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Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

That's great she slept through. LO's been sleeping most of the day today only waking for 30minutes then getting cranky and goes back down. I got no sleep last night due to acid reflux which is STILL burning like crazy so my luck hell wake up wanting to talk like its morning and ill get no sleep *pray*
Freya is 8 weeks old today! i cant believe how fast the time has gone! :wacko:

Aww, FD, he is adorable!

Well done Macie!

Flyingduster that is a lovely video and very cute pics.

You people are far too organised for Christmas. I have managed to do some online shopping the past two days, no cake this year, no mince pies made, house is partially decorated, not a single card has been written. I kind of feel that Christmas is going to be upon me before I get anything sorted.

Alana has reverted to sleeping from 9pm -2/3am and then just a quick 10 mins snack then two hours snack for 10 mins sleep. Finally up and feed by about 8.30am and then I now put her down awake at about 9.30am and she gets herself off to sleep for the morning. I am hoping this routine remains for the time being as I am staring to find time to get myself sorted.

We decided to start getting her used to be out down awake and so far so good she is settling herself quite well.
Flying Duster- Adorable video :) Lauren started smiling right at 6 weeks. It made all of the hard work the first few weeks totally worth it. It melts my heart!
Poor Cody still isn't feeling great after his jabs, had to give him baby Ibuprofen 2 more times yesterday ad he still had a bit of a fever, his legs are still a bit swollen, and he's had diarrhea. Yesterday in a massive explosion that went clear up his back and into his hair, soaked through his clothes and into the carseat insert. :(
Oh Phantom, I hope Cody is better today. Explosive diarrhea is never fun to clean up. :(

FD - great video! thanks for sharing :)

My girls are smilling but the laughing is slow to come. They are however insanely good at the head holding on tummytime and are so close to regularly rolling over so they are forgiven.

I had to haul out all the Xmas presents from the closet this morning and see what I actually have. Seems like I've got the kids covered so now on to buying for the grownups. We have a tree up but nothing else really. I decided to keep it simple this year since I'm the one who has to find time to actually clean everyhting up at the end of it all. I'm definitely hoping to get a chance to do some baking but time will tell if that will actually get done. Only tradition we're definitely not skipping on this year is Nibble's Night. I cook all things appatizer and finger food and we invite the adult sibling and spouses over for yummies. I'm definitely going to enjoy the hosiday food because as soon as it's over I'm on serious mode for weight loss. I put on way too much with the twins!!!
We've had out tree up since late November, but I haven't sent out cards, or bought any presents. :dohh:
poor Cody :( I hope he is feeling better soon. It is horrid when your little ones are ill or feeling rough and nothing you can do to help.

Tonight my DH did bedtime. I had a bath with her and then Matt got her dressed, gave her a bottle and put her down. She had plenty of boob before bath time but she did take a little bit of the bottle. It was nice to have a break but I then felt I was missing out and had to call a friend for a chat to take my mind off it.
FD, Your video is so sweet!

I hope Cody is ok Phantom, Skye hasnt had any fever apart from on the evening of her jabs, shes been a bit touchy but thankfully apart from bad nappies shes been ok.

Skye has been a little diva today, she wants me to constantly pick her up so I've hardly got anything done!
Trying to gt pics of LO big open mouth smile but this is all I got haha who ate all the pies!!


And his elf suit.

he's adorable!!!!! eee I was so diaappointed I went around looking for an elf or santa outfit and they didn't have anything for boys, only dresses :(
I hope Cody is feeling better! That just makes me more nervous about getting Lauren's done next week :(

I have almost all of my presents purchased. I did almost everything online this year. We decided since we just did birth announcements, we are not doing Christmas cards this year. It's just way too much work! I plan to make some cookies and pies, and that's it. Normally I do all sorts of cookies and candies.
UGH I just got my 2nd PP AF:( that means my last cycle was only 24 days long, and the first 15 were AF. I am so quitting the minipill as soon as i can talk to my doctor.
Ella cried most of the day today. I feel like a horrible mum because she was just so inconsolable. :( I cried probably as much as she did. It can be so hard.
Phantom, no fun. Is it a side effect of the minipill? perhaps it just takes a few cycles for your body to adjust after being pregnant?? I dunno. I have yet to get a PP period since I'm kinda still BFing, good thing too since we haven't figured out anything for birth control other than condoms. DH isn't keep on them but I'm not allowed to get an IUD so soon after a c-section so he's stuck. Not like we've got the time for DTD anyway, lol.

So I really stupidly decided to knit my DD1 a scarf for Xmas.. 11 days to go and I've only done about 4 inches worth.. this is going to be interesting.

OctBebe - Eli looks so darn happy! I love it.

I still haven't got pictures on the computer yet, far less ordered any prints for the house. *mental note* Get on that!!
Katie - my girls cry a lot, party because of colic, partly because there is only one of me and sometimes just because. It was harder for me the first time around. This time I've learned to just accept a certian amount of crying and go about what I need to do like having a shower or making dinner. It's hard but you need to do it for your own sanity. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you and Ella.
Katie - :hugs: hun it's hard when you get days like that... Hope today is a better day xx

Octbebe- eeeek he is sooo cute!!!!! Love the Christmas costume!!!!

Michelle- boo I've not even had pp p1 yet :(

Heres a photo of my pretty lady
Katie- we all have days like that, you are not a horrible mum. I hope today is better for you.

I am loving the elf outfit, he looks adorable.

Macie looks so cute in the red. Alana suits red too.[IMG]https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/littlejen/AlanaXmashat.jpg[/IMG]

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