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September 2014 Rainbows- 17 Ladies so far

Just had my glucose test on Friday and passed :) Also had an ultrasound to look for DVT because my left foot has been swelling up significantly. Thankfully, I passed that too. Best part of the appointment was getting to see LO. He/She is upside down, arms in the air facing my spine! It was adorable <3
Ooh that doesn't sound fun but good that it's definitely not a DVT- and extra exciting that you got to see him/ her again!
hi everyone,

hope u r all doing great .. i am currently 26 weeks now .. i have had scare after scare so far .. at 6 weeks scan there was no baby, just an empty sac .. 10 days later found my little bean with a strong beating heart .. at 11 weeks scan baby's skull hasnt formed .. doc was suggesting it cud be anencephaly .. so repeated scan after 2 weeks to find that the skull had formed .. again at 22 weeks scan the radiologist found an amniotic band near the end of the placenta .. i am supposed to repeat a scan soon to check on it .. hoping it remains unattached to my baby ..

cant wait for september ....
hi everyone,

hope u r all doing great .. i am currently 26 weeks now .. i have had scare after scare so far .. at 6 weeks scan there was no baby, just an empty sac .. 10 days later found my little bean with a strong beating heart .. at 11 weeks scan baby's skull hasnt formed .. doc was suggesting it cud be anencephaly .. so repeated scan after 2 weeks to find that the skull had formed .. again at 22 weeks scan the radiologist found an amniotic band near the end of the placenta .. i am supposed to repeat a scan soon to check on it .. hoping it remains unattached to my baby ..

cant wait for september ....

I'm so sorry you've had scare after scare :( I really pray all works out x
Nadhoo - that sounds like a seriously stressful pregnancy! Fingers crossed it's another scare that turns out to be all good!

Sorry to be ignorant but what is an amniotic band?

Londongirl - how was your holiday? Are you back or just checking in quickly?
Hi girls
Sorry i've been 'offline' recently. It's been a HUGE fortnight. First left work with a HUGE send off (keeping in mind we're leaving the country too so it was a proper farewell). Then, as I told you girls, our little cat died at only 4 years old (thank you for your kind words). We then went to Italy for a week, then my parents have come to stay with us for a week. And today (since my Mum is here and we are leaving the country soon), my friend threw a baby shower for me. Can you imagine the highs and lows i've had!

The baby shower... OMG the baby shower. I've never really been to many before. But she went above and beyond. Helium balloons, a massive professional cake, cup cakes, games, a set up sweet shop, and so, so much more. All my lovely friends, mum, mum in law, sis in law and my sis were there. It was so fun and exciting but also tinged with sadness cos I'm leaving England soon.

Just thought i'd touch base.

I just realised - wow this is really happening. all the presents i got were so adorable too - gorgeous little clothes for our little guy...

So excited

I will update later. just wanted to say how awesome and nice it was to throw you a baby shower! glad Italy was great and you got to spend time with family. &#9825;

jillie so happy you passed your glucose test. I took mine yesterday. hope I pass.

hilslo hope all is well with you. I just joined you in 3rd tri!!

here's my 27 week bump.
anyone pick names yet?


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Babydust you and your bump look *gorgeous*
You suit pregnancy so much. Congrats on 3rd trimester :)
Been quiet in here!

Had my 27 week scan today - all perfect :) glucose test fine but my iron is very low. Not sure what they have in mind to bring it up. Otherwise, all good - we move to Vancouver in 5 days aughghgh!!
28 weeks today!!! WEE!!

I had my glucose test a week ago and never heard anything back which means i must have passed it. Thank God! I was real worried i wouldn't. Only thing is, they never told me to come back in for any appts. So i guess i will call next week and ask what the heck is going on? I'd like to get at least 1 more ultrasound before he's here. I still haven't got a good look at his face. He's always so shy and has his back turned towards us. It's been 7 weeks since i've saw him. I'd like to do a 3D ultrasound, but it's sooo expensive at my dr's office. I don't need 10 pictures and videos.... i just want ONE picture! The ultrasound tech at my 20w appt was going to give me one, but he wasn't cooperating. I haven't felt him move much the last few days. I don't know if it's because he's getting bigger with less room to move? But i also read by that happening you feel them kick more? I am just confused! Thank God for that doppler. Anyone doing kick counts? I haven't started yet... I still haven't bought anything for him other than a few outfits, bathtub and i have some stuff a couple friends have bought for me. My baby shower is July 12 and i am hoping to go home to New York to have one up there with my friends and family around July 26th. I am thinking about buying his crib this weekend. I haven't decided on a nursery theme yet. Yeah being pregnant has totally made me indecisive. lol. I've also noticed my patience and temper is a lot worse.

How is everyone else? Any new name ideas? Have any of you bought things for little one yet?
Happy 28 weeks Babydust and welcome to 3rd tri Londongirl and Nadhoo!!

5 days to go until Vancouver - I hope your dh is doing all the packing not you!!

We started our loft conversion this week so praying all the dusty work is done by the time I go on mat leave (8 weeks to go!)

Babydust - how is the new job working out for you? Have you settled on a mat leave date yet?

I've still not bought anything for bubs. Partly as we've not had time, partly as it is going to get covered in dust over the next few weeks and partly that I'm still a bit scared on jinxing it!

We have talked a lot about names though. Currently considering Alistair, Adlai, Benjamin or Isaac - we keep changing our minds though and never seem to settle on the same name! How are you guys doing with names? Hope you're doing better than us lol!

Btw - have any of you starting getting leg cramps at night? Such a horrible way to wake up at 3am!!!
Happy 28 weeks Babydust and welcome to 3rd tri Londongirl and Nadhoo!!

5 days to go until Vancouver - I hope your dh is doing all the packing not you!!

We started our loft conversion this week so praying all the dusty work is done by the time I go on mat leave (8 weeks to go!)

Babydust - how is the new job working out for you? Have you settled on a mat leave date yet?

I've still not bought anything for bubs. Partly as we've not had time, partly as it is going to get covered in dust over the next few weeks and partly that I'm still a bit scared on jinxing it!

We have talked a lot about names though. Currently considering Alistair, Adlai, Benjamin or Isaac - we keep changing our minds though and never seem to settle on the same name! How are you guys doing with names? Hope you're doing better than us lol!

Btw - have any of you starting getting leg cramps at night? Such a horrible way to wake up at 3am!!!

I love all those names you've chosen - especially Alistair and Isaac! But they're all great. I can't believe you're nearly 29 weeks, which means you're nearly 30 weeks!!! Honestly, I'm still kind of in shock that it's happening - it really is becoming real now!

I've been doing light packing and have been fine. I'm still feeling pretty good and usually forget I'm pregnant 'til someone reminds me! It's sooo nice not working anymore though...

Are you enjoying the nicer weather now?
Hi ladies, it might seem strange that I am joining your group now, but I just found you after another friend mentioned her PAL group. I'm due September 14, 2014. :)

We started TTC #2 in summer of 2013, I had a MC in November 2013, then two cycles later I had my BFP on New Years Eve. I'm 29+1 weeks now, so I know now this will be my take home baby... I was so so scared for the first 18 weeks. Sometimes I got really excited,but other times I just felt scared to get attached. I had a SCH (a bleed in my uterus) up until my 18 week scan, at which point it was gone and I started feeling better. I still think about my angel, especially now as I approach the due date, which would have been July 13th.

But I am so grateful I am able to be here with my pregnancy going well now. I really didn't think an early loss like that could be so hard, but it was. But now I know it did lead me to THIS baby. :pink:

Now I feel kicks all the time, and my DS and DH are both so excited that a little girl will be joining our family. <3

If I'm not too late, I hope you'll let me join your group?
Jokerette - you are so more than welcomed to join this group! We know exactly how you're feeling and obviously are right about the same length in our pregnancies! I am sorry for your loss. It is so hard to stay positive when you have been through it. I am so happy you are now 29 + weeks with a healthy baby girl! I am so happy your son will have a little sister to protect and play with! Like you, i've had losses. I had one in August 2011 and tried contiously for another since then. I became pregnant for the 2nd time in August 2013, but was told at my first appt that it was a blighted ovum. I got pregnant the 3rd time in Dec of 2013, but didn't get my BFP until January of this year! :) I don't think i ever felt comfortable until i was over that Vday mark at 24 weeks. Now that i will be 30 weeks on Friday, i am more confident and more comfortable that things will be okay. I secretly hope i do not go until my due date. I can't wait to meet him!!! 37 weeks is considered full term and i would be more than happy to meet him right after then! :) Have you picked out any names yet for your little girl? Do you have a nursery theme?!

Hey Hilslo, Londongirl, jillie, and everyone else i have forgotten :wave: How are you all doing? Can't believe we all have almost made it to the 30 week mark! Finally to that home stretch. I am so excited and so anxious for it all! Have you picked out a theme for the nursery yet? Are any of you girls going to breastfeed and pump? What about names?! Any of you settle on names yet?!?! Anyone going to do the 3D/4D ultrasound?

I will answer my own questions for you all LOL... We did pick out a nursery theme! I will attach a picture of it to this. I absolutely love it! It's rock n roll snoopy. We have not settled on a name, but i think it will be Dylan Charles David. We are not doing a 3D/4D ultrasound. It is VERY expensive here. I will be breastfeeding and hopefully getting a breast pump from my insurance company. I want to mainly breastfeed the first few weeks, but give a bottle maybe once or twice a day to get him used to it.

I am feeling SO MUCH more movement these days and it's STRONG ones too! Where you can see parts of him sticking out of my skin! I am so in love with this little guy already! Today is my last day on my current insurance. Then i have to switch to my husband's since i switched jobs. I hope they don't give me a hard time on wanting money upfront for delivery. They were trying to do that back in February! I'll work it out somehow. Then yesterday i had to junk my car. It started over heating and check engine light has been on. It's been so nuts. I will some how make it. My little guy is whats keeping me going.

Londongirl - how has the move been? Are you all settled in now?


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Thanks for the welcome babydust! :) Yes we picked out the name "Bailey Brown"... we had picked it out when I was pregnant with my first... but he ended up being a boy so he is Kenny :)

We moved my son into his "big boy room" about 2 months ago, and transformed his jungle themed nursery into a girly jungle! I painted murals on the walls for him, so I just added flowers, butterflies and bows to the exsiting decor. Plus added a few touches of pink and voila! Girly nursery!

I breastfed Kenny for 19 months and hope to nurse this baby as well. I initially planned on nursing for 12 months, but neither one of us was ready to wean so we kept going about until the time we started TTC and then I was ready to stop and he was pretty close to done anyway. Breastfeeding was really painful for us at the beginning, but I'm so glad I stuck with it because it ended up being something I really treasured. Except for the pumping at work! :rofl:

I'm a teacher and this time I plan on actually taking the entire school year off so I hopefully wont have to pump as much, or if I do I will at least be able to do it at home.

oh , about me... I'm 31 years old, DH is 32. We live in Massachusetts and were high school sweethearts, so we've been together about 15 years now, married for 7 years.


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Welcome Jokerette! It's great to have new ladies in here!

I'm so impressed by both your nurseries - though it has somewhat put me to shame as the most I've done is buy a book (bought it for dh as a sort of Father's Day gift as he was hankering after one!

Our house is currently filled with dust from our building works. I'm hoping to get the nursery done and things bought when most of the dirty work has been finished or else poor bean will end up with very dusty toys and things. I think we will probably go for an animal- type theme. Jungle or zoo or underwater as dh and I both love diving.

We've also not finalised a name but are currently toying with Alistair Adlai. I like the name Alistair for a grown up but not sure I like it as a baby name. I know he won't be a baby forever but still uncertain!! I love Dylan Charles and Bailey Brown though I'm intrigued as to where Brown came from? Is it a family name?

I'd like to breast feed but have a funny feeling I might struggle. I'm not exactly mammary-gland-blessed (!) so I'll just have to see how it goes! Jokerette - 19 months is an impressive stat!!

Still a bit unsure about scans too. Now he's kicking and generally thumping around in there (my whole body shakes sometimes when he throws himself around in there!). Have any of you found that bubs likes to hang out on one side only. I don't think I've ever felt him on the left! Slightly worried that there's something stopping him and he'll get squashed on the right. Lol - always worrying about something!!

London girl - how are you settling in Vancouver?? Whereabouts in the city are you?
Welcome Jokerette! It's great to have new ladies in here!

I'm so impressed by both your nurseries - though it has somewhat put me to shame as the most I've done is buy a book (bought it for dh as a sort of Father's Day gift as he was hankering after one!

Our house is currently filled with dust from our building works. I'm hoping to get the nursery done and things bought when most of the dirty work has been finished or else poor bean will end up with very dusty toys and things. I think we will probably go for an animal- type theme. Jungle or zoo or underwater as dh and I both love diving.

We've also not finalised a name but are currently toying with Alistair Adlai. I like the name Alistair for a grown up but not sure I like it as a baby name. I know he won't be a baby forever but still uncertain!! I love Dylan Charles and Bailey Brown though I'm intrigued as to where Brown came from? Is it a family name?

I'd like to breast feed but have a funny feeling I might struggle. I'm not exactly mammary-gland-blessed (!) so I'll just have to see how it goes! Jokerette - 19 months is an impressive stat!!

Still a bit unsure about scans too. Now he's kicking and generally thumping around in there (my whole body shakes sometimes when he throws himself around in there!). Have any of you found that bubs likes to hang out on one side only. I don't think I've ever felt him on the left! Slightly worried that there's something stopping him and he'll get squashed on the right. Lol - always worrying about something!!

London girl - how are you settling in Vancouver?? Whereabouts in the city are you?

oh! Brown is my last name :) Her name will be Bailey Ann Brown :)

Dont worry about not being "mammory gland blessed"... having large or small breasts actually doesnt really effect how much milk your body can produce :) It's all about the right kind of tissue in there. Some women with IGT (insufficent glandular tissue) might have very large breast but not a lot of glandular tissue, meaning they dont make much milk... while their best friend might only be an A cup, but its all glandular tissue!
Welcome Jokerette! Bailey is a really cute name. Can't believe you and your hubby are teen sweethearts... What a love story!

Hi to the rest of you, too!! I love the nursery themes. I'm like you, hilslo. I've bought nothing. The move was beyond exhausing. There was no way around it - I was packing, pulling and lifting heavy stuff for a solid week. My body is only still recovering now. And the 9-hour flight wasn't fun since I was in pain to start with.

BUT now we are in Vancouver... Wow, what a city!!! Totally suits me as I love the outdoors :) our flat is in downtown with ridiculously amazing water views. So I'm now relaxing, getting some fitness in and feeling great. And i found a doc who will take me on :)

How is everyone else's body coping with the added weight and bump? Xx
I keep waddling if that tells ya anything lol. My back is starting to hurt a bit. I think things are just now hitting me and is going to get worse. I was telling my husband that 37w is considered full term and if I were to go into labor then it would be just next month! (August 22). How nuts is that!?

Oh and don't feel bad that LO doesn't have anything yet. I just bought the bedding and that's it. I haven't even begun to get any thing else. My work has an employee assistance program and they're buying me a crib. I am so thankful! I will be getting that this weekend.

Jokerette that is such a cute idea for nursery. You hand drew some of that? wow that's talent. Are you an art teacher? I think that's amazing you bf for 19 months! I hope I can say the same! I love the name you chose btw! I live in Indiana. Born and raised in New York though. I'm 26 and DH and I been together since I was 15 :)

londongirl I'm glad the move is over and you're loving Vancouver. Hope you can start resting and catching up on yourself.

hilslo things will come together for you as far as the house goes. my house is a wreck and I have SO much to do before LO arrives. A lot of things I need to do the next few weeks. How would you pronounce Alistair? I think I'm saying it wrong.
I keep waddling if that tells ya anything lol. My back is starting to hurt a bit. I think things are just now hitting me and is going to get worse. I was telling my husband that 37w is considered full term and if I were to go into labor then it would be just next month! (August 22). How nuts is that!?

Oh and don't feel bad that LO doesn't have anything yet. I just bought the bedding and that's it. I haven't even begun to get any thing else. My work has an employee assistance program and they're buying me a crib. I am so thankful! I will be getting that this weekend.

Jokerette that is such a cute idea for nursery. You hand drew some of that? wow that's talent. Are you an art teacher? I think that's amazing you bf for 19 months! I hope I can say the same! I love the name you chose btw! I live in Indiana. Born and raised in New York though. I'm 26 and DH and I been together since I was 15 :)

londongirl I'm glad the move is over and you're loving Vancouver. Hope you can start resting and catching up on yourself.

hilslo things will come together for you as far as the house goes. my house is a wreck and I have SO much to do before LO arrives. A lot of things I need to do the next few weeks. How would you pronounce Alistair? I think I'm saying it wrong.

Thank you! Yes I hand drew and painted it all. And yes I AM an art teacher, good guess!!

And you guys are teen sweethearts too! How cool!

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