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Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

it was me that got a sucker, and yes, it was a normal sucker. LOL. Haha, it could ahve been for me, but they said it was for Cody. When I told the nurses that I had given him Ibuprofen before, they were glad because they said they calm down faster. I hope it's not true that he won't be as...covered. :(
Havent been on here in a few days and just caught up! Bless all the babies with their immunisations. Oscar had hid last wed and i was crying before we even went in. lol. he was fine. Cried for about 10 seconds. So glad its over for a few weeks but im dreading the next ones, apparently they are more painful for them.

Hows everyones christmas prep going now they have a lo (or another lo). i feel like i have NEVER been so far behind. still havent got my tree or any decorations up and only just bought my christmas cards. Managed to get Oscar a fab one after looking everywhere. its a son one with first christmas on and the year! What are you all buyng fob from lo?
vaccinations are suspect as to their 'full' coverage anyway, and there are a ton of those out there who aren't vaccinated at all, AND this is only the first in a series of jabs to get them to 'full' coverage anyway, so I wouldn't be worrying about it at all hun! :hugs:

I went out for the first time without Caleb last night! It was nice, but weird too. And heartbreaking to come home to a screaming baby desperate for me... Made me soooooo regret going out! But everyone survived (DH was looking after him) and it was a learning curve. We know it CAN be done! lol.

Caleb gets weighed tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to seeing how much he's put on as his last weigh-in was a week ago today.

A week ago (5 weeks old) Caleb had put on 960g (just over 2lb) from birth, and he'd grown 4cm (1.5in) in length and 3cm (just over an inch) in his head! So will be interesting to see what he's up to tomorrow. We won't do a full length and head circumference tomorrow, but it will be a weight check at least! I'm expecting him to have gotten over the 1kg-of-growth mark (well, he was only 40g away from it last week!) which is neat! :D

It's lovely and sunny today so we're going to go out and enjoy it soon! I'm going to go and get some photos printed off of my wee guy; a couple to give to my midwife tomorrow (it's her last visit with us!!! :() and some to send to my nana in australia (who Caleb will probably never meet; she's too old to travel here, and we can't afford to go over there!!) as well as some to start an album for ourselves. :)
OT - But I just had my gallbladder scan today. WOOOHOO theres one in there so I can get it taken out and not have to go through the pain and try look after my LO on pill morphine!!!
Hope everything gets sorted with your gall bladder octbebe can't be much fun looking after a LO while in pain :(

Bless all the babies with immunisations, I'm waiting on macies appt letter coming through, it will be after Xmas I'd say :(
Louise - my DD1 picked out a video game to play with her daddy as the present from the kids. Around 2yo she started helping to pick something out, before that we didn't bother since the poor kid didn't really understand what's going on. She often gets involved by making everyone pictures and cards and doing food crafts for everyone like decorated cookies etc as gifts. She only gets real presents for her immediate family (me, DH and twins). We get her to help with choosing gifts for the rest of the family/friends but the gift is from our entire family.

Octbebe - I had my gall bladder taken out and it is a nice and simple recovery. Nothing to fear and not having to have the pain anymore is great! I've had some issues resulting from the removal but still nothing in comparison to keeping it. And my issues are not normal issues and it's even more rare to have both issues. Lucky me. lol
Hey everyone.

Hope all the babies who have had their immunisations recently are feeling ok. Freya will be 8 weeks old tomorrow, but I have not had an appointment through yet....

I am usually so prepared for Christmas every year. Presents are often bought and wrapped by end of November, and the tree is put up on 1st December, allowing Decemeber to be a nice relaxing month (with no last minute, headless chicken moments).
However, this year, the tree finally went up on 9th December. And I have only bought 1/3 of the presents that I need....and its only 12 days til Christmas! argh! cue plenty of last minute headless chicken moments :(

Hi everyone, we're all feeling very Christmassy here as well - reindeer and angel on the front lawn, Christmas tree up and decorated, nutcrackers by the fireplace! DD1 and I are going to put tinsel all over the staircases sometime this week as well. Just starting to wrap presents but of course still waiting on a few things to arrive from Amazon! I think I did about 90% of my shopping online this year.
Also, I am very proud of this - I made my own Christmas cake this year! Can't wait to try some with a glass of brandy :happydance:
Sophie is still eating and sleeping well - I think it's about time me and DH moved out of her room. Maybe we'll start off the night in our room and then we can pop back into her room and sleep there as necessary. Mainly we want o get back to our room to be able to DTD! Haven't done it yet and Sophie is 7 weeks old today. So it's probably about time!
Have a great day everyone, :flower:
You ladies move fast, I can't keep up, ha ha! Lauren was really fussy today and was only happy when I was holding her. She finally crashed and I was so relieved.

We have our 8 week appointment next Monday. I am looking forward to seeing how much she weighs, but am terrified of the shots!

OctBebe- Hope you get the gall bladder straightened out, sounds painful!

We bought Lauren a few gifts and I stuffed her stocking with pacifiers and socks :)

Lauren has a sleep cry, and it's REALLY loud. She did it in the store the other day and I giggled. People probably thought I was mad for not comforting her!

Lauren's head hasn't flattened at all from laying on her back, but she has rubbed off the hair where her head lies! She has dark hair like I did when I was a baby. Mine all fell out and went blonde. Her's has started to fall out in front and now she has a bald spot in the back too.
hhahahah zuch-- I know how you feel, we've only managed to DtD twice since he was born, and after he made souds in his sleep and freaking us out the whole way through the second time... II turned to DH and said "Maybe it's time he goes into his own room" Lol!
Just got back from our 6 week check .... All went great Macie decided to do the biggest pee all over the Drs bed haha!!! Shes weighing 11lb 3oz now and its doing everything she should be and more for her age :) :)

Everything is good with me too she mentioned all the contraception methods but i asked if i could go away and think about it so she gave me a form to read over about all the different options...... urgh!

She didnt check my stitches as they are all inside but she said if it hurts when i DTD then let them know but she thinks seen as ive got no pain at the moment that they should all be healed.

But yeh so all in all .... were ok :)
That sounds like a great idea your nurses did giving them him all at once, I wish they had done that for Skye, its horrid stabbing her, seeing her cry then turning her round and doing it all over again!

LittleStars, youve done a fantastic job bf'ing for this long, and with twins too, bf'ing can be tough at times with just one - well done you :flower:

mumatmadhouse - We are feeling good today thanks, Skye had a temp last night after her jabs, I gave her a tiny bit of calpol in the evening, she went to bed about a hour later and slept for 8 hours bless her. Shes been ok today just slept while I've been out getting a few bits and food shopping. It must be hectic trying to remember what you have got and what you need to get for your kiddies :haha: How's Skye been today?

OctBebe thats great, I hope your feeling ok :flower:

x-TyMa-x thats great news from your check. My Dr asked about contraception too but I'm stuck to what I want. I have suffered with my skin in the past, pimples and stuff, so I dont really want anything with extra hormones in so that only leaves me with the copper coil which I've had before but when I come to have it out it had all twisted and they couldnt get it out. Dr said shes suprised it had worked! :dohh:

Skye is so fussy in the evenings, shes such a happy baby from morning and all day but come tea time all she wants is me and my boob. Shes great if shes in her pushchair or in the car but as soon as we are in the house she wants constant feeding. If anyone else holds her, including her daddy, she screams for me. I am in desperate need of washing my hair but I think I'll end up doing it at 11pm tonight when she's settled and in bed :dohh:
Shell n Bump - Hmm thats what im like too i dont want anything with extra hormones in either as they make me turn wacko :wacko: lol also dont fancy any weight gain and some of the hormonal contraceptions cause cause weight gain.
Looks like it will be condoms for us x
ugh no I dont need anymore weight either! lol
Yup we're using condoms too - just pray they dont split :haha: x
Hey ladies

:hugs: to all those who have had the jags this week. It really is soul destroying. Not sure when we've got ours but we have 6wk check on Thurs.

Kayden has been alot better, he slept thro again...8 - 7am, & the nights he's not done that he's had 7/8 hours. Tonight he broke his wee habit & woke after 4 hours but i kinda wanted a cuddle anyway so it was ok.

We've been sooooooo busy, appointments, christmas parties, shopping, wrapping, writing cards, organising house for xmas, ect ect. Its non stop. Another very busy day tomorrow & the weather has been so bad.

Hope everyone is good
We had our last midwife visit today!!! :( I'm sad it's the last visit, but thankfully I do see her about a bit so it's not really a full 'good bye'. :)

Caleb got weighed... he's 12lb. At 6 weeks +2 days. lol. Though, he's not at ALL chubby! He's longer in proportion to his weight, so he's just a big boy... :)
my 'lil' man is almost giggling now! Sooooo cute. He makes gurgling noises while smiling:

and just a couple of pics cos I'm bored:

What a little honey FD! LO is nearly giggling too, but he coughs when he tries LOL!
Awww he's adorable FD!! :)
Octbebe - Macie does the little cough noise too when trying to giggle! Well she skipped her 5am feed lastnite and slept right through.... I feel like a new woman :)

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