Omar is the same when it comes to mess. We visited a friend who has a kid who's 6 months older than Omar, he has nothing in common with Omar, he's very messy, too loud & he doesn't stop moving. When Omar went to his room he freaked out, the room was in a total mess, Omar started to cry then he asked the kid to clean up the room, he was so irritated. The kid tried to eat nuts out of Omar's plate, again Omar freaked out. We lasted there for an hour then we left.
2 nights back Omar woke up at night, he couldn't go back to sleep, & he asked to go to his play room to relax on the sofa & watch tv. On that day I bought for him new Thomas & friends train, he fell asleep in the car, & we carried him to bed. I was so excited so I set up the trains on the floor for him to play with in the morning. When he went to the room & saw the train he wanted to clean up as according to him he cant relax & watch tv if his room is messy.
As for messy play, we started to introduce hands paint from 18 months, I used to encourage him to play with it without putting pressure, he used to get irritated after few mins & ask to wash his hands, then I started to prepare gooey slime, take him more to the beach to play with sand, introduce more items with different textures like feathers, cotton wools, wooden sticks, different types of cloth & material. But we took it very slow, when he starts to get irritated we stop, clean up wash hands or take a shower & move to something else. When he gets irritated because his hands are dirty, I give him a cuddle, show him that my hands are messy & its ok to get dirty. I also enrolled him in several messy play classes & the teachers were very understanding, so I guess at pre-school teachers should know how to deal with kids who have similar issues?
Food is still a big issue, he cant handle mess when it comes to food, he still refuses to feed himself messy food, he's ok with pre-loaded spoons, but he will not load a spoon if the food is messy. Using food for messy play is a big no no.
My cousin who's 3 years older than Omar is the same, so it wasn't something new for me, I used to babaysit from time to time, when my cousin used to visit, I used to vacuum the place, & make sure the house was clean & tidy
I don't have advise regarding pre-school, Omar will also start in Sept & we have a meeting with his key teacher 1st week of September.
But I wouldn't really mention a lot about her temperaments, I went through the mistake of talking a lot about what he likes/dislike during a school assessment, although he passed all the tests & was advanced in all areas, he didn't pass & we were asked to come for a re-assessment as I shared loads of small details & according to them he might be autistic

. We as mothers tend to over evaluate our kids, many of those behaviours are normal but when we put them all together & we stress on them they might not sound normal.
We took him to another school for assessment, the supervisor was so impressed, he was able to pass Kg2 test, & according to her he's so advanced for his age, & he will need extra work at school to keep him occupied, she wants me to share all what he knows with his key teacher during the meeting.
Remember that kids behaves differently when their parents are not around, try not to assume that she will freak out if there is a mess at pre-school, she might not be bothered.
when I started to leave Omar at toddlers classes alone few months back, he became a different kid, he had social anxieties, I was really surprised when the teachers told me that he was coping well, following instructions & having a good time. when I used to attend classes with him, he used to sit in the corner, refuse to participate & ask to leave although we've been going to the same place for over 2 years now.
ETA: as for friends comments, they don't bother me, my aunt's son who's Omar age doesn't talk properly, she comments on Omar's behavior although her older son is also sensitive & similar & she asked me to take him to a professional for evaluation. For me an almost 4yrs old who doesn't talk well is not normal. Her kid is outgoing, not sensitive but he cant talk properly. For me it's not very normal as I have an early talker who uses complex words in 2 languages. Kids are not the same & I'm proud of my smart, highly sensitive toddler, & I don't care if he seems "different" to others.