Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

The specialist was very hopeful at my last visit so that makes me too. The past few weeks I've been feeling pretty good - hardly any cramps and my abdomen feels less tender. I go out in the car more than I should. It's just hard to stay in the house because there are so many things that need to be done. Dh already does the errands but there are parents to visit. Our house is in complete disarray due to renovations and packing for moving so we can't have anyone over. We often take long ways around to avoid streets that are really bumpy.
Girls my dr called me today and told me Im having another ultrasound on the 21st to check on the sch. Is it pretty normal to have a second ultrasound to check on them? This ultrasound will be 6 weeks from my last one. Is that far enough apart to see a change?
Yes, it's definitely normal to have several ultrasounds to check up on the SCH. I've had three now, each spaced about 7-10 days apart to monitor things. But I think part of that was because I was diagnosed in the ER so my doctor did an additional scan in the office to confirm I had an SCH. Then she ordered a higher resolution ultrasound for about 10 days later to see if there were any changes. I have an appt this afternoon to discuss the results from that and make sure things are still ok. Hopefully I'll have good news later today!
Most of my ultrasounds have come from me taking the initiative to go to the ER whether due to big bleeds or severe cramping. I originally went to see a specialist because my IPS screening came back with a higher risk for spina bifida. It was on that ultrasound that they discovered the abruption. So now I'm going back to get it monitored. And just to let you guys know, if you do go for prenatal screening in-uterine bleeding (ie. sch) can raise your AFP levels which is used to monitor the risk for things such a spina bifida. So if your doctor tells you you're high risk try not to panic right away. It could be the bleeding.
Still haven't heard anything from the hospital. Today is the day my referral is supposed to go through, so if I haven't heard anything from them by tomorrow morning I'll give them a call. If it still hasn't gone through I'll have to call Tricare referral management and have them do it again... ugh, why can't anything be easy?!:wacko:

Not knowing anything further about this other than I have it is driving me crazy! The minute I talked to my doctor about it on the phone, she didn't say anything about pelvic rest (she did mention taking it easy and no heavy lifting, though), but I've pretty much put myself on self-imposed pelvic rest until I know more. So now, of course, I have been having sex dreams ever since.:dohh:
Girls my dr called me today and told me Im having another ultrasound on the 21st to check on the sch. Is it pretty normal to have a second ultrasound to check on them? This ultrasound will be 6 weeks from my last one. Is that far enough apart to see a change?

Yes My doctor is sending me for one every week atm. There has been a change at each one (not for the better mind you). Mine is caused by miscarrying a twin conception, but apparently they are more common and less troublesome in the first trimester, or so I have been told, so that's probably why your doc is waiting until you are 12 weeks to make sure it has gone away. I am currently almost 14 weeks. So far I have been for 2 and I have one today.

Cross your fingers for me girls!
Still haven't heard anything from the hospital. Today is the day my referral is supposed to go through, so if I haven't heard anything from them by tomorrow morning I'll give them a call. If it still hasn't gone through I'll have to call Tricare referral management and have them do it again... ugh, why can't anything be easy?!:wacko:

Not knowing anything further about this other than I have it is driving me crazy! The minute I talked to my doctor about it on the phone, she didn't say anything about pelvic rest (she did mention taking it easy and no heavy lifting, though), but I've pretty much put myself on self-imposed pelvic rest until I know more. So now, of course, I have been having sex dreams ever since.:dohh:

I get them too, all the time, but I have never had one that's made me bleed, I think they must be a different kind of orgasm. The real thing causes bleeding everytime. You'll be ok, go to sleep thinking about changing pooey nappies, and sleep deprivation, and being chucked on, god knows we don't have much of a sex life when that's going on. :winkwink: :)
Just got back from appointment a few minutes ago. The bleed has gotten quite a bit smaller! No ultrasound today but I got to hear the baby's heartbeat. I have a follow up ultrasound and doctor's appt in two weeks to keep monitoring. In the meantime I'm supposed to continue to take it really easy. So I guess that means the couch and I are still going to be good buddies.

The doctor seemed pretty positive about things resolving themselves but said we really just have to keep waiting to see what happens. I'm so relieved that this thing is getting smaller.

Misselle hope your appt goes well today!
Congrats, Jordeliz, that's wonderful news!!
Still haven't heard anything from the hospital. Today is the day my referral is supposed to go through, so if I haven't heard anything from them by tomorrow morning I'll give them a call. If it still hasn't gone through I'll have to call Tricare referral management and have them do it again... ugh, why can't anything be easy?!:wacko:

Not knowing anything further about this other than I have it is driving me crazy! The minute I talked to my doctor about it on the phone, she didn't say anything about pelvic rest (she did mention taking it easy and no heavy lifting, though), but I've pretty much put myself on self-imposed pelvic rest until I know more. So now, of course, I have been having sex dreams ever since.:dohh:

My doc only said take it easy and no heavy lifting too, but I decided to quit exercise until the SCH goes down just to be safe. Now I'm considering doing some light exercise like the stationary bike because it's killing me being so out of shape! (the SCH was found Feb. 2nd so it's been a month and a half already). My legs feel so weak if I bend down to pick something up, and I get so winded now and my heart races if I as much as walk up the steps. Any thoughts? The bike isn't a bouncy exercise and I would start out slow, like 10 minutes a day.
PAgal - your situation may be different to mine, but I'll tell you what my doc told me.

When I was complaining that I HAD to lift my 2 year old, and the floors weren't going to vaccum themselves....he doesn't even want me to vaccuum. :dohh: He says that SCH weakens the amniotic sac, and it's very important to do as little, lifting, bending, squatting etc because, worst case scenarios are, A. Under pressure the blood could get under the placenta, and cause a placental abruption, or I could have premature rupture of membranes, due to them being weakened, and my baby could be born much too early to survive, and under about 24 weeks there would be nothing I could do, they wouldn't try and save it, I would have to just hold him or her until he/she dies.

Now... I take what he says very seriously, I don't care if I put on a few extra pounds, I am resting as much as possible, and eating heaps of protein (supposed to strengthen the sac) until this crisis has past. He is hopeful that it should resolve itself by about 20 weeks.

I think getting a bit out of shape, is worth the sacrifice, but if it ment that much, and I had to pick an excersise to do, I would pick swimming, as it is very gentle and there is less force of gravity :)

Sorry I hate to sound like the drama queen.. but that speech certainly put things in perspective for me, quicksmart. Maybe wait until you've had your appointment? You may not be in such a serious position, and gentle excersise might be ok. :)
I think most exercises would classify as not taking it easy. My exercise is doing small tasks around the house. I think as long as you're getting some movement you should be OK. I think walking and pregnancy-safe stretches are probably the best. For myself, I find even walking more than 10 minutes leaves me in agony and I need to lie down for some time before I'm up for more activity.
Just got back from appointment a few minutes ago. The bleed has gotten quite a bit smaller! No ultrasound today but I got to hear the baby's heartbeat. I have a follow up ultrasound and doctor's appt in two weeks to keep monitoring. In the meantime I'm supposed to continue to take it really easy. So I guess that means the couch and I are still going to be good buddies.

The doctor seemed pretty positive about things resolving themselves but said we really just have to keep waiting to see what happens. I'm so relieved that this thing is getting smaller.

Misselle hope your appt goes well today!

YEAY!!! I'm so happy for you!
I hope mine has gotten smaller too! I haven't had a bleed for a week, so I have all my fingers and toes crossed. ... and ...I'm sure I felt my baby move this morning! :happydance: Will be nice when I can be re-assured by little kicks everyday!
jordeliz, I am so pleased for you! I hope everything resolves by your next scan.

miselle - hurray for feeling the baby! How far along are you again? I first felt my baby at 16 weeks. It's such a reassurance once you can feel that they're OK.
Thanks, ladies, I think I needed to hear that. I honestly don't care how much I gain during pregnancy (I don't even weigh myself), but I feel guilty not being somewhat "fit" cause I hear how good it is for baby and me. BUT you're right, I should wait for the appointment with the specialist on the 10th. It's frustrating that my local docs said exercise is fine, but my gut has been telling me to hold off so I will continue to wait!

I went for my scan today and my bleed has reduced in size by almost half! All thoses boring days on the couch were sooo worth it! Yeay!! I'm very happy, everything looked really good with the baby too. :happydance:

I asked the ultrasound lady when she was taking some profile shots, if she could include the "genital nub" so hubby and I could have some fun guesses at if we were having a boy or a girl, and she wouldn't do it. :( So I guess I'll be waiting for the 18 week scan to see any clues there. I don't really mind which I'm having, but a little fun would have been a nice change from all the stress of the past few weeks.

Starry Night - I'm 13 weeks pregnant, but it is my fifth child, so maybe I can feel it sooner?? Or maybe I have can be hard to tell. (I'm going to run with baby I'm pretty sure it was bubby though. :)
Omg that's awesome news!! Congrats, Misselle! You and hubby must be so relieved and happy!
Congrats misselle, I'm so glad the bleed is so much smaller!
Congrats on the scan, misselle! I think it makes sense to feel the baby that early in a 5th pregnancy. The first time I felt baby it felt sort of like gas but I knew it wasn't, IYKWIM. My SiL had a hard time believing me that I felt it at 16 weeks because she didn't feel her first until 23 weeks but this is technically my second pregnancy and she had an anterior placenta that was larger than normal which cushioned the kicks.

My baby still hasn't developed a regular pattern of activity even after feeling him for about 5. I think it's all of my "padding". ;)

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