this time there was no second sac but a "perigestaional bleed" which I believe is the same thing as a SCG. The bleed measured 30x4x10mm. The tech told me that these are quite common, baby was healthy and not to worry.

One week later I had another bleed, this time was my first appointment with my GP. He was quite concerned that the bleed was caused by the failed second conception and might cause a problem and possibly take the healthy baby with it. So I was advised ..No Sex of any kind and to take it easy.

I was sent for another ultrasound and the bleed had almost doubled in size in a week! Now it measures, 66 x 46 x 7mm. Now I'm scared. I don't see my doctor until next wednesday.
I was wishing for that little girl - now I couldn't care less, I'm just praying this baby survives. Has anyone experienced anything similar?? Am I right to be scared stiff?? Double the size in a week, is this a concern? What do they class as big?? Thanks misselle :)
I'm not sure Misselle, I'm new to this sch thing too. I was too upset even to take notice of the size of mine! I'm sure one of the other ladies on here will know more than me though xx
Thanks Pica-pica, I guess we will learn together. I'm due on the 10th of September - you must be somewhere near that? I forgot to mention above that on both my scans the baby is doing very well and the bleed does not seem to involve the placenta. I also have not bled at all in the last week or so, but BOTH bleeds I have had, have been right after sex (TMI) and have only lasted about 8 hours.
Welcome to the group camoqueen and misselle

I am poorly today :-( been up all night with a stomach bug and got a head cold feel really yuk :-(

misselle your story sounds very similar to mine i went for my third scan last week at 16weeks my sch has grown but im less concerned because the baby has grown more, at this point you need to rest and avoid intercourse, it is also good that its not affecting the placenta and your baby is doing well, have u got another U/S booked its really important to make sure your doc is monitoring you for your peace of mind mainly.Hopefully your sch will start dissolving soon good luck

Camoqueen i completely agree with ashley2pink hope all goes well x
Hey misselle :)

I am due on the 8th so only 2 days ahead of you :). My bleed is about the same size as yours 2 weeks ago, and get another scan in about 36 hours from now!! Not sire what's going to happen as I've had 4 days of gushing since then, but know babys ok at the moment :) I have a Doppler thank goodness!!

For you guys who have had BIG bleeds (I've had 4 medically considered hemmorages now), have you noticed that you hav gotten pale? Hubby mentioned it tonight and finally made sense as to why I hated my reflection now, I am so pale and YUK!
Hey inperfected you may also be aneamic its very comman in this stage of pregnancy hope you dont have anymore large bleeds that must be so scary them dopplers are great x
i just done the Chinese gender thing it says we are having a girl but it cant be right because it said my little princess is a boy lol x

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