Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies


How is everyone?!

I am so not ready for Cody to be 1!

I was looking at stuff in the store the other day and couldn't bring myself to actually buy it as it meant his birthday was coming up. LOL.

He is huge! Almost 24 lbs, wears 12 month clothes, and is still not trying to crawl. He does this backwards inch worm thing on his back though and can get around. HAHA.

He's been eating baby food for Break/Lunch/Dinner, and he loved his baby Mum Mums. He'd eat them all day if let him. They've really taught him how to feed himself. Good and bad. Because now he tries to eat everything. lol.

AFM: I'm heading out to the east code on Thursday to meet my intended parents for the surrogacy. Intimidating!

What's new with all of you?
oh wow, the surrogacy thing would be scary meeting the people! I hope all goes well!!!!!

Caleb was SOOOOOOOO close to crawling for AGES, and then suddenly the penny dropped; he accidentally/unknowingly crawled a few steps one day, and within 3 days he was crawling purposely everywhere! 4 days after learning to crawl he started cruising around the furniture... Nothing is safe now! lol.

I'm glad though, cos he was getting SO frustrated and floor-time has been a real struggle for the last month or so cos he hated being stuck like that. Now he can crawl, I can be in the living room and let him roam around me playing happily for an hour or more! :D

Not sure how heavy he is, but at a guess he'd be about 20lb. He'll be 8 months old at the end of this week!!! I haven't heard of mum mums? Oh, just googled and they're a rice cracker thingy?? Cute! lol. Caleb has only ever had finger food cos I've done the BLW thing; it makes for some messy fun! lol. But he generally has 3 meals a day too, cos he wants food any time I have some!

A photo from yesterday:
Alana is doing well, although we have stopped all reflux meds and now she seems to be back to vomiting again. She is tiny and two weeks ago weighed 12lb 4oz. I figure that she is eats plenty but just never ever stops, she is very into climbing at the moment and loves climbing over her toy boxes. I let her climb the stairs the other night and she was straight up them no worries. Good job we have a stair gate in place.
I am finding the climbing, crawling, cruising around furniture hard work as I have to constantly keep my eye on her. We have now baby proofed the house, but she finds everything she shouldn't and just tried to climb on the puffet. I love it though so much fun, tiring but fun.

Good luck meeting the prospective parents, I'd be so nervous about it. I hope it goes well.
So Glad Caleb and Alana are doing well!

I want him to be mobile so bad, but at the same time.... ack. kinda scary. luckily no stairs inside our house for him. We do have lots of electronics though, so we have some wires we'll need to keep watch on.

It is SUPER intimidating. I've been thinking that with most people (my self included) when you're filling out the profile for each other to look at it, you are going to put your best foot forward, so to speak.You know? So I'm hoping that neither of us have built the other up too high.
I just imagine it being like a first date, everyone on their best behaviour and trying to impress each other as it is such an important moment. I guess for them it is more scary as they are thinking about asking you to carry their baby and that is such a HUGE thing to ask and to do. I can't imagine how it would feel. I can't remember are you using their eggs and sperm or using your eggs and his sperm?
Ooh phantom! How exciting! Good luck! and dont worry about Cody not crawling yet - all babies move at their own rate. He's just taking his time. Glad he's enjoying his food though - 24lbs, big boy!

Aww, love the recent photo of Caleb. so cute! cant believe he is cruising round the furniture already. He is the same weight as Freya. Glad the BLW is going well.

Oh Alana must be such an adorable little dot! only 12lbs, thats tiny, bless her! Cant believe that she is crawling, climbing and cruising already! she is so ahead for her age (and size). Thats so cool! Sorry to hear she is vomiting again though.

Freya finally started crawling on monday! its such a relief coz she has been so frustrated for the last month or so. she was desperate to get moving, but just couldn't work it out. now she is flying all over the floor. better start baby-proofing! even though she has been steady on her feet for months and months, she is showing no signs of cruising yet. Im glad - cant cope with that just yet!

How is everybody else?

A local photographer was doing a promo photo shoot for a local person who makes THE most adorable kids accessories, and this is my fav pic of Caleb so far (there are more coming as she edits them though!)
Woo! Back from Penn.

I was pretty nervous the first little bit, but it ended up going really well! Today I'm supposed to find out if we are officially "matched" together. We were supposed to send in our answers this weekend. I feel pretty confidant in saying I am. They both gave us huge hugs at the airport and kept thanking us over and over.

They are a really sweet couple!

hippy- They actually have 6 little frozen embies from when they were trying IVF. They used his sperm and donor eggs, because her eggs just weren't doing the job.

I think they're hoping I end up with twins, which actually, I'm really excited about, I think it would be super fun!
To increase chances of twins with one egg you increase the folic acid intake apparently. I only know this as my friends had IVF and two embryos implanted, they asked about increasing folic acid and the doctor nearly choked and explained why this wasn't a good idea. They did end up with twins though. Boy and a girl as both embryos took. They have a perfect little family and now feel they don't need to go through the process again.

Good luck with it all. I watched a programme a while ago on a story of three surrogates and how different the experience was for each. One went on to have a second child for the family and sees them all the time.
OMG I so don't recommend this! A friend of mine did IVF, two embyos implanted, both took, one split and they now have triplets. She gave emergency birth at 29 weeks, the girls were all in hospital for a long time and they definitely are not in perfect health. Issues with vision and weak immune system to name a few.

Carrying twins is REALLY hard. It is a physically challenging and stressful pregnancy with a whole lot of physical aftermath to deal with too. If twin A (closest to the exit as my doctor put it) isn't in proper position then it's pretty much guaranteed to be a c-section. So many multiple pregnancies are premature deliveries and it's very stressful trying to get through a week. throw in tonnes of scans and doctor's appointments and I can honestly say I wouldn't CHOOSE a twin pregnancy. I had IVF, we transferred 2 and knew it was a possibility. I am a very sturdy 5'9" woman so I was well built to carry more than one baby and even I suffered immensely throughout the pregnancy. All that to say.. since this pregnancy is for someone else and there is no 'pot of gold' at the end of the rainbow I wouldn't wish for a twin pregnancy personally though I'm sure the parents will be.

It's amazing thing that you are doing for someone but you definitely want it to be a pleasant experience, not pure torture! :)
Lecture over! :)

Now on the other things.. The twins saw their first fireworks on Canada Day and they did really well, no tears.. Stayed awake until 10pm for the show and then even the ride home. Needless to say their schedule was a little messed up yesterday. I think we're back with the program today though.

Libby has been crawling for a few weeks now but Ashley finally figured out going FORWARD more than 1-2 shifts of the knees yesterday and we now have two crazy crawling babies. Libby is cruising like mad and is really good at letting herself down safely which is awesome. I expect Ashley to start climbing and cruising in a week or so.. just in time for our vacation.. oh joy. lol

Anyone else going on vacation soon? I'm thinking I'm going to be a cheater pants and use disposable diapers and pre-made food most of the time. We're going to be staying with my sister and it's not like I couldn't make up batches of food but I kinda feel like I need a break from that kind of stuff. Other than bananas and raspberries, can anyone think of 'ready to go' homemade food I can do with no effort?
We are leaving today to go back to our hometown for the 4th. I am packing mostly store bought food that I bought on sale. Lauren is eating finger foods too, so I am going to take some blueberries, zucchini ans some cheese from home and the rest baby food. I also got some unsweetened applesauce packs for her diaper bag.

Lauren isn't crawling yet, but doesn't seem bothered by it. She is very relaxed in personality. She has two teeth now :)

Phantom- How very exciting! If I hadn't been so sick my first pregnancy, I might have considered doing something like that. I am afraid to get pregnant with a second of my own as it is ;)
I'd consider surrogacy if we actually got paid in Canada but not worth the effort for no payday when I don't get a cute baby at the end.

Speaking of cute babies.. Libby is vomitting today.. twice, major amounts.. and she's all super snuggly and not interested in getting into trouble. poor kid. I'm hoping it'll pass soon.
Lovely to hear how all the babies are getting on...

Everything is moving so fast here:
Freya started crawling last monday. She moved into a forward-facing car seat last Wednesday. We lowered her cot matress on Sunday. She got her 3rd tooth yesterday. And we put up our safety gates today. Phew!!

We are taking a short family holiday to the seaside next month. Looking forward to it.

How is everybody else? Would love to hear some more updates :)

I'm no help with the baby food cos Caleb is doing BLW so eats pretty much what we do! Well done Ashley for figuring out crawling too!!!! We don't have any vacations really, just the odd weekend up to our parents or something. But it'll be loads of fun on vacation with TWO crawlers!!! hehehehe. I hope Libby feels better ASAP though... :(

shelleney, can I ask why you put Freya into a forward facing car seat so soon!?? I thought they are supposed to stay rear facing until like 2-4 years old!! I know it's not the law here, but I didn't realise people actually did turn their babies so young still :?::huh:

Caleb is crawling everywhere and cruising where he can too. And I love it! It's SO much more fun having a crawling baby! lol
It's pretty standard to have the babies rear facing until the end of the first year AND approx. 22 lbs in North America but I have no idea what the rules are in the UK? That being said, my DD1 was over 22 lbs and standing on her own, walking and really tall by 10.5 months and we moved her to a front facing seat. We were nervous about the decision but made it none the less. I am very thankful due to the twins weight we will not have the make the same choice again. Our next stage seats can go rear facing but not in our car as we cannot get the right angle the seat needs. Gotta love compact cars! :)
I should say I'm not trying to attack you or anything!!!!!!!!!!! I just honestly didn't realise babies still got turned so young when all the research says the longer they rear face, the better! I have had to hunt for a seat here that rear faces to a decent weight and is within our price range (ie there is one that rear faces to 55lb, but it's $600 I just don't have!) so I've ordered the cosco one that rear faces to 40lb for $160. Looking at the growth charts, if he stays at the level he's on he won't hit 40lb until 3-4 years old. :)
There is no way you'll be able to convince your 2+ yo child to sit rear facing! lol DD1 hit the terrible two's by 18 months and was a monster!!!

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