Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Well 2 hours out was fine. My mum said Alana was a little grizzly but settled fine, she took the breast milk from the bottle and when I came in had settled in bed. However as she had only just been put down she must have heard me and started crying. I went up and fed her and she wasn't fussy at all. She still seems hungry though so Matt has just popped up to give her a bottle.

Acorn I am so jealous of your 8 hours. Alana sleeps for 5-6 hours then feeds and goes back to sleep but I would love 8 hours straight sleep with no getting up in between.
Hello ladies, hope everyone had a great weekend.

I had Skye weighed at clinic today and I dont think it will be long before they are on my back to FF. She has gained less than a pound and dropped a centile, now still only weighs 8lb 10ozs :( HV said Dr wants her to keep an eye on her weight and that I really should consider top ups. Have got to go back in 4weeks. I really dont know what I am doing wrong?! She feeds loads. I dont know if I should try fenugreek (dont know much about it) or pumping to see if that helps. I really wanted to do this! Sorry for the rant but I feel like a total failure at the moment.
Other than that we have been xmas shopping AGAIN today, lol! DH has got to pop out and get cards for family tomorrow then we're done. I really must be more organised next year, hehehe.
Went to the doctor's today too, at 10.5 weeks the girls are weighing in at 9lbs 8.5oz (Libby) and 9lbs 5oz (Ashley). Doctor is happy with the gain but since they are still in the 5-10% she wants us back in 2-3 weeks to ensure they continue to gain well. I cannot believe they gained over a pound in 2 weeks! My little porkers! :)

We're getting so close the girls being able to finally fit their AIO diapers which is nice since I've been using pre-folds and a diaper covers when I can be bothered but am anxious for the AIO's.
Must be the weigh-day today!! lol. Caleb got weighed today too, and he's 5.62kg/12lb 6oz at 7 weeks & 2 days old. :)
I am taking Alana to get weighed today. I made Matt get the bus to work so we could have the car as we need to get there and back in time for the health visitor coming out.

mumatmadhouse, I was advised to do top up feeds which I had already decided I wanted to do at night time just so Matt got a chance to feed Alana. I feed her boob and then when she appears finished we give her a bottle, she only ever takes about 1oz which proves she isn't hungry. The nice HV I have said that unless she appears hungry, looks lethargic, stops wetting nappies etc then I was to not worry about her weight gain. She was only 4oz above her birth weight two weeks ago. I have stopped worrying, she will gain weight at her own rate and I am not going to get hung up on it, unless I feel that there is something wrong or she appears distressed and hungry then I am going to continue BF. I will however still do the bedtime top up but she doesn't need it. What the HV did say is that if she gulps down the bottle then you know she is hungry. You could give it a go and see if Skye takes all milk or doesn't bother, this will give you an indication if she is hungry or not.
Ella's going to be weighed as well! It's also her 2 month shots today. Poor girl! I'm nervous.
Alana weighs 7lb 9oz at 6 weeks. They think she may have reflux though. I am going to see how she goes over Christmas and if no improvement will take her to the doctor.
Katie: Poor thing. Hopefully they don't bother her too much.

Hippy: Hope your LO improves. Reflux is not fun for mom or baby.

Well finally Leah slept better last night. Did nothing differently so don't know what the deal is. Went 6 hours then 4 hours. Which was fine by me because I was actually able to get a little bit of sleep. But then this morning she did her whole 2 hour after feeding fussy deal so made her up a small 2oz bottle for hubby to give her to top her off cause I had to go to work so hopefully that worked because he had a meeting at 7 and he would have to let her cry at that time so he doesn't get in trouble. I'm so nervous that she has been crying for the past 2 hours almost, I'm going to call at 9 when his meeting is over to find out how she did.

How is everyone else doing today?
ahcigar1 - hope things went well for your DH. Is he working from the home and taking care of your LO too? I can't believe you are back at work already.

I had to get the babies bundled up this morning twice to take DD to and from school. Normally DH does it and normally just to the bus stop but today the buses aren't running because of freezing rain so we had to trudge all the way up to the school. Boo! We barely made it for the pick up since the babies needed to get fed right before we left because they normally would feed about 30 minutes later but as soon as they went into their pram suits they would fall asleep and I didn't want to wake them when we got home for food. One baby fed fast but the other was taking her sweet time and falling asleep. Poor kid. Needless to say they are still sleep, in their pramsuits but now in the moses baskets.
ahhh so someone scared me about bottle rot (google image search. yikes) and now i'm terrified. a lo of the times that is the only way I can get Cody to go to sleep, he wants to be sucking on a bottle as he sleeps. People tell me to try pacifiers but he will only rarely take them..... ugh. anyone else having that problem?

forgot to mention-- went though all his clothes and put all the things he can't fit into anymore away. He has a few 0-3mos that are on the larger end, and I've just got his 3-6 mos out and they fit! the legs are just a little long on the sleepers and pants.

what size are your LO's wearing?
Ella did well! She SCREAMED so loud and I felt so horrible. But she only cried for 30 seconds or so and then settled back to nursing. The look on her face broke my heart. She is 11lbs 8oz and doing well. She has a bit of torticollis (wry neck) so she needs to see a paediatric physiotherapist for some stretches but other than that, all is well.

Phantom: My LO is wearing mostly 0-3 and 3 month clothes. The 3-6 still seem too big for her for the most part. Every brand is so different though.

Have a great day everyone!
Alana is still in newborn stuff, she is just starting to fit it nicely.
LittleStars: I called at 9 and he said she was sleeping the whole time in her carrier on him. Thank goodness. I would have felt horrible if she was left to cry. And yes he does work from home wich is really nice because we can't afford day care and much better to be with one of us rather than a stranger in my opinion at this age. That must have been very dificult to get your daughter off to school. Happy it ended up working out fine though.

Phantom: Leah is still in all of her 0-3month clothes. And fits in a couple smaller 3-6 month. But she still swims in the rest of her 3-6. Not really sure when she will bump up to the next size. I'm kind of surprised she still fits in 0-3 to be honest. I figured she would have grown out very quickly.

Katie: Happy to hear that your LO did well. I'm dreading this day for my LO especially since I can't be there to comfort her.

Does anyone else's LO's sometimes only want you? Yesterday when I got home hubby told me that Leah had been crying for the past hour, no matter what he did. So I took her and the second she was in my arms she calmed down and went to sleep. I didn't even have to do anything. Has this happened to anyone before? At this age can they really prefer one over the other at times? What do you do to help this? Mainly because I can't be home during the day when she may want me.
ahcigar Alana does the same with me but only near bedtime or when very tired. My DH gets very upset when I just take her and she quiets down straight away, he feels that he can't do anything for her. I keep telling him it is just a phase. I think she associates Daddy with playing as he is loud, dances with her and chats away to her all the time, but with me I am food and sleep.
cigar-- I have the opposite problem. usually it's me that he won't calm for, DH gets back from work and takes him and he eats/sleeps right away -.-
hippy: I have the same problem with my hubby. He gets so mad, but I think more hurt that she just wanted me, and that he couldn't get her to calm down. I don't tell him its just a phase because then he'll want me to tell him when it will be over which I can't answer for him so I just tell him well maybe she just needed something different.

Thought I would share Alana's bottom lip she pulls when things aren't going her way or she has to wait for boob.

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