Hi ladies, I have only just caught up as with Tommy being ill I've had little time to read and reply recently.
Daisybee: I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Sending positive thoughts your way. I hope it turns out to be something less serious

I'm glad Megan is eating again. Good news about having her hair washed too. That's a big step.
Tacey: It sounds like Alice is doing great with hair washing too. I'm glad she's being affectionate too. The way she rationalises her fears is so sweet and quite a mature thing to be able to do as well.
Polaris: I'm so glad you are all feeling better. Try not to worry about Tom settling into pre-school as there is still lots of time until he will be going

Omar's mum: It is interesting that Omar is less cautious and less fearful than when he was younger. Daisy is very much like the others in that she is developing irrational fears at the moment whereas she wasn't fearful of anything before.
TG: Daisy sounds very like Lizzie. She doesn't like her hair washed, face cleaned, things getting stuck on her head. She also has a vivid imagination and is very picky with food.
Thanks for all the advice regarding the pre-school issues yesterday. It really made me feel better reading it. I was so upset and was in tears most of yesterday evening but your advice did help.
I felt cross with Daisy yesterday when I heard she'd hurt someone but I just feel so sad for her today. She has always been so sociable and happy and loves other children. Even over christmas she ran up to some children squealing in delight in Ikea, wanting to play with them. On her first visit to pre-school the first thing she did was go over to a little boy and say 'Hello, what's your name?' and sat down to play with him. The child the woman described yesterday is not like Daisy. I hate to think of her being in trouble all day at pre-school or other children being afraid of her or other parents thinking she's horrid.
She has been a really lovely little girl all day today and we've had such a nice day. No meltdowns, completely co-operative and well behaved, lovely to Tommy. The only strange thing was twice today, once at the park and once at the shops, she saw some other children just a little older than her walking towards her and she said in a growly voice under her breath 'Go away boys and girls'. It wasn't meant for them to hear, she said it to herself, but she has always loved other children and been so keen to interact with them so I don't understand what's happening to her. She loves pre-school and always asks to go and hubby was dropping something off on Friday and saw her running happily outside with other children so she does have fun there but it is starting to feel like my sociable little girl is disappearing and I don't know why. I am regretting sending her out into the big wide world

I have written a long letter to her key person for hubby to give her on Monday expressing my concerns and asking to be kept in the picture. They have mentioned a few times that she is very tired (which she is - she hasn't slept at night in 3 weeks now) so I have asked if she could just go for an hour and a half rather than three hours until she has found her feet a bit more and while she isn't sleeping well. She's still got a cough and cold too so is not feeling 100%. I also asked whether they though she wasn't emotionally ready for pre-school yet as I am wondering that myself.
I feel as though I just want to wrap her up in cotton wool and move to a remote island and protect her and keep her safe from the outside world

. She is so little and vulnerable and my baby and I hate aspects of her life being out of my control.
Tommy is SO poorly. I thought I was going to have to take him to A&E at one point in the night. I was sat up with him for 5 hours during the night while hubby was in Daisy's bed with her trying to get her to sleep. Tommy has slept pretty much all of today. He hasn't eaten in 3 days and that boy loves his food usually. His temperature has gone down a lot now though and he seems a little better than last night. On top of croup, mumps and conjunctivitis he cut a tooth during the night too which is causing him pain. He has a soft toy that he really loves, a doll he calls Baba and he dropped her in the mud today and I had to wash her and dry her ready for bedtime and the poor little boy has just crawled around crying 'Baba Baba' looking for her all afternoon as he just wants to feel comforted and cuddling her seems to comfort him. I hope he is his normal self soon. He is such a lovely little boy and it is horrible seeing him so poorly.