Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

our sleep has gotten worse lately; I generally get no more than 1.5-2 hours at once, often less. *sigh* But it will pass. Eventually.

Otherwise we're all good! SOOOOOOOOOOOO close to crawling. He claps lots now too. So cute!
Poor you, I have been there done that with 1-2 hours between sleep and it is a killer, you have my sympathy.
I keeping trying to clap with Alana but she doesn't respond. She did finally giglgle when I played peekaboo this week, first time she understood that game. She still doesn't laugh at daddy playing it though.
here is a video from last week showing his clapping (and a tantrum, his nearly-crawling, and saying 'mum mum'!)
Hey everyone! Long time no see! I pop in occasionally, but I don't update much!

I'm going to try to catch up on the last couples days' worth of posts... so good luck to me.

Cody has two teeth RIGHT under the skin on his bottom coming through. You can see the white as clear as if they were actually through. SO CLOSE. He doesn't have much of an appetite right now, is that normal for teething?

He's close-ish to crawling, but he's still mamas big lazy boy. He sits wonderfully and is really coordinated with his hands and grabbing, though.

Tomorrow we'll be dropping him off with our sister in law. it will be the longest we've ever left him without one of us. He's only been without us for 3 hours before and this will be about 30 :(

We are headed to LA for our medical/psych screening with my surrogacy agency, and we're not allowed to brung kiddos. :(

Hubby and I are both taking it pretty hard.
I hope things go well Phantom. I am sure that Cody will be fine, it is always the parents who struggle the most.

That is a lovely video of Caleb, mummumumu is just amazing.
Hi everyone :hi:

Hippy - hope Alana continues to sleep well for you, and hopefully wakes up abit later than 5.30am! lol

Flying - aww, lovely video of Caleb. He is such a clever boy!

Phantom - good luck with your surrogacy appointment. Im sure Cody will be fine with your SIL, but I know it will be hard for you.

AFM: Freya is sitting well, rolling all the time, and scooting across the floor on her back. She is so close to crawling, but isnt quite there yet. She has her 2 front bottom teeth, and I think the 2 front top teeth are on their way now.She is still waking up every few hours most nights, but occassionally will sleep for 8 hours straight.

I have my first day back at work tomorrow. I am dreading it. I dont want to have to leave my baby girl for the whole day. Im really gonna miss her :cry:

Hope you are all well


Cody is 8 months old this wednesday. It's just way to crazy to think about. Is anyone else starting to plan baby's first b-day? I am! I'm thinking about doing an Angry bird's theme, but I have found some really cute stuff that doesn't quite fit. I'm so bored with seeing sesame street and Winnie the pooh themed 1st birthdays ( that's just me!)
I'm thinking about his first birthday loads but then get all upset my baby isn't really a baby for much longer :cry: will probably look out for dinosaur theme or something similar cause I am making the most of having a son to do boyish things with :)

3 months tomorrow and it'll be his birthday eeeek :)
Not given it a thought, I am not worried about it at all. I think we will just have a quiet family day. I am not big on parties at all. Matts family love parties though. I would rather we went to the zoo or something and just invited grandparents and a few friends over, nothing big.
yeah we don't intend to do anything much either; he certainly won't remember a big party and neither me nor DH are big party people. A family celebration will be fine I think!

Our antenatal class is doing a joint party though, so we'll probably go to that. :)

Just over 7 months old now!
No, not thought about it yet. Don't want to wish the next 4 months away. Im just enjoying spending time with my gorgeous girly.

Hope you are all well

Weirdly enough I did have a little think about it. The twins birthday lands right around the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday so we thought that we would delay the party for their 1st birthday (just have a special meal for only our family on the day of *no MIL crashing like she did with DD1*) and then combine it a week or two later with an early party for DH whose birthday is Halloween and just do one big family dinner. I'm thinking a big batch of homemade lasagna (DH's favorite) since even the babies would be able to eat it! But theme.. probably nothing this time around since they won't really remember.

Just had family party last night for DD1 (she turned 6!) and now I have to get ready for her friend birthday party on Saturday, it's going to be a Hawaiian pool party. Anyway, that's my excuse why I have already half planned the twins party. lol
hey ladies its been forever since ive been on here, been super busy with work and the baby. im going through the process to be a surrogate mother and very exxcited about it.i hope every 1 is doing good and the babies are all good and healthy! as for me ive already been planning kaydences first party (all in cupcakes). ive starting making some decorations and finiding recipies. kaydence now has her 2 bottom teeth and thinks she can eat EVERYTHING with them now. she bites and chews her baby cookies and snacks and loooves her fruits and vegies. we just found out she has bad allergies though and its been hard on her.she doesnt wanna crawl she will either sit up or stand. nce she gets int the crawl position she just goes right back to sitting then standing. she hasnt starting to talk yet but it will be pretty soon

i was going to add a pic but there is an add that pops up and wont let me so i guess i cant

phantom- how cool were both doing the same thing. we just did our phys evaluation now just sending in more papers
I am totally planning her 1st birthday party. Anyone else on pinterest? I am getting so many good ideas there. I am either going to do a princess theme, or girlie monkey's since they are her favorite. I may just combine them :)

Lauren is still not showing signs of wanting to be mobile. Not close to crawling, still not rolling (we have gotten her to do it, so she can she just doesn't care to I guess). It's nice that she's at the age where you can set her down and she's content to play and can't run off :) Before she was sitting on her own she hates being on the floor. She does love her walker though.

Lauren got her first tooth a couple of weeks ago :) She did pretty well with teething...just really clingy and cried every once in a while. Anyone use the amber necklaces? Thinking of getting one and wondering how well they work.
sma- when did you start looking into it? surrogacy I mean. We got our medical clearance back last thursday. They have a couple for me they are wanting to send their profile,but they need to make sure they'll be able to obtain parental rights. (I think they're international)What part of Cali? Anywhere near LA or Pasadena? I'll be up there at least two more times for the match meeting and the transfer. totally cool if we could get our babies together! Are you going through an agency/lawyer or independant?

As far as the 1st birthday goes--- I wasn't going to do anything, but everyone seems to want me too. I know he won't remember it, but I want the pics to look back on.
The 1st birthday parties seem to be an American thing. Makes us Brits seem so boring! lol.

Freya is starting to cut her 3rd and 4th teeth (her first two are on the bottom, these two are on the top). She is always rolling around the floor, and she is desperately trying to crawl. Any day now, we think.

Hope you are all well

Cody cut his bottom two teeth while we were in LA. So I came home to a toothy grin. He is nowhere near crawling. He turned 8 months yesterday and just doesn't seem to care.
I wish Alana would cut her first tooth, I am fed up of teething drool and her being in pain. As for crawling I caught her trying to climb the stairs today, I had to fit the stair gate then and there.
Hey guys!

Will just started crawling a coupe days ago, and he gets into everything!! Also he's been pulling himself up on anything in reach and then standing on his own so I'm sure he'll be walking soon :wacko:
He cut his two bottom teeth the last week of May, one right after the other! We had just got him his amber necklace that month and didn't even notice he was teething.
He also waves at people now, it's adorable! Little flirt.

I haven't even thought of his 1st birthday - I don't want to believe he'll be that old! I should probably start planning. Maybe just have a little party with all my relatives in the area - they like to see him anyway.
I'm on pinterest! LOVE IT, so addicting!
Libby has been crawling FORWARD for a few weeks (backwards for ages, lol) but yesterday we caught her on the third step, climbing upwards. Shock of my life!! She is really close to being able to pull herself up to standing, we have been putting her up to stand on her own for a while so I'm sure she'll be crusing in no time. Only has one tooth but the other is just about to come through today/tomorrow.

Ashley so so so close to crawling FORWARD, kinda does it backwards and rolls so fast she is spinning. She already had two teeth, they popped in over night last week both the same day.

DD1 had her kid party yesterday and it was fabulous. The weather was great for swimming and the kids all seemed to have a good time. One girl slept over and she was a bit of a handful. We knew to expect it as she has always been this way. She's very greedy and bullish along with sneeky. Unfortunately we love the mom/family as they are part of our extended family through my DH's aunt's husband and it's Katherine's first friend she ever had so they love each other even if they get mad at each other. We were really annoyed though to find out that the girl had been sneeking into the babies' room, turning them over, poking them and plugging their nostrils, repeatedly! Not cool. My daughter tried to stop her and told her not to but was afraid to tell us because she thought she would get in trouble too. This girl's mom is 10 weeks pregnant so I think I need to warn her that her daughter is excessively curious about babies (probably because her mom is preggers) and to keep an eye on her.

Anyway.. it's over! Now today is Father's Day so one more BBQ/family coming over event and I'm done! I need a break. I am seriously pooped. I mean normally I would have woken to the little girl who was sneaking into the babies room through the monitor but I'm so exhausted I must have just slept through. Grrr.

It's so fantastic to hear how everyone's babies are doing! I just love it.

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