That sounds like a great idea your nurses did giving them him all at once, I wish they had done that for Skye, its horrid stabbing her, seeing her cry then turning her round and doing it all over again!
LittleStars, youve done a fantastic job bf'ing for this long, and with twins too, bf'ing can be tough at times with just one - well done you
mumatmadhouse - We are feeling good today thanks, Skye had a temp last night after her jabs, I gave her a tiny bit of calpol in the evening, she went to bed about a hour later and slept for 8 hours bless her. Shes been ok today just slept while I've been out getting a few bits and food shopping. It must be hectic trying to remember what you have got and what you need to get for your kiddies
How's Skye been today?
OctBebe thats great, I hope your feeling ok
x-TyMa-x thats great news from your check. My Dr asked about contraception too but I'm stuck to what I want. I have suffered with my skin in the past, pimples and stuff, so I dont really want anything with extra hormones in so that only leaves me with the copper coil which I've had before but when I come to have it out it had all twisted and they couldnt get it out. Dr said shes suprised it had worked!
Skye is so fussy in the evenings, shes such a happy baby from morning and all day but come tea time all she wants is me and my boob. Shes great if shes in her pushchair or in the car but as soon as we are in the house she wants constant feeding. If anyone else holds her, including her daddy, she screams for me. I am in desperate need of washing my hair but I think I'll end up doing it at 11pm tonight when she's settled and in bed