Seperated Stomach Muscles

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TBH I have no idea how you can tell during PG, they just said stright away from looking at my bump and they way it went to like a cone shape when my muscles tensed.

Post pregnancy though you can tell my lying on your back and tensing your stomach muscles if you feel down the middle with your fingers running from the bottom of your rib cage to your pelvis you can see if their is a gap, This gap should eb less than 2 finger widths. Its very important that you dont rush into doing any heavy exercising like sit ups, crunches etc untill this gap has been closed up, for which their is a number or gentle exercises you can do, if you still have a gap of more than 2 finger widths after 8 weeks post birth, get refered to a physio.

The link hypnorm posted was really helpfull, if not try googling it, you will find loads.
Oh blooming heck girlies ..... :dohh:

*Sticks Mod Hat on*

Play nice or i shall have to tell wobbles (and she scares me!) :argh:

If the operation wasn't nessicery im sure it wouldn't have been offered, but there is a point about ppl waiting ... but that not down to cat its the numpty bollox sitting behind a big desk on there fat arse!!

Everyone im sure has an opinion but lets not take it too far ....

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
What happened with your back if you dont mind me being nosey!

This is my spine now (I got to take home xray copies!)
I suffered from scoliosis as a teen, and had a 73 degree curveture, which was corrected my rib removal and spinal fusion, where they removed parts of the vertebra and all the disks and make a bit of a jigsaw puzzle from the bits to make one solid straight bone, which is supported by titanium rods screwed in. Hense where PG has caused a few problems cause I have no degree of flexibilty to my spine to allow for changing posture and shape, and accomodating a growing bub!
Yowch!! yeah i see why things could be a tade uncomfortable!
I think people should have waited and unstood the whole story before jumping in on the band wagon.

Yeh so your spine can bend inwards to take some of the weight - its all being pushed out front.

Maybe you could try one of the tummy toning belts after birth too?? with that
Just to let you all know I have this too, I was told when I was 7 months pg with Rebecca that mystomach muscles have torn in half-previous to having Rebecca I had a 24 inch waist (u can see by my bebo pics) I now have what Cat has, and Yvonne I think to, its a tummy that has a clear line down the middle showing split muscles-much like a bum tbh.

I am desparatley upset about my stomach and will consider surgery once I have had my family. My physio adviced me not to do sit ups etc as it makes it worse.

I understand how such things can knock your confidence ( I have had rhinoplasty too-private at a cost of 3.5k!), and since haing Rebecca I have none, I dress frumpy to disguise my horrible tummy.

I would certainly look at surgery as an option, anything you can do to help prevent having a mental affect on you I say go for it.

I have suffered from depression and to feel so low about yourself is not a nice place to be or nice way to feel. Being insecure and not having any confidence can have an affect on your family life.

Cat go with what is best for you. Id take surgery in a minute.
Right well I just want to make a final coment on the topic because to say Ihave been pissed off about it would be a bit of an understatement. The reason for this post was not to ask what your opionion was on the surgery, but if anyone had any experience of the matter or knew anyone who had, or could offer any advice and information on the procedure. I was not saying Iwanted a tummy tuck on the NHS, I was mearly asking about an NHS procedure that my physio had suggested that Imay require post birth.

Layla I never said I was trying to take the 'easy way out' by having surgery, as its the last thing Iwant to have happen, I stated in my opening post that I was happy to go to the gym and work out hard, but that with the degree of seperation this will do more harm than good, and with my dietician training Im harly likey to just stuff my face and get it all sucked out by a surgeon. The fact that you say your proud of your body is clearly not true for the fact that your currently dieting and saying your unhappy with you weight! I work hard to look good and overall am happy with my body, I do not want to have surgery as a quick fix, nor just as something to make my tum look 'pretty' something that will never happen due to stretchmarks anyway. But funny enough something that causes my muscles to distort, put me at risk of intestinal hernias and back strain is something Ineed to consider.

Weestar words near escape me by how increadably rude your comments are, I fully agree that the NHS is shit in denying people life saving drugs, but to say that my complication is not a 'medical problem' is sheer ignorance. And I do not know what you then ment by your later comment that I should have thought about this before having another child!!! As if perhaps having complications that require treatment mean not having children, a view that would upset a number of people on a TTC and pregnancy forum! I think perhaps you should try to engage your brain a little more before responding to some peoples posts when you no nothing of their situation or background. Especailly as I said this post was not intended to get peoples opionions on the surgery, I have now instead had to post in reply to my own tread to explain and justify myself when really I dont feel I should have to!

To everyone else thank you for your advice, links, and personal experience, I have at least managed to get some good information and questions to go back to my phhysio with.
and as i mentioned in my post, im not proud of my fat bits, but im proud of my baby bits, there is a diffrence,

to be honest, im not in any frame of mind to argue with you right now, i have to much emotional issuse of my own to deal with,

i do have a problem with you however so once i have buired my mum i will gladly have this all out with you on msn or PM, im not doing it on here for all members to see as its not fair to them
I am sorry that you have a problem with me layla, I had no idea, as I have not had a problem with you. Please feel free to talk to me when your ready so perhaps we can resolve this, as I assure you I have no animosity towards you, and that perhaos its just some sort of misunderstanding.

I understand you have a hell of a lot to contend with at the moment, and Im sure some silly forum squable is the last thing on your mind. So I will leave it there, no hard feeling on my part, and like I said I would like to resolve things if possible so please when your ready feel free to MSN or PM me for a chat.
im not going to argue with you cat over this but in no way did i say u should have thought about this before having kids, they were your words not mine as i clearly stated dont dare put words in my mouth! but as i said before feel free to add me to msn im on their now im sure we both have alot to get off our chests
Three strikes & your out!

The rules are as simple as that.

We are all adults on this forum, you all know how to conduct yourselves or when you're stepping over that line. I shouldn’t need to tell you like school children that hatred, racism, derogatory and unnecessary attacks on other users, etc is not acceptable.

We have the right at any appropriate time to ignore the three strikes & remove your membership in extreme circumstances.


Feel i need to remind of these rules ...

Please lets not get nasty, the last thing i want to have to do is lock a thread ... We are all grown up's on this forum (rumour has it :rofl: )we are here to support and help each other so lets do just that!

xxx :hugs: xxx

And i want people to know that this post is in NO WAY aimed at ANYBODY, it was something i felt everyone had to be reminded of.
weestar you really cant expect to write rude insulting things on a thread and then say you dont want to argue about it!!! So what Im just ment to say nothing and let you be insulting?

Three times now I have asked what you mean by your comment if it wasnt to say that I should have considered this before having further children. And yet you still decline to answer on a public thread. And I dont want to add you to my MSN as someone to just argue with! If you have a problem with me just say what it is!
Girls wouldn't this be better through PM's, I'm sure Wobbs don't wanna come back to WW3
Wobbles isn't going to come back to WW3 because i for one won't let that happen!

While Admin are away and other moderators indisposed what happends on this site at the moment is left down to me and the desisions i make are for the good of the site and it's members ...

Need i remind you that we have been left with the power to ban, lock topics and remove threads.

Now girls BE NICE!

*takes off hat and puts it in cupboard*

Drink anyone ?? :drunk:
Imi Idont mind if you want to remove the thread, I have got the info I need from it, and its not really fair for Wobbs to come back to. If anyone has anything else to say to me they can PM.

Perhaps lock and it and remove it in a couple of hours? akes the place look neat and tidy for wobbs to come back and we can just gaze inocently at the ceiling and whistle :-=
Humm i can't bend down to sweep it up lol!

Im not going to remove the thread as i feel (so does wobbles) that we should do that, we did say when we started this forum (We as in the royal BabyAndBump Team we) that topics would only be removed if needs be.

But as long as we all play nice i won't need to get me keys out either ...

Mind you gotta find them first!

Unreal .... un fucking real.

Some of you girls make me choke. You say one thing & you act in another way. You critise others yet you act as those you critisise.

Weestar YOU were bang out of order. How dare you. None of CATs posts screamed NHS TUMMY TUCK & so what (as Beanie said) if it was if it helps someone. Many things on the NHS that seem to be a postcode lottery I for one with the MCs have been at the end of that BUT then again whats that to do with anything because that is not why CAT posted - An so what if she knew of her circumstances before conceiving a second child. I would go through hell & back again, moan along the way & do it again if I could reach my want for a family because although I'd be blessed with one I would certainly try again. You play follow the leader a lot I seen & you did it again only you got bit in the ares because I'm pretty sure one members post on this thread wasn't what you expected, you thought it was an excuse for you all who maybe don't get on with CAT to pounce.

None directed at any one person now:

Guess what not everyone gets on with everyone
Noone ever will
There will be members blunter than others
People will clash
People will have different opinions sometimes stronger than your opinion
People will misread something but a forum of adults will reason

You all want posts unlocked/not moved and your all pretty fucking blunt at times based on what YOUR opinions are but when its not something you like you stamp your feet & witch hunt others because I know thats been happening. We are all guilty of being blunt with our opinions at some point but I find it an complete joke when its ok for you & not for others.

Poor Cat wanting to see if anyone had any personal experience or knowledge of what her physio said & being pounced on as a scrounge on the NHS of some sort & vain.

I'm sticking to my rules on this one - three strikes out although I have every right to make that no strikes just out & I won't be scared of critisim for doing so. I will be sending a PM later & dishing out my first yellow card not that I ever thought I'd really be put in the position by some of you girls.

Shocking I have nothing else to say.

It must be painful for you Cat I remember you posting those pics in the girlies room before. I hope they can help you & you take the best option for you.
I can't really comment on anything as wobbles has just done that for me.

I was put in a really horrible position today one which i don't wish to be repeated.

I've said this soooooooo many times but i will say it again till im blue in the face .... This is and advice and SUPPORT forum, so please can we do what we say on the tin and SUPPORT each other?!

Now let it be left at that!

swear you girls want me to go grey lol!

Cat i want to thank you for this thread, i have been worrying myself sick over this for the last few weeks as i have been panicing to get into my size 12 wedding dress which i bought for last years wedding (which obviously didn't happen) and i have exercised and dieted correctly and nothing is coming off my stomach, i am so glad i have others to talk to on this matter as believe me (to those who havent experienced it) it really does knock your confidece- i had this with Amy but after i had jack it went really bad.

For those who haven't seen my thread on the same matter (great minds cat! lol)

This my belly from the front and from the side i still look 6 months pregnant :cry:mine is probably mild compared to others.
It didn't stop me having children as i never knew the problems i would have getting rid of it after, until someone mentioned it 2 days ago i didn't know they couldn't be toned up- it's not something that midwives mention about during your pregnancy.

Cat keep your chin up hun- i totally understand where your coming from with this. I am just going to have to get BIG knickers for my wedding to hold it in :dohh:
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