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Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Well my twins are doing pretty good at sleeping through the night. Ashley goes from 11pm until 4:30am and then goes back to sleep until anywhere from 8am-11am depending. And Then Libby almost always goes from the 11pm feed until 7am then back to sleep until 11am. Love it! I'm definitely happy for this as I hear about my sister who has a LO who is 2 week younger and she is constantly up all night every two hours.

I took the girls to the doctors yesterday for their 2 month checkup and shots. Everything looked really good and their thrush is apparently all cleared up etc BUT I got in trouble for their lack of weight gain. I've been told to either supplement after every BF or BF half the time and give bottles the rest fo the time and to up how much I feed them at a time. So I started last night and so far so good I guess except the girls can't handle more than 3 oz at a time, it all comes right back up the second they are done. I was already feeding them 2-3 oz at a time when I did give a bottle so I'm not sure how this is going to help rapid weight gain. And they have gone from 8 feeds to 6-7 feeds a day so I have less chances to get food into them.. I guess we'll see how things go when I go back in 2 weeks for a weigh in. Speaking of.. at 2 months they weighed in at Ashley = 7lbs 15.5oz and Libby 8lbs 5.4 oz (they were born full term 38 weeks at 6.10 and 7.1) They seem happy and healthy but now the doctor has made me feel like I've been starving my girls for 2 months :(

Oh and on the topic of having more kids.. I have a 5.5 yo and then the twins so we're done! DH only wanted 2 children and I wanted 3 - guess I won. lol Besides, the twins were IVF and it was a big ordeal. We are still entitled to one more attempt at IVF paid for by the provincial health care but we will not be taking advantage of it. I'd love to have another pregnancy and do the whole baby thing again but I'm already 35 and as it is we're going to have to get a bigger house. I'm sure DH would love to have a boy but has accepted it is not meant to be. We're just looking forward to potential neices and nephews in the future and will get our future baby fixes that way. :)
shelle- put Freya on the calender and the list :)
mum- teething is the pits. I thought i had like..4 months still to go. He only turned 8 weeks yesterday

Wow---- 3 Zachary-s, 2 Skye-s, 2 William-s and 2 Alex-s
It IS normal/common for BF babies to go days, or even a week or more, between poops. Especially as they get to 2-4 months old apparently... My boy is still doing several a day, but it IS ok for them to skip a week... But in saying that, if she seems in pain then for sure help might be needed. :)

Caleb is our first, but we do want another. We'll wait a wee bit, but probably within a year or so we'll be TTC again. :)
HI all,
After I was so excited about Sophie sleeping for five hours the other night, now I find there is a downside: clogged milk ducts!! Because I only offered the left breast at the 12 midnight feed, by the 5am feed I had gone 8 hours without using the right breast. So now the right side is SO painful, have been having hot showers, hotpacks, Advil all day, and expressed 2oz from that side this afternoon.
So from now on, I must remember to always do both sides at night - even if she doesn't seem to want any more, I'll always try to get her to take a little from the other breast before putting her back to bed again!
Speaking of, she is waking up for feed now. Milk will be nice and warm from my hotpack I bet!
Thanks for the advice on the bottle btw, might try it later this week.
HI all,
After I was so excited about Sophie sleeping for five hours the other night, now I find there is a downside: clogged milk ducts!! Because I only offered the left breast at the 12 midnight feed, by the 5am feed I had gone 8 hours without using the right breast. So now the right side is SO painful, have been having hot showers, hotpacks, Advil all day, and expressed 2oz from that side this afternoon.
So from now on, I must remember to always do both sides at night - even if she doesn't seem to want any more, I'll always try to get her to take a little from the other breast before putting her back to bed again!
Speaking of, she is waking up for feed now. Milk will be nice and warm from my hotpack I bet!
Thanks for the advice on the bottle btw, might try it later this week.

What about pumping one side while your LO feeds on the other and freeze it for a 'rainy day'? I would kill to have some stored up breast milk and time to get it but with the twins when I feed them there is nothing left to pump and when I feed a bottle I'm so happy to have a break I use my time to do other things. Seems like it would be a perfect opportunity since you're stuck feeding anyway.
My little pumpkin Sophia was born on october 31st
Thanks for the info regarding constipation in breastfed babies! that has really taken a weight off my mind! :)
Alana finally did a poop yesterday, she was so much more settled afterwards, she fed straight away like she was starving as she had only had small amounts the last couple of days.

I am not going to worry so much now, unless she seems in pain.

zucchini - I always offer both breasts, I will sometimes take her off one and switch if I think she is going to fall asleep before getting to the other one.
Hey ladies.

Can I just say how much I love this thread, mostly because its always being posted in & I love keeping up with mummies at the same stage as me.

Does anyone else ever feel a bit lonely, even if theres loads of ppl about. I tell my OH about everything Kayden does but I duno...he's not always interested in how many hours he's slept & how much bottle he's had ect.

I've been feeling a bit down, kinda dont know what to do with myself, after 2 years of thinking about having Kayden then almost a year since I got my BFP, i'm just thinking that nothing seems "exciting" enough. I'm moving house in Jan & im really looking forward to it, but apart from that I feel kinda lost after so long thinking & being excited about having a baby (even when ttc i was excited) & I cant stop thinking of having another. Even though I know it isn't gonna be soon, might be able to talk my OH into number 3 possibly in a year or 2. Would like a closer age gap this time as my eldest is 7 years older than her new wee brother.

On the baby front....Kayden slept through the whole night (I think I forgot to post about it) during that day it happened, he got up at 7 & didn't have any more than a 45min nap all day, eventually fell asleep at 10 & got up at 7. I was shocked to say the least. Hasn't happened since, but he has been going 5/6 hours most nights. He's so alert during the day he hardly ever naps.

And Phantom, thanks so much for the first page, it looks brilliant!! I hope when our babies 1st b.days come around we're all still friends & using the forum, it would be great if we could all be here to help each other for our babies 1st year!!

I agree let's stay in touch :) I love chatting with you all xx

Macie has been sleeping In her grobag for the past 2 nights ... It's the 1st time they've fit her!! She looks adorable and keeps her cosy! Also thankgod for sleepsuits with attached fold over scratch mits!! They are a fab creation! Lol

I'm off out for my very 1st night out since having Macie tonight going to my mates mums party ... I'm gonna miss her like crazy!! It's gonna feel odd just being little old me tonight instead of mummy .. But I think it's gonna be a good night x
I'm really glad for this thread too, sometimes I feel like I might go insane. With your first, you're never sure what to consider normal or not, as you have nothing to compare it too. I "love" seeing that you're all as sleepy, stressed, etc and i didn't some how get a broken baby. LOL. Can't wait till all they all start crawling...etc.

So, developmental wise, what's your baby's newest trick? Cody loves staring at my hair, and then promptly reaching for it, grabbing, and tugging. i guess it's good that he's getting a little more use of his motor skills... but dang.., he's got a crazy grip for only being 8 weeks.
I had Sophie on 5th October, 5 days early. :)
I agree ladies, we should definately keep this going. Even when its not your first you still like the reassurance from other mums that everything is normal, lol.
This thread is a god send as you guys are the only people I know with babies of the same age. I have considered the mum and baby groups,though its not really my thing, but with my 3yr old and home educating my 2 boys I would be hard pushed to do it anyway so all of you guys stop me feeling quite so isolated.

Skye has started to go longer now between feeds, up to 2hrs during the days and up to 3hrs at night. She is also more willing to be put down for a while, usually in her seat watching me and the kids getting up to something with the home ed! Oh and she is really enjoying the tree lights and xmas decs. We are off to lapland uk with the kids next friday, its only about 10miles from us, so hoping that will be a great day. I cant wait to see Phoenix's face!!
Littlemiss that was a lovely post and I agree I love talking to you all about what is happening. It makes it much easier to have people who understand what you are going through. Sharing knowledge and experience really helps.

I am rather jealous of a whole nights sleep. Although Alana tends to sleep 5-6 hours I am finding it hard to wake up, feed her and then get back to sleep. Also right now her tummy is still very uncomfortable, she slept last night but kept crying and making noises, I kept getting up to check her, but each time she was sleeping and so I was constantly up and down as I never knew what was a proper cry and what was a sleeping cry. She has been very sleepy and hungry all day but not really had much sleep at all, every time she fell asleep she would end up crying again pulling up her legs and she hasn't eaten much all day. I wasn't going to give her any more medicine but I may have to.

As for new tricks, Alana has discovered my necklace and goes for each time I pick her up, when I try to put her down to sleep she has hold of it and I have to prise her fingers off.

She also loves the Christmas lights and just stares at them like she is in a trance.
Aww, I agree! It is lovely to have so many mummies that have babies around the same age!

Does anyone's baby have a flat spot on their head from sleeping on their backs? My DH thinks I'm insane but I worry that she'll develop one as she always sleeps in the same position on her back with her head to the right! She must have been smushed that way in utero.

Have a great night out mummy2tyler!
KatieCooper yes my LO does, I hate it. I've started napping LO on his tummy ( I know its dangerous) but and constantly checking on him. I wouldn't do it at night.

Here is is:

LO's new trick is to poke his tounge out when I do, its so funny, when I poke it out he frowns with confusion then moves his mouth around like a fish and thenfinally poke it out.
Welcome RHR! I added you to the list and will add Sophie to the Calender ASAP.

So what, if anything is LO getting for XMAS this year? Honestly Cody won't be getting anything really from us. We've bought everything we would have got him already. I know my parents are sending him a tummy time gym/mat thing, and I'm sure he'll get stuff from his aunts and Uncles so i don't feel like he's missing out.
Littlemiss that was a lovely post and I agree I love talking to you all about what is happening. It makes it much easier to have people who understand what you are going through. Sharing knowledge and experience really helps.

I am rather jealous of a whole nights sleep. Although Alana tends to sleep 5-6 hours I am finding it hard to wake up, feed her and then get back to sleep. Also right now her tummy is still very uncomfortable, she slept last night but kept crying and making noises, I kept getting up to check her, but each time she was sleeping and so I was constantly up and down as I never knew what was a proper cry and what was a sleeping cry. She has been very sleepy and hungry all day but not really had much sleep at all, every time she fell asleep she would end up crying again pulling up her legs and she hasn't eaten much all day. I wasn't going to give her any more medicine but I may have to.

As for new tricks, Alana has discovered my necklace and goes for each time I pick her up, when I try to put her down to sleep she has hold of it and I have to prise her fingers off.

She also loves the Christmas lights and just stares at them like she is in a trance.

I find it hard to tell the difference between sleeping cry & awake cry too. Sometimes i've heard Kayden crying & i've jumped up, made a bottle, went in & he's sound asleep. Yesterday I cought him in the act crying in his sleep, now, when I hear him grumbling I hold off & see if it goes on for a few mins.

And ladies....I've figured something out tonight - this is one of those moments where your really happy coz u figure something out loool - Kayden has been fussing every single night for about 2 weeks when he's put down to bed at 7/8, & hes not once just stayed asleep he always wakes & fusses til around 10 (sleeps really well when he eventually gets to sleep). And on all those days he hadn't had more than 1hr sleep during the day time. Well, today he slept loads during the day (longest in weeks), about 4 hours in total & I thought, whats the harm if he's gona fuss at bedtime anyway...but he's went straight down at 8 & not a peep since then...its 10.15 - this must mean that he's over-tired on those days & actually sleeps better when he's slept more during the day.


Now this means I just need to make sure he takes more naps which is hard coz he's always so alert

I have to share this as I am feeling so refreshed.
I put her down at 9.30pm, she slept until 3am woke up fed for 10 mins and then straight off until 5.50am fed until 6am and is still asleep now. I am so awake I can't sleep any more. I don't know if it will happen again but a lie in until 9am is just bliss.

Octbebe Alana sleeps on her tummy, I know she shouldn't but she just hates sleeping on her back and starts rolling on to her side, since I put her down on her tummy she sleeps much better and if she wakes gets herself off again.

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