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Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Morning everyone! :hi:

ahcigar - dont worry hun, it was an accident. when Freya was 5 weeks old, my OH banged her head on a wooden shelf. we took her to emergency docs, and luckily all was well. she just had a bad headache, poor little thing!

phantom - please can you add Freya to the calendar? she was born on the 19th. thankyou.

Freya is baby number 1 for us (we had an ectopic pregnancy last year though).
we want 1 more baby, and will probably start trying again christmas 2013....

Hope everyone is well today.
ahcigar1- i wouldn't worry about it, accidents happen, but I understand how awful it must feel.

Acorn sorry you are feeling rough, I hope the duct unblocks soon.

Well last night Alana went down at 7.30 as normal, she usually wakes at 10pm for a feed but she stayed asleep until 1.40am. she then fed on and off until 3.15am, I struggled to stay awake feeding her. I was pretty annoyed that I didn't try and sleep at 8pm but I expected her to wake up for a feed at 10pm then sleep for 6 hours as normal.
Also has anyone had problems with baby not having a poo? Alana used to go 6-7 times a day and the past 4 days hasn't been at all. She is still quite windy, on top of this she is vomiting after each feed and then some, which she never used to do. She seemed ok in herself though until today and she seems to be drawing her legs up more and crying when not feeding which is unusual for her.

I am thinking of calling the doctoras I don't want her to be in pain or have something wrong and me ignoring it trying not to be a panicky parent.
Sounds like shes constipated, Give her cooled boiled water ... she wont like it but try give her little bits, It does work ive used it for both my kids xx

Macie hadnt pood in 3days & seemed to be uncomfortable .... i gave her some cooled boiled water & the next day she went and was much happier
I gave her cooled boiled water this morning, she took 1oz before refusing it.

I just hope it is only constipation, as the vomiting has started to get worse the last two days, I am hoping she doesn't have any blockages causing a problem.
If your worried hun get her checked over by a DR or HV .... You know her the best and if you think something is different and it would put your mind at rest then get her checked over xx

Hope all is ok .. shes maybe just got a tummy bug causing the vomiting or it could just be constipation xx
shelleney-- will do :) gotta wait til i get back home to my comp.
Doctor said she was confused as she didn't seem dehydrated, she hopes it is constipation and has given us some lactulose to try. We go back tomorrow as she wants to monitor her closely. She said if she hadn't started vomiting at the same time she stopped pooping it would be less of a concern.
Aw hope she gets better soon hun!

This is Lo number 1 for us but we def want more in a couple of years. Thinking maybe 2014 as we want to enjoy Oscar while he's little x
Hope she starts to feel better soon Hippy.

It has been a long couple of days for Leah. Had to take her into the doctors again this afternoon because she hasn't been eating very well. She would eat about an ounce then start screaming in pain and no matter what we tried we couldn't sooth her. The doctor thinks it is milk intolerance and a light case of reflux. So she is now on Zantac and soy based formula. She had her first bottle about 530 and she downed it without any problem. Poor thing has to have been starving. But her tummy does seem to be doing better. She had the happy milk drunk look on her face after she finished.

How was everyone else's day?
Hi all, Sophie slept for 5 hours in a row last night!!! I was reading this thread yesterday feeling very envious of all the mums with babies who slept for more than 3 hours at a stretch, and then this! :happydance:
Mind you, will probably not happen again tonight but maybe once in awhile from now on? I'll take it!!

Oh I meant to add don't worry ahcigar, you are not a terrible mother - accidents happen.
That is great you got a stretch like that. I can tell you when Leah started sleeping 5 hours she did it off an on for about 2 weeks and now she does it consistently. Hopefully you won't have too long to wait.
Cody is deffo trying to teeth. What the heck?! He's drooling, crying, not eating a ton, has a low grade fever and likes his gums rubbed or to gum a pacifier to death. :dohh:
yay rayden slept from around 12ish (i know it was after 11 the shop waas shut but didnt check time lol) to 5.45 this morning so can safely say we are getting there :happydance: next step for him to complete the above in his own bed :)
this is baby number one and we don't plan on having anymore we love our little surprise having been told we would never be able to conceive but we had a lot of traveling planned and hoping to take LO when he's older and couldn't afford to do it with 2 :) Luckily 2 of our close friends have and are almost at the end of their pregnancy so he shouldn't miss out on company, at the moment he just stares at the other baby lol he's like wtf I'm the only baby in this town hehehee
Hippy - Freya used to poo 5 times a day...then 2 weeks ago, she had a massive explosive poo, and then didnt go again for 5 days. on the 5th day she had another explosive poo, and then didnt go again for 8 days. on the 8th day, she had the mother of all explosions!

im not really sure whats going on? we tried the cooled boiled water, but it didnt help. we took her doctors, who prescribed lactulose, but that didnt work either. sorry i dont have any advice, just wanted you to know you're not alone....:hugs:
Shelleney thanks for that. Alana also had a massive explosive poo prior to her not going again, I hope she has another massive poo soon. She is in pain today and very windy, not sure if that is the lactulose doing something, but she isn't happy. She is feeding but not like normal, she keeps crying and scrunching up her legs. I think eating kind if tries to stimulate her bowls. I expressed 1oz into a bottle and she took that from my mum and then fell asleep.
This is baby number 3 for me. I have 2 boys aged 10 & 7 and was blessed with my little girl 8 weeks (tomorrow) ago.
I always said I wanted 4 but now I'm not sure that I want anymore... maybe ask me again when Skye is a little older but she seems to have completed me :cloud9:
Hello all:flower:

Skye is baby number 5 for me and I would love another! Not sure we will though as 35 was meant to be my cut off for having babies but hate the thought of not having any more:blush:

Shellney & Hippie - Are you BF? Skye didnt poo for several days when she was newborn but when i spoke to the MW at birthing centre she said not to worry as BF babies dont get constipated and it just meant that she had no waste from the breastmilk:shrug: Skye is still the same now, she often goes days without going but because of what I was told I just assumed it was ok. Think I may have to google:winkwink:

Shell n bump - Just wanted to say you have great taste in names, lol.:thumbup:

Phantom- I know what you mean with the teething, Skye is exactly the same; drooling and biting down. Bless them:hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well. It seems a few babies are learning bedtime, do you think they could have a chat with Skye for me and explain the concept please?!:haha:
Hello all:flower:

Skye is baby number 5 for me and I would love another! Not sure we will though as 35 was meant to be my cut off for having babies but hate the thought of not having any more:blush:

Shellney & Hippie - Are you BF? Skye didnt poo for several days when she was newborn but when i spoke to the MW at birthing centre she said not to worry as BF babies dont get constipated and it just meant that she had no waste from the breastmilk:shrug: Skye is still the same now, she often goes days without going but because of what I was told I just assumed it was ok. Think I may have to google:winkwink:

Shell n bump - Just wanted to say you have great taste in names, lol.:thumbup:

Phantom- I know what you mean with the teething, Skye is exactly the same; drooling and biting down. Bless them:hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well. It seems a few babies are learning bedtime, do you think they could have a chat with Skye for me and explain the concept please?!:haha:


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