Hi everyone! I really should reply more often. Here's my latest novel

Daisybee, what's Megan's biggest issue with the tops? is it getting her arms stuck, or feeling smothered? Alice is generally fine with dressing, so this may not help, but when she's taking an age, we have similar success with silliness. I whisper, "shall we surprise daddy/Arthur?" And she gets ready super quickly and yells "Surprise!" once she's done. Another thing I'll do is say "Come on now, hurry up and put your shirt on your legs." She thinks it's hilarious that I'm trying to make her do something wrong, and takes great delight in correcting me, and showing me how to do it properly. I've gone on a bit, but glad you're making progress. is there any chance a similar technique could help with hair washing? I've done similar things to your DH, so can sympathise. It does make it so much worse though. My DH has been struggling lately, and Alice really plays up for him. He told me he's finding it hard to like her. How are other people's partners managing?
Alice hates coats and jumpers pulling up her sleeves, and has bizarrely opted to push them up herself before putting the outer clothing on. Looks horribly uncomfortable to me, but I think she feels more in control.
JC - I agree with the others. We get the brunt of our children's behaviour. I have had countless meetings with parents when they're astounded when I tell them how well behaved their children are in class. I foolishly took this to mean I had excellent behaviour management skills, and would breeze through parenting. Ha Ha. Love the videotape idea. I'll be doing that! Exciting news about nursery. I hope it goes smoothly.
Polaris, hope you're getting more sleep. It's horrendous trying to manage day to day without enough rest. Any teeth yet?
Shady, I hope Arad is on the mend now. On the childcare front, I recently started sending Alice to a childminder, as I was desperate for some time away from her. I was convinced she would struggle, but from the first day she was fine, I didn't even do the usual settling in period. Sometimes our children can surprise us. Could you do a trial to see how he manages?
Hi Alaska! Wow, I think you were very restrained in replying to the fb comment. It's a common viewpoint though. I hear it a lot as Arthur is laid back, and so many people say it's because I'm more relaxed second time round. I can't help take that as criticism of how I was/am with Alice, and unfair criticism at that!
Omarsmum, so sorry about the business and night terrors. Have you any idea if there's been a trigger for Omar? Alice went through a brief phase of them, and it was exhausting. I hope it passes soon.
Our big news of the week is that Alice has weaned. She told me at the end of a feed that she'd have milk "in no more minutes." I didn't really believe her, as she loves (loved?) nursing, but she's not asked again. It's lovely, but I'm finding it hard as we have very little physical connection already. I told her she can always have cuddles, but she said she's too old for cuddles

. I'm trying to respect her (frankly, excessive) need for personal space, but I am aching to kiss or cuddle her. I am delighted that she'll go to the childminder, or stay with relatives without upset, but a part of me wants to be missed. I know that's horribly selfish.
On the fear/anxiety issue, Alice is certainly cautious. She's confident in her abilities though, and is a good climber/runner and zooms on her bike! She's quick to put her brake on if she feels out of control. Her fears are dogs, loud noises and washing her hair. She also can't cope with stories or programmes about bears/monsters/lions etc. pretty much anything remotely threatening. She talks herself out of it though, and often tells me "Gruffalos are not real. They are only in books." She also persuades herself she likes something "I really, really, really like bears now. They are really kind." you can tell she's uncertain still though!
I made a bit of a mistake this evening that highlighted her need for routine. My parents were here, so for once I had more time to put her to bed. We usually have one story, and when she (inevitably) asks for another, I say no, and she readily accepts it. Tonight I thought "why not?" and read her another. She asked for a third, and had a huge meltdown when I said no. The boundaries had shifted, and she didn't know where she stood. I will learn eventually!