I know SIL believe that the girls are like that because she is so relaxed as a parent and that Thomas is not like that because I am so uptight and stress about everything. Whereas the reason I need to control things with Thomas is that it just doesn't go well otherwise. Whereas Clara seems to be much more flexible. But everyone just comments that "Oh it must be because you are more relaxed second time around". Really annoys me.
Arrgghhh! I TOTALLY understand! My family are the exact same. Caitlyn is so much more of a "go-with-the-flow" kind of kid and everyone says it's because I'm more relaxed. I get so frustrated with that, as it's totally down to temperament, not anything I did differently. Another one that used to bug me was when Christina walked late (17 months), everyone said it was because I carried her around too much. When Caitlyn was born they said she would walk sooner because she had big sister to look up to and we couldn't carry her everywhere, but lo and behold she's 15 months and still not really walking (she actually took her first steps about 1.5 months ago, and CAN walk, but prefers to crawl). So it's clearly not down to how I'm raising them differently, it's just part of who they are, and those same people have shut their mouth now about that walking one. My family are quite happy our lives don't revolve around naptime anymore with Caitlyn, and thankfully they don't live here so we only have to deal with that a few times a year anyway.

I'm sorry to hear about your situation with your family. I feel the same about stockings and Santa coming to other people's houses as they can easily get confused at this age. And it drives me bonkers when MIL plans her dinner's late knowing that the kids need to eat early and need to go to bed at some point. We often end up feeding them early and then we're trying to put them in bed while everyone else is eating - I have vowed to never be like that once my daughters are grown and have their own families. Certainly Christmas should be about the children, not just your mother's grown children! I LOVE your picture - they both have such gorgeous eyes.

to you too! I'm sorry you have been having a difficult time with Omar. I find myself falling into bouts of threatening (not physical, but "if you don't do xyz, you'll have to go in time out") during difficult times also, and I always regret it later, but we only can do the best we can. This age is just a difficult one.
Tacey, so sorry to hear about the night wakings, I'm sure that is difficult. We too have a reward system where Christina gets one sticker if she stays in her bed/room all night (except potty breaks). She does go through phases sometimes where she wants me to stay in there with her, but it's usually at bedtime, and I just can't sleep on her floor all night, so I'll admit sometimes we do just leave her to fuss a bit. We have a very clear routine each night and I think sometimes she's just testing to see if she can get away with it, and once she realizes she's not going to, she quickly goes to sleep and we don't have problems for a while.
Polaris, I think skipping the Santa visit is perfectly fine at this age. We only went to so many because MIL arranged 2 of them and the others were activities organized by friend/neighbors. Christina didn't even sit on any of the Santas we saw and I think that's really normal at this age.
I can't say whether DH and I are sensitive or not - I don't really think we are. I too have what I call "OCD tendencies" in that I like things done in a certain way and sometimes go back a few times to be sure the doors are locked. I've seen this in Christina a little bit as everything has to be in it's place and things must be done in a certain order everytime. I am a little bossy, and Christina is too. I am introverted, but I enjoy spending time with my friends. I do generally need a decompress time though. I don't like change; I'm always very anxious during big transitions (starting college, starting grad school, starting a job, etc.). I don't notice other people's changes (hair cuts, etc.) either, Polaris. I am emotional also. My DH is quite different from me - he is laid back and very sociable. Everyone likes him and he doesn't anger easily. He is a teacher and coach, and is well-suited for that. One thing that bugs me about him is that he gives up easily on some things. If he's trying to fix something around the house for example, he'll try one or two things and then get frustrated and give up, whereas I am more of a problem-solver and would patiently try several things until we find a solution (maybe the engineer in me).
Probably a little off-topic, but I am getting concerned recently about Christina's stuttering. She was stuttering a little bit about 2 months ago and I thought it was the normal toddler type where brain is working faster than mouth can move, but she sort of got over it for a while and then it came back and much worse this time - happening almost every sentence, not just when she's excited, several repetitions, sometimes just the first sound rather than the whole word as she was doing before. Also, I feel like she's not speaking as clearly as she was a few months ago, not annunciating as well and generally friends/strangers don't understand as much of what she says as they did before. I'm debating either asking for a speech therapy referral now, or waiting to mention it at her 3-yr checkup in Jan. What I've read online says it should last 6 months before we get concerned, and it's only been just over 2 with some time in between that she was fine, but it seems pretty severe to me.