Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

I hope you enjoy your time with Leah ahcigar. I hate taking Alana out in the car unless I can sit in the back with her. She doesn't mind her car seat but if the car stops moving such as at traffic lights she starts to scream, she only likes the car when it is moving if she is awake.

As for her getting used to you being gone, she will adjust,. trust me I manage a day nursery and it is far worse for parents than children. Babies and young children adapt really quickly to new routines, but it doesn't mean she isn't going to miss you and then when you are home become clingy.
Hi all,

I haven't had chance to catch up on the posts yet but just wanted to let you know I put a post in Baby club about paracetamol and its alternitive in the US not being recommended for immunisation pain/fever any more. Dont know exactly why as I havent checked it out yet but posted the email I recieved frm a midwife group. Heres the link to my post

Hope all mummies and babies are doing well
Caleb hates when the car stops at the lights too! But I don't have airbags, and usually have the dogs in the back seat so he gets to ride up front beside me, so I can stick my finger in his mouth to settle him until we're moving again! LOL
Cody loves the car, it's the one sure to trick to knowck him out, he can be full on screaming and he's asleep withing 5 minutes when we start driving. We live in the country so the long bump dirt road is like our personal bouncer/rocker/swing. haha
I always say that riding in the car with Ella is like being in the movie Speed. If the car goes below 50km/hr she's gonna blow! :haha:
Afternoon Girls, How is everyone? I've come down with a cold *sniff* but I'm feeling ok thankfully. Feeling like I should be doing stuff today but I've bought my Christmas dinner, wrapped all the presents and cleaned the house... lol
I'm loving having the oh home, Skye is all him today and it's melting my heart watching them together. He's normally working and by the time he comes home she's tired from being awake most of the day and just wants me and cries for everyone else <3
Is everyone ready for tomorrow? I cant wait to see my boys faces, Skye has been spoilt to but she wont have a clue whats going on bless her lol
Aww Shell that sounds lovely. My hubby spent the morning between feeds with Alana and then she woke up at lunch as we were eating, he ran upstairs to get her and spent the rest of his lunch with her in his arms talking to her and she was staring at him intently.

I am sat back watching hubby prepare tomorrows dinner, I am getting frustrated as it is like organised chaos and I am struggling to not interfere.

I have filled Alana a stocking not that she will have a clue what is happening but still.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas whatever they are doing and enjoys the extra time with the family.

love and light

Jen x
LOL its 6am Xmas morning, LO and OH are still crashed out. I'm up like a little child hahahaha
Aww Shell that sounds lovely. My hubby spent the morning between feeds with Alana and then she woke up at lunch as we were eating, he ran upstairs to get her and spent the rest of his lunch with her in his arms talking to her and she was staring at him intently.

I am sat back watching hubby prepare tomorrows dinner, I am getting frustrated as it is like organised chaos and I am struggling to not interfere.

I have filled Alana a stocking not that she will have a clue what is happening but still.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas whatever they are doing and enjoys the extra time with the family.

love and light

Jen x

Awww bless him Jen, men can be real softies at heart :haha:
I know what you mean about struggling to not interfere, I hate sitting back and watching oh do anything! I'm going to prepare tomorrows dinner a bit later - We're just about to have tea then baths, then the last part of Harry Potter then get the boys to bed and then we can play santa!! :happydance:

Have a lovely day tomorrow hun x

LOL its 6am Xmas morning, LO and OH are still crashed out. I'm up like a little child hahahaha

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! :happydance:

Go and wake them up... I wouldnt be able to let them sleep :haha:

Have a lovely day chick! x
LOL its 6am Xmas morning, LO and OH are still crashed out. I'm up like a little child hahahaha

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! :happydance:

Go and wake them up... I wouldnt be able to let them sleep :haha:

Have a lovely day chick! x

OH is like a beawith a sore head being woken. LO just wokeup so i have company now lol

Merry xmas to you too.

Popping in to wish you all a

Hope you have a fantastic day xxxx
Merry Christmas to you all! We all are truly blessed to have our little ones here safe and sound this Christmas.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. We are off to see my DH mum and grandparents today.
Yesterday with my parents, DH and best friend was lovely. Alana was a star and I even got to have a drink with dinner. My mum gave her a bottle of breast milk before bed as I had expressed in preparation. I expected to want to drink more and so I now have loads of defrosted breast milk in the fridge,, so now I am either going to have to dump or get Matt to give her some little bits of milk. I only had 1 glass of wine as I just couldn't be bothered and knew I would have to get up in the night so figured having any more would not help me.
Hippy: that is nice you were able to have a bit of drink and enjoy yourself.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas weekend. Mine was good but exhausting. And I could tell that by Sunday LO had enough. Happy that I didn't have work yesterday so I could be home to try and get her settled and back into her routine so she wouldn't be a terror for hubby this week.

Did your LO's get lots of goodies. I am now swimming in ornaments for LO. She got 10 'Baby's First Christmas'! What the heck am I supposed to do with all of them? I really like one of them though just because it is so sweet and thoughtful. My Aunt put LO's hand print on a glass ball and put her name and year on the oposite side. One of my favorite things.

Also I was pretty PO'd at MIL Sunday evening. Leeah by that time had had enough. She had a very long weekend and was totally off schedule. And she deffinitely didn't need anymore stimulation than she had already. So when we had to go over there I just held her and tried to keep her calm. Then right when we were about to start dinner Leah just broke down. So I held her out of the room while hubby ate first. Then when he was done he came and relieved me so I could eat. Only about 2 min later MIL goes up to hubby pulls him out of the kitchen and out of my view and takes Leah from him. Now if any of you know my posts from before about her you already know how evil and how much I don't trust her etc. Which leads her to start screaming because a) Leah doesn't know her at all and b) she had enough of other people holding her and just needed hubby and I. I scarf down the rest of my food in about 3 bites and go get my baby back from her. I was pissed that she would get sneaky with holding Leah. And to go behind my back etc. And I was equally upset with hubby for letting her do this when he knows I don't trust her with Leah.

And now he thinks we should leave Leah with MIL for a couple of hours to go see a movie I want to see that is out right now. UMM no I don't think so, and especially not now that she is going to get sneaky. She obviously isn't to be trusted with her. God only knows what she would do with her without me there.

I just don't get why people have to act this way. No one in my family does this and I can trust them completely because they do what is best for Leah and not for themselves. And they do what I ask and don't question it and deffinitely don't get sneaky about anything.

Sorry for the vent, it is just so frustrating and I hate that hubby is put in the middle of it all but he needs to begin to understand my feelings and honor them.
After reading all of you ladies' horrible MIL stories, it makes me really thankful for all my in-laws.

Christmas went well, He got a bit tired of being handed back and forth between hubby and I as we opened presents... but...we managed. We went to SIL's house for Dinner and it was awesome, my niece is expecting a baby in July, so we had a bit of a talk about birth/midwives vs docs/ etc.)

Not sure if any of your LO's do this, but I've noticed, whoever has baby during the day is NOT the person he wants at night. For example, I have him about 98% of the time during the day as I've still got a week of maternity leave left, and by the time hubby comes home. LO is screaming and wants only him, and will only go down for bedtime for DH. Same when DH has him, then he wants only me.

The past two days was sorta nice as with everyone around for the holidays there wasn't a shortage of new exciting arms to hold him. In fact, he was extremely well behaved, if he got fussy someone else would take him, and back to sleep he went. SOMETIMES it makes me feel a little bad, when someone can calm him down/figure out what's wrong when I can't, but overall, I'm just glad he's not crying anymore.

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