She asked me to kiss her today!

Sorry, strange way to begin, but it's such a big deal for us. She snuggled next to me on the sofa too. I wonder if this is a replacement for nursing.
It's been a brilliant day with her. There's a new little boy at the CM's house who she really clicked with. He's a little older than her, and they chat. The CM said she'd been 'fab', no concerns. Straight after we got home, my friend and her little boy came for lunch. He's a very passive, sensitive boy, and Alice often walks all over him, and is quite bullying, but today they played beautifully. I am so, so proud of her!
On the negative side, sleep is appalling. Our style of parenting is lots of discussion, no rewards/punishments, but it goes out the window at night. I literally shouted in her face the other night and felt like I might shake her or hit her. I decided we need to do something, as I am clearly not able to deal with it properly when I'm so tired. So, the plan is, if she wakes us only once in the night, she gets a treat in the morning. Fingers crossed!
On the self care stuff, I think Alice is actually reasonably advanced, which brings its own challenges. She chooses her clothes and dresses herself. She likes to do it alone. The results are... varied

. She's been out of nappies night and day since 19 months, and has recently refused to let me wipe her, which is an issue as she's not thorough enough. She's fiercely independent, which is why I think she's been quite early with lots of these things. She hates anyone doing anything for her.
Polaris, Where are you at with naps now? Is it any more consistent? These changes often take a while to settle in.
Poor Arad, how are his ears now Shady? Hope you had a good night.
JC, Alice hasn't mentioned milk again to me, although has told a fair few people that she doesn't have 'mukmee' any more (much to the confusion of those who didn't have a clue she still was!). I'm doing well too. I'm delighted she is ready to move on, although it's been quite emotional.
Sorry to hear Daisy hasn't responded well to you going back to work. That must be so tough for both of you. Try not to compare her to others too much (ha ha. I should take my own advice here!) as it's easy to see our children's 'failings', and notice other children's skills more clearly. I totally understand your concern about nursery though. If it helps, I am convinced that Alice's time with the CM has made a very positive difference to her social skills and behaviour. I think most people find their children have good days and bad days. Cling on to the good ones! I'm glad today has been better for you.
Omarsmum, it made me laugh when I saw you mentioned Omar jumping on the trampoline and sitting on his bum. That's one of the things Alice does when she's having a meltdown - except without the trampoline! Ouch!
Sorry you're having poor sleep too. Is he still having night terrors?
:waves: Hi Karlilay! Glad to see you here! Alice gets very embarrassed if she gets things wrong. If she writes something that isn't 'right' (to her) she'll either get angry and scribble all over it, or get silly... and scribble all over it!
Cutie, how's the sleep going now? Are PJs still an issue? Alice had a long phase of sleeping naked. Now we're at the opposite extreme of her wearing slippers and a dressing gown, and even gloves the other night! Incidentally, it is a very mild January, so I think she's just being odd!
Daisybee, I'm so glad the silliness is continuing to work well! Have you read Playful Parenting? It sounds ideal for Megan. Exciting news about the daycare starting soon too.
Really interesting to read that some of your children had a great interest in letters that has since died down. It's just the same here! Alice knows most phonemes and how they are written, but it's not the obsession it used to be. She's not as neat as Omar when she writes, but it's recognisable. Her new love is drawing. Do others' children go through obsessive phases too?
Good luck to all of us having crappy sleep lately. Hope we all get a good night!