Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

:hugs: Thank you, Lollipop, for sharing your good story. Congratulations on your little lady! :flower:

inperfected, that really is terrific news! Yes, the hematoma has grown but the baby and placenta are fine. That's what really counts. With sch I think we need to take the good with the bad. And the good is your little one is clearly a fighter and wants to be with his/her mommy. :hugs:
Exactly :) I'm feeling quite fine today, exceptthat I really want a maternity pillow and can't go on the bus to get one :D hubby doesn't mind me resting at all which is really good.
Bless you - that's such a sensible approach and I'll be keeping everything crossed that the hematoma resolves and you get to relax and enjoy some of your pregnancy. Good luck xx
This is my sixth pg but I've had 4 m/c. Went in for my first OB check on tues, everything was fine. Started bleeding that night. Brownish/red in color but stopped in half hour. Saw doc Wed afternoon and had an ultrasound. My little bean has a heartbeat (what a relief!) but I have a 1-1.5 inch hematoma behind the placenta. Doc isn't worried, ordered a repeat ultrasound in 3 weeks, and said to take it easy. No fresh bleeding since, though I spotted brown this AM. I'm trying to be concerned. The clot is small and I'm on progesterone/baby aspirin for history of m/c. Doc said progesterone will help support the pg while the aspirin helps disolve the clot. What I am worried about mostly is that my first m/c started out much the same-everything fine til 7 wks, then small amount of bleeding and m/c two weeks later. I wasn't diagnosed with a hematoma then, but the signs are there. Has anyone here had more than one SCH? If so, were you tested for clotting disorders?
DairyMomma - I've had two previous miscarriages, no mention of an SCH in either case. After the second, I was tested for clotting disorders and everything came back negative. I asked my doctor if the SCH this time could be related to a clotting issue and she seemed to think it probably wasn't because my test results were all negative. With this pregnancy, I took progesterone and baby aspirin until week 12 because of the past miscarriages. I was diagnosed with the SCH at 11 weeks so I'm not sure about the interactions between the medication and the SCH as there was only about a week overlap. Anyway, hope this information helps a little. I would try to rest as much as possible and focus on the fact that your little one has a heartbeat rather than the SCH! Easier said than done, I know...
Hi girls, I was diagnosed last night with a sch. They didn't say the size but said it was moderate. It is behind the clue if that is where it is supposed to be or not. I did have a sch last year but it was huge and I lost the baby at 8 weeks.

Anyway, I spotted last night just for maybe an hour with not much blood. I haven't bleed since. I had a pelvic, cervix looked great with no blood found. Has u/s which showed the baby measuring perfectly, heartbeat great and this little one would NOT sit still. The tech turned the screen to me (which I know they are not supposed to) and we both giggled as this little one did all kinds of gymnastics. My OB/GYN saw me this morning and said the following......

it could be the start of a miscarriage there is no way of telling, it also could all be ok. I have tons of pregnant women bleed with huge sch and go onto have healthy babies. Don't worry (right) I (she) am very happy with the u/s results of the baby and your bloods. I can't tell you rest because if you are having a mc its going to happen regardless of rest or not. I still think rest will be good. I go back next Monday.

I am scared and very sad and mad too. My poor dh is the greatest and I am blessed. I do have to hand it over to God, I can't take this stress anymore. Thanks for listening.

Welcome to our little group but I am sorry you need to be here. Blood behind the placenta isn't ideal as it can lead to a placenta abruption but even then it's not game over. I have a placenta abruption (possible caused by my sch) but the specialist I saw gave my baby a good prognosis. And there is always the chance your body will reabsorb the bleed without any further damage.

Make sure to drink lots as dehydration can lead to cramping and contractions. Also, pay attention to your body. Some of us have found that rest does make a difference while others can continue on with their routines. Just take it easy and don't do any heavy lifting.

The stress is killer. The only way I've coped is by taking it day by day and setting mini-milestones for myself.
thank you so much. Can I ask, what was your specialists reasons for a good prognosis. Sorry for being nosey.
sorry, one more question, can my body absorb it behind the placenta?
Well, the specialist gave me a good prognosis because while the abruption is "moderate" he said the body makes the placenta about 25% larger than necessary incase something like this happens. Also, my baby is growing at a good rate (a little ahead of his dates), I feel movements and in my case the bleeding is escaping from underneath the placenta (not collecting) which lets it stay alive and minimizes the risk of increasing the tear.

I'm not sure to the second question. I imagine reabsorption is a possibility anywhere...but I'd ask your doctor about that.
Hello haven't posted for a while (been busy with work etc since I was told by a consultant at 18 weeks that it was ok to go back to work, despite the hem) but I have just caught up with the posts. Glad new ladies have found this site, I have found it really supportive and informative when I've needed it and inperfected really happy your baby is ok after your recent bleed!

Just wanted to share some good news and give others encouragement..I had a scan today (was moved from friday) and the baby is 21 weeks, super healthy, measuring nearer 22 weeks and.....

NO SIGN OF THE HEMORRHAGE!!!!! IT'S GONE!!!!:happydance:

For those that don't know and are interested:- I started bleeding at 14 weeks, two big red gushes then bleed red for about a week then bleed brown for about 2 weeks, had severe pain one night that lasted 30 mins and then the bleeding stopped.

Then hem got twice as big by 16 weeks - 9.8cmx3cm then reduced by half and split into 2 parts at 18 weeks. Since I had no bleeding from 18 weeks and now I have no hemorrhage the rest must have been reabsorbed by my body.

So good luck to everybody, I'll check back in every now and again and see how everyone's doing!!

Lots of love :kiss:
That's fantastic!! I'm so pleased for you.

And please stick around. Everyone else seems to be graduating from this group and I'm still stuck waiting around...
Hey guys welcome to the group new ladies hope you get some reassurance from the forum,glad your feeling better imperfected and fab news hope 19.

Went for a U/S today great news sch has started to shrink :) not by much yet but have been discharged from EPAS and will go for 1 more scan in a fortnight, tried to find out the sex had its legs crossed hopefully it will show us next time xx
That's awesome news, hope19, thanks for sharing!! That gives us all hope. That seems like a pretty short time for it to clear up after being so large so that's music to our ears:)

Welcome, glenoak girl! Sorry to hear about your SCH but your doc is right, they are very common and seem to usually end just fine. Some women never get any bleeding at all and only find out from u/s so yes they do absorb within the body (most actually resolve this way I'm told). If they are near the cervix it seems they tend to bleed out which is why you'll hear many of us talking about the brown (old) blood we get for weeks at a time.
Hi all

Not posted here since 32wks pregnant. Diagnosed with sch last march and it disappeared at 16wks (after growing a few times n scaring us silly).

Just wanted to let you guys know that most pregnancies end in a healthy baby, and I was lucky enough to give birth to my darling daughter, Sophie, on 22/10/10. I know there are also some really sad stories here as i read every thread back then and cried a lot of tears for those who lost their precious babies, and fear for my own little one.

But there are more positive outcomes than negative ones, and I wish all of you the best of luck. Keep supporting each other - i know what a lifeline it can be.

Steph x
Thanks for the welcome PAgal. Are all sch's placed differently? Mine is behind the placenta.

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