Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Hello again everyone. Haven't posted in here for a bit cause the thread disappeared on me and I just now have been able to find it again.

How has everyone and their LO's been doing?

Acorn: Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I do hope you feel better soon.

My LO for some reason has been struggling to sleep at night for about the past week. Don't know what is going on. Any tips? She is swaddled at night but she seems to fight it a bit but then if I take it off she wakes herself up and gets upset by doing so, so really a no win situation. Is there a good way to get them used to sleeping without the swaddle?

What is everyone getting their LO's for Christmas, if they are getting anything?
flyingduster: You mention how great slings are and such. Do you have a good recommendation for one? I have the moby wrap but HATE it. No matter how hard I try I can never get it tight enough to support LO and she seems to hate it as well. I think she would really like a sling style that would leave option for her to lay or sit. Any reccommendations of styles?
What is everyone getting their LO's for Christmas, if they are getting anything?

Weve just got macie, A Glow/Musical seahorse toy, A PlayGym, A Ragdoll & A little musical butterfly toy x
Lovely isnt it :) Hope she likes it .... Tbh she would be happy with just milk for christmas hehe! :haha:
Hi ladies :hi:

Hope you all had a good weekend. I was up at 4am Sunday morning, wrapping Xmas presents! took me 3 hours, but i finally got it all done. it was the only chance I got! lol.

We have bought Freya one big present :,default,pd.html

and a few stocking fillers - pink shoes, knitted booties, and flower headbands :)

ahcigar - we have the BabyBjorn sling, and we get on really well with it. We have used it from birth, and Freya loves it.

acorn - hope you feel better soon

Sorry I have no idea what are good styles or brands; I don't have a sling (I have a woven wrap that I made...) but has a ton of good help on their forum!!!
Sorry I've been MIA the past few days, Internets went down. OY. Miss anything exciting?
I sewed my own sling with DD1 and am using it agian. It's a little big for me since I am a little smaller than last time so I am looking to make a new one in Jnauary. I love the sling and it was so easy.. I am horrible at sewing but the sling looks amazingly professional.

As for the girls Christmas presents: (bear in mind I'm buying for twins) I got them a second exersaucer (we already had one), Leapfrog's MyPal Violet, 2 electronic phones, a few rattlely type things, a sensory blanket, a laughing stuffed turtle, some sleepers and then stocking stuffers are sippy cups, finger toothbrushes, baby shampoo, soap, lotion, baby massage oil, feeding spoons, pacifiers, clips for soothers and heck I'm sure there is a bit more in the closet but that's what I can remember. lol We wouldn't have done a stocking this year if it weren't for the 5yo who still believes in Santa. Also we were asked to buy for my FIL who lives very far away (he claims he will send money but I know he won't) and also for BIL (who claims he'll pop over with some money but I think it will be like pulling teeth). So we have things for the twins from them too. I am literally sick of buying for the twins, there is literally nothing more they need since we kept so much from DD1.

And to the lady asking about lying children, my daughter is only 5.5yo but very precocious. We usually try to figure out why she lied. If it was for manipulation to get something then we make sure the very thing she wanted is now something she will not be able to have/get etc. If it was to cover up something then we try to explain our expectations of her within the family and why lying is unacceptable. We also will punish lying by not believing her for a few hours and a trip to the naughty chair and expect her to explain why she is in there when her time is up. It drives her nuts but she usually gets the point. If the lying was because she was afraid of us finding out something (shame) then we try very hard to let her know we aren't out to judge her but only help her through life, blah blah. Anyway, not really a simple answer. Lying is very frustrating but generally our daughter is pretty honest and she has had it explained why it is important to tell the truth to gain trust. As a result she busts my balls if she thinks I'm lying to her! I have to be very careful how I word things. Don't want things to come back and bite me in the bum.

Off to the doctor tomorrow for the big weigh in to see if the girls are finally starting to chunk up. My sister just get her daughter weighed at her 2 month checkup and my niece is a whopping 13lbs 7.5oz!!
I use an ergo baby carrier and love it. It's very comfortable and Ella settles right down in it.
I just tried out using my wrap to do a back carry, and OMG it is awesome! lol! I got SO much done with him on my back. I was doing housework and stuff for a good 2 hours with him snuggled into me. He even fell asleep at some point:

This is exactly what I am hoping for. I think I'm going to try out the mei tai. Everyone raves about it and looks simple enough to do. Hopefully it works out. At what age can they have their legs out to the sides? Is it 3 months?
they can have their legs out whenever they prefer their legs out!! His legs are out in the pic above (he's wearing white footie pyjamas); he has hated his legs tucked in since about 4 weeks old! He'd wriggle and try to kick them out straight, and then start to cry when it didn't work! So I tried him with his legs out; and he's as 'happy as larry' now; he can kick his legs out and arch his body in wriggles, without being pinned in too much! :) Some bubs much prefer being snuggled right in, so it really depends on the baby.
I have just purchased a closer baby carrier, my friend runs a sling library and said that she would recommend this for me to use. I do have a baby bjorn which Alana loves but all my sling and wrap crazy friends tell me it is evil and to stop using as the seat cuts into children. My other friend also gave me one called lift, I tried Alana in the lift and she screamed blue murder. I am going to have to look up online how to use the lift one properly. I did buy a baba sling prior to her being born but have not used it and already decided I don't like it.

MA great news about Amelia's weight gain :)

I have the health vistor coming tomorrow but she doesn't bring scales and that would mean I have to go to baby clinic in the morning, which I can't do due to the health Visitor coming to see us. I shall have to wait until after Christmas to find out what Alana now weighs. I know she is growing as she is getting much heavier and longer but just not sure by how much.
I think if I had more money, I could easily become a sling/wrap/carrier-aholic. LOL. Anyone use one of those promo code Seven slings--sling? Cody hated it and it was sorta uncomfortable to me, i'm going to wait til he's a bit biggewr and try the hip carry. For now it's the Glider (Evenflo) for us, he likes it and it's easy on the back. I really want a wrap, especially since it's winter. :p
OMG I just got the closer baby carrier and I love it and haven't even tried it on yet. I was planning on wrapping it up for Christmas but not sure I can wait for that. It is so stretchy and comfy looking. It seems to combine a wrap, sling and standard baby carrier all in one. I have decided that the Liftt is not for us at least until she is a few months old and can hip sit. I feel she is squashed when in the cradling position, she looks at me very bemused, it does feel very restrictive.

I am going out tonight as my husband is playing a gig, the times have changed so we need to leave at 6.30pm which is kind of the wrong time as we start bedtime routine at 7pm. My mum isn't worried at all, but this is the time of night that she becomes a mummies girl and enters the fussy period. We won't be out long as he has an early set but I am dreading her screaming the whole time I am out. I expressed some breast milk but only got 1 1/2oz so she will have to have some formula on top of this, which she will take but tends to ask for boob and get upset if we try to keep giving the bottle.

I hope everyone has had a great day, mine has been good, I got loads done and even managed to sit down for a while.
Hope you have a great night out, hippy. Try to relax and enjoy yourself, im sure your mum will be fine with Alana :)
Hope you have a good time out hippy, and hope she isn't too fussy. I too hate going out around that time becuase it is very very close to her bed time so she gets very fussy and nothing seems to make her happy. I don't know what it is with babies during dinner time but everyone seems to have fussy babies around that time.

Went and did a little bit of Christmas shopping for LO last night after got home from work. Had a lot of fun doing it too. Got lots of different little toys that she can enjoy throughout the year.

How is everyone doing today?
Hope you have a great time out Hippy! I left Lauren with my mom once for a couple of hours around that time. My mom said she was fussy, but nothing she couldn't handle. She said it was fine, but I still felt bad!

Lauren had her 2 month appointment yesterday. She is 9 pounds 2 ounces now. The ped was happy with her weight progress. She got her shots and I felt TERRIBLE. She was fussy all night last night, which just made me feel worse.

My cold is still pretty bad, I hate being sick! So far Lauren is good though, I just hope it stays that way. I'd hate for her to be sick over Christmas. The last 2 nights I have had a hard time breathing and have been having a hard time sleeping. Lauren has been sleeping 8+ hours though!
Acorn hope you feel better soon. And if you are BF she should be fine. Your body produces antibodies for her to keep her healthy. It must be really nice that she sleeps through the night. I wish my LO would do that. Instead for the past several nights she hasn't been sleeping at all. Hope your LO is feeling better today though after her shots. I wish I could go to Leah's appointment for her shots but unfortunately I have to work, and I know she is going to be upset and I won't be able to comfort her.

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