Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

DTD was uncomfortable the first time and then got better. Then I got Mirena and have been bleeding ever since. It's been 3 weeks now. Great form of birth control....not going to DTD if I'm bleeding! Ugh, I am so sick of it. If it doesn't stop soon I want this thing out!
Alana has always been in her own room, we have and angelcare monitor which I love. I do however wish we had got one with an intercom but at the time we thought it would be a waste of money, plus it was too expensive.
Just to clarify as I don't want to upset anyone I have no issue with people using jumperoosnetc etc correctly but my experience with quite a few parents is that they leave babies in them for ages. I know someone who used to leave her baby in a baby walker all day, it even had its meals in there, I am not keen on them either. I am aware that lots of people use them correctly and they have no ill effect on their children.

Not picking on ya! Just don't want people to be scared to use them for no reason. It is absolutely disgusting when people use them as babysitters, I agree!!!

Not sure of the age suggestions for a jumperoo door frame style but the ones that are like the exersaucers are most likely the same as an exersaucer which is usually 4 month + steady head control + cannot walk + can sit on own. Also there is a height issue depending on how you can or cannot adjust it. An exersaucer usually has 3 height adjustments and they should be able to at least be on their toes but not flat footed. The door frame ones have adjustable straps, but I have no idea how and if the other kind can be adjusted.

I'm torn about getting the babies prepared for moving out of my room.. I know my husband would be happy but I'm not so sure. Same with totally abandonning BFing.. I had to give up letting the babies serve themselves but I am trying to get back to pumping and increase the supply to supplement the cost of formula.. I just can't seem to fully walk away.. probably because I know I won't be having anymore children. I'm so lame. lol If only I hadn't got thrush so bad (and the babies) we were doing so well with BFing.. :(
Then I got Mirena and have been bleeding ever since. It's been 3 weeks now. Great form of birth control....not going to DTD if I'm bleeding! Ugh, I am so sick of it. If it doesn't stop soon I want this thing out!
I'm right there with's been 6 weeks of non stop bleeding for me! I knew the Mirena could do that, but jeebus it's annoying! I'm going to wait it out til the end of next month and if I'm still bleeding by then I'm complaining to my obgyn!

As far as the own room thing: We're co sleeping atm and I love it too much to stop anytime soon. So he prolly won't even sleep in his own bed til DH kicks him out lol. I'm thinking around 1 yr old? And own room, well, that depends on if we ever can afford a place with 2 bedrooms (preemie hospital bills are killer!!)
Love having my baby in the bedroom with me!

And I'm 14 weeks PP and no period also! Waahhhooooo! I'm happy. Lol.
Ella has been in her own room since day one. We have a pretty small townhouse and share a wall with her. We all sleep better as Ella sleeps as loud as a freight train!
Hi ladies! I'm another one from the October bumps thread so I know some of you but not all. Anyway, I'm Zoe, and had my baby boy Silas on Oct. 6. :)

We DTD at 7 weeks postpartum... it hurt a little and we took it really, really slow. I thought it felt crazy tight and uncomfortable but DH said it felt much less tight than before. So the worst of both worlds! Anyway, it didn't hurt too bad during but afterwards was really sore. :( Now I've been afraid to do it again... basically we've been doing other stuff... we will have "sex" but not go all the way in as that seems to hurt less, and usually I will finish DH off another way. So basically 5 weeks have gone by since we had real sex and I haven't really wanted to try again... doesn't seem worth it to spend an hour taking it really slow just so it doesn't hurt thaaat bad and then have it hurt afterwards as well. :wacko:

We aren't co-sleeping. Most of the time I love having him in his own room as I sleep much much better. He sleeps well too, I think he genuinely likes his crib and his room, and stares at the decal we put on the wall next to his crib. :) Occasionally I think it would be nice to cuddle him in bed with me... he's so cute when he sleeps! But right now it wouldn't be safe as it's so cold out and we're all bundled up with soft comforters and pillows... everybody has to do what they're comfortable with though, however that works out.

I've been reading along about the jumperoos... and realized I hold LO by his crotch a lot. He's just so darn heavy! 15 lbs at his 2 month appt... I'm guessing ~17 lbs now?? He's wearing 12 month onesies because his torso is so long... :wacko: Anyway, maybe I shouldn't be holding him by his crotch??
Hi zb5 :hi:

Gorgeous photos MumAMH - Skye is beautiful!

Littlestars - I co-sleep with Freya, so yes, she is in our room. OH wants her to go into the cotbed in the nursery, but I love co-sleeping too much! aslo, here in the UK, they recommend babies share a room with their parents for the first 6 months at least.

Hope everyone is well!

Well those injections knocked Alana out. She slept straight after for an hour, then fed. Slept again, for 1.5 hours, then fed. Went down at 3.30pm then I woke her at 9.30pm to feed and change her. She was back asleep by 10.30pm then not up until 4.30am back down by 5am up at 8am and went back down by 9am and is still sleeping. Talk about sleepy, she can barely keep her eyes open.
I sometimes wish Alana slept with us, but she loves her cot. She will snuggle upon e sofa with me though.
Hi Zoe, glad Islas is doing well.
Oh I also forgot to say Alana finally weighs over 8lbs she is now 8lb2oz whoop.
Macie was a VERY brave girl at her injections thismorning she only cried for about 20 seconds then was back to her smiley self ... bless my little lady x

We got her weighed and she now weighs 12lbs 14oz!! Little porker :) xx
Hiya Kait :wave:
Hiya NikkiLisa :wave:
Hiya Zoe :wave:

Glad to hear Alana is ok =)

How's Leah today? I hope shes more settled than yesterday bless her

TyMa - I'm 11 weeks pp and dtd still hurts if he goes too deep (sorry tmi lol) I was getting a little worried too cause I didnt expect it to hurt for so long after? I havent had a period yet either, Im bfing so take it thats why. Glad Macies jabs went well bless her =D

Skye still sleeps in her crib in my room, can't imagin not having her next to me, not sure when I'll put her in her own room yet, I love having her sleep next to me =)

Momatmadhouse, hey! Glad you had a nice xmas, your pictures of Skye are lovely =)

I feel sooo refershed today, Skye went to bed last night at about 10pm, woke up at 8.45am for a feed then fell back to sleep until 11.15am!

Just wondering what everyones bedtime routine is? Skye is a great sleeper (fingers crossed I havent junked it!! lol) She doesnt go to bed til late tho (normally around 10pm) and sleeps til around 8am. Its been hectic hear over xmas with visiting family, late nights, boys staying up late cause theyre off school so keeping her up has just worked. Now everything has gone back to "normal" we are going to try and get her to bed earlier x
Alana goes to sleep at around 7.30pm until about 2am then sleeps until 5am and then back asleep until 8am.
Glad Macie was ok. Is she sleeping loads?
Leah was up all night. I think she slept too much yesterday. I eventually around 2am had to bring her into bed with me just to get a little bit of sleep. She then didn't go back to sleep after her 4am bottle. Finally took her out of her bassinet at about 6am and put her on her play mat and she was smiling away so I decided to bring out the camera to try and get a picture and she immediately stops. I finally have to give up cause needed to get to work and so put it away and she started smiling again. I guess she is camera shy just like me.

How is everyone else doing today?
Mi e is a night owl, up until 11-12. Last night put him down at 10. That was a miracle! But then he was up in middle of the night so Im nt sure I want to do that agin!
katerdid- Glad I am not alone in the bleeding, but sorry you are too! Hopefully it will end soon! I will probably start trying for another baby in a year and a half or so, so now I am wondering if Mirena was worth all the trouble!

I co-sleep as well. We have a co-sleeper that goes in the bed. It has edges on it so it's like a bassinet. I like that we don't have to worry about blankets and she's still right with us. I am not sure how much longer she will fit in it though! Once she outgrows it I will probably try putting her in her crib, but I will really miss her!

Shell N Bump- Lauren goes to bed at 10 too and then wakes up around 7. Sometimes she wakes up at 3:30 or 4 for an additional feeding. Can't figure out what makes her do that sometimes and not others. While Lauren gets her last feed and officially goes to bed at 10, she usually falls asleep before that downstairs. I should probably put her to bed earlier, but I am afraid she will wake up earlier if she doesn't eat at 10 when I go to bed.
Alana goes to sleep at around 7.30pm until about 2am then sleeps until 5am and then back asleep until 8am.
Glad Macie was ok. Is she sleeping loads?

She had a good sleep after they were done but shes been awake for about an hour or so now, She had a bad screaming fit :( Was horrible she was bright red from crying and wouldnt settle at all but shes calm now after some cuddles and shes lying in her swing babbling & cooing away at the little pink bird that hangs off the toy bar xx
Leah typically goes to bed around 7ish then wakes up about 11-12 for a feed then goes back down till about 5ish.
The twins usually stay up (though have a night evening nap around 8-9pm) until 10-11pm when they get their last feed of the night and then get put into their beds. I feed one, plunk her down and hope she falls asleep on her own and then go and feed the other and do the same. Usually they soothe themselves to sleep at night so it's working well. From 10-11pm they sleep through with Ashley waking at 6:30am for a feed and then straight back to bed and Libby sleeping until 9:30 and staying awake for an hour. Both will awaken at 11:30am or so for next feed and to get started for the day. It works well since I have a 5yo who gets up at 7:15am and I have to get ready for school, she's out of the house at 8am and that gives me some time before Libby wakes to have breakfast and do some cleaning around the house. The only problem really is that DD1 needs a pickup from the bus at 11am and if DH isn't home (he's in university so his days vary) I have to grab sleeping babies, bundle them up and toss them into the stroller at which point they wake and cry because they want feeding.

I have 6 more days of disposable diaper days left (doctor's appointment). At which point I'm pretty sure the girls will finally be over the 10lbs mark and able to try their reusable ones. Only thing is.. while their weight will be in the right range they are getting taller and taller and I'm pretty sure they won't have the 'fatness' needed to ensure no leakage. Argh. They are only just now able to wear their 0-3 month BabyLegs and can barely keep them up. They will be 3 months on Jan.7th. Anyone else with this problem? I've bought AIO diapers by Kushies.
Alana goes to sleep at around 7.30pm until about 2am then sleeps until 5am and then back asleep until 8am.
Glad Macie was ok. Is she sleeping loads?

Ella sleeps the *exact* same pattern! Crazy.
Acon, thats what I'm afraid of... She's been sleeping thru from around 4ish weeks so I think if I started to put her to bed earlier, she might start waking in the night for a feed... lol

Thanks Jen & ahcigar =)

Littlestars, you have a great routine going, I imagin its difficult with two babies to get into a routine, it can be hard enough with one! Skye settles herself of an evening, I have her gliding crib next to my bed so I sit on my bed, feed her, then put her into her crib once shes emptied me lol

I'm wondering if shes heading into another growth spurt, these last 2 evenings she's wanted to feed a lot more, good excuse to snuggle on the sofa and cuddle her tho :cloud9:

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