Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Alana is asking for boob then latching on and pulling off straight away tonight, she is not a happy bunny. I am hoping it is just the injections unsettling her. I think it will be along night. Matt is settling her as I was just having no luck and normally she goes down fine. Trouble is she is going to be hungry as she has barley eaten tonight. I hope that tomorrow she is back to normal.
Aww that is lovely shell. I am going to miss breast feeding so much if my supply doesn't keep up when I go back to work in April.
Wow, this thread moves fast, lol. Haven't had chance to catch up properly, its been full steam ahead with getting organised again after xmas and getting the boys motivated to do some work:thumbup:

I hope the LO's who have had their jabs are feeling ok, its awful when they are miserable because of it, Skye is due her next ones next week. Skye and I are still BF and co-sleeping so she is still in with us and probably will be for quite some time I imagine, but we love it so everyones happy. I just keep Skye with me in the evening until bedtime, usually about 11pm. Its easier for us that way because of the other children in the house. She normally has a couple of feeds during the night and we get up about 8am. As for DTD we haven't found the time yet tbh:blush: Think I better sort that one out soon:haha:
Well Caleb has had a crappy week for sleep, but before then we'd go to bed about 10 and feed to sleep, he'd then give me a solid 4-5 hours before waking about 3:30-4am, then it was 1-2 hourly after that. But like I said, this week has been crap, and it's been every 1-2 hours all night long! It's times like this I'm glad we co-sleep, cos neither of us has to wake up much at all, so I'm not feeling too bad despite such disrupted sleep!!! lol

Caleb had his check up yesterday; at 9.5 weeks old he's weighing in at 6.04kg (13lb 6oz), which is in the 75th percentile. But more impressive is the fact he's 62cm (24.4in) long; the length of an average 3 month old! lol!! His length is in the 91st percentile, so he's not at all chubby; he's long and lean!

Which leads me to you LittleStars; Caleb DEFINITELY can't wear bigger nappies, despite his weight suggesting he should; his thighs aren't chunky enough to hold in anything! We have cloth nappies, but he has to wear the 6-10lb covers (I'm just using prefolds, cos I got a full set given to me and can't afford much else!) cos the larger ones leak at his thighs... lol.
Our night times have been pretty much consistent for the past 10 weeks. Around 6pm he eats, we have playtime, then at 7:30-ish its naked time then bath. Little baby massage with some lotion, maybe watch Wheel of Fortune, then at 8pm we go downstairs and have a feed in bed with white noise and lights off. He eats quite a bit and suckles for comfort until he falls asleep. I stay up on the laptop for a bit, then we sleep all snuggled up. Sometimes he has a 1am feed, otherwise we sleep until 3am when he semi-wakes up for milk, then at 5am, then we get up for good at 8am.
Silas sleeps about 8:30pm-7:30am, usually waking up to eat around 4am. Some nights he wakes a few more times too, but on a good night it's just once. I am pretty happy about his nighttime sleep, I can't believe some of the other babies on here are sleeping even longer! I keep hearing from parents of older babies that their sleep gets worse again. So now I am paranoid about his sleep getting worse. Hope not! May our babies all sleep well! :)

As for naps, that's a different story... this week I am instituting Operation Nap to try and get Silas on a daytime nap schedule. It's working, sort of! Most of his naps have only been 45 minutes long, but at least he's napping! Better than before.
zb5 - I am with you on Operation Nap! The girls will deifnitely sleep long periods of time if they are in their car seat and I'm out running errands etc in the afternoon but trying to get them to take one long nap so I can actually get some time to spend with DD1 is a whole other matter. I knew I was going to have to just let whatever happen while everyone was on holidays but DH just went back to school and DD1 is going back on Monday so it's time! I don't expect to make quick progress trying to get 2 babies down for scheduled naps but I WILL succeed! lol
Alana is still not herself after her injections. Every time I put her down in her cot she wakes up seconds later screaming. She is refusing my left boob, which is normally her favourite. It is so full. I can't put her down to pump. She is also throwing up all her feeds. I was hoping she would be better today but nope, she is worse. This iPad is the only thing keeping me sane, easy to use with baby sleeping in arms.
Awww noo :( Hope Alana gets better soon bless her .... Sometimes the injections really do make them feel crappy :( xx

Wow flyingduster he is adorable and your right he is so long and lean... Gonna be a tall guy!! :)

Our evening and night routine is the same everynite .. around 9pm macie has her milk then she usually falls asleep on my chest while i watch some tv... at midnight she get her nappy changed and goes into her grobag and we head upto bed, she has her milk and then gets put in the moses wether shes awake or asleep ... she always settles herself off to sleep within 10mins or so and she sleeps right through till around 8-9am shes a star xx
Oh no, I hope Alana is feeling better soon bless her =( I'm dreading Skyes jabs next week, She was fine after last time but you never know do you!

Seems we all have pretty similar routines with bedtimes, glad we all get some rest. I know thats all gonna probably change once teething kicks in eeekk lol

Skye has been golden today, she woke up at 8.30am for a feed then fell back to sleep at 9am until 11,30am! I think her being awake most of the day is helping with her sleep, she isnt much of a sleeper during the day. She never used to want to be put down to nap so would cat nap on me, but these last couple of days shes happily gone in her chair and settled herself for a nap.

I know what you mean about bf'ing Jen, I will definatly miss it when its time to stop (not sure when that will be tho) Are you going to pump while your at work? I'm not sure on how expressing works, I did try and pump a little a few weeks ago so daddy could feed Skye but I couldnt get much off and Skye was going through a cluster feeding stage so with her feeding AND pumping my boobs were killing! lol

FD - Your LO is gorgeous =)

Hope everyone and their LO's are good today =) xx
Wow, im jealous of all of you who have routines! no 2 days are the same in my house! every day is different with our Freya!
Her latest trick id refusing to nap in the day, and she wont entertain herself, she needs Mummy to entertain her all day. So i dont get a minute to myself, and cant get any chores done.

Thought i would share some of the photos i took of Freya over the holidays....



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I have no idea how wil express and pump while working. I was going to look on Kelly mom for some advice, also my friend is an nct breast feeding counsellor so will ask her too.
Yes, there is no way I could have started Operation Nap over the holidays! Too crazy. I realized at one point Silas had been awake for 5 hours... Surprise, he got pretty cranky!!

Well, Silas had a cold, then I got it, now DH has it. And I have escaped to go get my blood drawn leaving poor sick DH home with the baby. Poor guy.

Loving the pictures of babies. :) I'll have to post one when I'm not on my phone.
I wish we had a nap schedule. Right now Lauren runs the show during the day. Lately she has been getting cranky, I get her to sleep and she naps for less than an hour and then is happy for half an hour or so and then gets cranky again because she didn't sleep enough. I barely put her down yesterday and didn't get a thing done. Sometimes she naps like a rockstar and I get a ton done and then she is very pleasant. I am not sure what makes her nap well some days and not others.

Hippy- I hope Alana starts to feel better soon!
I am loving the pics of they are all so cute.

How is Alana feeling today? I hope a bit better.

We don't have a strong routine with Leah. She chooses during the day when she is awake and asleep, but at night by 7pm we encourage her to sleep. That is when we do try to set a routine. How do you go about scheduling naps during the day? Would love to know cause this may help hubby out quite a bit.

So every morning Leah has been waking up smiling at me which I'm loving, but every time I go to get my camera to take a picture she stops then when I finally give up and put it away she starts again. She must be very camera shy.

Has anyone else's LO's been waking up earlier than usual? Leah wakes up anywhere between 3-5am depending on when she is due for her feeding, then she will go back to sleep for about 30 min more and is wide awake no matter what I do. And she only goes down for that 30 min because I bring her into bed with me. Is there anything I can do to help this? Cause it's wearing me out and I'm struggling to stay awake during the day at work.

Tonight we are planning on taking Leah out of her swaddle. She is just fighting it more and more so I think she is finally done with it. So wish us luck ladies cause I think I'm going to need it.
Well I haven't actually scheduled any naps, so far my plan was just to be really on the lookout for signs of tiredness and put him in his crib, swaddled, dark, with white noise every time I think he needs a nap. A friend told me to look for signs of tiredness after 90 minutes of being awake and it is really true! Sometimes a little less than 90 minutes. Now I have been putting him down after 90 minutes even if I don't think he looks obviously tired. Except in the evening I let him stay awake a little longer before he goes to bed for the night.

But, so far his naps have only been about 45 minutes. I wish he would nap longer but I'm happy enough for now. He is much more cheerful during the day when he's gotten enough rest. And he needs to be held less often... I realized a lot of the times when he really needed to be held it was because he was tired.
Maybe 7pm Is too early for her bedtime? Each baby is different but maybe try it later and she will sleep later?

Mine stares at the camera and gets serious. Then all smiles again after its gone! Especially nano young when he is being so cute and I start video and he stops. Makes a boring video!
Sorry I've been slacking ladies, have been really busy with going back to work. I promise i'll be adding every one new to the calender. Cody turned 12 weeks old yesterday. It was so exciting yet really sad at the same time. I'm so proud of him, I of course, think he is the most brilliant baby that has ever lived as when you stand him up and hold him under the arms... he WALKS. True Story. Been trying to get a video of it, but that of course is when he collapses like he can't even move his chubby legs let alone stand/walk on them. He still doesn't roll over but he sits up very well, with hardly any support from me.

Our routine isn't very strict, but basically..... when we are officially up for the day we change diaper first off, talk and make faces while he lays on the bed, then when he's bored of that he enjoys to sit up and look around. we usually lay on our backs and sit him on our stomach/chest and he loves looking down at us and smiling. after that gets boring we do the walking thing for a bit and then sometimes will just sit witha toy and shake it at him. Then it's bottle time, and USUALLY he falls asleep as he's eating. If not. we rock and pat him and then he falls asleep. He'll sleep for ABOUT 45 minutes, sometimes more, sometimes less and then we repeat this.
If he seems to be in a really active mood we put him on his play mat and let him beat up the toys. Around 9:30 it's bath time, and we take a long back together. Get out. new diaper, new clothes and a new bottle. We'll rock him a bit while he eats the first half and finish feeding him after he's already in his bed. (We've found if he falls asleep without us rocking him/etc he sleeps longer) he'll usually sleep a good 6 hours. wake up and then he moved into our bed for another 2-3 hours with a new bottle and cuddles. Repeat.
zb5: That sounds like it could really help I think will try starting a schedule similar to that this weekend and see how it goes. Maybe will help her at night as well.

nypage: I put her down at this time because she becomes very cranky and tired and when I give her her bottle at that time she can barely finish it because struggling to keep her eyes open. She has chosen this bedtime not me.
Shelleney, your LO is so cute!

Good luck with taking Leah out of her swaddle, I hope she isnt too bad for you, I dont have any advice on making her sleep longer, Maybe like has already been said by keeping her up a little later? Skye goes down at 10pmish and wakes after 8am, we will put her down a little earlier sometime this week to see how she goes x

Good Luck with pumping Jen x

We're on day 2 of healthy eating (me and oh) I have put on weight since having Skye and cant yet fit back into my pre pregnancy jeans/trousers :cry: I'm starving tonight, going out to get some more fruit, see if that help :haha:

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