Hi girls, Sorry I've been MIA for a couple days - I have been really busy with work - we have two big things due next Friday.
Omarsmum, all of those things your friend commented on as strange about Omar are things Christina does, and I don't think they're abnormal at all - they are just perceptive kids. I get a little embarrassed when we walk in somewhere and Christina asks loudly "Mommy, why is it messy in here?"

That's very exciting about the business - good luck!
Daisybee, I agree that daycare in your house, with as few kids as you like, is the best of both worlds as your girls get to interact with other kids, but you get to spend all day with them. I imagine it's hard work as you'll never have a break, but the extra income should be nice. Usually DH and I earn about the same, but since I'm working part-time, he's making more than me right now. However, he has no clue how much money we have as I manage the money and do all the bills and shopping! So I am lucky we haven't had issues about money. I can see how it could be more stressful with only one income.
Tacey, I love the train with 24 drawers for an advent calendar - that way you could do something different in them each year. It's a great idea! We have an advent calendar with small books in each space, so each morning we read a tiny book about Christmas mice and what they are doing that day (hanging the stockings, baking the cookies, etc.).
I am so excited about Christmas as it will be our first one at home together since we've had kids, and only our second one ever since we have been together. When DH and I were dating we each went to visit our families, and after we got married 8 years ago we started alternating between going to his mom's house or my mom's house; we only stayed home for one Christmas when I was heavily pregnant and Christina was due less than 2 weeks later. Our tree is up, but we decided on paper decorations because Caitlyn either eats or destroys most of what she gets her hands on, so it has paper chains, candy canes, and a few ornaments Christina made over the years. Christina hung an entire box of candy canes in one spot on 2 branches right at her eye level.

I think our tree is pretty cute. I have done shopping along and along for Christina, but haven't got much for Caitlyn as we already have most everything for her age. We are planning to wrap up a few snacks, books, and clothes to give her something to open, and leave the toys to relatives. DH put up the outside lights when we got back from Thanksgiving and Christina loves them! She asks every night if we can drive or walk around and look at lights. She's actually getting better at drawing pictures that we can decipher and she has drawn a snowman to give to each of her grandmothers, which is really sweet.
Polaris so sorry to hear about your previous Christmas's - I'm glad that this one should be lots of fun for you all!