I think it must be harder to cloth diaper with a small baby. They still pee about as much, so they need the same absorbancy as a bigger baby, but they've got a smaller body to put it on! It has gotten easier as Silas has gotten bigger.
We don't use cloth wipes, just the disposable wipes. But Silas has been pooping a lot less (usually once per day now), so we go through a lot less wipes now. I just use one wipe all around when I change a pee diaper and that's it.
Dr.'s appt in half an hour! I'm excited to hear his height and weight. A little nervous about the shots, since he's already tired today. Had a long day at daycare yesterday (he doesn't nap as well there, and he's a poor napper anyway). And then was up a lot in the night. I think he was cold. I'm trying him with one arm out of the swaddle so he can get used to not being swaddled, and it doesn't keep him as warm. So at 3am I was in there putting a hat on him, put a sock on his free hand so it wouldn't get cold, and put an extra blanket around him (taped with masking tape so it wouldn't get free). So we are both pretty tired this morning...