My OH and his mother are having a disagreement at the moment and she sent some very hurtful text messages today, some of them were about Thomas and how we are parenting him, e.g. "Thomas thinks he has to learn how to play, what damage have you already done to him?" and various others in a similar vein. I feel so hurt and upset. This is not the first time that this has happened. She is very depressed at the moment and is alienating herself from everyone, so I am doing my best not to take it personally. But it breaks my heart that she is being so judgmental about my child and implying that he is the way he is because of how we are with him. Sometimes I worry so much about Thomas and about whether he will be OK. And other people's comments do bring up all my own worries, no matter how much I try to brush them off.
Daisybee, thanks for asking about Clara's sleep. I don't know why she doesn't sleep well. We tried CC and did it religiously for 10 days and her sleep did improve a lot while we were doing it although she still never slept through the night, but it didn't stick, she was back to waking up constantly within a couple of weeks. If I had known that she would still be sleeping so badly I never would have done CC. I was so sure that it would work if we stuck to it. We are cosleeping now which is the only way that I am able to function. I think part of it is that she is very badly affected by teething and illness and she has had a lot of illnesses over the past year, luckily all minor. I do worry about a possible food intolerance or medical reason why she can't sleep. On a bad night she doesn't even always get through a full sleep cycle and can wake every 20 minutes for some of the night.
That is a really upsetting story, I would be very hurt and upset by your friend's comments too. It's so difficult not to take these things to heart but it sounds like you have a good handle on your daughter's personality and how to help her to cope, so as best you can I would try to let it wash over you.
Tacey - it sounds like Alice is really growing up and maturing, it's lovely to hear about her making friends in the park. We are not quite there yet but Thomas is definitely more interested in other children now, but he doesn't quite know how to interact with them which I find very tough to watch sometimes. Hope the camping trip goes well. Is Alice still going to bed very early generally? Any chance she would take a nap during the day if you are up very late in the evenings? Happy 4th birthday for next week too!
Daisybee - it's good to hear that you are feeling more confident in your approach with Megan and that it is working well. It must be so tough at the moment though with your dad's illness.
Omarsmum- I love that photo, Omar looks so grown up! Good to hear that Omar is in better form now that Ramadan is over. It is really a tough time for you all every year isn't it, with being out of the routine and not being able to get out in the heat when you are fasting. Is Omar looking forward to preschool in September? Thomas is quite excited about it. I am sort of excited and sort of dreading it!!