Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Pics are soooo cute!!! love it.

Here is one of the professional pics we had done for the holidays. We also love reading!

Kian got a book shelf as well for xmas and we read all the time. He has wa too many toys. We had a big slide jungle gym set up in our living room after it got snowy outside and had to move that to storage for a little while until springtime. The toys have taken over!

Anyone's 15m onto old not eating well? Mine is still nursing and would rather just live on milk....getting frustrated with it that he wont eat at all!


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nypage, that is a beautiful picture!

Lauren went through a phase of not eating well a month or two ago. Now she is a little food monster. I never thought I'd see the day! Solids were a struggle for so long and now she eats so much better! She loves to eat off other people's plates. If I am having something she isn't, she will grunt at me until I share, ha! Hang in there, I think it will get better!

I have Lauren down to just the night feed for nursing. Kind of sad since I know it will be over soon. Still not taking cows milk at all so I am putting it in her oatmeal and giving her lots of yogurt and cheese, which she loves.
Kian likes sips of my cows milk out of my glass but then when I pour some into a cup, nope. weirdo.

He would throw a freak spaz if I weaned him. I just give in. LOL.
Here is one of the professional pics we had done for the holidays. We also love reading!


If I am having something she isn't, she will grunt at me until I share, ha!

ha ha - Jacob does the same thing - he has to taste or at least smell whatever we're eating.

we just started weaning Jacob from bottle to cup - he took some milk out of it the first day, but now he just pushes it away :wacko: he wants his bottle back, but i don't want to give in b/c i refuse to have 2 in bottles, so hoping he starts taking the milk from a cup soon... He does still get his 4 am milk in a bottle, though, just so he'll go back to sleep. So, he's no longer getting much milk, but the foods he actually eats most of are yogurt, hard cheese and eggs anyway, so just have to make sure he's getting enough water.
Cody loves food. Too much. :haha:

We are still mostly bottle but he will take a cup w/straw now.

He would be all cup but I'm lazy :p
Lauren really loves her sippy cup, but she only ever had one bottle a day while I was at work. She will only drink water out of it though. She gets a lot of other dairy products, so I am not too concerned about the cow's milk, but it would be more convenient if she would just drink it!
Alana has combination of breastmilk and also allergy formula. She is a boob monster at weekends though when I am not working. She does love her food though and again likes to eat off our plates.
It is totally normal and common for many babies to not eat much solids until well over 2 years old if they aren't forced to! Caleb eats a fair bit, but also does still breast feed a lot too, and some days he hardly eats a thing and lives on just breast milk!! All good as far as I'm concerned, everyone weans eventually and I'll miss it when he is weaned, so am determined to not try and push the issue when we have no real need to!!! Lol.
Will eats tons now that he's off most day feeds. My boobs are just so sore with this pregnancy that I had to cut down on nursing.

We are lucky that will never took a bottle so never had to break him of that, he's always used a sippy or a straw.
hey, ladies! hope you are all doing well.

Jacob slept through the night twice in a row this week (we were shocked!!), then last night he was up at midnight again... i was hoping he was going to begn sleeping through. :haha:

how are your LO's doing?
Life is good, her reflux is under control so sleeping is much better, not through the night but only up twice now. Her soy allergy has got worse, but the dairy one is still present but seems to be getting slightly better. I managed to eat a piece of cake and not make her unwell the other day.

We have a super talker on our hands, she just nev stops chatting and two days ago she repeated the words from her singing book "let's say tick tock" my mum and dada had her at the time and they were shocked. She strings two words together now as well it is just amazing to listen to her.

Temper tantrums are getting better but only because we had the area SENCO come in to nursery about a child and she was talking to me about inconsistency triggering behaviour. So I spent last weekend watching Alana and worked out most of her tantrums are brought on by us. Example, she can play with my iPad but then if I am on it and need to do something and I don't let her she throws a tantrum, but basically she doesn't have the capacity to understand why it is ok one time and not the next, she is too little to process that...hence tantrum.
We are doing ok. Kristin wakes up 2x most nights. Last night I only nursed her overnight, at 7am and then not again until bedtime and she only woke up once at 3 over a 12 hour period so may try that again tonight. I really think she's going to be on purees forever. The only meal that isn't purees is breakfast. She does really love raisins and bananas though and will eat almost anything dry like bread, crackers, cereal, cookies.
We are ok! Struggling a bit with him wanting to nurse CONSTANTLY. Mine is def not going to be the type to self wean. I am kinda drained of it, but forging on. He still does many feeds a day and many a night. nothing has lowered and wont sleep or take naps without it. But eats ok too. Goes in phases with food.

I am also struggling a little bit with how to deal with him doing things that are "naughty". (though, I know he really isn't naughty, but the things we would consider not ideal). If I say not to throw his car, he throws them harder and with more aggression. If I say don't hit me, its more and harder. If I take something away, he throws himself back and usually hits his head. If I leay him down for diaper change he arches and screams and slams his head into mine or the ground. He likes to do things he knows he shouldn't, I can see it in his face, and not sure how to deal with it?
So--- I am trying to let cody go at his own speed, but I'm getting frustrated. He is 15 months old and still not walking.

He just refuses to. If we hold his hands he has no problem, and his balance is fine. He stand s in the middle of the room by himself, but dang if he'll move :rofl:
hippy, i am so glad the reflux and milk is getting better - sorry the soy allergy's worse. :( that's interesting about the tantrums

sheryl - getting up once in a 12 hour period sounds good, so hope it works again for you. know what you mean with eating the starches - we have to save those at mealtime b/c if we offer Jacob bread first, he won't touch anything else we offer...

nypage,sorry about the aggression - that must be hard!! :hugs: hope things get better soon

Phantom, sorry he's not walking. My son refuses to, most of the time - he certainly can, and when he's in the right mood he'll take a bunch of steps, but most of the time he'd rather crawl - if he's standing and we try to encourage him to walk to us, he'll just sit down and crawl. :shrug: i call him my toddler-who-doesn't-want-to-toddle. :haha: they'll be walking soon enough, right? :)
Lauren is doing very well. She sleeps 12 hours a night pretty consistently, but she has always been a good sleeper for us. She is down to just the nursing before bed, she has been for about a month now. She is running around like crazy and is a climber (scary)! She says most 2-3 letter words, but not much beyond that.

Hippy, I Hope the reflux keeps improving!

sheryl - We have to wait to the end of the meal for bread and fruit, or Lauren would never eat the rest of her meal. Lauren is finally starting to eat better. It took a while to do better. Letting her have most of the control seems to help. We usually give her utensils to keep busy with at the table. She tries to feed herself and while she is distracted trying, we feed her with another utensil. Hang in there, you will find something that works!

For those with kiddos not walking, we found that for Lauren it was all in being motivated. I bribed her with a sucker ONCE and from then on she was off. It was crazy.
William is doing fantastic. Eating really well, and can tell us his hungry by pointing to his mouth. He picked that up in a matter of days, I was shocked! my husband taught him.

We've night weaned. Its not 100% but more and more nights he does well without the boobs. Last night he sttn for the first time.
He still nurses to sleep at night and for naps when I'm home. And the occasional mid day milk snack. But I'm thinking we will be mostly weaned around sept when he turns 2.

He's started banging his head on the floor or hard objects when he throws a tantrum. Very frustrating!
smart will!!

Cody sprawls out, face down in the floor and cries for his tantrum :p
yES with the banging his head against things in tantrum. Exactly that. I have to watch my own face when I know he will get mad and try to protect his head.
Kristin just decided it was time to walk one day. It's still sinking in now that I don't have to carry her all over the house anymore. She falls pretty often still but doesn't care and gets right back up.

She's been pretty consistently waking once in a 12 hour period. It's much nicer! I considered seeing if she would go back to sleep last night without nursing that one time but it was like 4 am and she had gone to bed around 8 so I just got up and fed her. It's almost 1 and she has had breakfast and lunch and hasn't asked to nurse.

If this girl could survive on raisins alone I think she would try. She LOVES little boxes of raisins. If she was better about eating her fruit she would probably be off purees not but still doing yogurt and fruit puree for lunch and pureed dinner.

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