I have big pants too ... bought them one year when i went to a fancy dress party in a purple spangly all-in-one thingy Havent worn them since .. too many bad drunken memories .. lmao
Mine roll down at the top and the elastic goes in them something rotton!!
I can loose the weight off my arse and legs just not my belly!
Does anyone have really fat legs at the top so when you walk they rub together? Or is that just me it really chafes sometimes especially in summer!
Anyway back to the topic lol, i would love to get rid of my arse belly but for me as i have no other complications except spd then i need about £4,000.
Big knickers for the rest of my life i think, or as my mum calles them gurdles!
well these are my knickers, held by some helpful stranger!!
https://aolsearch.aol.co.uk/aol/redir?src=image&clickedItemURN=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.partydomain.co.uk%2Fd-commerce%2Fmedia%2Flarge_22529.jpg&moduleId=image_details.jsp.M&clickedItemDescription=Image%20Details sorry couldn't help myself
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