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Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

I feel abit guilty, coz I actually get a full 8 hours sleep every night!

The key to this is the fact that I am co-sleeping with Freya. We go to bed cuddled up together at 10.30pm. She wakes up at 2.30am for a feed. and then sleeps again until we get up at 6.30am. But because we are co-sleeping and breastfeeding, I dont actually have to get up for the 2.30am feed. Freya starts stirring and grunting, so I whip a boob out, latch her on, and I go back to sleep myself. Freya slides off the boob when she's finished, and goes back to sleep herself. So because I dont actually get up (or even open my eyes sometimes, lol) I feel like Ive slept 8 hours straight!

Now I know alot of people are against co-sleeping. I was too when I was pregnant, and swore I would never do it. But it works for us right now. And I am going to start putting Freya in her Moses basket in the new year (although I will miss the great sleeps when I do this)

Hope you are all having a good weekend :)
Okay ladies I need advice..... anyone's LO not like a new type of Formula? We had to switch him to a more expensive (like double what we were paying) special low lactose/cow enzyme formula which is easily digestible for his Colic. I obviously haven't tasted it, but I think it has less sweetener in it and he sucks a few drops and then starts screaming and turning his head away from it.

I have no idea what to do :(
That is crap Phantom, could you mix it with the other for the time being to help him adjust to the taste or is this not an option? I mix breast milk and formula for Alana.
Sorry i cant help Phantom, as i dont use formula.
hope things get better soon
good idea hippy, I thought about trying it, but wasn't sure if it would be okay.

shelle--- that's okay, good for you for being able to breast feed :(
I definitely enjoy posting on here, it's my sanity check for the day. I totally understand the comment made about DH not really wanting to hear all about how little sleep you got etc. I am very lucky that my sister has a LO who is 2.5 weeks younger so we have a lot in common to talk about but I can only afford so much long distance. It's great to have somewhere to go to. :)

Watch those flat spots on the heads and definitely try to give the LO's tummy time and get them to lay their head on alternating sides to discourage any distortion. A friend of mine's son ended up with a helmet to reshape the head.

No suggestions on the formula but at the same time perhaps you SHOULD try it. Do you have any of the older stuff to compare it to. Perhaps you could taste both and see it is different. Realistically your baby will just have to accept it and drink it if it's all you offer but there is a chance that a different brand might make a tasier formulation. Perhaps some serious googling might help. Seems like there is just about everything online, surely someone has asked this quesiton before.

On my end I've been cramming as much formula down my girl's throats as they'll take trying to fatten them up. All I get is extra spit up as a result. Guess time will tell. This is likely the end of my BFing unfortunately as I'm trying to heal from repeated fisssures at the same time but I dunno.. I still want to BF but know I don't make enough, that with the pain I'm just so frustrated with the whole thing. Bah!

And for Christmas... We're getting the girls way too much! Since we have a 5 yo at home as well we have to keep up the facade of Santa Cluas etc so we needed to do a stocking, then DD wanted to buy the twins some gifts (toy and outfit each) and then we needed a second Exersaucer so we bought one of those. That should have been the end of it but since I have to buy some presents for my new neice I kept buying duplicates for the twins as well. Whoopsie.
aww sorry about having to stop BF Little, I know it's a really hard thing to do, I got a bit depressed about it for a few days started doubting my womanly awesomeness.

I mixed a bit of the old formula with the new and he took it, but I'm almost out of the old formula, so.... guess he better start liking the new stuff. He's taking THIS And I have tried all the Similac and Generic Brand Sensitives.
Hows everyones weekend been?

I'm dreading tomorrow, Skye has her first lot of needles, I have a big needle phobia and can't stand the thought of her having to have them :cry:

We've got our LO quite a few pressies for xmas. There is such a big age gap between my last and her that we have no toys in the house suitable for a baby plus shes my first girl so I've not been able to resist all the pink things! :haha: As her bday isnt for so long after xmas we figured that we could buy her toys that she can grow into over the next few months so we've bought things from birth to around 6months and she'll need a stocking, I love buying pressies for my children :cloud9:
Shell-- Cody has his shots tomorrow as well. I've went and bought some infant ibuprofen that i'll give him about... a half hour before his shots. hope that eases things a bit. Can't wait to see how big he's gotten. :)
I'm putting off the shots until Caleb is older; 6 weeks is the schedule here, which IMO is just way too early to be putting somewhat controversial chemicals into a baby!!! So I'm pushing it back to a later time; probably 4-ish months or something... we'll see.

My wee guy is 6 weeks old today! Already!!! It feels weird; on the one hand time has FLOWN by; it seems like just the other day I got my BFP, let alone had a freekin baby, but on the other hand, I can't imagine a life without him now, he's fit in to our lives so well that it feels like he's been here forever. :cloud9:
Skye has her jabs tomorrow too, I will be dosing her up with calpol straight after. I hate their jabs, it makes me feel so mean!
We have decided the same Shell n Bump. Trying to get stuff that will see her up to her 1st birthday and with 4 other kids there is no way we could leave her out. I have got her a baby's 1st xmas stocking, lol. I am feeling really christmasy this year too, even bought lights and light up sleigh and reindeer for outside, hehehe.
Flying duster- I know what you mean, I cant beleive Skye is 9weeks on Wednesday. Babies have a way of just slotting in and although its gone so quickly (even the pregnancy) it feels like she has always been with us. By the way thats a lovely avatar, such a little cutie!
I hope to share some pics of Skye when I get back today as I am going to get some photos printed so will scan them in. I am so fed up with the laptop/camera software! Grr

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend xx
My little Macie pants is 6 weeks old today :shock: erm where did the time go .... slow down time shes going to be walking & talking before i know it :cry:

Hope Cody's injections go well Michelle, Im not sure when Macies are .... usually around 8weeks but weve not had the appt letter yet so just waiting for that x

Hope all the babies & mummies are well
Name Change!

Just to let everyone know that i asked for my username to be changed as the other one was blatently obviously "me" ... and there are things i feel comfortable posting on here with you girls that i really dont want some people that i know reading etc also as bnb comes up in google alot i thought it was best i ask for it to be changed to something less obvs as it contained my sons name etc

So this is my new username ... it still relates to me (Ty -Tyler) (Ma- Macie) yet isnt too obvious x
Thanks for the heads up on the name change, I like it.

Good luck to those taking babies for jabs today, seems like lots of you are going to be in the same boat. I know from looking at the doctors screen when we went that they are going to be Alanas on the 03/01/12 can't say I am looking forward to it.

After being so excited about her sleeping on Saturday night all bets were off and last night she was not a happy baby. She has a cough and cold and I think a possible sore throat as she kept waking about every two hours having a quick drink (5-10 mins max) and falling asleep, she kept making noises all night and sounds very croaky today.

Right while she is sleeping I am going to get a quick shower as I smell of milky vomit.
I just saw your message on my journal and didn't even realize the name change! LOL

Cody's appointment is in a little over an hour. EEP
We're back from Skye's injections, she screamed bless her, I hated it, felt so guilty :cry:

Michelle, how's Cody?

Hippylittlej, I hope your LO is ok?

mumatmadhouse, hope Skyes injections go ok. I need to get Skye a stocking too and some bits to fill it. Im not feelinhg too christmasy yet, I think its because Skye has been poorly so we havent been out and done my pressie shopping yet! We have most of the boys and her things just nothing for my oh or anyone else yet eekk! :doh:

Hope everyones ok xx
Back from the injections as well. I absolutely loved the nurses that gave him his shots. Two came in, and they did the jabs all at one time, one nurse did two at a time, and the other did one. so he only got poked "once" with three needles, rather than three seperate jabs. He also had to take some oral liquid vaccine (it was optional, but I chose to go for it anyways). He screamed while the needles were in his legs, and cried a bit after but i put him in his carrier and rocked him a bit and now he's asleep. Not sure how long it'll last, but I'll take what I can get. Which ones did all your LO's get? Cody got...DTaP, Hib, PCV, Polio, Rotovirus (oral), HebB. a couple of them were mixed together but I don't remember which ones. They gave him a sucker as well. What's he supposed to do with that? LOL

Size wise, he's 13lbs and 23 inches. an inch in length since he was 3 weeks ago, but only 14 ounces more in weight. I thought that seemed really low but Doc was fine with it. I guess I'm just so used to him being huge I was expecting a 15lb read-out or something.
Phantom, seems like the little babies average about a 1lb gain a month with larger gains sometimes with a growth spurt. That being said I can understand why my doctor was a little concerned with my LO's lack of gain. I figure they are literally burning all their calories from crying and kicking around their legs and arms. I'm sure thye will start gaining better once the colic drops off in a few weeks.

Did anyone else's doctor suggest not to give Tylenol BEFORE the shots? Mine did saying it was the new recommendation since there was concern that the shots weren't as effective when the Tylenol was given first and it was better to give afterwards if needed. It made me wonder if my 5 yo is somehow less protected than the twins will be against stuff but then it also made me feel really bad for the twins not having any pain relief in their system. I'm still trying to figure out my doctor, she's new for us as DD1 has a different pediatrician and I like her personality but not sure of her as a doctor yet.

Can't remember who said their doctor gave the baby a sucker.. was it just a normal sucker? lol Maybe it was for you for being a good sport. :) I wouldn't have minded one last week myself!
Oh and I'm still fighting the fight and BFing.. I just know my days are numbered and formula is needed as a supplement regardless. I've gone so much longer than I did with DD1 so I'm proud of myself for making it this far with twins but just frustrated at how darn expensive formula is. The cost will literally eat up all the baby bonus cheques from the government for the next year. On the plus side I'm saving money with reusable diapers and wipes.
littlestars- Well done you! my Skye is gaining slowly, got to have her weighed tomorrow and see what she has put on in last 3 weeks. She only put on 1lb between 14days old and 6 weeks old and they started making noises about top ups but trying my best to stay EBF. This is the longest i have managed with any of mine and so dont want to give up but think i will have a fight on my hands. It must be such hard work BF twins, I struggle with just one sometimes.

phantom- hope Cody is doing ok after his jabs and you ok, at least it was over in one go, well sort of.

Shell- hope you and Skye are feeling better too! I tried to get xmas stocking fillers today but didnt end up doing well, lol. Think i will try hawkins online later! It gets so complicated with 5 to buy for, we forget what we have bought, lol. Really need to be more organised!

As for Skye and me, we had a rather demanding day yesterday. Skye just anted to get some sleep, but peace and quiet was in short supply here so she got grotty and i decided to use the sling to try and get on a bit. I was most put out to find that I cant seem to get her in the nursing hold in it, she seems too long?! Anyone else found this? Guess I will have to master the other hold now

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