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September 2017 Testers - Hoping to "Fall" Pregnant - 18 BFPs & Counting!

Yay foreign chick!!! That's awesome. So many BFP I feel so good about this month!

I'm sorry TTC... fx for you next cycle. I hope this is the last you see of AF for awhile!!

AFM - 8DPO, resisting (barely lol) the urge to test. Sore/achy boobs, creamy/milky cm.. same I had with my last/only BFP. trying not to read too much into it as I know my body may have changed with the pregnancy/MC... but sore boobs were NEVER a PMS symptom for me before. That's how I just knew I was pregnant even before I got a positive. Unsure on exact AF date but I suspect between the 7-10.
Congrats Foreign Chick!!

I couldn't see a group for May 2018 babies, so I made one in the groups section. Those that have got and will get their BFP, come and join :flower:


Emzy I hope I can come join that thread soon!!!
Hey ! I am 5dpo and going to be testing on September 11th. So nervous and excited. TTC baby #2. Our daughter is 11 months old and I'm already having baby fever lol

Good luck to us all !! ♡
Hi! This month I did my first OPK on CD 12 around 11:30 pm. Did a second one a few hours later. I thought they were positive but now I'm not sure after reading more if they were as dark as the control line. We DTD CD 12, 13, 14, 16, 17. I did another OPK CD 16 that was for sure negative. CD 19 I had blood tinged mucus and spotting. I was hopeful that was from implantation. I never have mid-cycle spotting. Tomorrow is CD 24. My cycles have been 26 or 27 days lately. Happy to find friends to obsess with.☺
Hi! This month I did my first OPK on CD 12 around 11:30 pm. Did a second one a few hours later. I thought they were positive but now I'm not sure after reading more if they were as dark as the control line. We DTD CD 12, 13, 14, 16, 17. I did another OPK CD 16 that was for sure negative. CD 19 I had blood tinged mucus and spotting. I was hopeful that was from implantation. I never have mid-cycle spotting. Tomorrow is CD 24. My cycles have been 26 or 27 days lately. Happy to find friends to obsess with.☺

Testing or waiting for AF to show? If you think you implanted cd19 you could get a positive by day 24!! I would test if you have one!!
Hi! This month I did my first OPK on CD 12 around 11:30 pm. Did a second one a few hours later. I thought they were positive but now I'm not sure after reading more if they were as dark as the control line. We DTD CD 12, 13, 14, 16, 17. I did another OPK CD 16 that was for sure negative. CD 19 I had blood tinged mucus and spotting. I was hopeful that was from implantation. I never have mid-cycle spotting. Tomorrow is CD 24. My cycles have been 26 or 27 days lately. Happy to find friends to obsess with.☺

Testing or waiting for AF to show? If you think you implanted cd19 you could get a positive by day 24!! I would test if you have one!!

Testing! ☺ I don't have one but Walmart isn't far. I've been reading about the FRER.
Congratulations on your BFP!!!!☺☺☺
I'm so jealous of everyone getting close to testing! I'm still around a week from O. Siiiigh. So boring.

Right there with you. According to my ticker/calendar method, it's today, but still nothing on the OPK's.

One of the best things I've done while TTC is to stop testing before 10dpo. If you can wait it out, it's so much better!

I agree. I was a testing and symptom spotting addict last cycle, and it was heartbreaking.

The last 6 weeks for me have felt like 6 months. And not in a 'oh you'll look back and it will have flown by' kind of way, but truly in a 'I had to make it through each day one day at a time and not give into crushing sadness' way.

I am so sorry!!! :cry:

thunderbaby -- wow, 2 years...congratulations!!!!

Sarahtonyn -- I'm so sorry! :hugs:

TCC -- sorry again. FX for next month.

JWC13 -- congrats!!!

Foreign Chick -- congratulations!!!

FX crossed for the rest of us. :dust:
Yay for more BFP's!!
I was just thinking about you earlier Foreign Chick and just saw you got your BFP!
I see something on yours Angelique. Hoping it gets darker!!
I will probably wait to test until the 9th. I will be about 13dpo. I keep thinking if I wait that long then I may as well wait until 15 dpo if I dont get AF since its only a couple more days but 2 days during the 2ww will feel like an eternity. I have had 2 pregnancy due dates of Sep 9th (one ended in miscarriage and the other my now 6 yr old) so maybe testing that day will be more special?
Count me in for the 16th...possibly sooner!
I ovulated yesterday and we've be DTD everyday, if not 2x a day for the past 5 days
Fingers crossed!
So my email somehow filtered out my updates for this thread, so I'm behind!

Congrats to the BFPs, so far!

AFM - I don't need to test: AF showed up today. That's okay by me though, because it means I can finally begin Clomid! I'm definitely not looking forward to any possible side effects, but having a 158+ day cycle has made any end to it welcome.

Good luck to everyone who hasn't tested yet!
Smurphy90, wow 158+ day cycle. I can't even imagine how frustrating that must have been! Hope Clomid works for you and you get your BFP soon!

As for me, 7 dpo today. Temp dip and super light pink spotting. Don't want to get my hopes up too much but last time I had this type of spotting was when I was pregnant with my son :shock:
Im sorry smurphy. :(

Temp went back up to normal today. Started bding last night but dont plan on oing until at least next sunday.
Mom15 & Sarah34 - Welcome! Let me know what testing date I can put you down for. Or if you want to be undecided for now.

emzy - CONGRATS!!!

How are the early September testers doing???
September 1

AFM - Crazy temp drop this morning. Expecting AF today or tomorrow for sure.

Can you put me down for 15th please? I know I won't be able to hold out for end of the month. That's if af doesn't show!

Got this on FMU. Tried again on SMU, stark white. Top test is dried, second is 5 mins after I tested, so yes, the line popped up within the time limit.
I took an OPK just to line up the two lines so I could see where the lines should fall.
I got positive OPKs on CD 13 & 14, only BD on CD 13.
I've had my fair share of evaps and chemicals, so I'm not particularly enthused, don't wanna get my hopes up, but the only time I've had anything that resembled a line on a wondfo I was pregnant with my son. FRERs have ALWAYS sent me on an emotional rollercoaster. These tests have been stark white up until this morning, so....idk. We will see. AF is due in 2 days.
Congrats on the BFPs!

Smurphy- I was in the same boat as you. I had a 153 day cycle, some 90s day cycle 70s, 80s.. it was awful. I started clomid last cycle and I got a BFP (lost it though) but It had also been my first cycle post lap & dye. I hope clomid works for you. First round I didn't have a single side effect. This time she pumped me up to 100mg and I had the hot flashes.. but much later than the days I took it.

AFM- my acupuncturist (who specializes in fertility) told me 4 days ago "you are going to ovulate in 4 days, maybe 5 until the temp rise".. and here I am 4 days later with my positive opk. lol I guess she is pretty amazing. At any rate, Dream you can take me off undecided and put me at September 18 please.
Raevan-looks like a BFP to me! FXd it gets darker for you!
Blessedwife - Let me know what date you want me to mark you down for.

raevanaa - I def see a line there. looks like a bfp to me. FX it darkens up for you.
Raevanaa, looks very good! Hope your next test is a strong BFP!

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