Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Hi Hayley! Jack is loving his solids here too!! Especially his porridge in the morning. And a couple of days ago he started sitting up all by himself! He still occasionally topples over but he sits for ages now. He's growing so fast. Still can't believe he's sitting and barely 5.5 months old.
Thanks Littlestars. I remember reading that your girls are rolling and "inchworming" their way across the floor, and feeling jealous coz Freya doesn't move at all. But you're right, she just has different interests. She loves sitting bolt upright, and hates if we try to lean her back, or support her in any way. She also loves standing up for long periods of time (supported obviously), and her little legs are just so strong!
So thankyou for making me realise our babies are all developing in different ways, and I will try not to compare Freya to others from now on :hugs:
Hey everyone! Sorry I've been sorta MIA for awhile. I need to go back a few pages and catch up it looks like!

We've been really busy here with family and trips and stuff.

Cody turned 21 weeks yesterday. For some reason 19 and 20 got lost somewhere, because the last "week" he turned in my head was 18. haha. He'll be 5 months old officially in just 4 days. I really cannot believe I have a 5 month old.

He loves sitting up and he scoots himself all around on his back when he's in bed. We have finally bought a monitor and I think this weekend I will move his bed into his own room. It's a little bitter sweet for me. I don't want to give up co-sleeping, but I think it's better for both of us in the long run.

I wake up when he grumbles in the night and then my moving and tossing to get back to sleep wakes him up.

Not to mention..... it' hard to dtd when he's asleep on the bed. >.> lol

Just recently he's really loved grabbing onto things, purposefully reaching out and picking things up. We got the cutest little ball toy and he loves it, except he bashed it into his head. :dohh:

How are all of you and your babies?
and hot on the heels of our first tooth, it it's buddy the one beside it; yup, both middle bottom teeth have now broken through the gums! :dance:

Wow, everyone is starting solids now; all the babies are growing up!!! Is there anyone else waiting until after 6 months??

I lol'd at that Phantom; we were talking about possibly putting Caleb into his own bed too, but I decided there's no way I can do that yet, so instead we've turned his cot into a side car so we have more room in bed, and I can roll and shuffle abotu without it jostling him at all! win win!! lol
Wow, everyone is starting solids now; all the babies are growing up!!! Is there anyone else waiting until after 6 months??
Yep, we're waiting! We'll give him a taste of things here and there, but haven't given him anything substantial. But we're at 6 months in 9 days so its not going to be a long wait for us!
He's just not ready. He can sit unaided, he stares at us when we eat, but he still has that tongue sucking reflex and I just don't feel comfortable giving him food until that's gone.

We almost have a tooth! It's poked thru just the tiniest bit!
We're waiting until six months as well. We've a bit of time to go yet!
yay! I don't feel like quite such an odd-ball then. lol! Caleb is only about a week younger than your Ella too. :D
Aww I cant believe most of your babies are sitting already. Fin tries to but just nosedives towards the floor :lol: My toddler wasnts a fast learner for physical milestones either, she sat at 8 months and crawled at 10, but shes a fantastic talker, so just seems to concentrate more on that aspect! Now though you wouldnt know any different!

Flyingduster - I really wanted to wait til Freya turned 6 months - but she just wouldnt wait! She has started refusing both breast and bottle - but crying with hunger. So we have had to start giving her solids, just to get some food in her belly!
Oh well - I suppose you could call it "baby-led weaning", as she is telling us she is ready.
FLying I am waiting! I was always hesitant to try the oatmeal but my doc suggested it. I am glad we didnt' do it. NOT that its bad any babies are on it, just when you feel in your own situation that you don't want to do something it is really best for you to not do it, no matter what the doc says.

I am honestly not sure if even at 6 months I will start. Idk we will see. Im certainly not pushing it!

I did, however, hand him a green bean at dinner the other night. It was a steamed real one so has the beans in it. He gnawed on it and flattened it and threw it on the table. Well 30 seconds later out pops a little bean from his mouth and we were in stitches laughing our butts off. Apparently he sucked out a bean and kept it in his mouth but didn't swallow it and spat that right out! Funny. Seems he isn't quite ready!
Although I keep toying with the idea of feeding the twins solids I am waiting until 6 months. Really it's less than 4 weeks away and since I don't have the kitchen chair/table situation dealt with and plan on doing BLW along with cereal there's no way I'm doing it on the living room carpet. My DD1 was WAY too messy with food. Learned my lesson!

I got to see my niece this weekend and she was such a delight. Normally she cries this loud almost unbearable cry but she was in an awesome mood and we had a great visit. Not sure when she'll be in town again though, boo. I hate that my sister moved away and will never live near me again.

Now I'm off to MIL's tonight.. meh.. but at least I don't have to cook dinner.

I'm hoping the twins will continue to adjust to the time change today.. so far we're doing good but it'll be a few days before I know for sure they've adjusted. I totally didn't realize the clocks were jumping forward until DH mentioned it last night at like 11pm.
with BLW though they dont tend to even eat straight away - its all about learning feel, texture etc of the different foods iykwim? x
yeah, with BLW the key is that "food before one, is just for fun". It's about mouthing, chewing, licking, sucking, tasting etc, not at all about filling up their tummy. They are still predominantly on milk (breast or formula) and still get fed milk on demand when hungry, the 'solids' are purely for fun experimenting, and over time they will gradually start to swallow and digest more. So giving him a bean to munch on was perfect ny! :D
Hayley--just wanted to say happy 6 months old to your little Finley today!! xx
Ok, so not too soon to hand him a bean once in a while? Thats what I was concerned with, that it was too soon for me to do that but I couldn't resist he was staring!
ny, it's totally fine to give him something like a bean or whatever if he's interested in it. It's unlikely he'll actually ingest any of it for a while, but that is half the point of BLW... :)

Just a cute pic of Caleb playing with a play piano (this was a 5th birthday present to ME, so is over 22 years old and still going strong! lol)
OMG Caleb!! Is he wearing leopard print diaper AND baby legs? :rofl: I love it! I'm dying of cuteness over here.
We are having a great holiday. Alana is being a star. Off to the Eden project tomorrow. I he everyone is well and babies are all doing fine. Oh and flyingduster my hubby wants one of those pianos.

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