Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Love it! Ella does a similar one. We call it the ultimate frowny face!
Hey Girls, Sorry for the delay in reply but I've been rushed off my feet lol The boys have broken up from school now and I've been running around last minute shopping and playing Santa and delivering all my families pressies before Christmas!

ahcigar, Skye is the same... In the morning and most of the day she loves her playtime and cuddle time with Daddy but if shes tired of in the evening all she wants is me. Sometimes I see the hurt in oh's face because he just wants to cuddle her but I think he understands that I am her food and comfort. She has got a little better over the last few days but she is definatly a mommy's girl!

Hope everyone and their LO's are ok :)
Ha ha ha, Hippy that is so adorable!

It's nice that Lauren has slept 8+ hours, but I never do. After 6 hours I have to get up and pump if she isn't awake. It just hurts too much. She did her 6 hours and then 4 after a feeding last night, so I am wondering if the 2 nights of 8+ were her fighting off my cold maybe? She hasn't shown any symptoms.

Lauren is still in newborn, but they are starting to get tight. She is in an weird stage where her newborn clothes are a little small and the 0-3 are a little big. Same thing with diapers. She has all 0-3 for her holiday clothes, so she will have to swim in them :)
Phantom - Freya is still in some of her newborn clothes, but she is mainly wearing 0-3 months now. Her arms are short and her legs are long - so the newborn stuff is abit tight on her legs, and the 0-3 month stuff is really loose on her arms! lol

ahcigar - thankyou for mentioning your issue with your LO sometimes only wanting you and not OH (and thanks to the other ladies for also commenting). I was worried that it was just something that my LO did, but now it seems that its normal for this age. if I go out in the evening (I have done this 3 times since she has been born) then Freya will scream and scream until I get home. As soon as I am back, she snuggles up in my arms and falls asleep. Its not nice for my OH to have to cope with 3 hours of screaming, where he's trying his best to calm her down, but nothing is working. also, its not nice for him to see her calm down immediately when I return. It hurts him. And it makes me feel guilty for going out and leaving them, and makes me think I should stay in from now on?

Hippy - OMG, i adore Alana's bottom lip! its so cute! Freya does that too, and I cant help but laugh at her!

Hope everyone is well today :)
The doctor said Alana seems to have reflux, but that treating it for a breast fed baby is a bit of a pain as most treatment goes in bottle. He has settled on Dopamine which is an anti sickness drug. She only needs 1ml 4 times a day before feeds. She is only on it for two weeks to see if any improvement.
Last night I had to change the sheets three times as they were soaked through with vomit. Today I had to wash the mattress protector as well. She keeps feeding throwing it up and then feeding again, repeat. Night time wake up has gone from 10 mins to at least 1hour -1 hour 30 as she just never keeps enough milk down.
weird. i've never heard of reflux med going in the bottle. Cody's comes witha liquid syringe and you just shoot it in his mouth. Hope her meds work though and she's able to get off them asap, reflux sucks!
I hope Alana feels better soon and she doesn't need the medicine for long.
Phantom - the girls are in 0-3 but they are swimming in them. The newborn stuff was too small in the foot and they were getting the feet jammed halfway up the leg from kicking around. Their problem is they have normal length but are really thin.

Ahcigar1 - my girls both prefer me over anyone. Probably just a sense of familiarity and comfort. They being said and done, it was the same with DD1 and honestly I loved it!

Well Ashley is coming down with a cold and it's only a matter of time before Libby gets it. I plan on buying a humidifier today if I can find the time. DH said he'll watch all the kids today when he gets home from his annual fitness test (military). He thinks I'm only going to go out for groceries but little does he know...
So this morning I had a total breakdown. I think a lot of it has to do with the total lack of sleep been getting for the past week and being back to work. I have done pretty good emotionally up to this point. But this morning when I was putting her back down to bed I realised how little I see her now that I'm back to work. I am gone from 630am-430pm Mon-Friday. And she goes to bed at 730pm so basically i only get to see her for a couple of hours a day and thats all. And this time is also her fussy time everyday, so I don't even get to really enjoy playing with her or anything like that. I miss my baby. And it really sucks that I get so little time with her. I would hold her for snuggles after her evening feeding when she is sleeping but that is the time that I wash bottles, get dinner cooked, take my shower etc. What can I do to get more time with her? I miss her :cry::cry:
Oh AhCigar, I feel so sorry for you :( I don't know what to suggest, except leave the bottles to your DH and spend more time with Leah. You could have two lots of bottles and then you have a clean set that was washed during the day and ready for making up.
Not much you can do about meal or shower though.

As for Alana I am sure she will be fine. After reading the side effects I am not sure I want her to take this medicine until I have tried everything. I have ordered some colic calm, I have gripe water in and will try infacol the next few days at every feed. I am also going to look at feeding her upright in the sling to see if this improves it any.
Thanks hippy. The main reason I wash the bottles is because no matter how many times I told hubby he would always leave milk residue in them after washing and I would end up having to rewash after him so just much easier if I do it myself. I'm starting to think that I'm just going to wake up 30 min earlier than normal in the morning and do bottle washing before I go to work and dinner see if I can precook the meals somehow so just have to pop in microwave to reheat that way I can hold her as she sleeps rather than having to put her down. And when ready to go to bed around 9 I can take my shower and cook dinner for the next night. That is the only way I see it working out
I'd also suggest getting a wrap or something, so you can snuggle her, asleep, but still be hands-free to get things done. Carrying her on your front is awesome for snuggles, it is a little awkward to get things done, but it's not much worse than when you were heavily preg! LOL! I just can't reach the sink so great to do the dishes, but I CAN still do the dishes... It'd mean you can snuggle and get the bottles done at least...?
This is my boy fast asleep, he was in there for around 2 hours while I pottered about:
Hey ladies

Sorry i've not been on, we've been so so busy. Kayden is 8 weeks old today (Thurs) its totally flown in.

I'm loving the baby slings, I might see if I can make myself one, but im pretty rubbish with fabric so will probs end up ordering from ebay. Would do for an hour or 2 each day

I've got an older kid - she's 7 & is being more demanding recently than the baby. And thats her being out at school every day so who knows what she's gona be like with the xmas holls.

The doctor said Alana seems to have reflux, but that treating it for a breast fed baby is a bit of a pain as most treatment goes in bottle. He has settled on Dopamine which is an anti sickness drug. She only needs 1ml 4 times a day before feeds. She is only on it for two weeks to see if any improvement.
Last night I had to change the sheets three times as they were soaked through with vomit. Today I had to wash the mattress protector as well. She keeps feeding throwing it up and then feeding again, repeat. Night time wake up has gone from 10 mins to at least 1hour -1 hour 30 as she just never keeps enough milk down.

Oh Noo poor little Alana :( .... And you xx :hugs:

Well Ashley is coming down with a cold and it's only a matter of time before Libby gets it. I plan on buying a humidifier today if I can find the time. DH said he'll watch all the kids today when he gets home from his annual fitness test (military). He thinks I'm only going to go out for groceries but little does he know...
Oh Noo, hope the cold doesn't last long & everyone is better soon.

So this morning I had a total breakdown. I think a lot of it has to do with the total lack of sleep been getting for the past week and being back to work. I have done pretty good emotionally up to this point. But this morning when I was putting her back down to bed I realised how little I see her now that I'm back to work. I am gone from 630am-430pm Mon-Friday. And she goes to bed at 730pm so basically i only get to see her for a couple of hours a day and thats all. And this time is also her fussy time everyday, so I don't even get to really enjoy playing with her or anything like that. I miss my baby. And it really sucks that I get so little time with her. I would hold her for snuggles after her evening feeding when she is sleeping but that is the time that I wash bottles, get dinner cooked, take my shower etc. What can I do to get more time with her? I miss her :cry::cry:
Aww this must be so hard for you hun, could you not do what the others have said and ask OH to take over the jobs even for one night..... Tell him he needs to make sure the bottles are rinsed 100% .... Men have a back of doing a job badly on purpose so you don't bother asking them to do it again.

As for Alana I am sure she will be fine. After reading the side effects I am not sure I want her to take this medicine until I have tried everything. I have ordered some colic calm, I have gripe water in and will try infacol the next few days at every feed. I am also going to look at feeding her upright in the sling to see if this improves it any.
If your not comfortable with her taking it him then deffo don't give it, hope the other methods help her out xx
Cute pic ... Baby looks soo comfy!

As for me, sorry I've not posted for a bit but I'm all caught up now, we bought Macie a playgym for Xmas but I couldn't wait to give it to her.... She absolutley loves it, she makes all these adorable squeaks and coos and grins at the little hanging objects .... Too cute!!

Hope all ladies & babies are well xx
What lovely pictures :)

I love it when babies start discovering the world. Alana talks to the Elephant on her baby gym more than anyone else, she just sits and coos at it, like you say very cute.
Those are adorable pictures. Leah loves her play gym. She has a big sun that plays music and that is definitely her favorite. She whacks it to make it play then lays there and stares at it quizzically cause she can't figure out how its doing that. Too funny.

Well I definitely got some good snuggles in last night. She wouldn't let me put her down even if I wanted too. I think me being gone all week has really messed with her because she has been extremely fussy and she is normally a very happy baby. Don't know what to do. Will she eventually get used to me being gone during the day?

I have tried the wrap I have a moby but every time I try to put her in she fusses and feels very insecure. I can't seem to get it tight enough. That is a cool tie you have done with yours though how do you do that?

I am so happy that today I have a half day at work. I get off at noon, then up to my aunts. So excited. I only hope that Leah doesn't scream for the hour half drive up there since she HATES her car seat.

Hope everyone else is doing well today.
We've got Cody a play gym as well for xmas it's all wrapped up but I'm dying to give it to him. LOL. I'm worse than a kid at Christmas.
I have tried the wrap I have a moby but every time I try to put her in she fusses and feels very insecure. I can't seem to get it tight enough. That is a cool tie you have done with yours though how do you do that?
That tie is the FWCC or the 'front wrap cross carry'. If you google it there's lots of videos and photo instructions on how to do it. I do it this way because I can hold him to my chest AS I put the wrap on, meaning I tighten it as I go, and get the perfect tension on it then. I could never get it right if I tried making the tie and then putting baby in. Mind you, my wrap is woven so not at all stretchy like the mobys, so perfect tension is needed!!

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