Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Poor Alex. That must be so scary. Hope he feels better soon.
Thanks ladies. I have now decided the worst thing about being a mum is when your baby is poorly and you can't help them or take away the pain xxx
Hi ladies I was in the sept. Group but ended up with an oct baby by induction. Oct 1st is her b day. The rest of the info is in my siggy. Shes 3 months now and a super alert ,always on the go kinda girl. Shes been holding her head up and crawling right up us and over things since she was 2 weeks old. She is already filling out a 3-6 month shoe and has 2 bottom teeth comming in. she was sleeping most of the night,now were up 5 times again.......oh ya and she just started going in a jumparoo and loves it....its nice to c what other babies her age r doing
hello sma. Your LO is beautiful and seems like quite the adventurer.
I can't wait until Alex can go in a jumperoo!!! What is the recommended age/weight for this?
wss^ I really want a jumparoo for Cody, I think he'd like it. Welcome! I will add you to the list and her to the calender as sooon as I'm at my comp.
Hi SMA :)

Sorry Alex isn't well, I hope he gets better soon.

Very happy today because one of my triplets slept through the night :happydance:
Hi sma!

Congrats ballet mom! That's wonderful. Someone once told me that multiples don't wake each other up in the night with crying / fussing etc. Is that true?
So sorry Alex is sick! I hope he gets better soon. Lauren hasn't gotten sick yet, but it's my biggest fear right now. I am sure it's so hard to have a sick baby that can't tell you how they are feeling and what is wrong and how to fix it.

Lauren got the baby einstein jumperoo for Christmas from her grandma. It's still in the box. I don't think she is quite ready for it yet, but soon! Has anyone else used theirs yet? Lauren is 10 weeks. I think a couple more weeks and she'll be ready. She has just been getting into toys the last couple of weeks.
I hope Alex gets better soon.
Ahcigar you are so right about instinct kicking in.
Welcome SMA.
Hi everyone!

Ive hardly been on bnb since Caitlyn was born but I'm back. She has had reflux but it does seem to be better than it was. Looking forward to chatting to everyone again xxx
hiya not been on much since i had ruby-leigh she was born on the 29th oct 3 days late
I'm probably going to get slammed here, but please be wary of jumperoos and other such things (jolly jumpers, exer-saucers etc)!!! I know they generally love them, but at the very least be careful they're used on a very limited basis (10-20 mins a day; TOPS) cos babies really aren't built to be dangling by their crotch and tippy-toeing the ground. It's nt good for theirs back and neck to be upright a lot before they're able to hold themselves upright, and it's not good for their legs to be dangling from their crotch a lot.

I know you'll all probably keep using them anyway, but if you insist on using them then just be aware of the dangers, and limit them. :)
Thanks for that but she stands completly just needs a little help so she doesnt fall foward or back. She hates to sit thats y we put her in there so she can stand a little
I can't wait until Alex can go in a jumperoo!!! What is the recommended age/weight for this?

I think they say when baby can hold there head up by them self they can go in.....i need to update my avatar shes sooo much bigger and looks have really changed...........thanks for all the welcomes ladys
I'm probably going to get slammed here, but please be wary of jumperoos and other such things (jolly jumpers, exer-saucers etc)!!! I know they generally love them, but at the very least be careful they're used on a very limited basis (10-20 mins a day; TOPS) cos babies really aren't built to be dangling by their crotch and tippy-toeing the ground. It's nt good for theirs back and neck to be upright a lot before they're able to hold themselves upright, and it's not good for their legs to be dangling from their crotch a lot.

I know you'll all probably keep using them anyway, but if you insist on using them then just be aware of the dangers, and limit them. :)

This is actually the reason I haven't bought one of these. I thought it was a bit too much money for something LO is only in for 10/15 mins. And I think there's probably ALOT of ppl that use it more than is recommended. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do, majority of ppl dont read the instructions on their baby things. Its a shame for the poor baby's left dangling there for ages. Tempting to leave them in it if they look like they're having fun. Its the same with the baby walkers they're not meant to be in them for long but some ppl keep LO in them the majority of the day.

Oh and happy new year everyone. Nothing new with us, sorting ourselves out after xmas & Kayden has his first set of jags on Weds

Caleb stands on his own with only some help for balance too; it's so cute! lol. But me helping him to balance (hands lightly around his chest/armpits area), flat footed on my lap or the ground for a few mins, is a far cry from dangling from his crotch ( and bouncing, for much longer.

For me, if I need the time to get stuff done when he's awake and shouting his displeasure at laying on the floor; I put him into the wrap. It supports right across a 'frog leg' pose, as it's supposed to at this age, and allows him to be upright and for me to be hands-free to do housework or whatever without worrying about him getting upset or in to trouble! lol. If I'm not trying to get stuff done, then I'll be down on the floor with him, or have him in my arms where we can play safer standing games as well as laying down games.

But I understand others have different ways to parent and it is totally each of yours decisions as to what you each want to do! I only wanted to bring up the jumperoo thing because many have NO idea that it has potential to slow development and cause joint issues later. I'm a researcher, so I'm inclined to hunt out info on anything, but others may not be and may simply have had no idea before! I'm not telling anyone to NOT use one, cos I know that trying to change peoples opinions that much is like farting in the face of a charging rhino, but I am trying to tell people to LIMIT how much it is used; try not to leave a young baby in it for too long every day. All in moderation aye? :)
I had quite the nice surprise this morning. Leah woke up around 7am and I peaked over her bassinet from bed and she gave me the biggest smile. Just melted my heart since she hasn't really smiled before. And she kept doing it for about the next hour or so. The greatest thing ever.
Ya she hasnt been in longer than 15 mins shes still getting used to having her time

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